Fated Souls (The Fated Saga Book 1)

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Fated Souls (The Fated Saga Book 1) Page 50

by Sariah Skye

  I crossed the room and offered Maxxus a friendly hug, wrapping my arms around his waist and resting my head against his upper arm. "Whatever happened, it wasn't on purpose. You'd never let me be hurt. I know that."

  Maxxus glanced briefly at my hand on his arm, his expression softening. I offered him a reassuring smile that he returned. I felt a shiver clutch my body briefly; he must have sensed it by the look of surprise on his face. I pulled away quickly and he grunted a growl of approval when the door to the room clicked open on the outside and in poured in Finnian, looking somewhat frantic.

  "Shadows you say?" his eyes flashing between an ocean blue to a muddy yellow; indicating he felt panicked about something. "In the Court? You know this for sure?"

  I nodded vigorously. I recanted what Kit had told me and as I did his eyes widened in horror.

  "This is not good. That means they're growing in power, somehow," Finnian said, heaving a heavy sigh and plopping down on one of the couches. He ran his fingers through his curly, messy hair before pulling them out and staring us each down earnestly.

  "Leo, tomorrow we start compulsion training. You need to practice disguising us with your magic in case we need to infiltrate the Court. Meet at my office tomorrow, 9AM sharp," he commanded as he stood. "Go. Rest up. Eat. You'll all need your energy. Except Maxxus and Leo. I need to speak with both of you," he instructed, "the rest may leave." He gestured dismissively to everyone else. Maxxus and I exchanged looks of bewilderment.

  The brothers exchanged looks but nodded in agreement. Daniel yanked me away from Maxxus briefly and offered me a strong-armed hug. Gabriel started to reach for me but, he stopped in his tracks, recalling our precarious relationship and patted the side of my arm.

  I offered him a wink and they disappeared out the door to the hallway.

  Kiarra paused momentarily, crossing her arms over her chest and pouted lightly. "I'm left out?"

  Finnian glared at her sternly. "I will clue you in when the time is right."

  She heaved a sigh. "Fine." She said no more and spun on her heels in a huff, heading towards the door. "But you all owe me!" she said over her shoulder before exiting.

  I raised a brow at Finnian when it was just us three remaining. "What is going on?"

  Finnian urged us to sit down, and we did. "You need to infiltrate the Court and get at this Nicodemus fellow before it's too late and the Shadows spread. Are you up to it?"

  I let out a little yelp. "But—why us? Why not the whole group?"

  "Because, it's too risky. We need your magic to conceal you, and Maxxus' knowledge of Nicodemus' habits to find him. Kiarra is a liability even though she's a dragon because she is not a fighter, and Gabriel's competitive nature with Maxxus might derail the mission. Daniel is merely human—need I say more about that?" Finnian drummed his fingers on his thighs rapidly, his leg twitching up and down nervously.

  "This is bad, isn't it?" I questioned, noticing his anxiety. The Loremaster never became nervous about anything so, the fact that he was this worried was cause for concern indeed.

  Finnian looked up at me sternly. "The last time the Shadows infiltrated anywhere, the region erupted in a war. I don't need to tell you how grim that would be for Anarach."

  I gulped and looked at Maxxus who sat silent, grim faced staring at the floor. His head snapped up defiantly and said with determination, "I'm in."

  "Are you sure? I mean, Gabriel's magic is complimentary to mine, and—" I began, my voice squeaking with nervousness.

  "I must insist. It's the only way." He clearly wasn't offering any more information. I heaved a sigh, leaning back into the sofa. "We'll discuss it more shortly with everyone else. They won't like it but that's why I'm asking you this now so you aren't blindsided. We'll work on getting your magic up to par before then, whatever it takes."

  "All right, then."

  He was right. We were the best dragons for the job. We had to get to him before it was too late.

  "Good. We'll start preparations and hopefully, we'll send you along in a few days but the sooner, the better."

  I exchanged a look with Maxxus and he grasped my hand in his and offered me a light smile.

  "You and me I guess, to save the Court. Ironic, isn't it?" he said with a short laugh.

  I snorted. It was. It was indeed. The safety of the Court may possible rest in the hands of the two outcast dragons they were after. If we were caught and they tortured us or kill us—they were probably toast. We were their saviors, and they had no idea.

  I didn't need to even think about how dangerous it was for us...but even more dangerous if not. For everyone.

  ...to be continued...

  The story of Leorah continues in book two of The Fated Saga…

  Fated Magic

  November 22nd, 2016

  stay tuned for a sneak peak of book two in The Fated Saga!

  Chapter 1

  "You have got to be kidding me!"

  "Not again!"

  I heard the grumbles of the two boys and the triumphant taunting noises of a third from the other room. I exchanged a jovial glance with my friends, Kit and Kiarra. Nearby the boys played a competitive game of poker. Kiarra and I had been in on the game too—Finnian claimed it would be a good time to practice my compulsion magic by tricking others into thinking I had cards I didn't but even with the compulsion, the seer was still kicking all our asses. Eventually, Kiarra and I felt it futile and bowed out. Kit—my human friend from Pineville that we'd rescued just days earlier from the Shadows—was recovering nicely and was allowed a couple hours' time to socialize outside of the watchful eye of alchemist and cleric, Esmè. She hadn't dabbled in the poker game, choosing to spectate instead, but she'd had quite the giggle every time the boys argued about one thing or another. And, argument after argument later, they were still at it.

  Outwardly, the three boys—err, men—weren't generally very competitive. But, given a stressful few days and the need to blow off steam and this game of Texas Hold 'Em (whatever that was) was becoming as tense as a lone pigeon in a room full of starving cats. Kiarra and I had given up after a while and were now preferring to watch from perched upon bar stools in the kitchen as Maxxus and Gabriel got their butts handed to them by Gabriel's brother Daniel, the seer.

  Daniel, Gabriel and Maxxus were sitting around the table in the dining area, with a pile of various colored plastic chips in the center, and all three had a handful of cards held up in front of them.

  “What an archaic game,” Maxxus grumbled, tossing his cards down in front of him on the table.

  Daniel snorted. “That's just because you're losing!” He said, in a singsong voice, slapping his four cards down. I didn't know what was so bad about it, but Gabriel groaned loudly, tossing his own cards on the table.

  “You're a fucking hustler,” he complained. “Goddamned four of a kind!”

  Maxxus groaned, his hands grasping at his rust-hued dark blonde hair by the roots. "Leo, don't you have some sort of magic thing you can do to him? He's getting way too cocky, now."

  Daniel reached over the table's center and with a sweeping motion of two hands, swept the pile of chips towards himself. "Oh come on, it's all in fun."

  I exchanged a glance with Maxxus, who glowered and Gabriel, who was utterly miffed, judging by the red flush on his pale cheeks. "Well, you know, it's not really fair, playing with someone who can see the future."

  Daniel's mouth dropped in mock offense at my statement. "Leo! Do you honestly think I would use my seer powers to take advantage of my brother and a green dragon that could literally bite my head off?"

  I shot him a look. "Why, yes, I think you would."

  Daniel threw his head back and clutched his heart in dramatic fashion. He made a strangled, gasping noise as he pretended to fall off the kitchen chair and was now writhing on the floor.

  I scoffed. "Men, I tell ya," I said, rolling my eyes.

  Kit tried to stifle a laugh. She pressed her palm to her mouth and giggled. It was nice to
see her smile; under the Shadow influence for a couple days there it had been looking very unsure if she'd fully recover. The Shadows pull in full blooded humans was almost always devastating, per Loremaster Finnian. Though she was looking better, Kit still had moments of uncontrollable weeping and depression that ate away at her soul; her physical appearance still marred by the exhaustive toll of the Shadows darkened her under eyes and paled her rosy skin. But, she was trying. Being human (with latent witch powers, we recently learned) and living officially in Pineville instead of here in Castle Danger, Minnesota, she had no actual wardrobe so she was borrowing from Esmè and her partner, Becka. Today, she was wearing a set of thick burgundy robes tied at the neck and wrapped around herself, over a gray sweatsuit and black slippers. Her long wavy hair was braided and trailed down her right shoulder. Normally, she wore a strip of funky-colored highlights in front, but it didn't survive the Shadow invasion; she had generally been always colorful but appeared subdued with today's clothing choice. It was weird to see her more on the demure side, but still relieving to see her at all considering how near death she had been.

  A full week had passed since Daniel and I—with the outside help of Gabriel's light magic and Finnian with a handful of others—had saved Kit from the Shadow realm where she'd nearly succumbed to the Shadows pull; and recently we'd also learned that she was being held captive by a particular dragon who had been an ally of sorts of Maxxus in the dragon guard; a black dragon named Nicodemus. She'd been held in the dragon realm, in my home kingdom of Anarach, and was being interrogated for information about me. She had not understood that I was a mythical creature, so there was nothing she could tell.

  After this, Finnian had pulled Maxxus and I aside and instructed us that the two of us—alone—should be the ones to go back to Anarach and attempt to retrieve Nicodemus and bring him here for interrogation before the Shadow influence became worse in Anarach. So far, the rest of the group didn't know this yet. It was surprising because, Gabriel, being a Knight of the Order of Pink Dragons (that was me; the pink dragon) had magic beneficial and made me powerful but, Finnian insisted it'd be the two of us, alone. We had no specific time to go but "soon"; Finnian was waiting for me to get a better handle on my magic and learn some fighting techniques.

  Because I'd grown up in Anarach thinking I had no magic and still, I'd rather go into a fight armed with my meager magic knowledge then be relied on to fight; that's how bad I was in combat. I was awkward, slow and easily startled. I would never make a good candidate for the UFC, that’s for sure. Kiarra promised me that pink dragons weren't inherent fighters but, still I was doubly pathetic. Even Maxxus, being a Guard himself and an earth dragon with a typically laid back attitude about everything was growing frustrated with me though he'd never, ever voice it.

  Everything had happened over the past week and yet, nothing at the same time. Gabriel's and my tense relationship continued to be strained for reasons neither of us understood; we'd agreed that living in separate quarters was better now at this point. He was rooming in the guest quarters and I was now bunking in Kiarra's quaint country cottage home on the other side of Castle Danger. Maxxus and Daniel also each bunked separately. It was better this way; my confused heart had time to sort things out. Our relationship had moved too fast; I especially found it disconcerting. With my upbringing and being bullied as I had, I had a hard time getting close to others.

  But, over this short period I'd found myself inseparable with these five other beings that had randomly, oddly come into my life. Gabriel, who despite it all was an amazing friend and made my heart flutter no matter how much I wanted to deny it and his twin brother, Daniel the seer. Maxxus, my grandfather's protégé; Kiarra, fiancée of my brother and dual-agent to the Court and Loremasters here and finally Kit, my human friend; my boss from Pineville. I'd been working under her at Morningstar Coffee, which she owned until a rogue magic storm which turned out not to be so rogue after all, forced it to shut down.

  I'd gone from having no one to having an entire eclectic tribe; and I won't deny that I loved every second of it. At least, in my head. Out loud, I'd probably just roll my eyes and say nothing. It was hard after years of seclusion to let people in. Well… people and other dragons.


  Available November 22, 2016!



  Fated Souls began years ago in a sleepy haze while I was mindlessly at work like a zombie, stocking shelves and trying to stay awake. I had this funny idea of dragons who could turn into people and vice-versa and other such magical things to occupy my mind as I worked so that I didn't pass out. Years later, two computers and a billion edits later, here it is and I'm so thrilled that you've allowed me to share it with you. But, these books do not come about without so much help and support so bear with me while I acknowledge a few of you.

  First, my grandmother and my mother. None of this exists without you. From my grandmother who told me, "Go write it yourself!" when I was five and ticked off that I couldn't find a book on a particular subject I wanted to read about to my mother reading to me every night—thank-you. Thanks for believing in me. I’m only sorry that Gramma wasn't able to see this happen in her lifetime. I love you so much wherever you are, and thanks for everything. You're missed so much every day. Mom…sorry for the kissing and stuff. Not about the swear words. You know I'm never sorry for those. (*winks*) Thanks for being there…always. I love you!

  Next, my husband, Ricky and two kids: Ryan and Mattie. Thank you so much for allowing my crazy behavior, the nights where I never quite got dinner on the table, all the times I stayed up too late (okay so…every night), the times I got cranky (okay so…all the time) and just allowing me to dissolve into my own little word and get this out. I love you all to Pluto and back (YES IT STILL COUNTS!) and thank you for your support and mostly…your patience.

  For my grandparents in Mississippi—Lynda "Mimi" and Pawtom. Thanks for saving me when I needed it most. Thanks for encouraging and understanding and never letting me give up and for being proud. It means so much; I miss you every day and love you very much!

  For my sixth grade English teacher, Mrs. Thomas—formerly of Richfield Intermediate School circa 1993. Thank you for challenging me and pushing me to give more and appreciating my crazy antics in class. I have such high standards in books and such now, because of the values you imparted on me. It mattered. So much. If teachers ever don't think what they do matters; I'm here to say it does. I know you'll probably never see this but, I'm putting it out there anyways: thank you so much. I keep my blinds crooked still to this day to watch that darn roof.

  For Amy. Probably my first fan, ever. You believed in me when no one else did—not even myself—and never gave up on me. Thank you for your endless love, support and cheers. I love you forever, Miss Kira!

  To Jaymin Eve…without your encouragement and advice I never would have had the guts to try this. No matter what happens, your kindness, humor and skill was massively helpful. Hopefully I can pay it forward and help others as you did me. You are simply the greatest; thank you so much! I'll always be one of your biggest fans!

  My alpha reader—Olga—and betas: Myra, Gilda, Dee, Lela and Brittaini and Steven. What y'all did for me is so endlessly important. Thanks for helping me catch the errors, the typos, for accepting my crazy story and characters into your hearts and minds and loving them as much as I do. Thank you for allowing me to message you all hours of the night and talk to your walls (Facebook walls—I'm not that crazy!), or respond and talk me down from chucking my computer against a wall, for your support, and your encouragement and just—everything. Can't thank all of you enough.

  Super mega thanks to author L.C. Hibbett for your help with the doggoned blurb! YOU ROCK! I'll never try to write another blurb at 5am ever again. Promise. Well…maybe not.

  To the Nerd Herd (Jaymin's) and the Blind Date with a Book group. You all came into my life at a time when I didn't have much ho
pe for things. I was down on humanity, sad with loss and here you all come and make me laugh, cheer me on and just share your love of books with me and each other. Thank you for the reminder that book lovers and geeks are the best people ever—I truly believe that books can bring people together, from all walks of life! Thanks for listening to my rants, raves and supporting my writing venture! I wish I could name each and every one of you by name but we all know I'm long winded enough. Ha ha! But just know I notice and appreciate all of you. All of you!

  Lastly but certainly not least, the readers. The reason I write is to provide an escape; bring a smile or a laugh to someone. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Thank you so much for giving me a chance to share this world with you. You all rock so much! I appreciate you because without you—we don't exist. So an endless bounty of "thank yous" to you all!

  If you read and liked this book, please—pretty please—go to Amazon and or Goodreads or wherever you got this from and leave a review. Indie authors depend so much on your reviews so if you could take a moment and help get the word out I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you!

  About the Author:

  Sariah Skye lives physically in southern Minnesota with her husband, two kids and dog but mentally her head is in the clouds dreaming of anything not requiring being an adult. When not writing she's probably watching another Star Trek marathon, playing World of Warcraft, reading more fantasy books or staying up way too late. She'd love if you'd drop her a line at:


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