No Time to Cry (Nine While Nine Legacy Book 1)

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No Time to Cry (Nine While Nine Legacy Book 1) Page 31

by Stasia Morineaux

  An Bunaidh Naoi: An BAW-neey NAH-ee

  Rúnaigh: RUNE-ee

  *Na Teagmhasach Bháis: NA TAHG-wa-saikhWAISH

  Lanmhuchadh: Lawn-WUH-khowye

  Coimhdeacht: KUHV-juhkt

  Léimhanam: LEE-vanam

  Breithiúnas: BRRE-hoonas

  Nochta Cúiteamh: Nocht-a Kui-tchu

  Roghnú Deireadh: ROWnoo JA-rrogh

  Caomhnoir: KYOO-nurr

  *Airíoch de Beocht: AIRRY-awhk d’Be-awkht

  *Airíoch Cruthaitheach: AIRRY-awhk KRUheeheh

  *Airíoch Draíochta: AIRRY-awkh DRRAY-awkh-ta

  Eilemeinteach: Ehl-uh-men-tawhk

  Taiscélaid: Tuhsh-KHEY-let

  *Airíoch Nádúr: AIRRY-awkh Nuh-DURR

  *Airíoch Breathnadóir: AIRRY-awkh BRRA-na-doyr

  *Airíoch am Uilíoch: AIRRY-awkh-AWM-Ee-li-awkh

  *Scáthanna: SHKAH-ha-na

  *Eirr Rúnaigh: Ehrr ROON-eey

  Athrú: Ah-RROO

  Beannachtaí: BAN-nawkht-ee

  Bronntanas do Beira: BRRAWN-tuhn-es d’ BAY-rra

  Céimnithe ar Shiúl: KAYM-neeh err Sh-HYOOL

  Deireadh an Samhraidh: JERR-oogh awn SOW- rreey

  Dhealramh: Yahl-Roow

  Do Mhórgacht: D’ WHARR-gawhkt

  Draghail: D’RRAY-ughal

  Draíochta ar Linn: DRRAY-awkh-ta err Lin

  Féadfaidh Lá: FEY-uh-tigh Ley

  Ghemúcht: Yheh-MOOWKHT

  Imíonn: EM-ean

  Lómhara: LOW-vuh-rra

  Mhésen: VEY-shen

  Mílseachd: MEEL-shahckt

  Mo Milis: Muwh MILL-ish

  Naoi Cé Naoi Oidhreacht: Nah-ee KEH Nah-ee Eyrahkt

  Na Sciath Snug: Naw SHKI-awth Snug

  Oíche Féile: EEK-A Feyl

  Píosail: PEA-suhl

  Réimse Eile: Reem-sheh Uh-LUH

  Sábháilte ~ SAY-wahl-te

  Scaoileadh: SKEE-loogh

  Sióg: Shee-OHG

  Taisteal ar an Alfar: Tash-CHUHL err ahn All-ferr

  Tiarnas: CHEIRR-nes

  Tir Na Óige: Cheer Na OH-gyeh

  Ursprache: Ers-SPRREH-khe

  Síos a Tabhair leat an gaoithe: Shees a T’wuhrr lot awn GEE-huh

  A dúnmharú ar préachán: Ah Doon-WA-rroo Err Prray-KHAHN

  Le éadóchas: Luh Ee-uh-DOH-khuhs

  Tar léanta milis searbh: Tahrr Ley-ANTA MIL-ish SHARR-uhv

  To Lauren Chroman and Toby Rider…you have my deepest gratitude and endless thanks for all of your help with the Gaelic, both Irish and Scottish.

  My apologies to all Gaelic speakers if I’ve done these beautiful languages any injustice. It’s incredibly hard to find good translation sites and even harder to find proper pronunciation guides. If I’ve flubbed anything up it is all of my own doing and no fault of Lauren or Toby.

  Please note that in inventing the language of Na Síraide Cinn, I have taken some liberties in combining the two occasionally, and have created some completely new words as well, I mean no offense.

  Other sources:

  About the Author…

  Stasia Morineaux grew up in Southern California, pursuing faeries in the garden, hunting down things that went bump in the night, and seeking spirits in the local graveyard.

  She resettled recently in not-too-far-north-of Charlotte, North Carolina with her husband, daughter, and their bevy of creatures…both real and “imaginary”.

  Mysterious dreams, copious hours of awesome music, and obscene amounts of coffee fuel her writing sessions.

  Stasia writes paranormal romance, chick-lit, urban fantasy, and dark fantasy.

  In her spare time she likes to relax on her balcony, feet kicked up, listening to the squirrels arguing with the crows in the trees.

  Please drop by her website for News, Photos, Future excerpts for Book Two, Videos, the Writing Soundtracks and much more!

  And don’t forget Facebook!




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