Aeon Legion: Labyrinth

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Aeon Legion: Labyrinth Page 14

by Beaubien, J. P.

  “I think there has been a mistake,” Vand said as he approached Lycus. He stood straight, displaying his impressive physique.

  Lycus glared at Vand with a wolfish snarl before speaking in a low tone. “Thank you for volunteering.”

  Vand hesitated.

  Lycus turned to the remaining tirones. “Today was a test of willingness. If you are not willing to get dirty then you are not worthy of joining the Legion. Anyone unwilling to endure pain better crashing well stay away from the Legion. Those unwilling to fight will not overcome those who are. You need to be willing to do all three to make it though the Labyrinth.”

  Vand scowled. “Hey! Your test was unfair! I want a retry!”

  Lycus ignored him. “Now for those who made it past the first test, I would like to explain a few more rules.”

  Vand's knuckles turned white. “Don't ignore me!”

  “First,” Lycus said while still ignoring Vand. “You will be injured repeatedly during the training.”

  Vand charged Lycus, but in a flash of motion Lycus snapped Vand's leg. Vand screamed and fell to the stage.

  “Like this,” Lycus said as he circled Vand. He grabbed Vand's arm before dislocating his shoulder. Vand screamed and tried to crawl away, but Lycus dragged him back to the center of the stage. The other recruits who joined Vand stepped back.

  “Please stop! Baal!” Vand screamed.

  Terra shifted nervously.

  Lycus continued to smile. He stood over Vand, gesturing to his broken body. “You can endure almost any amount damage,” he said as he touched a holoface over his shieldwatch. A ring passed over Vand, moving clockwise. When it passed, it restored Vand back to the way he was before Lycus had mutilated him. “And still be Restored.”

  Vand's eyes went wide as he felt at his own body.

  Terra' went pale. Her stomach churned at not only the torture she witnessed, but at the implications. They could injure her or any other recruit as much as they wanted before Restoring them.

  Lycus grabbed Vand's foot and dragged him back as he tried to scramble away again. “You get one restoration or Restore a day. So use it wisely. If you want another one, then you have to spend a point. Reversing minor wounds is free.”

  “Help me!” Vand screamed as his allies deserted him. “Anyone!”

  Lycus turned his gaze to Vand. “However, there is one injury that can eliminate you from the program.”

  Vand's eyes went wide as he cried. He made one last desperate bid to escape, trying to crawl away from Lycus who still held his foot.

  Lycus's smile twisted into a toothy snarl as he grabbed Vand's head while placing his foot on Vand's back. “I despise war criminals,” Lycus muttered before he pulled. The sound of Vand's neck snapping echoed as Lycus pulled. Vand then fell to the ground limp as a Restore ring passed over him.

  To Terra's surprise, Vand did not die. Once the ring passed over him, he shook his head and stood as though uninjured. “Where am I? Who are you?”

  Lycus gestured to Vand. “Should your nervous system be damaged enough, then a Restore will erase your memories. Naturally you will be dismissed from the program.”

  Two optios escorted Vand off the stage.

  Lycus walked to the front of the stage. “You will find your schedules on the large holofaces near the central courtyard. Failure to follow your schedule will result in termination from the program. Dismissed.”

  The other tirones turned to leave.

  Lycus grinned. “One last thing. Let Vand be an example. I am the only bully allowed here.”

  Chapter XI


  Attrition rates during the first day are standard for this run. Many have questioned the wisdom of such an early cull of tirones, however I have found it greatly increases performance and saves lives. My data proves this. After implementing the three trials of entry, survival rates in the Labyrinth went up twenty percent. Those who are unwilling to get dirty, endure pain, or fight tend to dust out and the rest usually die in the Labyrinth. Others would also criticize my use of Vand as an example. I do so hate war criminals. I need to be the villain of this Academy, not Vand. Bullies have no place in my Legion.

  -From the personal logs of Praetor Lycus Cerberus

  Once again, Terra had to make herself wake at an early hour. She had received her schedule and found Morning Formation first on the list. It was at 5:00 am. She dressed in her training uniform and jogged to the courtyard as the sun dawned. Their formation stood again at twenty five as the centurions had condensed it with another small group.

  Nikias joined their group. “All right! Morning exercise!”

  He led them in a jog. They passed the stone pillar in the center of the courtyard where a large collection of shieldwatches lay at the base.

  Terra found morning exercise extremely difficult by her standards. She had worked hard the past few weeks, trying to get into shape. While stronger, she was nowhere near ready. Nikias turned a large salient into a rocky, burning hot desert. Terra sweated and puffed as they ran across the salient.

  She arrived last after what seemed like an eternity while those already there panted at the edge of the salient. Terra almost collapsed and thanked God, Aion, or whatever the deity of Saturn City was that it was finished.

  Nikias grinned, not even winded. Terra noticed that Nikias's scar was above his left eyebrow now. Was she hallucinating? After a moment he changed the salient into volcanic wasteland. Pools of lava collected on the surface while metal bridges crossed them.

  Terra went pale. “You have got to be joking?”

  “I know! They really need to make this run more difficult,” Nikias said as he motioned for the rest of the tirones to follow. After a moment, Terra jogged after them, lagging behind.

  They crossed the salient three more times with each terrain worse than the last. Nikias explained the salient's diameter was roughly a mile. A few of the more fit tirones earned a point for making the entire run in under a time limit. Terra barely finished, well over the time limit.

  The optios offered them drinks. Others hesitated after seeing it wasn't water. Terra recognized the strange liquid. It helped heal the body after exercise so she drank it down. Nausea followed, but it passed within seconds as did the throbbing pain in her legs. She felt good at having at least made it, if only barely. Her good feeling didn't last long.

  Then came the other exercises. Pushups, pullups, stretches, calisthenics, and a dozen other exercises all in terrible burning heat. The optios would give water to anyone who looked ready to pass out. Terra suspected they monitored everyone's vitals.

  “Excellent!” Nikias yelled after the last repetition of situps. “Time for a break!”

  Everyone breathed a long sigh of relief and collapsed on the ground, panting.

  Nikias rubbed his hands together. “The break today is hand to hand combat, the best part of the day.”

  Terra felt too weary to groan in protest.

  Nikias transformed the surrounding area into a heated iron works building. They stood on a stone floor surrounded by red hot forges. Terra felt the heat wash over her as the fires burned to the sides.

  Nikias walked in the center of the group, speaking loud so all could hear, “Exhausted?”

  Everyone nodded.

  “Good!” he said, laughing. “If you can fight while exhausted, then you can fight while rested. Now I will explain the rules of sparring practice. Don't kill your opponent.”

  A tiro raised an eyebrow. “That's it?”

  Nikias grinned. “Weapons, groin attacks, gouging eyes, it's all fair so long as you do not injure your opponent's head too much. A shieldwatch Restore can heal injuries instantly.”

  A tiro toward the back stepped forward. He was tall with a muscular build, but was missing most of his teeth and wore a dirty tunic. “So this machine makes me immortal? What's to stop me? I could just take this machine and conquer any time I pleased.”

  Nikias's grin widened to show teeth. “Interesting id
ea, tiro. Let's test it,” he said while drawing his aeon edge. He then attacked in a blur of motion, slashing at the tall tiro.

  The tiro screamed and fell bleeding from a slash on his chest.

  Terra jumped upon seeing blood splatter on the floor.

  The tiro struggled to find his shieldwatch's holoface menu that could Restore him. After a few seconds he touched it and a ring ran around him, erasing the wound.

  Nikias shook his head. “I hope they learn mental commands soon. Regardless, a Restore can heal almost any wound. However...”

  The tall tiro stood only for Nikias to plunge the aeon edge into the tiro's shoulder, pinning him to the ground. The tiro screamed, but the optios stood by, passive, as though this were business as usual.

  The tiro squirmed while the aeon edge still pierced his shoulder. “It hurts! Stop!”

  Nikias rolled his eyes. “Stop blubbering like an Athenian after an election. It's just a bit of pain. Why don't you use a Restore again?”

  The tiro struggled to touch his shieldwatch again, but this time the ring didn't form.

  After a moment Nikias withdrew the blade and touched a holoface near his shieldwatch which Restored the tiro. Nikias then turned to the other tirones. “Remember this well. A shieldwatch cannot Restore you under three conditions; one if you die from head injury or blood loss, two if the shieldwatch is out of power or not attached to your body, or three, when a singularity artifact or another complex living creature is within the Restore ring's area of effect. An aeon edge is singularity technology. So long as you are impaled by it or it is within range of your Restore ring, then you cannot Restore.”

  Terra ignored the entire speech and instead stared wide eyed at the large pool of blood on the ground.

  Nikias gestured for the tiro to return to the group. “Thank you for being a good example. I'll give you a free Restore. Now let's begin sparring. I will have you fight in your native style first so I can gauge each tiro's martial skill. If you win a sparring match, then you get a point and the option to fight the next opponent. Lose the next fight and you lose two points. Using a Restore is allowed, but using a shieldwatch is restricted until week three. Now, Hikari will show you how it's done.”

  Hikari moved to the center of the room next to Nikias.

  Nikias then stroked his beard before pointing to another tiro, a man in camouflage fatigues. “You first.”

  The man approached, facing off against Hikari and looked her over with a careful gaze. He stood taller than her with short hair and a well muscled build. “She has no weapon,” he said while gesturing to Hikari.

  Nikias shrugged.

  Hikari stood expressionless as her eyes reflected the glow of the forge fires.

  The tiro in camouflage nodded. “Well if you are Japanese, then I guess I will be polite,” he said as he bowed.

  Hikari lashed out like a spark from a flame. She was on him in a flash before he even finished his bow, kneeing him in the face while he was low. As he moved to cover his face, Hikari twisted his arm before throwing him to the ground. Then using her leverage gained from standing over him, she dislocated his shoulder. The tiro screamed in pain.

  Nikias nodded, smiling. “Excellent, Tiro Hikari. You gain a point.”

  After Hikari received her point she stepped away from the man.

  The tiro in camouflage stood and after considerable pain, relocated his shoulder. He then pointed to Hikari. “Not fair! You didn't say go.”

  Nikias chuckled, his tone mocking. “I'm sorry. In your time's wars did they wait until everyone was ready? In this training, if you see an opening, you exploit it. Don't worry. There is no shame in losing.”

  Everyone peered at Nikias while he tried to keep a straight face.

  After a moment, Nikias roared with laughter. “That was great! No shame in losing! If only the guys back home could have heard that one!” he said, still chuckling, before turning to Hikari. “Tiro Hikari! Another?”

  Hikari breathed out before nodding.

  The next tiro was a slender Celtic girl with blue face paint. She drew two daggers and charged Hikari.

  Within a few blows the girl was unconscious.

  “Another.” Hikari said louder this time.

  Terra glared at Hikari who had yet to begin sweating. The other tirones appeared short on breath in contrast.

  The next tiro was the Zulu who held a hide shield and spear. He took her a little longer to defeat, but she proved too quick and aggressive for him to handle.

  Nikias beamed. “How about two this time?”

  Two tirones entered the center and the same two were on the floor moments later. Hikari burned through them like fire through tinder.

  After a few more matches Hikari panted.

  Nikias then pointed to Terra. “You.”

  Terra raised her hands in front of her. “Wait! I can't fight Hikari! I know nothing about fighting!”

  Nikias smiled. “Every bruise is a teacher, every wound a lesson. Hope you outgrow these instructors quickly.”

  “But!” Terra said, pleading.

  Nikias looked Terra straight in the eyes. “Do you wish to give up the training?”


  Nikias pointed to Hikari. “Then fight.”

  Terra grimaced, but moved to face Hikari, raising her fists as though to box.

  Nikias chuckled and gestured to Terra while facing the others. “Who can tell what she's doing wrong?”

  “She came here,” Hikari said with a frustrated expression. She still stood winded, but the heat didn't appear to bother her as much as it did Terra.

  Terra frowned at hearing the rude comment.

  “More specifically,” Hikari said, assuming her own defensive stance with her knees bent and feet spread apart while facing her side to Terra. “She has her front facing her opponent, exposing her torso, groin, throat, and other parts of her body to attack. If she turned sideways, she reduces the available targets her opponent has. Her knees are also straight and stiff making her easy to unbalance. She is also holding her fists the wrong way. The thumb should be on the side, not behind the other fingers and one arm should be lower. Finally, her breathing isn't controlled, leaving her vulnerable to getting her breath knocked out of her.”

  “Oh come on!” Terra said, scowling. “Even my breathing?”

  Nikias nodded. “Very good, tiro. Hikari represents one specific school of martial arts. The Aeon Legion uses twelve different styles. We selected the best of each and discarded the weaker parts. Should your weapons fail, you will still have hand to hand.”

  Nikias turned back to Terra. “Let's see if we can fix your stance. Turn your side to me and spread your footing out.”

  Terra did so.

  “Good,” Nikias said. “Get a little lower and bend your knees. Lower one arm.”

  Terra assumed the stance.

  Nikias smiled. “Good. It's seldom I see raw tiro take to a stance on the first try. Proceed!”

  Terra's eyes went wide as she turned towards Hikari and tried to remember the stance she had just learned. Hikari assumed a similar stance and maneuvered towards Terra.

  Terra just got the footing right when Hikari sent her tumbling to the ground. Terra hit the hot stone floor hard with a thump. Hikari turned her back to Terra and stepped away.

  Terra stood before rubbing her back. “That hurt.”

  Hikari glanced back to Terra and glared before turning to advance again.

  This time Terra got into stance faster and even dodged the first blow. Terra's victory proved short lived when Hikari kicked Terra in the stomach, sending her once again to the ground. Hikari turned to walk away when Terra stood again.

  Once again, Hikari assumed her stance and attacked. Terra blocked one kick before Hikari attacked Terra's jaw with her palm, sending Terra staggering back. Not waiting for Terra to recover, Hikari unleashed a flurry of blows. She struck Terra multiple times in the stomach and face before sending her down to the ground with a final blow. Everyo
ne watching winced when Terra hit the floor hard a third time. Hikari stood, panting as the firelight reflected off beaded sweat on her brow.

  Terra groaned while forcing herself back up. Before she stood, Hikari kicked her hard in the sides, sending her back down. Still groaning, Terra tried to stand again, but her arms gave out under the strain.

  Hikari wiped the sweat off her face. “This is a waste of my time,” she said between ragged breathes.

  Nikias raised an eyebrow. “Oh? I didn't realize your time was so precious. Do you have somewhere to go?”

  Hikari's lips drew to a line. “Fights with the weak teach me nothing. I want that sword.”

  Nikias shook his head. “A training blade costs twenty five points. A real aeon edge is earned only if you pass the Labyrinth.”

  Terra groaned and forced herself to stand.

  He turned to Terra. “You almost get a point for being an amazingly determined punching bag. As a consolation, I will give you a free Restore instead.”


  A short thirty minute break in the schedule to eat lunch followed sparring. Terra learned that the centurions often hid things on the schedule. At times the schedule changed without warning. More than one tiro ran from the cafeteria to make it to their next training event. Thankfully that didn't happen to Terra or her group this time.

  After their meal, they still had to move fast to the next event called Shieldwatch Basics. Terra hoped this would not be as physical as the morning's training.

  Nikias was not present at the next salient. Instead it was a woman whose hair was more silver than brown. Terra recognized her from her first attempt to get into the Academy.

  “I am Centurion Isra,” the woman said, her voice soft. “You may address me as centurion. I am not strict, nor am I lax. I do not require a salute, but I hate repeating myself and I do not tolerate disrespect. Understood?”

  The tirones nodded. “Yes, centurion,” they all said at once.

  “Good,” she said in a terse tone. She then turned before changing the salient into a snow covered tundra. “Follow and listen closely.”

  Cold air stung Terra's skin as she stepped into the salient. It was the opposite misery of the morning.


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