Rhuna, Keeper of Wisdom

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Rhuna, Keeper of Wisdom Page 33

by Barbara Underwood

  “Am I?” asked Rhuna, still racked by doubts.

  “Their reaction to you is positive, do you not see, Rhuna? They honour you for the benefits and healing you have bestowed upon them. Perhaps it is true, they shall do anything you ask of them,” he said thoughtfully, “however, they are comparable to small children. They merely require the correct instruction and guidance.”

  Rhuna was comforted and said she understood everything better, then told him how much she treasured him.

  When they left their cottage a little later, Shelter of the Forest approached them with a radiant smile.

  “They have lost their fear of us! Many Arawana approach us to inquire of how we prepare the food, or otherwise attempt to converse with us more naturally!” he said beaming.

  “You see!” said Tozar triumphantly to Rhuna. “They progress quickly once their severest emotional injuries are remedied!”

  As they approached the food preparation area, Rhuna saw that many Arawana mingled among the Atlans who laid the meal out on the wooden tables and cloths on the ground. They asked where the food came from, and for the names of the different foods in front of them. Many of them showed interest and excitement when the Atlans explained that these foods would soon be growing in their fields for them to harvest and prepare for themselves in the near future.

  The Arawana man who had first taken the bread and cheese from Rhuna suddenly appeared in front of them. He was pointing at Tozar’s feet.

  “How can we get those for our feet?” he asked them.

  “Perhaps I may instruct you in the making of footwear,” said Tozar cheerfully. “It is a craft usually done by men, due to the difficulty of preparing and sewing thick leather or other firm materials.”

  “Ah, men’s work? That’s good!” replied the man, still looking down at Tozar’s sandals.

  Before long, groups of twenty or more Arawana men and women had gathered around individual Atlans to observe and learn. Many watched the food preparation procedures much more intently, while some were invited to help dispense food into bowls or onto plates. Others wanted to see where the food came from, so several Atlan men and women took them to the various fields where the crops and food plants had recently been sown. The Atlans told them they would later instruct them when and how to harvest the food, and that meanwhile, sufficient food supplies would arrive regularly from the capital.

  As the Arawana gained more confidence in the Atlans, a group of thirty young men began to help in the construction of the houses, learning to use metal axes and saws to cut trees and prepare the wood for the roofs. Later, several Atlans skilled in woodwork instructed a few interested Arawana men how to make other useful items out of wood, such as plates, bowls, cooking utensils and a wash trough.

  Rhuna continued treating many more Arawana people with herbal tinctures, and several times each lunar cycle, she produced violet solar light to continue their emotional healing process. As soon as Rhuna had gone among the people to either instruct them further in the making clothes and soaps, or to treat individual ailments, she had felt the cold grasp of the Dark Master’s message loosen its grip on her, and she was able to shake off the residue of ill feeling from that day.

  Despite the shock of receiving another message from the Dark Master, Rhuna continued summoning her visions of his activities by Inside Focussing, then described each image to Tozar, who relayed them to Revealer of Brightness. Most images were similar and insignificant due to the lack of any recognizable landmarks, so that the Dark Master’s exact location was still unknown to the Atlans. However, during her fourth lunar cycle in Chipka, the images changed.

  Rhuna’s visions showed the Dark One constructing a small temporary house out of small stones that he gathered from the surrounding area. Thick, rich foliage prevented Rhuna from seeing much of the surrounding terrain, but she recognized some of the trees and plants, and told Tozar that he was still in a fairly hot and wet climate zone. Furthermore, she got the impression that the Dark Master had chosen a secluded area to build his shelter because the dense forest seemed almost impenetrable. She observed that he did not transform any stones, only lightened the weight of larger ones so that he could carry them without effort.

  “This development has caused considerable alarm among the High Council members,” said Tozar after Rhuna had described yet another vision of the Dark Master’s house-building. “His actions indicate a precise plan, and as he has reached his destination, his goal may soon reach fruition.”

  Rhuna was still sitting in her Inside Focussing position, and said she wished there was more she could summon in order to find out what his plans were.

  “Revealer of Brightness has requested our return to Atlán, due to this development. Our proposed sojourn of four lunar cycles has been fulfilled…” Tozar said, looking expectantly at Rhuna.

  “Yes, it’s time for us to go home anyway,” she said somberly.

  “It saddens you?”

  “A little…but I’ve also missed our home,” she said, suddenly feeling joy at the prospect of returning to Atlán. “We can come back for a visit some time, can’t we?”

  “Of course! As often as you desire,” answered Tozar. “It has been a most productive and rewarding time, has it not?”

  Rhuna said that in fact it had been one of the best times of her life, and that she wanted to continue healing and helping people in this way.

  “Instructing people to benefit themselves brings the deepest satisfaction for me also,” he replied, then said he would inform Revealer of Brightness of their return within the next half lunar cycle.

  Outside, Rhuna surveyed the new stone houses and the fields that had begun to sprout vegetation, then the dark people wearing their new clothes walking, talking or sitting around between the fields and homes. Each household had at least one cloth doll, and when it was not carried by a family member, then the doll was kept in a prominent position inside the house. The Arawana continued to call it the Rhuna-doll, and it became apparent that this small representative of good, protective and caring Atlan qualities made the Arawana feel secure.

  Tears suddenly welled up in Rhuna’s eyes as she watched the scene, but her emotions were of joy and gratitude because she had been able to help a desolated and abused people find happiness and a purposeful life.

  Part Eight

  (The Dark Master)

  Rhuna packed her carry bag and glanced once more over the peaceful terraces of fields and houses that were the new settlement of Chipka, and then spoke once more to the healer who had arrived during the previous lunar cycle, and whose expertise lay in the placement, erection and usage of the Circle of Healing. Rhuna had informed him of the various food diets and herbal treatments for the ailing Arawana men and women, and he assured her of his continued best efforts to heal all the people. Furthermore, Rhuna had been informed that another healer and her student from Atlán would also journey to Chipka in the following lunar cycles to assist in various healing methods.

  Ono and her daughter stood nearby as Rhuna finished speaking with the healer, and when she saw them, Rhuna feared what her departure might mean to the Arawana.

  “You’re leaving us,” said Ono.

  “I’m going home, but I’ll come back to visit you,” said Rhuna, trying to be cheerful.

  Ono looked to the ground, then at the doll her daughter held. “We’ve got the dolls to help us,” she said.

  “The other Atlans are here to help you,” said Rhuna.

  “But we want you to help us,” replied Ono.

  “I already have. You don’t need so much help anymore.” Rhuna saw that her words could not convince Ono completely, so she decided to address the entire Arawana people before she left. As Tozar gave final instructions and farewells to the Atlan group, Rhuna stepped upon the low wall once more. Almost automatically, the Arawana moved to gather in the open area where once their simple wooden shelter has stood.

  “Arawana people! I’m leaving today…to go back to my home, but I’ll
come to see you again!” she called out to them. Some of them sank to the ground and bowed their heads to her. “Don’t be afraid when I’m gone. These Atlans will keep helping you, and some more healers are coming to keep making you better. Keep learning new things about how to live well and be happy!”

  At that, the Arawana bowed some more and several held up their Rhuna-dolls. “We are yours, Priestess Rhuna!” some of them called out, while others said that they would do as she said. Others remained standing and silently gazed at her. Rhuna turned around and walked towards Tozar who had stood nearby.

  “Let us go,” he said quietly. “You have laid the foundations for their future prosperity.”

  They walked out of the settlement without looking back, and then enjoyed the comfortable downhill walk on newly-paved paths through pleasant green forests. Visitors’ inns had been completed at each evening’s resting point, and they enjoyed warm, scented baths and soft beds each night on their return journey. Before retiring each evening, and before commencing their walking journey in the morning, Rhuna practiced Inside Focussing and summoned visions of the Dark Master. Each vision showed the same dense green growths and his simple stone house in which he either rested, prepared a meal or continued work on a water trough for washing. She felt at ease that the visions showed nothing suspicious or alarming, but Tozar said that not everything is always as it appears.

  As they approached the city of Atlán, Rhuna told Tozar that it felt like her first arrival to the city when she was overwhelmed with awe and wonder at the perfectly-shaped stone buildings and their gleaming metallic panels and roofs. The pavements also gleamed with polished stones, and the people who walked, talked or sat along the streets were light-hearted and cheerful.

  “It’s so different from Chipka, and from the Arawana people!” said Rhuna.

  “Perhaps by the time of our next visit, Chipka shall also resemble Atlán,” he replied.

  Before they had reached their home in the big pyramidal-shaped building in the city’s center, various people from the High and Low Council saw them and approached. They were warmly welcomed by everyone, and the conversations quickly turned to Rhuna’s successes with the Arawana and her method of healing by solar light.

  “It has been the main topic of discussion among us in past lunar cycles!” said one of the Low Council members. “Your healing by violet solar light of several hundred people has been vividly portrayed in exciting speeches at the Orator’s Square,” he continued.

  “The Rhuna-dolls are also a favourite topic of discussion!” said another person.

  Rhuna felt slightly embarrassed. “I didn’t realize that everyone in Atlán would be talking about those things,” she replied.

  “Of course!” replied the Low Council member. “You have pioneered Solar Light Healing to previously unimagined heights! You are requested to speak at the Orator’s Square about solar light, the Arawana and the dolls!”

  Rhuna looked at the enthusiastic smiling faces and at Tozar’s beaming face, then said she would talk about it, if people really wanted to hear about those things.

  When they had finally spoken to the many welcomers, Tozar lifted the latch of the door to their home and the peaceful comfort of their rooms beckoned Rhuna inside. At first, their rooms seemed foreign to her, but the familiarity quickly returned as they unpacked their bags and relaxed on their big soft cushioned bed.

  As the afternoon sun began its final descent, and Rhuna and Tozar had bathed and rested comfortably, there was an urgent tapping on their door. Revealer of Brightness stood outside to greet them and offer the evening meal to be shared in his home. The old grey man was happy to see them, but Rhuna sensed a certain uneasiness in him.

  “There is a new development?” asked Tozar somberly when they had entered the home of Revealer of Brightness.

  “No, no,” he said shaking his head.

  “Your knock appeared urgent,” responded Tozar.

  “I am ill at ease,” he said, then dismissed it with a wave of his hand and then showed them the food that had been arranged in one of the rooms. Rhuna was delighted to see delicacies she had not tasted in over four lunar cycles, in particular several sweet dishes made with cocoa.

  “A feast for a special occasion!” said Tozar merrily.

  “Let us be merry while we have no cause to be otherwise,” said Revealer of Brightness with a touch of bitterness in his tone.

  As they began to enjoy the sumptuous meal, Revealer of Brightness told them of the High Council’s decisions to inform various journeying parties in all the northern territories to be vigilant, and to immediately report anything unusual to the High Council. The parties travelling or working in those areas were not told about the Dark Master’s continued existence, rather that the High Council merely required a more thorough overview of the northern colonies’ progress and the wellbeing of the diverse peoples residing there.

  Revealer of Brightness also mentioned that Seer of Worlds had been actively summoning information about these regions, and that he remained very vigilant and wary.

  “Obviously, the Dark One has a purpose in journeying so far,” said Tozar.

  “This is precisely the problem! What manner of devious plan causes him to enter Atlan territory, then to merely idle at his residence?” retorted Revealer of Brightness angrily.

  “No doubt he is scheming and waiting,” said Tozar quietly. “We must remain calm and patient, also.”

  Revealer of Brightness said that Tozar was right, and that they should leave this subject and discuss happier things while finishing the delicious meal. The conversation soon turned to the Arawana’s Rhuna-dolls and the many things the people of Atlán had talked about in Rhuna’s and Tozar’s absence.

  In the following days, Rhuna received the same enthusiastic greetings and questions from her former teachers, in particular Tamer of the Storm, whose manner meanwhile seemed to have humbled even more towards Rhuna. The tall woman asked Rhuna to assist in teaching the art of Solar Light Healing, as well as taking part in various speeches and informative lectures at the Orator’s Square. Flower of the Field greeted her with a warm hug, and also wanted Rhuna to give a special speech about the establishment of a herb garden in Chipka, and how she identified certain ailments among the Arawana without physical examinations.

  While Rhuna received such attention from everyone, Discerner of Works also approached her in the open courtyard of the center one morning, and expressed his gratitude with a long and vigorous hand-shake. She responded saying that any other healer would have made the same deductions, and that it was merely good fortune that he had mentioned his discomfort during the journey at that particular time.

  Rhuna also visited Seer of Worlds in his rooms one afternoon, and he thanked her for her many informative messages concerning both her visions of the Dark Master and her personal progress in Chipka. Although his manner showed gladness at seeing her, Rhuna sensed his deeper unease. She told him she would regularly summon visions of the Dark Master’s activity and report them to him and the High Council, as usual.

  As she left the school building, the light-bearded healer who had supervised the use of the Circle of Healing outside the city of Atlán, approached her on the street. He also gave her the usual warm welcome and enthusiastic praise, and then told her of his proposal.

  “One of the city’s prominent healers shall travel to Chipka very soon, together with her student, and therefore it is proposed that you, Keeper of Wisdom, may establish yourself as an active healer for the people of Atlán and its surrounds,” said the healer. Rhuna said that she wanted to continue healing, and was happy about the offer. She told the prominent healer that she would first tell Tozar, and then prepare one of the rooms in their home for the purpose of receiving patients.

  Rhuna then went to the High Council where she sat in the audience with very high spirits. The discussion in progress was about the Zitán territory, so she turned her full attention to the speaker in the center circle.

“Furthermore, these ones attempted to influence certain individuals living peacefully in one of the small settlements. Their continued habits of drinking intoxicating beverages and manipulatively coercing others to provide them with food or other items requires further counteraction by us,” said the representative wearing a Master’s robe.

  Several other members in the inner and outer circles asked questions and made comments, until it was resolved in the High Council circle that the concerned people being troubled by the outsiders should be relocated to another region where a peaceful settlement already flourished, and that the trouble-makers be prevented from following them, using whichever means deemed appropriate by the leading Masters.

  Rhuna thought about this conclusion a while, and saw the contrast between these certain Zitán inhabitants and the Arawana. Outside, she greeted Tozar happily, and asked him if he was glad to be back in Atlán. He replied that although he had felt very content in Chipka, he was also happy to be home and taking part in High Council discussions again. Then Rhuna told him about the prominent healer’s proposal that she begin active healing work very soon, to which Tozar said this was the natural and expected course of progress for her.

  During the following lunar cycle, Rhuna was busy accompanying her former healing arts teachers, receiving her first patients into one of the rooms of her home that she had prepared, and also nervously giving her first speeches at the Orator’s Square. She was received with great interest and enthusiasm at the Square, and was asked to return several more times to answer specific questions and elaborate on certain topics. As she walked around the city of Atlán, she realized that almost everyone looked at her with recognition and even with excitement, and many strangers approached her to introduce themselves.

  Tozar told her that he also enjoyed a heightened measure of attention and praise, but that he always explained his supportive role to Rhuna’s more prominent part in the successful establishment of Chipka.


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