To Claim Her

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To Claim Her Page 2

by Renee Burke

  Sitting in front of the deputy with Mark looking on, it certainly felt personal. Gretchen was ready to crawl out of her skin with the tension. Mark was saying little but his teeth were still clenching. He’d broken her heart years before, leaving for the military without even glancing back. No letters, no apologies, no regrets. Why the change of attitude now?

  Mark leaned closer. “Why would you insist on something so ridiculous?” His position and tone told her how sincere he was trying to be. She wasn’t making that mistake again.

  His care would last until he found out her secrets. Then all hell would break loose. She didn’t want to live in the same house when that happened.

  Life had taught her to be a realist. “I have to go home eventually. I might as well start out there.” Now was no time to cave to tender feelings that he would stomp on later. Pity wasn’t a reason to edge her way back into his life. It would get her in the door, but for how long? She’d been there and done that. She had become an independent woman and intended to stay that way.

  The officer paused at the door. “I’ve got a few things to check into. I’ll get back with you tomorrow. Try to get some rest tonight, Gretchen.”

  The nurse slid back inside and quietly administered a syringe into the IV port, calling the meeting to an end. “The doctor has ordered a sedative for Ms. Hamilton. You’ll need to wrap this discussion up pretty quickly, folks.” Then she turned to Gretchen. “Let me know if there is anything I can get you before lights out.”

  And it was. Her eyes were heavy within minutes, and the last thing she saw before sleep overtook her was Mark leaning against the wall, watching over her.

  Chapter Two

  Gretchen dropped the curtain back into place. The patrol car sat on the street outside her quiet house. She turned for the bed, creeping back under the covers, and relaxed with a sigh. Settling noises had kept her awake all night. It was completely unlike her to be the damsel in distress. Instead, she was the caretaker, first for her sister when their mother died leaving them alone. She swore then, as a freshman in high school, that she would strong. Watching her needy mom for too many years convinced her never to fall into that trap. Later, she had become the caretaker for Eddie. She had never regretted a moment of that role.

  She was usually snarky and tough, taking crap from no one, except possibly her sweet younger sister. Tonight, though, the events of the last few days caught up to her. The house had gone from old and charming to something out of a midnight movie. Dark shadows seemed to dominate every room. The sounds that were once comforting were eerie reminders that someone had snatched her from the middle of her day and planned to bury her alive. Unbelievable.

  The doctor hadn’t found any signs of rape. Thank goodness at least that hadn’t occurred in the forgotten hours of her captivity. She’d been bruised up, probably from being hoisted through the woods and fighting for freedom against the restraints. Otherwise, though, nothing but a few stinging, seeping cuts on her back and arms, likely from the rough tree bark.

  She moved to the bedroom beside hers and snapped on the bear lamp. Eddie’s room. She sat on his twin bed and looked around at the toys stacked neatly on the shelves. Military organization from the time he could manage it. Just like his father. Gretchen sighed and rubbed her temple. The headache from the date rape drug they found in her system was finally letting up. Physically, she was fine. But emotionally, she was a wreck.

  She had made tough choices years before when faced with an unexpected pregnancy. Of course she had tried to tell Mark but when he had told her he was leaving, the news seemed to take on the air of burden rather than joy. She didn’t want to share it with someone who would see it as a miracle.

  So she’d let him go, off to prove something to himself and his military retired father. Now, though, faced with telling him the truth about their four year old, she doubted her decision. Eddie was a happy child, surrounded by a loving mother, aunt, and friends, but that might not be good enough.

  She smoothed her hand over his soft forest creature bed spread. He was spending a few days with her dear friend from high school who had a son the same age. Whether she was safe or not, at least he was.

  She returned to her bed for a while longer.

  A car engine from outside drew her attention. Just a passing motorist. The police car still sat right outside. She blew out a breath and considered checking the locks once more. No. No way. She’d already made rounds twice since coming upstairs. She’d even turned on the flood lights in the backyard to check out the nearby tree line earlier.

  She rolled her eyes at herself. She wasn’t needy. She was tough. It was time to remember that. She pulled the baseball bat from the corner of the room onto the bed with her and settled in again to try and get some rest.

  After a handful of hours of sleep, Gretchen dragged herself down the hall for a quick bath. A hot shower pounding her skin would do wonders to relieve her tension, but the bandages on her back needed to stay in place until she got to work this afternoon.

  The phone rang in the bedroom as she lifted herself from the water. She ran, dripping, to the nightstand and answered.


  She glanced at the window. Were the police still outside? She glanced at the phone and then sat it quietly on the base. Maybe she was too late. Or maybe someone was listening on the other end of the call.

  She turned to check the window, and the ringing clanged out behind her again. She flinched and picked up again but remained silent, clutching her towel around her. Was she giving someone pleasure by being afraid of the unknown? The thought irritated her.

  “Hello?” The voice warbled unmistakably.

  She sighed with a smile. “Nora?”

  “Yes, Gretchen. I tried to call but no one answered a moment ago. I hope I didn’t wake you.” The nurse practitioner was her boss and sometimes pushy friend.

  “I’m up. I was just getting ready for work.”

  “Wonderful. That’s why I was calling. There’s no reason to hide out at home. Come in today. You should get back into the swing of things if you’re able.”

  No nonsense Nora.

  “I need to run by to check on Sebastian, and then I’ll be in. You have lots of work stacked up for me?” Gretchen imagined her desk buried under mounds of paperwork and the computer database full of visits that needed filing with insurance companies. It was a never ending job, thankfully, that helped keep a safe place for them to live.

  “Good. I wanted to talk to you about that, too. Maybe it’s not the best idea for you to continue assisting Sebastian.”

  She hoped Nora wasn’t planning on assigning someone else to the task. Of course, Sebastian Broussard would have the final say, but she didn’t want him to even consider replacing her. It might be a little uncomfortable with Mark back in the house, but Sebastian was the closest thing she’d ever had to a father. He was an important part of her day, every day, and she didn’t want to give that up until he had no need for her anymore. It also kept an important link for Eddie.

  “I hope you’re not suggesting that I stop.”

  “That’s exactly what I’m doing. It is obviously not safe for you to drive out to that place alone.”

  Gretchen pursed her lips. Was it unsafe? It certainly hadn’t seemed that way before she was snatched. “I’ll give it some thought. I’ll see you this afternoon.”

  “We’ll talk more then, Gretchen. Take care.”

  As she hung up the phone, Gretchen wondered what ‘taking care’ involved. How could she protect herself from a threat she couldn’t even identify?

  Sebastian watched as Gretchen moved stiffly through the living room. “I don’t want you doing anything but the absolute necessities these next few days. You need to heal up.”

  She smiled back at the older man who sat in his recliner.

  “Come sit over here and talk to me.”

  She did. “I’m doing okay. Just a little tender from some scratches.”

  His mouth settled in
to a grim line. “I can’t understand how this happened. How someone could take a feisty girl like you without a trace. Or why.”

  “I’m not coming up with many answers myself.” She shook her head. “I guess my hope is that it was just being in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

  “I’m thankful Eddie wasn’t with you.” His weathered hand covered hers.

  She wiped a tear from the corner of her eye. The thought had occurred to her more than once since she had regained consciousness in the hospital.

  She turned her face toward the squeak of hinges at the back door. Mark strolled in and dropped onto the couch across from her. His took in her teary eyes and his dad’s hand holding hers.

  “Any news?”

  She shook her head as Sebastian spoke. “Not yet. Just telling our girl to take it easy the next few days.”

  He nodded and stretched his arms across the back of the couch, settling in. Owning the whole space.

  “We’re hoping it was just bad timing.”

  “I hope so too, but I’m not sure that’s what it was.”

  She frowned at Mark’s words.

  “Why would someone go to the trouble of taking you without any other motive? Your car and money were left intact. Hell, the only things missing were your clothes!” His agitation was clear.

  “I don’t have any idea, Mark.” She gave him a grim stare. “I’ve thought about it more than I probably should have over the last two days and still don’t know.”

  “You haven’t pissed anyone off lately?”

  She laughed sardonically. “Surprisingly enough, I live a quiet life. I spend more time at work or here with your father than anywhere else. I don’t really…” She hesitated. Did she want to admit this to him?

  “Don’t really what?”

  She blew out a breath. “I don’t really even date much anymore, so it can’t be a hacked off ex-boyfriend.”

  His eyes narrowed as they scanned her face. “At all?”

  She rolled her eyes at his curiosity. “I guess you could be guilty. Did you come back with a vendetta against me? Maybe you want to settle an old score?”

  He frowned at her. “Hell, no. If I was going to make you pay, it would be in bed.”

  Sebastian coughed to keep from laughing out loud. She glared at him and he grinned.

  Gretchen shook her head in disgust. “Not likely.”

  “I just got back, and we both know there are things that need settling between us. I’ll give you a little time to adjust to the idea, but it’s going to happen.”

  “Right.” She stood to go. “Because you’re ready to deal with me, that’s what makes this a good time? When I needed you five years ago, there was no budging, was there?” Had she just admitted that she needed him? Ugh. There were things that needed settling. He would have no clue what they were until she let him in on her very active little secret. Now was not the time for that.

  “I didn’t say I wasn’t at fault. That’s one of the things we need to discuss.” He stood and ran his hand along her jaw to cup her neck. “I’m glad to be home where I can look out for you and Dad now.”

  Mark’s overblown sense of responsibility was hard at work. She knew that. At the same time, the warmth of his hand was so welcome and comforting that Gretchen wanted to slap herself.

  What kind of weak woman let a guy saunter back into her life after five years just because he decided the time was right? Not her. She wasn’t setting herself up for heartbreak again. She’d been looking out for herself for her whole adult life and needed to remember that.

  “I better get to work.”

  She collected Sebastian’s morning medications. When she returned to the living room to offer him breakfast, Mark was gone.

  “Don’t let him run you off, Gretchen. You’re not the same girl he knew years ago. It may take some getting used to.”

  She nodded. “I won’t let that happen.” She hoped. She turned her attention to her drive. What if someone was waiting on the highway for her again today?

  Her expression must have shown some of the doubt she felt because he leaned forward to pat her hand. “I’ve asked you before and I’ll do it again, especially now. Wouldn’t you and Eddie like to move in here with us? There’s the living area over the garage that will give you some privacy. You’d still have access to a nice big kitchen. It would make helping me out easier. You could work when you wanted instead of cramming it into a few hours each morning.”

  He was right about that. She powered through the work that needed to be done each day to complete it in three hours before moving on to the clinic. Sebastian had lived by himself for years, but some things took the same amount of time whether doing them for one person or three, cooking his meals for one thing.

  “You know I would love the company. And then there’s the issue of Eddie. You have to tell Mark. I agreed that I would hold off until he was home.”

  She had never planned for Sebastian or Mark to know about Eddie when she had given birth. She thought that ship had sailed when Mark left for the military. He was such as source of joy that when Sebastian became ill, she hadn’t been able to withhold him from his grandfather.

  His father, the man who had ditched her without a backward glance, was another story. “I thank you for the offer, but I don’t think you’ll need me around for company now that Mark’s home.”

  “Nonsense. He’s my son and I love him but you bring a woman’s touch we would miss if you didn’t help me.”

  She nodded and smiled. “For now, I’ll just keep my regular schedule.”

  He sighed. “All right.” He switched on the television and leaned back in his chair to rest. He usually took a nap before lunchtime. Sometimes Gretchen forgot how sick he could get, but the naps were a powerful way of keeping his energy up.

  She worked organizing his mail and preparing lunch, moving slower than normal as she tried not to irritate her injuries. When she was wiping down the counters and waiting for the oven timer to sound, Mark sauntered into the kitchen, standing directly behind her. No respectable distance for him.

  She turned and might have moved away, but he propped his hands on either side of her, boxing her in as he gripped the edge of the counter. She could push her way free but she’d never let him think he had her running scared. She could stand up to him.

  “I just talked to Deputy Landry, just wanted to get an update on the investigation. He gave me a few more details on what they found in the woods.” He sighed and moved his hands to cup the sides of her neck. “I think you should move in here with dad and me for the time being.”

  Her brow wrinkled. “I know the plan for me was bad. That’s why I have a police cruiser outside my house at night until they figure out who did it.”

  His expression was grim as he seemed to contemplate his answer. “I could help with your injuries. It can’t be easy caring for those alone.”

  Mark’s training in the military had been primarily medical plus training for para-rescue. His father had been equal parts pride and fear when his son had been accepted for training. It took brute strength, skill and intelligence to do the job, but it also meant that he could be dropped anywhere in the world, including behind enemy lines to treat wounded soldiers and help them escape. When months passed without a call or letter, she had joined Sebastian in worrying.

  She lowered her eyes from his gorgeous face and sweet offer. “They’ll take care of it at the clinic this afternoon.” She shook her head. “I just don’t think it is a good idea.”

  He seemed to growl in response. “The shovel wasn’t all they found, Gretchen. There was kerosene and a saw.”

  She swallowed down the fear that lodged itself in her throat. “Oh.”

  “Yeah. Oh. Whoever did this wasn’t just planning a burial but some gruesome torture first. I don’t think it’s unlikely this guy will return for you. Maybe you’ll remember who he was. It doesn’t take a very smart criminal to know his identity could be threatened with you getting rescued be
fore he was done.”

  “Right.” She put her hands on his hard chest and pressed until he stepped away. She went to the oven and cancelled the timer just before it began beeping. Mark nudged her aside to pull the pan from the rack. She pulled several plates from the shelf, wincing as the movement stretched her back.

  “Let me.” Mark took them and put them on the table before pulling another dish from the oven. “Smells good.”

  She smiled halfheartedly. Many thought she’d learned to cook when she and her sister had been left on their own, but she’d been cooking long before that because her mother was such a wreck. She could cook or they could go hungry. It had been an easy choice.

  “It’s barbecue chicken. I’ve made enough for the two of you to eat lunch and have some left over to use in a chicken casserole for dinner.”

  He nodded. “Enough for all of us.” He pulled plates from the cabinet and began serving. He heaped piles of cheesy potatoes and a barbecue chicken breast on each plate as she got a TV tray out of the closet for his father.

  She filled glasses with ice and sweet tea and delivered them to the coasters in the living area. She returned to the kitchen to retrieve her plate while Mark took Sebastian his food. She scraped half of the potatoes back into the dish and selected a smaller piece of chicken for herself. She wasn’t a woman who just picked over food, but neither was she one of the soldiers Mark was used to eating with. No way could she manage the portions he’d served up without becoming easier to walk over than around.

  They ate in amicable silence while watching the noon news broadcast. Thoughts of saws and kerosene weighed heavily on her.

  Sebastian sighed with pleasure as he finished his meal. “Fantastic as always.” He nodded in Mark’s direction. “Now that you’re home, son, you’ll get to sample some of her specialties too.”

  Gretchen’s face turned pink as Mark looked at her with the devil in his eyes. “I’m really looking forward to that.”

  After putting away the leftovers and folding the laundry from the dryer with Mark’s help, she said goodbye. She was anxious to get the drive over and finish her day.


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