Hot Dates: Becoming a Shared Wife

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Hot Dates: Becoming a Shared Wife Page 12

by McCurran, Kirsten

  “Only take a small hit this time. If you haven’t been stoned in a while this stuff is going to hit you hard,” Zach warned.

  Josh’s brow creased. He wanted me high. Maybe he did think a threesome was going to happen. I had no plans for that, but I also had to admit it was more likely if I was high. I was never a big stoner when I was younger, but I did recall doing some pretty crazy things when I was feeling goofy. They seemed like a good idea at the time—when I was high. But I didn’t just have to consider myself here. What would Dave think if he knew I was getting high with these guys? That wasn’t part of the plan. If he knew how nutty it made me back in the day he probably would not have been thrilled—or he would have thought it was exactly what I needed. I couldn’t really be sure how far he wanted me to go anymore.

  My second draw on the vape pen was much smaller and felt even smoother than the first. I handed it back to Josh, who held it out to cool off before putting it back in his pocket. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, trying to figure out if I was feeling the effects already or if it was all in my head. I didn’t think it could get me high that fast, even given how out of practice I was.

  “You guys want to head back in?” Josh asked.

  “That’s probably a good idea,” I replied. I felt a bit unsteady on my feet.

  On the way back inside, Josh had to stop at the men’s room. I could see he did not want to leave me alone with Zach, but he didn’t seem to have a choice. He told us he’d meet us at the bar. I continued inside, but as soon as Josh was out of sight Zach caught me by the room. I gave him a quizzical look, but he just smiled and pulled me back toward the deck.

  “It’s a nice night out. I’m so glad the heat finally broke,” Zach said.

  A cool breeze wafted across the deck and a tingling spread down from my scalp as it caught my hair. I was sure the hash oil was hitting me now. I was suddenly more aware of everything, not just the breeze. The music coming from the bar seemed groovier, Zach’s eyes were impossibly blue. And everything was more pleasant, especially Zach’s hands lightly massaging my hips as I leaned against the railing and looked out on the alley behind the bar. It wasn’t much of a view, but even the narrow, dim, trash-strewn space seemed nice. Living down here made a little more sense. I leaned back, enjoying the closeness of my new young friend.

  Zach and I had the deck to ourselves for the moment and with the breeze clearing the last of the cigarette smoke from the others, I finally caught his clean, freshly-scrubbed scent. I thought it might be Irish Spring. It’s the same soap my husband uses and I’ve always thought it’s quite manly. Zach was not manly in quite the same way my Dave was, but her certainly had his appeal—an appeal that was growing by the second. Did I mention that not only had getting high always lowered my inhibitions, but it also made me quite horny. I had some girlfriends who just zoned out and wanted to stare at the wall, but it never affected me that way. It always made me feel playful and wanting to find a playmate. And now not only did I have one, but I had permission from my husband to do anything I wished with him. Zach gave me chills when his hands slid down my bare arms so they covered mine. He nudged my hair aside and his stubbled cheek brushed my jawline.

  “I’ve been waiting to get you alone all night,” he said. His soft kisses on my jaw felt wonderful.

  “Really? Why?”

  “So I could do this.” He nibbled right behind my ear and I trembled in his arms. God, that has always driven me crazy, and being high just seemed to make that tingling pleasure flow through my entire body.

  “You couldn’t do this in the bar?” It was an effort to keep my voice steady. I didn’t want him to know just how I was feeling yet. I didn’t want to seem too easy.

  “You don’t mind if people watch, Dani?” Zach lightly bit my earlobe. Swoon!

  “It can be fun to be a spectacle, don’t you think?”

  “Sure, under the right circumstances.”

  I spun in his arms and mashed my lips to his, flicking my tongue into his mouth. I couldn’t take it any longer. If I had let him keep kissing my neck like that I would have melted into a puddle right there on the deck, though I thought that was going to happen anyway. Zach was a very good kisser. He teased back at my tongue with his and his fingers raked through the hair at the nape of my neck, tugging ever so slightly, keeping me in the kiss. I took it as a sign of control and my soft moan let Zach know I liked it. That moan teased him that maybe I like it a little rough. I’ll admit I was hazy, but I’m pretty sure that kiss lasted all night. His hands explored my body with intent—never pushing under my clothes, but mapping my curves and memorizing my reactions to his touch. He gave me a taste of what his touch would be like with no clothes in the way, and it had me wanting more.

  We were both breathless when that kiss broke. Maybe it didn’t last all night, but long enough for my husband to have come out onto the deck and smoke a cigarette. Dave does not smoke, but I guess he needed an excuse to hang out there, other than being a voyeur. I caught his approving smile over Zach’s shoulder and I pulled my young lover back into another hot kiss, teasing his lips with the tip of my tongue before they met mine. It was a tease meant for my husband, not Zach. When I pushed a hand between us and fondled Zach’s package through his shorts, that was for both of them. I felt Zach getting as hard as I’m sure Dave already was.

  “What do you say we get out of here after this drink?” Zach breathlessly suggested.

  My eyes flicked to Dave before I answered. Yes, this was what he wanted. “That’s a great idea.”

  Zach held my hand and it steadied me as we walked back inside the bar. I was further under the influence of the hash oil now and I swayed slightly in my sandals. I felt the music inside play over my skin and seep into my body, leaving me bright and happy. Josh sat at the bar waiting for us, and he clearly was not as happy as me.

  “You guys have fun out there?” he asked.

  “Yeah. Dani just wanted a little more fresh air,” Zach replied. He seemed not to notice his roommate’s annoyance.

  The friends’ competitiveness seemed fun in my playful state and I wanted to enjoy it. I put my arms around Josh’s neck and a quick turn proved how high I was, as I ended up giggling in his lap. “We missed you out there,” I said, leaning in to kiss his cheek. My tongue may have flickered over his earlobe before I pulled back. It had been so long since I’d been such a shameless tease.

  “You’re here now and that’s good,” Josh replied, wrapping his arms around me. He hoped I was still in play.

  “Life is good,” I declared and returned to my own barstool.

  I slowly sipped my final beer while the boys raced through theirs. I did not need to be any more altered than I already was. Dave had come back into the bar and resumed his place across from us. I felt him watching us and sensed he was just as eager to move things along as the boys were. It was interesting to be surrounded by men who couldn’t wait to get my clothes off.

  Zach made a show of draining his beer and asked if I was ready to get going. The good thing about being stoned was that it smoothed out any nerves I might have had about going home with two guys I barely knew. I smiled and nodded, but told them I had to run to the ladies room first. What I really wanted to do was get a hold of my husband before I went through with anything. I texted Dave from the stall.

  -they want me to leave with them

  -that’s hot. Do you want to go?

  -yes. I’m having a good time

  -going home with TWO guys. You’re getting pretty wild babe

  -you think I’m going to be with both of them?

  Somehow I just knew his mind would go there.

  -who knows what will happen at their place

  His utter lack of jealousy irked me. I guess the woman in me wanted him to be somewhat possessive in that moment. He seemed completely okay with me fucking two guys. Was Dave willing to just pass me around at a gangbang, too? I still didn’t know how I felt about having a threesome with Zach and Josh, but no
w I was tempted to do it just to provoke a reaction from my husband.

  -I guess we’re going to find out J

  -I can’t wait to hear all about it!

  And just like that, my husband sent me off to have sex with another man. Maybe two. He would love to hear about that, too. I pushed out of the stall and checked my hair and reapplied my makeup in the mirror. I couldn’t help rubbing my thumb over the crease left in the space usually occupied by my wedding ring. It was safely at home in my jewelry box. Satisfied with the touch up to my look, I squared my shoulders, pushed out my boobs, and headed out to see what the night has in-store. Both Zach and Josh looked happy to see me return—maybe they thought I snuck out the back. And there was Dave, watching from his perch across the bar. If he had an anxiety that he was sending his wife off with two strange men it didn’t show. No, my husband looked like a man who was ready to come any second.

  I held out my arms and announced, “Let’s go, guys.”

  Coming Home: The Aftermath

  The first light of dawn on the horizon is turning blackness into inky, deep blue when I pull into the driveway. Part of me wishes I was still stoned. I’m not sure I want to face this with a clear head. The high has left me sleepy and part of me wishes I could just crawl into bed and go to sleep. I hope none of our neighbors are awake so early on a Sunday morning to see me doing the walk of shame from the car to the front door. If they are watching, they may notice the extra bounce in my step. My bra is in my purse, along with the thong I’d been wearing when I left the house the night before. The house is dark when I close the door behind me, and silent but for the beep warning me the alarm had not been set the night before. The kids were with their grandparents. I’m glad we’d sent them there instead of having Alyssa babysit here. The plan had not been for Dave to come home alone, but he did and she would have been curious about that. One word to her mother and tongues would be wagging all over the church. I’d sent Dave a text sometime around three telling him not to wait for me at the car, that I would meet him at home.

  I make a quick stop in the office to grab my laptop and go upstairs to face the music. I am surprised to find Dave awake, although I know I shouldn’t be. How could he really sleep under these circumstances? But it meant that he had been up for hours and hours. I didn’t think he would stay up all night, but then I’m sure he expected me long before dawn. He looks at me expectantly. I know he’s looking for signs of what I’ve been doing. They are there, but I don’t know if he can see them by the illumination of the bedside lamp. He must see the way my nipples point like beacons through the thin material of my t-shirt. Suddenly, I don’t know what to say.

  “You must have been having fun. It’s almost morning,” he says. There’s an edge in his voice for sure.

  “Sorry, I was exhausted. I couldn’t help falling asleep for a bit. I got out of there as quickly as I could.” It is the truth. I barely took the time to pull myself together and had hoped not to encounter anyone on the short walk from the guys’ place to my car.

  “It’s okay. We wanted you to have a good time. That’s the whole point, isn’t it?”

  “It’s not the whole point. I want you to have fun, too. This isn’t just about me going out and…”

  I could not bring myself to finish that thought.

  “And did you?” Dave works hard to keep his tone neutral and it pisses me off. I need to know what he’s feeling. Is he excited that his wife went out and slutted it up all night or is he suffering from buyer’s remorse? I wish I could be sure of what to expect before I answer. But however he feels, I don’t regret anything I did tonight. I am not ashamed.

  A smile quirks my lips and I answer, “I did. I did a lot.”

  Dave doesn’t react and I realize he’s just torturing me. Finally, he smiles and throws back the sheets. I see he is fully aroused, his cock pointing out like an accusing finger. He breaks into a smile to match mine and says, “Christ, Dana, you’re so fucking sexy. Tell me all about it.”

  “I can do better than that.”

  I place my purse on the dresser, taking out the fake car remote, and sit beside him on the bed. He notices the laptop for the first time and looks confused when I open it on my lap. “I have a little surprise,” I inform my husband. I hope he’s ready for the reality of seeing everything I did tonight. The remote easily pulls apart and the end fits into a USB port. A window pops up, displaying two video files.

  “What is this, babe?”

  “I felt bad that you would be left out, so I thought it would be fun to bring you into the room with us. But only if you really want to see it.”

  “Give me that thing!”

  Dave takes the laptop from me, carefully avoiding his dick. He clicks open the first file and after a dark blur—me walking away from the camera—the boys’ living room comes into view. The tiny HD camera gives a clear view and the room is well-lit, by an overhead fixture and a stand lamp beside the couch. It’s a small space, with a well-worn L-shaped sectional covering the short front wall and the longer side. Opposite that are steps that lead up to two bedrooms and the bathroom, and that was where I placed my purse and fake set of keys. I had practiced pointing the camera before that night and I hoped I had the right angle down. It was perfect. As my back retreated from the camera, we could see Zach sitting on the long part of the L and part of Josh sitting on the short side. It’s very strange watching myself and I don’t know if I like it. I sit next to Zach, tucking my legs underneath me, and ask, “Weren’t you going to play the guitar for me?”

  “Really, he trotted that old chestnut out?” Dave asks with a chuckle. “And you fell for it?”

  “You know a girl loves a guy who plays guitar. Besides, I needed some excuse to go back to their place,” I answer.

  Our attention is returned to the video and I reach over to stroke Dave’s cock.

  “If that’s what you want,” Zach replies. I remember thinking that he didn’t want to waste any time before getting my clothes off. But if playing for me was going to get my panties off, he was going to do it. He jumps up and returns with his guitar. Watching myself I recall that I only asked him about the guitar because I didn’t want to seem like too much of a slut and just go upstairs with him. I can see the hunger on my face as Zach strums experimentally before breaking into a Dave Matthews Band tune. I can’t stay removed while watching myself with the boys on screen. I am pulled right back there with them, just a few hours earlier…

  * * *

  I didn’t know if Zach thought playing a song from my “youth” would impress me or if he was into DMB because he’s a stoner, but either way there’s truth to the stereotype that a guy with a guitar turns women on. I walked into that rowhome wanting to screw Zach, but watching him play guitar and sing only made it stronger. I was ready to rip his clothes off right there and probably would have if Josh weren’t with us. What was the game plan here? I remember sitting there feeling very odd. The hash oil had fully kicked in by then, settling into a full body high that had me giggly and flirtier than I could ever remember being. I’d hung on both guys on the short walk back to their place. And sitting there, knowing what I was prepared to do, I could feel nerves trying to push through, but they could not penetrate the fog of my high. It was almost an out of body experience where my body was on autopilot and I was just a spectator.

  Zach finished the song and gave me a look that said: well?

  “You’re good on those strings,” I complimented.

  He waggled his fingers. “These hands are good at lots of things.”

  “I’m sure they are,” I agreed.

  The mood shifted in a heartbeat. The room was filled with tension, but maybe I was the only one who felt it. It was like we all knew what I was there for, but we were waiting for it to begin. Josh’s presence was heavy on my left. I felt he was the only thing holding me back. I wanted to be alone with Zach, but didn’t want to be mean. Zach had to sense that, but he made no move to get his roommate out of there. And it co
uldn’t be that he was too shy to ask me up to his room. There was nothing shy about Zach. And that brought me back to the boy’s real intentions. Was I on the menu for both of them? I was so high and horny that I began to think that could be really fun.

  I took Zach’s hands and fingered his calluses. “Did it hurt getting these?”

  “Only in the beginning, but I’m willing to suffer for my art.”

  “Poor baby.” I kissed each of his fingertips, flicking my tongue over them when I started on his left hand.

  “You’ve got some talents, too.”

  “You think so?” I giggled.

  “I might need more of a demonstration.”

  My tongue flashed out across the tip of his finger and then traced up and down it. My eyes never left his. Josh was gone from my mind. He might as well have left. Zach pressed two fingers to my lips and I hungrily sucked them. He gasped, and I would have smiled if my mouth hadn’t been busy. He deftly slipped free of the guitar and dropped it to the floor with a twangy thump. His free hand gripped the back of my neck, drawing me in and we kissed. I turned in a fluid motion, straddling him. I raked my fingers through his short hair, holding him as I aggressively pressed the kiss down toward him. He pulled at my skirt until it was over my ass—a short journey in that position. I thought about that secret camera on the stairs and thought my husband would have a great view of my ass in its little thong. Zach palmed both my cheeks and pulled me into him while grinding up at me. It was like we were trying to climb inside each other.

  We broke contact long enough for Zach to whip the t-shirt over my head and then my tongue was right back in his mouth. God, he was a hot kisser and I could have done that all night—if I didn’t need more. I kissed down his jawline and began feasting on his neck. Zach dropped his head back against the couch and gasped. I was probably living up to every cougar stereotype by climbing all over him, but I didn’t care. His hands were everywhere, stroking my bare legs, running up my back, and holding my face. He tried to get at my boobs, but it was awkward in that position. When he couldn’t wait any longer, he pushed me back and started kissing my chest above the low, lacy line of my black bra. I held onto the back of the couch with both hands and let him have his fun.


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