Paperback Romance

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Paperback Romance Page 13

by Karin Kallmaker

  “Children,” Oscar said reprovingly. “Arguing is pointless.” Oscar put his hand on Nick’s arm. “You of all people should know you can’t play the composition faster than it’s scored for.”

  “I’m the one composing it,” Nick muttered.

  “I’m at least co-author,” Carolyn said, then her mouth closed in a hard, stubborn line.

  “Precisely,” Oscar said. He bowed slightly to her. “I look forward to seeing you in Rome. And now I will excuse myself tactfully, hoping that you will both be sensible.”

  Nick waited until Oscar had left them alone, then she said, “Well, if you want to go, I suppose you should.” She knew she was ungracious.

  Carolyn sighed. “I don’t want to, I have to. There’s a difference.”

  “The result’s the same.” Nick pouted, something she hadn’t done in ages.

  “No, it isn’t. An afternoon and evening of your life is affected, but the shape and aspect of my entire future will be formed. We haven’t talked about after Rome, and now you have this record to do and I have a life to get back to. I don’t know what we’ll do. I just know about today and tomorrow.”

  “I’ll see you tomorrow afternoon, won’t I?” Nick was ashamed of her unsuccessful attempt at emotional blackmail. Only two nights ago she had been seriously wondering if she should continue her masquerade—and now it seemed the masquerade might have been worth it. How could she presume Carolyn into something when she had no idea if she could let Carolyn completely into her life?

  “Of course,” Carolyn said. “Since you’ve been before, I want you to show me the Piazza at St. Peter’s, and the Basilica too.”

  Nick laughed. “Do you have any idea how big they are?”

  “No, but you’ll think of something. You can be the macho man for the afternoon.” Carolyn smiled easily, and Nick was glad to see the robin’s-egg blue fill with teasing light.

  “If I did what a macho man would do, you wouldn’t see a single sight.”

  “You’re all talk,” Carolyn said, then she grabbed Nick and kissed her fiercely. “I gotta do all the action myself.”

  A few minutes later, as she opened the door for Carolyn, Nick said, “I suppose that absence makes the heart grow fonder.”

  “It does in all the romances I’ve ever read,” Carolyn said, giving Nick one last quick kiss. “Of course, in all of those the man was considerably more macho than you are, and had a p—”

  Nick said, “If you ever finish that sentence, I’ll—”

  “Arrivederci, carrissima.” Carolyn’s laugh lingered in the hallway long after the elevator had come and gone.


  Nick rushed rehearsals and could only laugh to herself when she overheard two musicians agreeing that Nick was not the pain-in-the-ass they’d expected. She had trouble finding a cab, then impatiently got out a block early, certain she could move faster on foot through the congested—and vocal—Roman traffic.

  She was there. Nick stopped hurrying and slowed to catch her breath. Carolyn was shading her eyes with her hand, studying the crowds and the pigeons and looking absolutely gorgeous. When she saw Nick, Carolyn waved and then came into Nick’s arms, kissing and laughing about the heat and the time, and under it all Nick could sense how glad Carolyn was to see her. The feeling was mutual.

  Since it was so late in the afternoon, they were only able to see a portion of St. Peter’s Basilica before it closed to tourists. Nick was disappointed, since she’d really been wanting to show Carolyn the sunset from inside the dome. It was very romantic. But late afternoon clouds had rolled in and then lowered, dulling the sunset and increasing the heat. Pigeons scattered as they strolled across the Piazza. Nick was glad they could now have an early dinner. Early to bed, early to…other things. But she had decided she was going to be British about this. She would wait for Carolyn and keep a stiff upper lip. Right-o.

  “It’s cooler in the shade.” Nick wished she could walk around without a jacket. The humidity was unbearable. “Isn’t it hot, suddenly?”

  “It’s getting downright uncomfortable,” Carolyn said, fanning herself. “I think it’s warmer now than it was an hour ago.”

  “It doesn’t bother me,” Nick said. Big lie.

  “I think I’d like to come back tomorrow morning. Are you hungry?” Carolyn wiped her brow with the back of her hand.

  Nick felt awash in Carolyn’s blue eyes. “I’m very hungry.” No lie.

  “I know just the place for dinner. I asked the clerk at the gift shop in the hotel and she told me about the little cafe right around the corner. It’s inexpensive but wonderful, she said. I’ve discovered on this trip that women know all the best places.”

  “Lead on, then,” Nick said. She was aware of Carolyn’s every breath and every movement. As they walked back toward the hotel district, the humidity increased and Nick could see a damp line down the spine of Carolyn’s cotton shirt. The heat suddenly intensified and without warning, the clouds opened.

  “It’s tropical,” Carolyn gasped. Nick started to pull her under a nearby awning, but Carolyn danced away. “No, I love the rain.” She spun, letting the rain fall on her face, on her outstretched arms. Her shirt was soaked in a matter of moments.

  Nick’s aching want of Carolyn flared and singed her body. She caught herself against the wall, and put her arm across her stomach. She didn’t know if she could walk. She wanted to capture Carolyn’s hand and guide it to her body, tell her to use her fingers, beg her to drink the proof of Nick’s passion.

  Carolyn’s hair was wet with rain as she stood in profile to Nick, face upturned, licking the rain from her lips. Nick could only breathe harder as Carolyn’s bra, outlined under her soaked shirt, melted into translucency as well. When Carolyn turned to face her after a few minutes, the pale mystery of her breasts was graced by blurred points of rose. Nick wanted to fall to her knees and worship, and stay on her knees to worship lower.

  “Isn’t it beautiful?” Carolyn twirled once more in the rain. “And so warm. It’s just like what I’ve always imagined Tahiti was like. Come join me.” She stood still again, letting the rain run through her hair.

  “I can’t,” Nick said. At least she tried to say it, but all her own ears heard was a groan. She stepped into the rain. The heat from the sidewalk and the heat from Carolyn’s body radiated through her clothes. A fever melted her rationality and she reached for Carolyn.

  Carolyn stiffened and stared at Nick. Nick’s hands slid from Carolyn’s shoulders to her ribs, the heels of her palms just grazing the swelling wonder of Carolyn’s breasts. Carolyn’s body was hot and wet, as hot and wet as Nick knew she herself was underneath the boxer shorts.

  “Carolyn, I…” Nick’s fingers smoothed slowly over Carolyn’s back, then ran the length of her spine. Nick pulled Carolyn closer and wiped raindrops from Carolyn’s forehead. They moved together as if they were slow dancing. Nick wanted to dip Carolyn…dip her deeply.

  Almost as if she were watching and not actually doing it herself, Nick saw her fingers trace the outline of Carolyn’s lips, then the smooth ridge of flesh that led from upper lip to nose. They fanned slowly across the wet cheek, up under the lashes, then down, whispering across the strong jaw line, caressing the graceful neck, gripping the firm shoulder, then pressing against the flat of Carolyn’s breastbone.

  Nick couldn’t breathe as she contemplated the softness her hand wanted to enclose and smooth. She looked back up into Carolyn’s eyes and saw wide-eyed panic there.

  “Don’t look like that,” Nick whispered.

  “I’m afraid,” Carolyn said in a quavering voice. “I’m afraid we’re about to get arrested.”

  Nick managed a nonchalant, but confidently masculine smile at the policeman who had stopped to glare at them. She muttered something appropriate about Rome and romance, then said, also in Italian, that she and the little missus would be going back to their hotel now. The policeman grunted and walked off.

  Carolyn was laughing as Nick pulled her
along. “You called me a tiny wife.”

  “I’ll never get Italian. I can read it, I just can’t speak it very well. I have learned, however, most of the key obscenities.”

  “I’ll give you lessons, if you’re good to me.”

  Nick let that pass until they were alone in the elevator in Carolyn’s small hotel. It chugged its way slowly from floor to floor.

  Nick trapped Carolyn in one corner, planting her hands on either side of Carolyn and murmuring in her ear. “This is how I plan to be good to you. I want to kiss you. I want to press my lips to yours and feel the soft wetness of you against my lips.” She felt Carolyn tremble slightly. “I want to touch your face. I want to learn each expression and know when I am pleasing you, when you want more, when you want less.” Nick moaned when Carolyn nibbled Nick’s lower lip. She swayed and felt Carolyn steady her. “I want to learn your entire body with my mouth, first your lips, then your shoulders, your stomach, your breasts, then below. I want to taste you. Swim in you, love you with my mouth until you stop me or beg me to begin again.”

  Nick’s throat constricted and she couldn’t speak. Through the fog of her mind she was aware that Carolyn’s hips were against her own, rocking and pressing. She looked back to Carolyn’s face. The elevator seemed to be filled with steam.

  The door opened and Nick released Carolyn.

  “I suppose that’ll do for a start,” Carolyn said weakly.


  Do I turn the light on, or do I leave it off? Carolyn stood just inside the door, butterflies beating hard against her heart. Should I undress or does she undress me? Carolyn had been dreaming of this moment, but she hadn’t given a thought to important questions, such as, did she lead the way to the bedroom, or did she wait for Nick to take charge?

  Nick was taking off her soaked jacket. In the dim light, Carolyn could seeNick’s fingers unbuttoning her shirt and pulling it out of her pants.

  “Nick,” she said, her voice a faint quiver. Nick’s fingers paused at the zipper of her pants. “I don’t know what to do.” Carolyn thought she might cry—fear, anxiety and a fierce passionate hope joined forces to ruin what little she had left of her composure.

  “Darling,” Nick said softly. She came to where Carolyn stood by the door. She gaveCarolyn a kiss meant as reassuring, but it only increased Carolyn’s awkwardness. “You’ve been so outrageous these last few days I forgot. I don’t want to rush you.”

  “It’s just…I don’t know what to do,” Carolyn said, her voice trailing away. She gazed past Nick at the orange and terra cotta glow the sun had left in the sky over the city as it crept just under the cloud cover.

  Nick said, “Let’s take it slow.”

  Nick drew her toward the bedroom, but Carolyn hesitated. She reached down deep inside herself for courage and hoped Nick wouldn’t laugh. “No, wait.” Nick arched one eyebrow indulgently. Carolyn discovered she could smile. “Come and kiss me in front of the sunset.”

  They moved quietly together. The loudest sound was a soft gasp from Nick as Carolyn pressed her wet shirt against Nick’s breast. Carolyn stood on her tiptoes, pulled Nick’s head down, her mouth slightly open, inviting.

  Nick gently bit Carolyn’s lower lip, then pulled Carolyn hard against her. Carolyn returned the gentle bite, then hungrily tasted Nick’s mouth, relieved at the reemergence of the fierce desire she felt for Nick. Her stage fright disappeared.

  Carolyn kissed Nick until she couldn’t breathe, her hands cupping Nick’s face, fingers smoothing the hair still damp from the rain. Each kiss was a newly lit match, flaring with heat. Carolyn felt Nick’s hands on her back, then Nick’s fingers sliding under her waistband. The sky darkened to purple as Carolyn pulled Nick to the floor, rolling on top of Nick for one more deep and trembling kiss.

  Nerves Carolyn had never known she had were prickling with sensation. Her hand went to the crotch of Nick’s pants, pressing in. She was flushed with the power she suddenly felt, encouraged by Nick’s groan and the response of her hips.

  “I didn’t know,” Carolyn murmured. She straddled Nick and hurriedly pulled off her wet blouse and bra.

  “You’re beautiful,” Nick gasped. “Stop…too fast.”

  “No,” Carolyn said. She knelt over Nick and her hand went back to the crotch of Nick’s pants. She drew in a deep, hissing breath when Nick’s hands found her bare breasts. Nick’s fingers teased and pleasured.

  Carolyn had nothing but instinct, but she knew that Nick’s shuddering gasps meant Carolyn was doing something right. She didn’t want to stop, but her fingers wanted more than cloth. Clumsily, she pulled at the button and zipper of Nick’s pants, then reached in. She was momentarily taken aback at the unexpected roominess of Nick’s boxer shorts, but her hand took advantage of the situation, sliding downward. Then her fingers found the fevered, wet flesh between Nick’s legs.

  “Car…oh! Don’t stop,” Nick said from between clenched teeth. “There…” Her voice came from deep in the back of her throat.

  Carolyn rejoiced in the slippery wetness. Her body was racked with a fierce and singing joy. “I didn’t know,” she said again. “I didn’t know.” So soft, so vulnerable. Nick’s body froze, then surged up. Gentle, Carolyn thought, but frighteningly strong.

  Nick fell back to the floor, groaning. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” she said.

  “Why? What’s wrong?”

  “I was supposed to show you…I was supposed to…”

  Carolyn laughed gently. “Looks like I got to the baton first, maestro.” She slowly withdrew her fingers, laughter fading as Nick shuddered. Her fingers were covered with Nick’s wetness. Carolyn stared at them in wonder, then the smell of sex overwhelmed her and she raised her hand to her lips, tasting and smelling. Her head whirled from intoxication.

  She studied Nick’s body, naked at last. Long, lean legs gave way to hollowed hip bones. Nick pulled Carolyn’s hand down to one breast. Carolyn gasped at the erotic contrast of Nick’s melting, soft breast and hard, aroused nipple.

  She moved over Nick, her mouth caressing at last the swells that Nick hid away from the world. Her mouth was alive with sensation, her tongue reveling over the texture of Nick’s skin. She trailed the tip of her tongue across smooth stomach, then bit gently into the tantalizing softness of Nick’s hips. This waspleasure of the flesh. This languid and frantic mixture of tasting and teasing was the magic she’d written about and now experienced for herself for the first time.

  “Carolyn, let’s at least get on the bed,” Nick gasped. She pulled Carolyn up into her arms again and kissed her. Carolyn moaned, kissing back, then her tongue was tracing Nick’s mouth as her hand slipped again into the center of Nick’s wetness.

  Carolyn shuddered. Her fingers swam in Nick’s pleasure. She brought her wet fingers to her lips again, smelling the sweetness, tasting. She gasped and savored, then painted Nick’s breast with the wetness.

  Nick groaned and said, “You’re killing me, driving me crazy.”

  “I had no idea,” Carolyn said in a daze. Her mouth was dry and she swallowed convulsively. She felt a driving thirst then, for more of Nick. Her heartbeat nearly choked her as she moved down Nick’s body. She had never felt this focused on anything in her life. Tasting Nick…she had to taste Nick now.

  Satiny liquid slid over her tongue, then filled her mouth. Her lips glided over silken ripples. Nick’s hips arched up and Carolyn held onto them, her tongue seeking upward. She knew she had found the right place when Nick cried out. Nick’s hands were in her hair, then holding her head as Carolyn clung to Nick’s shaking thighs.

  She kept her arms around Nick’s hips long after they had stopped moving. She had never believed she could give another person so much pleasure and derive so much pleasure for herself. Her mouth felt raw, every nerve alive. Her own hips moved at the thought of taking Nick’s wetness in her mouth again, tasting the sweet-salt passion again.

  “First time, my eye,” Nick said in a dreamy voice. “You’ve done this before
and don’t lie. You’re a bleedin’ expert.”

  “I’m not kidding, Nick,” Carolyn said. Regretfully, she sat up. “I just…well, maybe I’m a natural.” She hoped her smile was sultry.

  “I’d swear to it,” Nick said. Suddenly she was on her feet and pulling Carolyn up beside her.

  “What are you doing?” Carolyn murmured the question through a lazy kiss on Nick’s shoulder.

  “Taking you to bed.”

  Sheets had never felt so sensual to Carolyn’s back, but they were nothing compared to the feeling of Nick’s body on hers. She melted into the bed and stretched. Nick’s lips brushed her chin, her eyelids, her nose. Carolyn could feel her heartbeat in her fingertips as she grasped Nick’s arms.

  Nick’s arms slid under her waist and Carolyn gave herself up to vertigo as they rolled over. Her thighs held Nick between them. She groaned. Then she was falling again.

  She landed safely in the cradle of Nick’s arms. She looked up into Nick’s face and resisted the temptation to close her eyes as Nick’s hand slowly slid down her side, over her hips. Their gaze was locked. Carolyn saw the flare in Nick’s eyes as Nick’s fingers touched her. She remembered to breathe and gasp air. When Nick’s fingers slid deeper, she saw the tremor of Nick’s lower lip, a match to her own. Deeper still, then stroking pleasure. Carolyn wanted to kiss Nick, but if she did she wouldn’t be able to gaze into her face and see every new sensation Nick gave her reflected there. At the very last moment Carolyn raised her mouth to Nick’s, tasting the groaning answer as Carolyn surged against Nick’s body.

  She closed her eyes then and floated for a few minutes. Even breathing was sublime ecstasy. She smiled. So this was what all the fuss was about.

  “What are you thinking?” Nick’s voice was soft.

  “That what you just did was perfect.”

  “I’m not finished,” Nick said huskily.

  Carolyn opened her eyes to catch Nick staring hungrily at her breasts. She drew Nick’s head down with a groaning, “Please.” At the touch of Nick’s tongue she shuddered at the shock of sweetness, so good.


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