The Real McCoy_A Fake Boyfriend Secret Baby Romance

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The Real McCoy_A Fake Boyfriend Secret Baby Romance Page 6

by Lexi Aurora

  “Okay, just...focus on your work, he has nothing to do with it; therefore, you can completely ignore his existence. And here I am talking to myself again like some crazy person...” She sighed and rubbed her hands across her forehead.

  After twenty minutes of work, Riley was once again distracted by Harrison. His body, his mouth, the way that he tasted, how funny he was; everything about him called to her in ways that she couldn’t ignore. She remembered the sensation of his muscle-sheathed ribs beneath her hands and the way that he kissed her throat and her face. The way that his hands explored her body. And she yearned, despite her reservations, for more of it; she wanted him to run his tongue all over her.

  “Okay, that’s it,” she muttered. “That’s it.”

  Giving her head a shake, she grabbed her phone and dialed his number. She let it ring once, then hung up immediately. When the phone vibrated in her hands, and when she saw Harrison’s number, she flushed all the way to her ears and dropped the phone onto her desk.

  She needed some air. That was it, that was all she needed. That and the girls’ night out that she and Jessica had planned; she just wished it was closer to dinner time instead of two in the afternoon. Wringing her hands, she got up and left her office. Purposeful strides took her to her balcony, and she took in some deep lungfuls of air in an effort to clear her mind. She closed her eyes and gripped the railing, and flashes of Harrison’s face, his body, his...

  Christ, was she that pathetic? Seriously? She was way too busy to date anyone on a regular basis, and she hated the idea of ‘friends with benefits.’ That always ended up getting so complicated. No, it was just better to cut ties with him altogether now that the world knew she was dating him instead of Brad.

  She heard her phone vibrating in her room again, and part of her wanted to ignore it and stay out there. Then again, a balcony was the first place she and Harrison had kissed; was being here really that productive, or had she come out here to relive the memories she told herself she was trying to avoid? Ugh, this was so confusing!

  Steeling herself, she marched back inside and into her room. Her heart flooded with relief when she saw Jessica’s number on her phone’s Caller ID and not Harrison’s. Maybe she’d have some advice for her.


  “Hey, Riley! I know you said you were busy today, but what do you say to heading out now and getting home early? Seems like a waste to not take advantage of such a beautiful day!”

  “Sure! I was just thinking about you, and I’m not getting a whole lot of work done. Are you driving or am I?”

  “Eh, I’ll drive. Pick you up in fifteen?”

  “Yeah, I’ll be ready!”

  She quickly saved all of her work, silently apologized to her clients for possibly late work, and changed into something more club worthy. As she made her way down the stairs to the front door, she felt her stomach do a strange flip-flop. She pressed a hand against it, and the faintest hint of nausea made her almost reconsider going out with the girls. But no, this was the best way to get her mind off of Harrison; what was a little bit of nausea anyway? She’d been through worse.

  BY THE TIME THEY ARRIVED at Light Phantasma, her and Jessica’s favorite club, Riley was feeling even worse. She must have been doing a good job pretending she was all right, though, as Jessica didn’t mention anything when they arrived in the parking lot. However, after she parked the car, she side-eyed Riley and gave her a frown.

  “Riley... you all right? You look, I’m not sure... pale.”

  “I’m good. Just a little bit sick to my stomach, but it was probably something I ate last night. Promise, I’m fine.”

  Jessica offered her a concerned look, but nodded. “All right. Let’s go have some fun, then.”

  “Damn right.” She grinned and slipped out of the car, eager to wash away thoughts of Harrison with dancing and friends.

  The club was all red and black and yellow lights that flashed and flickered like lightning. There were dancers on stage, covered in lights the same colors as the club’s, and they danced as though their lives depended on it. Tables were set up between the stage and the bar, which was made of traditional oak and as long as the club itself. There were at least five bartenders that Riley could see, and the place was absolutely packed with people. As oppressing as it was, it was also unbelievably distracting and exactly what she needed.

  “Riley! Jessica! Over here!”

  At the sound of the voice, Riley scanned the crowd until she saw a small group of woman at a far table. “There they are.” With a smile, she took Jessica’s hand and led her over to the table. “Ashley, Rachel, hey! What’s up? And Tiana, it’s been way too long.” She gave each of them a quick hug and then sat down at the far end of the table. Not only was it closest to the bar, it was also closest to the bathroom. Considering what her stomach was doing, she wasn’t sure if she would need to make an emergency run or not; best just to be safe.

  “Hola!” Tiana flashed a massive grin and wiggled in her chair. “Soooo? Are you going to tell us willingly about your romp with Harrison, or are we going to have to drag it out of you?”

  “My...what? How the hell do you guys know?”

  Jessica burst out laughing. “Come on, Riley, you didn’t think I could keep that kind of secret from our girls, did you? No way! They needed to know, and besides...they pretty much figured it out on their own when pictures of your ‘date night’ started overwhelming the ones of you and Brad. It got super obvious what was going to happen.”

  Riley’s face flushed a brilliant shade of red that would have made any cherry envious, and she playfully swatted Jessica’s arm. “For the record, that was rude. But I’ll forgive you if you buy me a drink.”

  Jessica winked at her and let out a laugh. “Deal! I’ll be back in a second.”

  The moment Jessica got up and headed to the bar, Riley felt a strange, uncomfortable twinge in her stomach. That twinge briefly turned into a flash of pain before it became full-fledged nausea. Saliva filled her mouth at record speed, and she shot to her feet. There wasn’t even time to say anything as she made a run for the bathroom, nearly toppling over several startled people on her way.

  As soon as she was in the bathroom, she darted over to the sink and leaned over it; there was no time to pick a stall or find a garbage bin. She gripped the edges of the sink and gagged; she slapped a hand across her mouth as her stomach rolled and roiled as though someone was swirling it around with a pair of chopsticks. It was, in Riley’s experience, the worst nausea of her life save that time when she’d gotten the stomach flu at eight years old.


  “I’m okay, Jess... I’m okay, I’ll just meet you out there.” Her voice sounded strangled and rushed as she fought to keep the vomit at bay.

  “No... no way.” Jessica locked the bathroom door behind her and went to Riley, her hands gently squeezing her shoulders. Her voice quiet and soothing. Concerned. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing, I’m okay... it’s just my stomach; I’m sure it was the chicken I had last night. Maybe I didn’t cook it right or something, I don’t know. But I’m fine, really.” She slowly pulled her hand away from her mouth and breathed deeply, counting to ten before she exhaled each time. “I think it’s starting to pass anyway.”

  “Okay, but I’m not leaving until you come out, too.”

  “Jess, I’m serious. I’m okay.” She gave her a brave smile and slowly straightened, one of her hands pressing into her belly; it felt sensitive and weird, but the urge to throw up was nearly gone.

  “Well, if that’s the case...” she gestured to the door and tilted her head.

  “Gods, you’re so stubborn.” Riley shook her head with a low laugh and unlocked the door before heading back to the table. She composed herself as best she could and sat down with a smile on her face.

  “You okay, girl?” Ashley gave her a concerned look.

  “Oh, she’s fine, I bet she’s just pregnant,” Rachel joked.

Riley gave them a pointed look, that smile turning into more of a light-hearted smirk. “Come on, guys, you know I can’t get pregnant because of my endometriosis. It’s just food poisoning, I’ll bet my whole life on it.”

  “Okaaay, if you say so.”

  “Totally say so. But I’m going to need something more carbonated than alcohol or water, and I hate beer...”

  “Got it!” Tiana held up a finger and disappeared to the bar. She returned a few moments later with a tall glass of ginger ale, the bubbles sparkling wildly under the lights.

  “Thank you... you guys are the absolute best.” Riley lifted her glass in a ‘cheers’ gesture and sipped the carbonated drink. Her stomach protested briefly, but then immediately settled.

  “We do try.” Jessica tilted her head and grinned. She jutted her chin toward the stage, where the dancers were slowly beginning to pull off layers of clothing. Her eyes sparkled, and she bit down on her lower lip. “Well, ladies? Shall we go have some fun or what?”

  There was a round of laughter, and everyone except for Riley got up and made a mad dash for the stage, screaming and cat calling. Riley burst into laughter again as she watched them throw money and whatever else they had in their pockets at the dancers, who looked far more amused than annoyed. How, she wondered, had she gotten lucky enough to have such incredible friends?

  IT WAS HALF-PAST MIDNIGHT by the time Riley started getting tired, and only she and Jessica were left. Tiana had gone early because of work in the morning, and Ashley and Rachel had gotten far too drunk; they were going to pay for it in the morning, Riley was sure.

  “Okay, I am officially...” She took back the last of her ginger ale. “Finished for the night! What about you, Jess?”

  “Oh, yeah, I’m good. But you’re the DD, for real.” After a pause, Jessica added, “and maybe on the way, we can hit one of those twenty-four-hour drug stores and get a pregnancy test? Just to make sure?”

  Riley leveled a look on Jessica and lifted both eyebrows. “Seriously? A pregnancy test? It was just a bit of food poisoning, I told you that.”

  “I know, but it’s peace of mind, you know? I need to pick up some anti-inflammatory drugs and band-aids anyway, since I’m the biggest klutz on the planet; I need to be prepared you know, remember that time I fell up the stairs? And I wasn’t even wearing heels for god’s sake.”

  Riley snorted with a laugh. “All right, all right. I know just the place we can go.”

  Since Riley was driving, Jessica paid for their drinks, as was tradition. It had always been that way between them: whoever was driving didn’t have to pay for drinks and whoever was drinking didn’t have to pay for gas.

  The two of them left together, arm in arm; Riley was thankful that the car was close by, as Jessica was having a bit of trouble walking on her own; she’d probably have to go into the store alone.

  Fifteen minutes later saw both Riley and Jessica at Riley’s place. Riley was in the bathroom and refused to come out, and she had three used pregnancy sticks resting on the edge of the sink. She was sitting on the toilet, both hands over her mouth, and she was barely even breathing. She couldn’t believe it, and she scrambled around in the drug store bag to make sure she hadn’t bought a fourth test; she hadn’t. The bag was empty.

  “Hey? You okay in there? Shouldn’t take forever to pee on some sticks you know...”

  “I... just a minute... I just need a minute.” She slowly pulled her hands down from her face and stared at the tests. They should have all been negative, she thought. Single lines and not plus signs. “Are you sure these are viable tests? I mean, they aren’t always right, are they?”

  “They were the most authentic in the store.... Riley, are you... what do the tests say?”

  That question made her wince, and she felt tears sting the corners of her eyes. Don’t cry, she thought. Don’t you dare cry. It’s just a mistake, they’re wrong. You’re not pregnant.

  Unable to actually say the words, she wiped herself and pulled up her pants. Sniffling, she moved to the door and opened it. “Positive,” she whispered. “They all say I’m positive. I’m... Jess, I’m pregnant.”

  “What? What? You are? Holy shit, let me see those!” She rushed into the bathroom past Riley and grabbed all three tests from the edge of the sink. Her eyes widened, and she looked between them and Riley. “ I thought you couldn’t get pregnant? Your doctor even said...”

  “I know... believe me, I know.” She pushed hair back from her eyes and whispered something inaudible. Then she shook her head and leaned against the wall with her arms folded across her chest. “Maybe,’s a good thing. I mean...this could be the only chance I get, ever, of having a baby. And I’m in a good position, financially and otherwise. I have great support and it’s what I’ve always wanted. Just... maybe not alone. But Jess, I could do it... I know I could.”

  Jessica was silent for a long time, her teeth pinching at her lower lip. After a while, she nodded slowly and touched Riley’s arm. “I know, hon. I remember the day when the doc gave you the news that you couldn’t have kids, or likely never would; I remember how badly that crushed you. So whatever you want to do, anything you need, I’m 100% behind you. And the other girls will be, too, I’ll make sure of it. Even Rachel.”

  Riley battled the tears threatening to come, and she laughed and sobbed at the same time. “But Rachel hates kids.”

  “She’s going to love yours. How could she not?”

  Beyond words, Riley finally let the tears fall and grabbed Jessica into a tight squeeze. She clutched her for nearly a minute and then let go, leaning against her as she sniffled. “You really are the best friend anyone could ever have. Thank you so much... I have no idea what I’d do without you, I wouldn’t have even known I was pregnant if it hadn’t been for you!”

  “Yeah, well.” Jessica smirked and tilted her head. “It’s what I’m here for.” After a pause and a worried look, she added, “which leads to a topic that I know is sensitive and... weird...”


  “Yeah. It’s not my call, but at the very least I think he should know. Unless you’ve slept with other guys since then and have no idea who the father is?”

  “Oh! Gross, no! Just Harrison...” She blushed and glanced down. “He’s the only man who’s been able to woo me in over a year...”

  “All the more reason to tell him. Who knows, maybe he’ll be supportive, right? Stranger things have happened, like... you getting pregnant with his baby. I mean, what are the odds of that?”

  She chuckled and shrugged. “Impossible if you ask me.” She hugged Jessica one last time and then left the bathroom to go flop on her living room couch. “I can’t believe I had sex because I loved his comic book collection...”

  “What? Riley?!” Jessica burst into laughter and sat down next to her, her eyes wide with delight and astonishment. “His comic book collection?”

  “Yes, it was amazing and massive, and it had originals and even ones he’d done himself! Can you blame me?”

  “Good grief, lady.” She giggled some more and gave her leg a pat. “Listen, I’m going to commandeer your bed and go to sleep. While I do that, I think you should check up on Harrison as much as you can, find out more about him. Get the goods and all of that. You know what I mean. This is all drunk talk so I hope it’s making sense.”

  Riley grinned and let out a laugh. “All right. Night, Jess. And thanks again.”

  “Psh.” She waved a hand at Riley as she wandered off toward her bedroom.

  Chapter Eight

  HARRISON’S OFFICE WAS one of his favorite places in the world. Not only was it completely his, but no one ever came in here except for the maids and the occasional security guard. It was well protected, intricately clean, and very private. Add in the fact that he had his very own secretary, and it made it all the more attractive to him.

  Not, however, more attractive than Riley Byrne. She’d been on his mind a lot lately, and her rejection after having
sex still stung even six weeks later. He had spent days agonizing over why she had left so abruptly, and when he hadn’t come up with any answers, he’d surrounded himself with his work.

  It wasn’t a cure-all, though, as thoughts of Riley continued to slip in here and there. He couldn’t get over the way she smelled or how she’d always smile when she was nervous. The taste of her skin and the sounds she’d made when he’d made her cum right alongside him. He could still remember the contented look on her face, as though she’d been transported temporarily to another world. The afterglow of their sex had almost been more pleasurable than the act itself.

  She hadn’t committed to calling him, though, and she’d left no voice messages or emails, nothing. He’d refused to return the calls she quit halfway through after the first time she didn’t answer, always telling himself that she didn’t mean anything to him; she was just another woman to have fun with. Deep down, though, Harrison knew that wasn’t true. And that terrified him beyond every other fear that he had. Work, then, had become a crutch, a way of avoiding the feelings he didn’t understand how to manage or even acknowledge.

  Speaking of, he had a meeting with Jeff Byrne in a few minutes to finalize their investment agreement. While working with him was smooth and not at all challenging, the fact that he was Riley’s father made it difficult to keep business and pleasure separate. Truth be told, that night with Riley had been the best he’d ever had. The connection that was between them, the chemistry, he’d never felt anything like it. And he had absolutely no idea what to do about it. He didn’t have anyone to talk to about it, either, since Owen mercilessly teased him every chance he got. Saying something to anyone else just seemed...weak; Harrison didn’t like to be vulnerable, so just dealing with his feelings alone seemed the best bet to him.


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