Hacker's Diary

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Hacker's Diary Page 7

by Adam Smith

  I started slow, writing the code would be the hardest part, after the breaking into the surveillance system of the firm. However, the research and setup of an offshore account is a top priority because without it I wouldn't be able to transfer any money from the Trojan in the first place.

  I booted the Tails OS on the old Dell I purchased from Eli and started to browse Tor, reading about money laundering techniques. Bitcoin seemed to be very risky and very much untraceable. I started to sift through all options and even contacted some people that would do this kind of operations for a certain percentage of money involved. I knew it would be stupid to handle all of the sums to any of those guys because there is a very high probability that I wouldn't see any of it afterward. And that's my friend a big no.

  So, I tried to ask every, and each of them for a guarantee. I also thought about using fake identities for those offshore accounts and placing the money in different stocks. At the Dark Web, there are services that can allow you to purchase a fake social security number from US, UK or Canada. So, there was that option, as well.

  After weighing all the pros and cons, I decided on a strategy but that required extra cash that would come only with the next salary. Okay, at least, I could play around with the code over that old XP installation. After three hours of head banging over the keyboard, I came up with a decent code patch that yet would be far patchable but would run from an old flash drive I had for a long time and would boot on XP. My brain was done for today.

  So, I decided to go out to the park and enjoy some nature and wild cats running around. They were laying around all different colors, like lions or tigers in the wilds of Africa. However, I'm not sure if there are tigers in Africa, now in India there are for sure!

  There were some crows sitting on the electrical wires, looking down trying to spot anything eatable... Sometimes, I referred to them as angels of death in my imagination as the Japanese mythology would. But, it was all just jokes and fun, until the spirit leaves your body then they would, in fact, only consume your flesh, not delivering you to the afterworld.

  After sitting on a bench and just gazing around, breathing semi-fresh air, I went to the groceries store to purchase some oatmeal and Fuze tea. Which were very tasty and healthy at the same time, well some may argue about the taste of the oatmeal, but if you add brown sugar to it or wild berry jam, it is awesome!

  That day I would also find out about Cory Doctorow and his books, that Canadian Author lived in London and successfully published several tech related fiction novels. I thought it's a cool concept and purchased one of his books on Amazon, through my Kindle app.

  The book was first published in 2009 and been so interesting that I read the entire first part that day. I told a story about two huge companies merged into one and trying to keep up with a rapidly evolving technology of our time. I won't spoil you the plot or the characters and not even the names of the companies, but the book is worth a read. It been written with a lot of thought behind it.

  I still had to receive the little flash drive I ordered from Amazon. But, I would receive it only in 3 weeks or so. Israel is not the USA. Not that I complain but US citizens enjoy many things that folks from rest of the world can only dream about.

  It was about 12 o'clock but neighbor was again screwing some chicks, I went out to purchase a beer at a 24/7 vendor on Sokolov street, just to catch a glance at a girl that was there this time, when I came back. Timing was perfect, when I came back they were just leaving, there were two of them, in fact.

  Quiet good-looking specimens. "Lucky bastard, I thought" to myself! I said "hi Alex!" to them and he said "Hi!" The girls were not polite enough to say anything at all. They were just good looking and arrogant as the majority of them. Well, nothing new. I wasn't even mad, I just went up and finally got to sleep. That was what I needed. A well-deserved sleep. Next day is hard work as well as the day after that. How my grandpa was doing this for over 30 years? I don't know. I simply knew I respect him for that.

  "Lucky Strike is selling good" a girl who was a vendor at a cigarette section said. She was fun and very outgoing, I decided I was going to invite her for a night out. To my surprise, she was happy to accept my invitation.

  We planned to go out on Friday night when both of us had a day off.

  That's nothing special Adi, keep it cool - I was telling myself.

  After the date appointment, each of us went to his and her section.

  Number six was occupied by an Ethiopian girl who was very exhausted but yet friendly to customers, at least.

  "You are done for today!" - I proclaimed with a sense of jolly.

  "I wish, I have 4 more hours to put in here and it's a disaster!" she said with a smile slowly fading from off her face.

  Her sorrow was almost physical, I couldn't comfort her so I tried to play it logical "Why have you agreed to 12 hours shift in the first place?"

  "I got to pay the rent, so I try to maximize my profits."

  "I get you, don't kill yourself hustling, okay?"

  She smiled once again and said "Go ahead, customers are coming."

  And indeed from the queue, there were people going directly in our direction.

  I swiftly installed the cash box into the table, called for the deputy manager to activate my user at the computer and started to serve the ever hungry crowd.

  People just kept coming and each had his/her own attitude. Some were very gleeful, some depressed and some are carrying a grudge.

  I was smiling to the gleeful, depressed and angry equally politely.

  They all had a flight and were going to another country that could use some politeness, and I always thought that people should have an equal chance to shop and get a graceful service. At least, I know for sure that always appreciate a high-class service regardless of my condition.

  Suddenly, Elena showed up and started to walk through all of us with her paper telling us how well each one of us did with his sales. I was at the bottom of the list again. She asked me "Okay Adi, what are we going to do? You took a training, you are telling me you offer the products to everyone, so what seems to be the problem?" for a moment, I considered an option of smacking her in the face and running away, it was bad for my plan, security and future. For another moment, I considered gathering all the low kind salesmen among us and creating a revolt team that would eventually out-throw the dictate of Elena and the upper class. However, I snapped out of it and said "I am trying my possible best but sometimes, people simply don't want to buy what I offer."

  "You know Shahar?" "Yes, I do." "He is at the top no matter what shift or day of a week he is doing. How can you explain that?" "Well, some have talent while some don't.

  I'm not the push sale type, I'm the polite and silent one." "I see. Let's do the next thing, keep offering to each customer the high ticket products only. And I will lower my expectation for this month of you just to 10%. If you can handle it, we will keep on that strategy and I will increase the expectation back to regular. However, if you fail... we will talk again." I swallowed and said "Okay". I knew she couldn't fire me for bad sales rate, however, I still felt like it was some kind of failure or a ham to the store. The feeling has passed by the end of the shift. And yet, it has left some bitterness.

  I do not smoke and can't manage to stay for too long around people that do unless I have some interest. The girl I was supposed to date did smoke... I kind of try to think for a while about that habit of hers and our possible mutual relationship but I dropped that thought stream and simply thought, I will let it go, as a wise man once said "when men make plans, Gods laugh". Her name was Smadar and she had brown eyes and black long hair, petite body and straight white teeth, regardless of her smoking.

  I wasn't in love with her or anything, I just thought she would be fun to hang out with. Sex would be nice too, but that is just a fun option. She was living in a completely different city, so we agreed to meet in a middle ground in Tel Aviv. In my favorite pub call
ed the Mike's Place.

  No other place in Tel Aviv had as much crazy Anglos from all over the world and USA sports streaming TV. I did not know if she was into any of this, but I know I was and she didn't seem to mind of having a beer or two on me.

  Anyhow, the ride home this day did not take too long in my perspective because it has passed for me in chatting through Whatsapp with Smadar. By the time I had to go off of the bus, we were deep in discussion on mutual interest in Middle Eastern and Western music. Though I did not like any of the Middle Eastern genres at all, however, I had few songs and even singers that I had my respect for. Like Idan Rafael Haviv or Jein Bordeui... can't think of anybody else though, to my surprise it was enough to keep the conversation going. When I got home, I've sent her an emoji with hearts instead of eyes and bid her farewell.

  Afterwards, I went through the routine, had a supper of leftovers of the fish and cauliflower rice.

  When I was done, I thought about reading a couple of pages of The Makers, however, I fell asleep before I could decide.

  It has been three days until the date and three weeks until the next salary. All I could do is tweak the code of the Trojan and keep on getting deeper into the technique to hack into the camera system of the firm. After all, without that ability, I wouldn't be able to execute my operation in the first place.

  After I woke up at 11 AM, I had about 14 hours until the night shift because I was doing night shift next, and it required to be at the pickup point at exactly2 AM. Some may think it's madness but honestly that most of the things people do. I brushed my teeth and made some coffee with milk, 2 teaspoons of brown sugar went into there too. The fact that it did not help me wake up much, bothered me a little, however, I had to get to my things and so I booted Lana and began playing around with the code for about two hours. Tutorials were very helpful and informative to the point where I was obsessed with getting a dopamine rush each time I turned to the next page.

  It is indeed fascinating how knowledge makes you feel superior to philistines. However, I'm sure Buddha would say that the potential within each and every one of us is somewhat equal. I came to an understanding that not everyone is looking to activate it.

  Not everyone is ready to take the chance. After two hours of work, I had to fix myself a meal. Scrambled eggs would do fine. So, I used the pan my parents brought me when I moved in and put it on fire of the couple of decades old stove.

  Slowly, the pan caught the heat and sounds of cracking started to spread through the room. And the smell of cooked scrambled eggs made my stomach hum.

  In 5 minutes, I was done masticating the meal and went back to the coding. I also had to have an extra nap before I go to work. In about 2 more hours, I made as much progress as I possibly could have wished for. The thing is that I registered a long time ago that it's the consistent striving to progress in your thing that matters and not the amount of work you put into it. Quality over quantity. There is even an idea of people in Sweden working only 6 hours a day and it was introduced not so long ago, after their scientists found that the effectiveness of employees is not affected after reduction of the two hours from the regular schedule. The Swedes understood that time with family and more time for your recreation activities are as important as the working hours.

  I've got myself dressed and went out to have a walk in the park. Just to enjoy the nature and maybe pat some cats. Walks at the park made me feel grateful for being alive. I never considered the fact on how we humans are trying to tame the nature and yet we are that dependent on it. The cats were fed and happy that day, they were having sunbaths and the picture as a whole made me smile.

  I looked at the watch and realized I have to go back home if I want to have enough time for a proper nap. It was a half-minute walk, that's what I loved about this place, just like that you could change the setting around you.

  The nap lasted long enough to make me wake up just an hour before 2 AM. Fun? I thought to myself... Not really, but it is a necessity. And hey, you might even make the history book, Adi! So, get yourself together and go ahead and enjoy the moments of the ordinary routine.

  Dressing up wasn't hard but it was elevated to sort of a ritual, sacred ceremony of putting the garments necessary to make it to the cash box. Some may think what's so special about counting cash? Let me explain, the company that makes $400 MM a year has to make a good impression, the better experience the customer has at your store, the bigger are the chances that they 1) will recommend you to their family and friends 2) they will come back and spend more, so the suit was a huge part of the play.

  Besides, it made the employees feel more official than any regular cashier at a groceries.

  After putting some noodles with tuna into the plastic lunch box, and checking if the wallet, ID, phone and the security pass were on me, I made it out the door.

  The night is always cooler than the day, I can say I'm always fascinated with the brightness of the moon in this area of the planet, it makes you feel unique not because you're a Jew but rather because you're able to see what others can't. The minibus came over exactly 5 minutes after 2 AM.

  I had to cross the street because he appeared in the opposite direction, couldn't blame him less for that, but I just had to deal with it.

  We were eight people right there and he had to pick two more. The scene at the bus was regular, at least, the one I got used to expecting each time I stepped into the transport, there were few obese Russian ladies browsing their phones, young girls listening to music, some fellows napping through it all and few guys who stared through the windows.

  I got myself a seat at the end and continued to read that one hacking tutorial I got started before.

  I had to stop because it was too hard to concentrate in the dark, I developed an eye problem while working at the place, as I have told you before. Didn't want it to get worse. It would be a disaster to be half blind.

  I know it from experience, my grandpa got glaucoma and lost his eye, he also got a cataract, anyhow, he can see only with one eye right now, and even that one is getting worse. And yet, he continued to work, of course, he is aged and has to take a shitload of medications, however, you don't just feel pity, you realize how we take our senses for granted before we lose a hold of them, forever.

  The ride did not take too long, however, most of us were sleepy and the perspective of 7 hours of work through the night was not that pleasant. Soon, I kept telling myself, soon. The date was supposed to be tomorrow and it's logical for you to deduce that it is tomorrow that I have a day off.

  Smadar was not on the night shift that day, or I simply did not manage to spot her. Before putting my phone into the bag I've sent her a Whatsapp message and have waited for a minute or two for her to respond. Apparently, she was sleeping and did not answer or she was away, anyhow, I put the phone into the bag and went on to perform my tiny role on the stage of the firm’s money milking machine.

  There were interesting customers that day that I managed to serve. It wasn't as half as bad as I've imagined it. There were Korean girls who were stewardesses, for a mutual comfort of every one of us they spoke English decently. There were some Brits buying Vodka and some Russians buying whiskey. And plenty of inpatient young Israeli ladies.

  Indeed, it was a fine morning. I can't say every cashier enjoyed the shift, I could see there were some fellows with apprentices. I wondered when I would get my first apprentice.

  It is fun to teach people the skills you know. Like passing on the tradition or something. I've always enjoyed such a thing, can't explain why, however, I'm sure there are some scientific psychological explanations to it.

  "Hey, Adi!" I turned back and saw Shahar. "Hey, hey! How are you? What brings you to number six?"

  "I came over to replace you for half an hour break, go ahead old fellow, enjoy your meal" he looked at his analog watch strapped to his left hand while squinting both eyes and finally added "breakfast I mean" I giggled and finished with the customer ,
finally handing him the operation over the cash box. I've tapped him over the right shoulder and said "Go ahead, enjoy yourself" he caught the sarcasm and responded with "Ha-ha"!

  Minding my own business I finally made it to the dining room. It was a full house, if you know what I mean. Plenty in the room and a TV was showing Trump's Arrival to Israel, at our airport. I didn't care much for politics. So, I simply grabbed my lunch and warmed it up in the microwave. I poured some black coffee into a carton made cup and added a bit of sugar, after all, I had to finish the shift without any losses. If I'd make it through with a proper amount of sales, it would be awesome too. I've sat by a girl who was watching the arrival unfolding with a lot of attention, on TV.

  "So, what do you think?" I asked and started to devour my tiny but warm, meal. She took a sip of her tea and without turning from the TV said "I think, it's good for our Economy, not that he is going to spend a lot but it surely will attract a lot of people to our country."

  "Good point!" I said with all the food stuffed in my mouth. She looked at me then at the clock and said "Bon a petit!" and went off to continue her shift.

  The taste of the tuna was good enough to forget about the fact that I hate dark coffee. Suddenly, I ran out of time and had to make my way back to number six. It's Okay, I thought to myself, few more hours and then you can have a well-deserved rest. Shahar had been all into it, selling and selling and selling. Sometimes, I felt a sense of jealousy rising in me, especially when Elena approaches you every day and contributes to the mood of failure. I reminded myself that we are friends and thanked him for being there. I took over the cash box and proceeded without much enthusiasm but yet engagingly determined to accomplish the shift without any tangible fuckups.

  It was over. Scanning the finger to mark up the hours invested and taking the bag, never felt so good. The crowd was just getting bigger and bigger, the stream has never stopped. People fly to all kind of place, all the time. London, New York, Tokyo, Phuket, you name it. One of the girls used to joke "All these people fly away, we wish them a great flight and then instinctively they wish us a good flight too, when, in fact, we are staying here for hours upon hours to come". The sad truth is that we might not see another land even in a year, although I've heard people planning their trips. Where do they get the money, though? Well, most of them compromise with other things, such as living in with parents, or neglecting the possibility to save.


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