Hacker's Diary

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Hacker's Diary Page 12

by Adam Smith

  At 3:05 AM, I approach my favorite number six and it is now certain that the dream girl is a new team member. She is far at a number twelve behind an experienced cashier, studying the craft. The wave is indeed being delayed, so I have some spare time to eye the coworkers and exchange distant "hi" with those I know. Some amount of intuition wants to point out that the day is going to be extraordinary. Well, it is Sunday and it is Sunny most of the time of the year, in Israel. That certainly has nothing to do with the business or the Airport. Just a good old country of residence marketing. Now, go ahead and kill me for that.

  At 3:14 AM, the first customer of the day approaches my cash box. "Hebrew, English?" "English please." "May I have your passport and boarding pass, please?" "Yes, sure" Upon receiving the passport, it is certain the fellow is Arab and is a resident of Britain. The guy looked jolly and was wearing a very interesting Tee, I could say clearly, it was some sort of devotion to an underground artist.

  I asked him "Is that a band?" "Not, exactly but you were close. It's an artist living in London. Being at his show recently." "Is he very good?" "Oh, yes. I absolutely adore him." "I'm a James Blunt fan. Do you know him?" "Yes, I do. He has such a big head."

  I started to laugh. "What about Sheeran? He is very talented." "Well, yes. Sheeran, I do like." I've finished with scanning his selection of products. And told him the total. He has paid with pounds and I had to give him change in shekels. Afterwards, he has been going his way towards the plane.

  After this guy has left, the endless stream of toxic products craving customers has begun.

  Every one of them was in need of some sort of souvenir, painkiller or happiness simulant. What is chocolate if not a happiness stimulant? Alcohol and cigarettes are brain numbing toxic substances. Sort of a necessity to some very miserable people. I haven't seen one happy person that smokes in my whole life. They all suffer from some kind of a mental condition. But hey, who the hell am I to judge? I sell them this shit.

  I think that the only healthy products that we had in store, were at the groceries department. You know aspirin and that kind of things. Condoms do no harm too. However, you do not live on condoms alone, you know. If you were a desperate shopper, looking to put your money at the Duty-Free and our store, I'd recommend three things. Round a neck pillow for comfortable sleeping, a bag of peanuts and an aspirin. That's my best pick, I know it's debatable, but what the hell, man? We still live in some kind of democracy, so I'm just saying what I think, it's up to you whether to think the same or to think differently.

  At 6:00 AM, the customers were coming and coming. I could say that people couldn't wait to get on their trip. Generally, the people were nice, I can't say they were too friendly but yet not too angry or in a rush, as most of them would be on any other given day.

  At 6:10 AM, I finally got my break. When I made my way to the dining room. There was a moderate amount of people. And all I wanted to do is grab a sandwich I made at home and go sit by the fountain. Far from people, annoying people and their silly misconceptions. The water is always soothing. Well, it was here far before humans even been planned and besides we consist of about 80% water ourselves.

  As I mentioned before, the people who traveled were coming and coming, so the number of folks sitting by the fountain, hanging out with their soulmates or kids was great. But the pretty thing about this goddamn airport is that there is always enough place for everyone.

  So, I sat on the marble made seating place, unfolded my sandwich from a plastic bag and started to chew it. Watching the water go up and down, and subjecting itself to the laws of physics made me indistinguishably light-minded and happy, for the time I was there.

  While the sandwich was long gone, and the minutes were running out, the flights were getting closer and people moved and got changed by other people waiting for their flights.

  That world... it may close on you someday. But you are part of it so remember, as the water flows up and down without showing any emotion to it. So can you go up and down, as gracefully as the water does?

  At 6:35 AM, I looked at the watch and it was clear that my self-reflecting meditation had to end, and there is work to return to.

  At 6:40 AM, I was back at the cash box, doing my thing. Nobody missed me much though. The customers probably do suspect we interchanged, but I doubt they would ever notice a difference between my service or the girl that swapped with me. I know I wouldn't. Besides when was the last time you cared about who gave you the service, as long as the service was good?

  I've been threatened two times by the customers of being reported for mistakes I've made. And, only once I've been asked where can the customer submit an applause for my service. And all that was in less two months of work.

  There were only three hours and twenty minutes left, until the end of the shift. There was no sign of Elena. Thank Gods!

  However, one deputy manager did run around us with a piece of paper reporting to us about our results. He was a less pain in the ass though.

  And, I was not all that bad on this day, after all. However, whenever the big guns showed up, my results were slacking. Goddess Fortune probably had a grudge against me.

  As for the rest. The time went by and I didn't even notice how those measly three hours and twenty minutes passed. I did have up-sells, I got to say. It appears that shitload of people like the m&ms. Don't take my word for it though, however, do a market research.

  At 10:00 AM, it was time to finally go home. I had to wait 15 more minutes before I got swapped by a beautiful girl. And I have completely forgotten about the dream girl. She was gone far before me and I had absolutely no chance to chat her up.

  Well, she is certainly going to show up here again. So, there is no reason to get saddened too much by the missed chance. Besides, the affair could wait, a need for sleep not.

  I made my way to the dining room to pick up my belongings and scan my finger. Afterwards, I rushed out of the place because that's what you do when you can't mentally stand it anymore.

  All the way back to the entrance, to the airport and to the minibus. The increasing desire to hit the hay made me pumped and willing to move my feet faster than most of my coworkers.

  Passing through an endless amount of travelers and security guards, making my way to the point where I can finally get into the bus and surrender my consciousness to the invaluable nap.

  We waited till 10:45 AM until all of the fellow Holoners arrived. I had to urge the driver to shut the radio, but the most that the asshole could do is to lower the volume.

  I had to withhold my grudge and do the best of my condition. I still was tired enough to get to a half napping condition while riding back home.

  It may or may not be important, but when a day is about to begin for the most of the nation and you find yourself among the few who go against the normal, it motivates you more than ever to fuck the system, as hard as, you possibly can.

  Once the driver stopped and called me out the bus, I opened my eyes and swiftly made my way out of this shit hole on four wheels.

  And, I could basically say I was home. Once again, it took few steps till the doors were open and I had zero regrets. The shift has passed and the dream girl was almost out of my mind, all I can say when I finally hit the pillow, it was like feeling after a journey at which one had a dragon to slay.

  The dream was subtle. I walked in between the lines of cash boxes at the store, I couldn't say I've dreamed at all. I thought I was still at work. However, there were some differences that couldn't go by unnoticed, in any way. I mean there were no people, and the lava flowing from the walls of the store. And, I simply walked through that all in my black suit and polished shoes. Feeling like a Lucifer of the Duty-Free.

  I woke up at 7:45 PM. My head did not ache but my eyes did hurt. You never can say how long it will take you to recover from a night shift. Sometimes, it's a day, sometimes, it's two.

  I stood off my bed and went on to wash my eyes. "You're a m
ess, Adi." I've thought to myself when I looked into the mirror.

  The barbershop was long closed at this time.

  I proceeded just for shaving and taking a shower.

  Then nourishment of my body was necessary, so I dressed up and went to the grocery store to buy a tuna and corn canes. I've also bought a thousand islands sauce.

  I've planned to have them all mixed together in a bowl and then consumed as an exquisite form of a salad.

  I just had enough cash to close the month as I perceived from a message that was sent to my phone the moment after I made the purchase.

  I quickly went back home to have my meal. After all, I was hungry as an Ogre and my meal was nutritious and healthy enough to satisfy my stomach and regular calories need.

  At 8:00 PM, the day was officially coming to its end, however for me, the waking hours had just begun. I took off my clothes, remaining only in the boxers and approached Lana for the news venue exploration. It is formidable to know that the world was turning around and it had much to offer to a curious mind.

  One of the interesting things that I willed to invest my time in was an article about science fiction movie starring legendary Tom Hanks and the ever gorgeous Emma Watson. The interesting idea at this very article that has caught my attention was the concept of limiting your information diet. Which basically means a practice of being aware of what kind of songs to listen, what kind of books you read and what kind of topics you follow. I've finished the article and leaned back in my seat to let it all sync.

  Chapter 7

  The human neocortex is indeed limited, unlike the mechanical counterpart, it hasn't evolved in centuries, rather its implications. Which means that what you think is what you do. What you do is what you are. It may take time to allocate your habits of data consumption, but a strict diet will make you a better professional.

  Limits on General Knowledge – yes, but nonetheless more powerful than anyone in your own specific field. Which in fact will grant you a status of an invaluable figure in that sphere of action. Think of Einstein. Mendeleev. J.K. Rowling or Buddha.

  There are many more examples, but the thing is that each one has to develop a system of thoughts and ideas consumption which in turn will affect thought and idea production. Think of input that forms output.

  Let's consider an example with my brilliant crime scenario: I input into my mind the guides and knowledge which are necessary for the preparation and execution of the plan. I take actions to test its success rate with simple side simulation. If everything goes well in the sandbox, I go out to the big world.

  Another example, let's say you are a woman, Armani Specialist. I'm not a huge fashion specialist but from what I know he has some very top tier products of fashion. Even not sure if they are for men or women. Anyhow, you read the news daily. You know all the scents of his perfumes.

  And then suddenly, you discover yourself in a situation where you are presented with Prada specialist that outperformed you at every level. You start to ponder whether you should pivot to reach the same results, but deep inside, you know that Armani is all you need and all you want. So, here is a decision to make a change and switch your daily Armani info diet or remain loyal to your routine but make an extra effort to bring innovation to your own old field.

  The input causes the output. Hope it does make sense.

  I looked at the clock and realized that I won't be able to fall asleep for a long time. Besides, it was 8 which meant the Sokolovski bar is open and I could go and drink some beer, listen to rock classics and might be fine to find myself a bang. That place was new for me, so I had no particular idea what I might find there but a barman and an affordable beer selection.

  Anyhow, I did not have anything better to do, so I decided I'd make myself a gift and buy a bottle of Slow Brew. What can possibly go wrong?

  I dressed up in the first set of clothes I found acceptable in my closet and made way slowly to the bar.

  There were teenagers lurking around and trying to get booze. Luckily for us, there is a law that prohibits a sale of alcohol and tobacco to teenagers. Can say for certain that through my entire life, I've been approached, at least, half a dozen times by teenagers in this country asking me to buy alcohol or tobacco for them. The thing is that if you get caught doing that, you get arrested. What is certainly not what you want? So, it is definitely a no-no.

  Some cars were passing by, probably people making their ways back home and in some cases to a party. Buses stop to operate at night and resume only early in the morning. That's no fun, but that's what we got.

  At 8:30 PM, I entered the bar, myself among very few male customers. It doesn't mean too much, I simply ordered for a beer and enjoyed a swift chat with the bartender. There is nothing else to do there. The screen projector plays some odd clips in a loop. Can say for certain, it is the best place in town.

  God knows how but some of the creep male visitors to the bar got some of the cutest girls around, as their girlfriends. I don't let myself think about that too much and just enjoy the bottle of beer I've ordered. Eventually, I'm going to make something happen. And if the price for is loneliness to some degree, it is a reasonable price in my judgment.

  Paying for a beer once it is served is kind of a habit of mine. Don't want to waste time after I finish it. I just want to leave and get to more challenging things.

  I feel that 10% alcohol is making its way to my brain. For some freaky reasons, it helps me to concentrate better. So, I pulled out my smartphone and use that tiny time boost to my own advantage. I read one of the guides 10 minutes in a row. People kept coming and going and talking and laughing. While I paid attention to them only to the point that I would notice if some sort of brutality is about to appear.

  When the boost has passed, I folded and went home without saying a word. The hardest part of going home drunk is to actually make it to the door without getting in a brawl or any other kind of unwanted adventure. The secret is to walk along a straight line. It's not that complicated, you make as few turns as possible and stop only when it's really necessary. At night, there are way fewer cars than at daytime. Which means you stop at the crossroads only when there is a traffic.

  Once at home, I had to take an extra shower. It gets that hot in the summer that you stop counting how many times you take a shower a day.

  That is possibly the right thing to do, but I never do the right thing. Unfortunately. I'm talking about going to sleep, of course.

  And however, you put it but there is always a need to do something better. So, I approached Lana once again and started to go over the code of the Trojan.

  Sometimes, semi-sober mind can spot things that a completely sober mind can't... it's just like giving someone else to look at your code.

  An hour in and an hour out. But it took a decent amount of time to get some updates to the algorithm that would allow me to go sleep with a feeling of completion.

  Corky or not, but the walk into the bar made my day.

  Sleep was peaceful and energizing.

  As always, ability to sleep away from this world into another dimension makes you feel a bit better.

  I wouldn't take on myself the responsibility to suggest that a lack of experience is the main reason for failure in a venue that you're dealing with. However, it is probably the case.

  If it walks like a cow, does moo like a cow then it's probably a cow.

  What's the point of this paragraph, you asking me? Well, the point is that if you want to be good at something you got to fail at it a lot. And another point is that apples fall from apple trees, not oaks or willows. However, what I mean is that if you've been studying computer science don't let it go to waste and do something with it. I think it's like a closure of my dream to become an attorney.

  After it would be nonsense to be hit by an apple falling from an oak. Although, there is a chance even for that. A chance close to zero is a chance, nonetheless.

  On the 29th of May at 8
AM. I got to get going and prepare myself for a regular job day. This is essential I keep telling myself for the greater good. For the greater good. We all have plans during our lifetime. However, as I stated before, men make plans and Gods laugh. If the Goddess fortune ever smiles, it's to those who are ready to make the sacrifice of time, effort and, at times, money.

  It's doubtful if anybody else prepares for the working day the same I do. I can bet, it starts with two sips of red label only for me and Shahar. Although, I can't say that Shahar takes only two sips.

  The rest of the routine, although, is quite very likely the same for most of the coworkers of the Duty-Free. Washing your face, brushing your teeth. Dressing up into the suit which is the form. Taking the charged phone and the security pass just to make it to the door and recall that not to forget to take some food to keep yourself alive during the shift.

  Yeah, my lunches aren't fancy, but there are people who eat even less than that. Besides, the amount of people who order all 100% of restaurant’s menu at any given time or during a period of time is close to zero. So, I'll stick to my pork and beans. I mean beans and tuna. Pork is no kosher.

  The time was about right to get going as I've checked everything for one last time and it appeared to me that it is all set. All I had to do is to lock the doors and make my jolly way to the pickup point.

  At exactly 9 AM, I was standing there and waiting for them to come. It took them about 8 minutes to come over. Not that something special has happened, but rather the driver was late for some reason. Once at the bus, I found out that one of his friends had a kid who needed AB+ blood group infusion. The poor child was suffering from Leukemia.

  The rest of the ride was in silence. It took us about 35 minutes to arrive at the airport. Fortunately, there was 17 minutes to get to the Duty-Free, which was more than enough. I made my way through my usual route and it was official, the number of people standing there and waiting for their passports to be checked and permission to board a plane was astonishing.


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