The Harem Girl: A LitRPG Fantasy: New Complete Edition

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The Harem Girl: A LitRPG Fantasy: New Complete Edition Page 1

by Quinn Dallas



  This written work contains adult situations, strong language, & violence in a gritty fantasy setting. Please do not read or review if you find such content disturbing.

  - The Author

  This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


  First edition. July 25, 2017.

  Copyright © 2017 Quinn Dallas.

  Written by Quinn Dallas.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14


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  Thousands of years ago a race of ancient beings came to earth. They built a worldwide crystalline computer network. Its purpose, to test humanity's mettle using VRMMO style games.

  Centuries later college girl Amy Prescott accidentally awakens the long slumbering network. Now trapped in a VR simulation based on her fan girl fantasies, there appears to be no way out.

  Amy soon finds herself traded to the Half-Orc Bashir as his reluctant concubine. Stuck as a character with high sex appeal, but little defense seems more than unfair. Amy must learn to master the secret skills she needs to survive.

  Will she escape the game? Or be forever trapped in virtual reality?

  Chapter 1

  “Fucking Humans!” I cursed. The bandits had left me tied to a great Oak. Soon night would come and the Dark Elves would patrol these woods. It had been stupid of me to let my guard down. Yet, when I found a helpless old woman struggling with her disabled mule, I felt compelled to help. Of course, my compassion had gotten the better of me. The old woman turned out to be a disguised bandit. As soon as I dismounted my horse, the thieves descended upon me. I fought them, but a sneak attack from behind knocked me cold.

  When I awoke, my mount and supplies were gone and the thieves had bound me to a tree. Everyone knew the forests of Arden were dangerous. To make matters worse the Dark Elves ruled here. So it was wise to avoid the area at night. I'd calculated that I could make it to the nearest town before nightfall. Which I would've if not for this current misfortune.

  Now, tied and helpless I was easy prey for the nightly patrols. The rumor was they fed living captives to their ferocious mounts. Before long I heard a menacing snarl. A large Dire Wolf trotted towards me with a tall ebony skinned Elf on his back. The beast drew closer, its hot breath on my face. Then it bared menacing fangs as glowing red eyes regarded me with hunger.

  The monster's Dark Elf Rider dismounted. Not making a sound as he strolled towards me. It was then that I realized he wasn't alone. A second of his kind rode up from behind. My heart dropped.

  "Hvað hefur þú fundið vinur minn?"

  "Herra minn, það er Daystar kona!" he then spoke Common. "She's alone and defenseless."

  The second Dark Elf leapt from his Dire Wolf mount and approached me. "Are we certain?"

  The young soldier, sniffed the air and then turned to his commander. "There are no others near."

  The older huntsman pulled a long knife from his belt. Then he approached me. My heart sank, until I realized that he was cutting my bonds away.

  "Who are you?" he asked in the Common language.

  "I'm Arwyn Daystar," I replied.

  "What is a Daystar Elf doing here?" the commander pointed at me with the tip of his blade. "Are you a spy?"

  "I'm no spy," I answered. "Human rogues ambushed me."

  He studied me for a moment and then spoke. "My name is Kelvin Nightshade.” He then gestured to his riding companion, "And that is Malin."

  "I know there is no love lost between our kind," I pleaded. "But perhaps I could repay your kindness somehow?"

  There was a long pause and then Kelvin spoke, "Normally, we'd slay you and move on." He rubbed his chin, "But 'tis rare to come across such a beauty.”

  Realizing, my glamour had enthralled him I replied, "Then it's a yes?"

  Kelvin then commanded, "Malin- leave us!"

  The smaller Dark Elf smirked before vanishing into the wilderness with his mount. Now I was alone with my handsome Elf. Kelvin was the most exotic male I'd ever laid eyes on. His skin was rich and dark in color, smooth and perfect like obsidian. His stark white hair hung in a long, thick braid. But it was his eyes that mesmerized me. Twin violet pools that almost seemed to glow in the moonlight.

  The Dark Elf wrapped his arm around my waist and drew me close. His musky scent reminding me of crushed oak leaves. By all rights I should've resisted him. But I didn't. Perhaps it was frustration from having lost my mount and goods. Or even the loneliness, of having been without a mate for so long. Elves were sensual creatures, we needed the pleasures of the flesh to sustain us. I suspected our Dark Elf cousins were no different.

  Kelvin took my chin in his hands, "I thought you would never come!”

  “T’was difficult to escape my peoples watchful eyes!’ I spoke breathless.

  “My desire for you drives me to take great risks!” Kelvin Nightshade's dark eyes locked on mine.

  I responded by pulling him closer and parting my lips for a kiss. Kelvin's rough tongue dove into my mouth, wet, searching, and hungry. He lifted me up and carried be towards a crumbling ruin wall. Then he placed my back against it, The rough surface scratched my exposed skin. I grabbed his leather pants and pulled them down. Then grinned wide as his leathers pooled around his ankles. Our clandestine sex games were becoming sloppy. I worried our growing boldness would lead to tragedy. Kelvin grunted as his dark and swollen cock sprung forth. Then he kissed my neck. I inhaled his musky scent. He then removed my tunic. My breasts bounced free and Kelvin growled in appreciation. Soon he was suckling and licking my hardening nipples, driving me mad with passion.

  I knelt before him. Kelvin's eyes widened as I slipped his throbbing member into my mouth. I closed my lips around the shaft and ran my tongue over his hardness.

  "It's been so long," Kelvin moaned as I sucked him. "Too long without the touch of a woman."

  Kelvin pumped his hips, as I continued to pleasure him with my mouth. Then he pulled free and lifted me up onto the stone wall. Now, I sat before him. The roguish Dark Elf pulled my leather breeches down. Then he produced his knife and cut away my underpants. Normally, I would protest such an action. Yet, his raw passion held me completely enthralled.

  Next, the lusty Elven horseman pushed two fingers inside of me. Probing my hole deep as he could go. His thick fingers slipped back and forth. It didn't hurt. In fact, I was wet, damp, and receptive. My body tingled, responding to his expert stimulation.

  "Do you want more?" Kelvin whispered into my ear.

  "Oh yes," I moaned. "By all the gods, yes." I knew our illicit coupling was forbidden. Dark Elves and Daystars were sworn enemies. In fact, our clans would kill us on sight had they had discovered us. The very reason for our elaborate deception.

  Kelvin moaned, and lifted me from the stone wall. Next, laying me on a bed of leaves. Soon, he hovered over me and prepared to take me with passion. I entwined my fingers in his hair, pulling him cl
oser. I'd never experienced such raw emotion. He moved dangerously close until our lips almost touched-


  The buzzing alarm woke me from the sexiest dream ever. I rubbed my eyes and squinted at the morning light streaming through my window.

  "Dammit," I moaned. I'd been having nightly dreams about my fantasy character Arwyn. Each one involving a heated encounter with a different RPG fantasy male. Tonight it had been a passionate Dark Elf. The evening before it was a rough and lusty Minotaur. Too bad in real life I was a prude. Dreams were one thing, but I'd still not gone all the way with my boyfriend, Brock. Not that he didn't try often enough.

  "Amy my girl," I shook my head. "You read way too much fanfic!" I rubbed my eyes and fumbled for my glasses. I found them on my dresser, laying next to my custom figurine of Arwyn. It had arrived just a few weeks ago, a perfect representation of my Elven Rogue. The twelve-inch resin statue had cost a small fortune, but was worth it.

  The detail was astounding, right down to her pointed ears, blond hair, and bright green eyes. Arwyn had been my go-to RPG character for years. I played her every second Saturday in our college's tabletop gaming group. To call me obsessed would be an understatement. In fact, It was just another thing that frustrated my boyfriend. He felt I spent more time with my gamer friends than with him. Pushing aside my bag of polyhedral dice, I picked up my smart phone and read the highlighted message.




  Wow, I'd almost forgotten! Today was Professor Martin's classroom dig at the local Indian Mounds! I'd never been more excited about anything, not even gaming. I sprung out of bed and headed towards the shower.

  "No time to waste," I said aloud. "I can't be late for this!"

  Chapter 2

  "Come on Amy," Brock pressed himself against me as I attempted to pull away. Persistent, he planted a sloppy kiss on my lips. I tried to wriggle free as his hardness pressed against my thigh. While I didn't mind a little making out, my amorous boyfriend was ready for much more. I'm no prude. Sure, I've kissed my share of boys. But I drew the line at second base. The sad part? Most guys wanted to hit a homerun with extra innings.

  "No, we have to get back." I put my palms on his chest and pushed. Brock and I had been dating for the last few months. Everyone said I was lucky to have him. He was wealthy, athletic, and a sure bet to be a future success. Yet there was something missing in our relationship. Perhaps it was age. We were both still young. High School seemed like just yesterday. Now here I was at a Junior at Midwest University. Still, I wasn't ready to get serious with anyone.

  "Are you going to leave me like this?" Brock grabbed his swollen crotch. "Come on baby- that ain't fair."

  "Is that all you think about?" I buttoned up my shirt.

  "Not even a quick blow job?" he pouted and rolled over onto his back. "That's the least you could do!"

  What is it with guys and sex? Most dudes seemed to think that a girl owes them an orgasm. The most Brock had ever got from me was a quick handy-J in the back of his car. And that was only because he kept pestering me. It may sound old fashioned, but I was saving my virginity for the right guy. At first I thought that guy might be him, but it became obvious that wasn't the case.

  "No means no," I shook my head. "I don't want to lose my v-card on a dirty blanket."

  "You keep giving me blue balls Amy-" his cheeks reddened. "And I might go find another girl"

  Seriously? He wanted to pull that tired old trick?

  The number of times boys had used that line on me were too many to count. Besides, I wanted to get back to the dig site.

  "Professor Martin will be looking for us." I pulled dried grass from my hair.

  "I can't believe I volunteered," Brock got up and stretched. "Just to poke around some dumb pile of rocks."

  "It's a newly discovered burial mound," I corrected him. "And there's evidence that a sizable native settlement once lived here." At that point there was no hiding my nerdgasm. Exploring a recent dig was a rare opportunity. So when professor Martin asked for volunteers, I was first in line. Brock only came along to be alone with me. I assumed he wanted to just get laid. That was the furthest thing from my mind.

  "Let's get back," I headed in the direction of our group's encampment. Brock trailed behind me.

  "Damn mosquitoes!" he slapped his arm. "They are everywhere!”

  "There's swampland all around us," I replied.

  "Digging up old bones isn't as much fun as in the movies." Brock continued to pout.

  "What are you talking about!" I raised my hands in the air. "This is a huge discovery and Professor Martin-"

  "Is a crackpot who believes in aliens!" He shook his head.

  "His theories are controversial," I stretched my arms above my head. "But he's one of the most cutting-edge archaeologists in the world."

  The truth being I was one hundred percent in my element. I'd been into ancient alien theory since my teens. Most of my friends thought I was weird. Lately, I learned not to say much about it. Yet there were so many things we couldn't explain. Historical anomalies and legends that cried out for investigation. Since there wasn't a degree in studying aliens, I pursued the next best thing- Archaeology. Working with Professor Martin was a dream come true for a geeky kid from Columbus. The quirky, gray haired man, even hosted his own cable television show- Discovering Aliens!

  It didn't take us long to get back to camp. Tents and trailers had been set up for our small group. The professor handpicked his favorite students to come with him overnight. Of course a few of us brought along significant others for "help". The professor didn't seem to mind. That just meant more hands to assist with the digging.

  "Oh Ms. Prescott,” he called out as we approached. "I'm glad you're back." He rushed over to me and held out a small bit of pottery. "What do you make of this?" He raised the fragment. I was careful not to touch it. Leaning in close I inspected the shard. It was pit fired clay and embossed with a series of curious symbols.

  "Interesting," I peered closer. "There appears to be a human figure of some sort. Perhaps a warrior? He's holding a weapon in his hand- I think it’s a spear? This spiral symbol is interesting. We usually see that style of work in the Southwest."

  "Good," he nodded his encouragement. "What else?"

  "They're seven stars drawn here, perhaps the Pleiades-"

  "I believe it is an account of an extraterrestrial visit!" he interrupted. "Notice how the warrior emerges from the spiral. As if stepping through from another world."

  "The Progenitor Theory!" I fought back my fangirl excitement.

  "Yes," he wrapped the shard in a clean white cloth. "We may just find evidence of it yet."

  "Are you serious?" Brock interrupted. "There's nothing here but mosquitoes and old broken pots!"

  "Brock, sometimes you are the worst!" I shook my head.

  "No worries Amy," the professor headed back towards storage area. "Not everyone appreciates such esoteric studies. Now I must put this away to protect it from the elements."

  "That guy's a kook," Brock placed a hand on my shoulders. "-And if you keep hanging around him people will think you're one too. I swear if you weren't so hot, I wouldn't even be here!"

  "Just stop," my face flushed red. "Don't say another word!" I stormed off in the direction of our tent. Brock didn't even bother to follow me. It didn't concern me as much as it should've. I knew other girls were eyeing him. Brock was one-hundred percent all-American male. Tall and blond, with sea-blue eyes and a winning smile, he broke hearts all over campus. Why didn't I have stronger feelings for him? Our first few dates were fun. But after a while things between us cooled. He was an Abercrombie guy and I was a nerdy girl who spent hours reading ancient history books and gaming. I might actually be relieved if another girl took Brock off my hands. What real world guy could compete with lusty Minotaurs and horny Dark Elves?

  Lost in m
y thoughts, I kept walking. Moving further and further away from camp.

  "Some fun trip this turned out to be." I mumbled as I strolled along a dirt trail. The truth was it would've been fun if Brock hadn't come along. While the archaeology class was extra credit for some, it was a dream come true for me.

  "Miss Prescott!" Professor Martin approached from behind. "You must come- I think I found something!"

  "What?" I raised my eyebrows.

  "A cave, with the most interesting pictographs!" He shook with excitement. "Do you have your phone with you?"

  "My phone?" I fished in my pockets and pulled out my Android. "What do we need a phone for?"

  "To take photos- follow me!"

  I followed the elderly man down a winding trail. Before long we came to a cave entrance. I reached into my saddlebag and pulled out a flashlight. Professor Martin stood at the entrance waving his arms. "Hurry, it will be dark soon! This finding is incredible."

  When we entered the cave, it smelled of pine cones and damp earth. Caves were usually the homes of wild animals. The possibility of an enraged coyote tearing us to pieces crossed my mind.

  "Perhaps we should've gone back for the others?" I turned on my flashlight.

  "We will," The professor interrupted me. "But I wanted to get some pictures to send back to the University right away!"

  "OK, " I shone the light ahead of us. "Let's not go too far in!"

  The Professor trudged ahead and then stopped. "Look here!"

  I held up my flashlight and aimed it at the cave wall. What I saw took my breath away. An enormous golden spiral was deeply engraved into the wall. What struck me was not only the size, but the precision. It was a perfect circle- there was no way it had been hand carved. Without thinking I ran my fingers over the design.

  "Magnificent, isn't it?" the professor beamed. "Here give me your phone for the picture. Hold the flashlight to keep it lit" I did as the professor told me. Taking in the entirety of what lay before us. The walls were decorated in what appeared to be some kind of hieroglyphic writing. Yet these strange symbols were like nothing I'd ever seen. Just like the spiral they were perfectly rendered. With a precision certainly no primitive people could’ve managed.


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