The Harem Girl: A LitRPG Fantasy: New Complete Edition

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The Harem Girl: A LitRPG Fantasy: New Complete Edition Page 6

by Quinn Dallas

  “Is there something amusing?” Munir arched his brow.

  “This blade is so small,” I answered. “How am I supposed to defend myself with it?”

  Munir seemed unamused, “With cunning, guile, and misdirection.”

  “I don't understand,” I bit my lower lip.

  “I know,” he replied. “Yet it is my job to teach you.”

  “Then let us begin!” I twirled the tiny dagger in my hand.

  To call training with Munir grueling would be an understatement. I had believed the tasking work in Nadine’s kitchen difficult. Munir’s workouts were ten times as worse. He ran me through repetitive drills. Teaching me to strike quickly and then get away.

  “Remember,” he cautioned. “Your goal is to incapacitate the enemy and then escape. Long fights are not your strong point.

  He coached me in a variety of ways to escape grappling holds and turn the tables on a much larger foe. It dawned on me that the Courtesan Class was a crazy mashup between Bard and Rogue. Not heavy on hit points or defenses. But able to confuse enemies and deal a shocking amount of burst damage.

  During our lessons Munir taught me about about a shocking variety of poison's. Many of them crafted from common plants found in the environment. Munir was much more than he seemed. I soon realized I was in the presence of master assassin of the highest order.

  Weeks passed under his careful teaching. I knew Basir wouldn't allow me to leave until he was certain I was no longer defenseless.

  The strange thing was that my Half-Orc was noticeably absent from the desert compound. I knew that had chosen to avoid seeing me. The days leading up to my departure passed at a rapid pace. When Munir decided I was ready he simply stated “Your training has been sufficient.”

  I felt more than ready to face the desert and find the Game Master! On the day I prepared to leave I found the most curious gift on my nightstand. A leather garter with four throwing daggers holstered into it. Perfect weapons for a surprise attack.

  "ARE YOU CERTAIN YOU want to leave?" Nadine handed me a leather pouch filled with water. The old woman tried to hide the sadness in her eyes.

  "I have to try to get back home." I attached the pouch to the War-Boar's saddle.

  "But you have no idea if there is even a way to return."

  "I can't explain it," I patted my mounts back. "But there was something special about that Oasis."

  "It's dangerous," Nadine interrupted. "At least allow Bashir to go with you".

  "I don't think that's a good idea," I turned my back to old woman.

  "You two are the most stubborn creatures I've ever met." Nadine let out a breath of exasperation.

  "Things just aren't that simple."

  "What could be more simple" Nadine threw up her hands. "You are a woman and he's a man. And any idiot can see that you both desire one another."

  "Enough already," My voice raised in pitch. "You have a kind heart Nadine, but this is for the best."

  "I understand." Nadine placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

  I hugged the old woman. "You have been kinder than anyone I've met since I got here. But I want to go home."

  "There's nothing I can do to stop you!" The old woman answered. "But this should be enough water to last the trip to the old ruins."

  I hopped onto the great Boar's back. In my time here I'd become quite practiced at riding the beasts. It was a skill I never thought I'd master. But Munir had insisted that I learn to ride. The stable hands seemed amused at my determination but they all did their best to help.

  "May the goddess bless your travels," Nadine crossed herself. "I pray you find your way home."

  I blinked back tears and didn't dare to say anything else. The truth being that It'd grown close to old Nadine. But despite that it was time for me to return to where I belonged.

  I snapped the beast's reigns. The giant boar let out a snort and took off towards the compound's gate. As I passed the alcoves a figure in the shadows watched me, I didn't dare look to see who it was.

  "Goodbye Bashir," I whispered.

  I traveled for what seemed like an eternity. The desert sun beat down without pity. I'd forgotten how comfortable Bashir's compound was. Exposed in the unbearable desert heat I contemplated returning to Bashir. I must get home. I told myself as the War Boar continued to lumber towards the forgotten Oasis.

  I soon found shade under an outcropping of rock and rested there. I poured water into the thankful creature's mouth. Never had I imagined that the giant animal would be so affectionate. But the War Boar licked my hand in gratitude

  "It's OK boy, we'll be there soon," I purred into the War Boar's ear. I reasoned the Oasis would prove to be a nice home for it. Provided the simulation continued after I departed. I unfurled the leathery map given to me. It showed the Oasis wasn't far at all. "We should get there in a another day's ride," I patted the great boar's back.

  I spread my sleeping blanket on the ground next to the beast. Then I looked up at the darkening sky. A large crescent moon hung low. I felt for my dagger, securely tied to my waist. The Orc desert was a dangerous place. But no matter the risk - I was going home.

  BEFORE THE SUN SET and the twin moons rose, I'd managed to come upon the old ruins. I pulled up my HUD display and called up the map. There was a glowing circle that indicated an entrance into the walled Oasis. My tired War Boar took slow steady steps towards the mysterious outcropping. I could attempt to find the same crack in the wall from before. But that meant abandoning my mount. I knew he wasn't real.

  But it seemed cruel to abandon the poor creature.

  When we reached the place indicated on the map, I searched for an entrance. There was nothing that seemed to hint at an entrance. As the Orc slavers who caught me had brought their mounts with them. I knew there must be some kind of passage. My eyes fell on a discolored patch of rock. It was lighter in color than the stone surrounding it. I pressed against it but it didn't' move. Refusing to give up I scanned my surroundings.

  It was then that I noticed a round stone embedded in the wall. I grabbed the weird rock and attempted to turn it like a handle. But it didn't budge. Next, I pushed it - the stone shifted a little. So I continued pressing. The rock pressed inward and I heard a distinct click. The large discolored patch of stone shook and then slid backwards. I did it! I managed to find the larger entrance. I grabbed my War Boar's reigns and led him inside. Before long we were in the cool Oasis that I remembered. The strange reptilian-birds chirped at our arrival. Seeking to quench my thirst, I made straight for the pond.

  The water was as cool and clear as I remembered it. My thankful mount began to lap up the water. I knelt at the pond's edge and scooped up a handful of water. It tasted so fresh and clear. My dry mouth and throat were soon quenched. I realized that now it was time to explore my surroundings. I pulled up my holographic map and looked it over. I noticed that the map seemed to indicate some kind of structure to the north. Leaving my War-Boar safely at the water's edge, I headed towards it.

  There was no choice. I would find a solution to the AI's puzzle and free myself from this virtual reality trap.

  Before long, I came upon the most marvelous sight. A large carving of a bearded human face loomed before me. A waterfall poured from its open mouth and splashed against the rock. I made my way towards the fantastic structure. Beneath the waterfall I could make out, what appeared to be some kind of cave entrance. Taking a deep breath, I walked through the curtain of water. On the other side I found a large opening. I stepped into it , only to discover a steep stairwell that descended into the earth. Stranger still were the lit torches that illuminated the way downward.

  Unable to hide my excitement I headed downwards, praying that I'd find the way home. Before long I came to the end of the stairwell. A carved wooden door stood before me. Without hesitation I pushed against it. It opened with an eerie silence and I stepped through. I next found myself inside a glorious temple. I immediately recognized the carvings on it the wall. There wer
e just like the ones I'd found with Professor Martin.

  But what was even more exciting was what stood in the chambers center. A large metallic plate suspended between two pillars. It's spiral pattern spinning and glowing. I'd found it ! I approached and waited for some reaction. , nothing happened.

  “There must be some way to activate this,” I said aloud. I scanned the room looking for some kind of clue on how to activate the AI. But I recognized nothing. I was so intent in my search that I didn't notice someone had approached behind me.

  “Hello, pretty Daystar!” a menacing voice hissed.

  I SPUN ROUND TO FIND a familiar trio. The Orc slavers who had first captured me stood in the doorway. The leader grinned wide and revealed his tusks. How in the hell had they managed to find me down here?

  “So you managed to escape your master?” He grinned a shark's smile.

  “I've been set free,” I replied. “Not that it's any business of yours!”

  “It's not often I get to profit twice from the same catch!” He stroked his chin.

  “What do you mean by that?” I placed my hands on my hips.

  “You don't think we're going to leave such a valuable prize unclaimed?”

  I narrowed my eyes and pulled up my HUD. The three Orcs were definitely stronger and faster than I was. But I had my Courtesan skills to rely on. Instinctively, I smiled and spoke in my most seductive voice. “Can we work something out?”

  The Orc-Slaver wagged his eyebrows and grinned wider, “What have ye' to trade?”

  It was then that I noticed a glowing blue message scroll past the edge of my vision.



  “Why don't you get rid of your men?” I lowered my voice. “And then we can talk.”

  “You heard the lady,” he commanded. “Go!”

  His two Orc companions paused and regarded me suspiciously. Then they both turned and left the chamber. Leaving me alone with the Orc-Slaver.

  “My dear,” he cooed. “You are about to experience pleasure that only Tavarikh can give.”

  Chapter 8

  “Well handsome Tavarikh,” I replied. “Why don't you come and show me what you've got.”

  The overconfident Orc unbuckled his belt and dropped his weapons. Then he made his way towards me. Next, he wrapped a meaty hand around my waist and pulled me towards him.

  Tavarikh breath was hot and stale. I winced at the unpleasant smell, but maintained my composure. When I struck it would have to be without hesitation. My only way out of this situation would be to use every tool at my disposal.

  Tavarikh nibbled my neck as he ran his rough hands up-and-down my body. I fought back my revulsion as he pulled me closer. As much as his touch sickened me, I would endure it. But when the moment came I would strike. The Orc pawed at my tunic and shoved his ham-sized hands underneath. His clammy hands groping my breast as he bit my neck. I faked a moan of excitement as I reached for the dagger hidden in my garter.

  The big brute of an Orc was much too preoccupied too notice. There wasn't much time and I knew that I had to act immediately. I brought the dagger down hard into his back.

  “Arrrrgh!” The green-skinned barbarian screamed out in pain. Then he shoved me backwards, I kept my balance. Tavarikh attempted to pull my blade from between his shoulder blades. I'd already pulled the second dagger from my garter, and moved in for the kill. One quick slash to the monster's throat would do it. I lunged forward but this time Tavarikh was ready. He swatted me away and knocked me into a pillar. I hit the stone pillar hard. Dizzy, I attempted to stand but it was too late.

  Somehow my enemy had managed to yank the blade from his back. “You bitch!” he shouted. Then he thundered towards me, his own short-sword in hand. I knew then that this was the end. The rampaging Orc meant to have my head. I struggled to maneuver away from the incoming sword strike. Then a booming male voice echoed throughout the chamber.

  “Leave her alone!”

  It was then that my eyes fell on Bashir. He was standing in the doorway, flanked by two Orc Slavers. Tavarikh spun round and glared at imposing Half-Orc.

  “What business is it of yours?” He growled. “She attacked me and I'll have my revenge.”

  “That woman belongs to me!” Bashir placed a hand on his sword hilt.

  “Does she now?” Tavarikh replied. “That's not how she tells it.”

  “She escaped,” Bashir continued. "But she is my property!"

  My face reddened- being referred to as property raised my hackles. Even though I knew that Bashir was bluffing. It was obvious he had come to my rescue. But would he be able to bluff the slaver? The murderous Orc had every intention of killing me. I wasn't sure if he could be persuaded otherwise.

  “She's quite valuable,” The Slave Master spat. “What will ye' give me for her return?”

  “Your life,” Bashir growled.

  “That's the way you want to play it?” Tavarikh motioned for his men to stand back. “Then so be it!”

  Without warning the large Orc lunged at Bashir. The Half-Orc pulled his sword free and parried the incoming attack. Undaunted, Tavarikh struck again. This time his blow connected with Bashir's blade, knocking the Half-Orc backwards. I stood and rushed towards them, only to have one of the watching Orc's grab my shoulder.

  “This is a matter of honor,” he said. “You cannot interfere.”

  I watched in horror as Tavarikh rained down blow after devastating blow. Bashir was a strongly built man, but his opponent was the huge. The giant Orc's muscles rippled with power as he continued to press his attack. Bashir managed to dodge and out maneuver his opponents sword devastating sword strikes. But for how long?

  Tavarikh swung his blade and Bashir blocked again. But this time the Orc Slavemaster managed to strike Bashir in the jaw with his fist. The Half-Orc went flying backwards, but was soon on his feet again. Greenish blood trickled from his nose. Bashir wiped it away with the back of his hand and grunted.

  “You have no honor slaver!” he said. “That is why I will win!”

  “You talk too much ye Half-breed bastard!” Tavarikh replied. Then he bull-rushed towards the shaken Half-Orc. Bashir didn't attempt to dodge this time. Instead he leapt towards his attacker with loud shout. The room shook with the sounds of battle as their swords connected mid-air. Sparks sprung from their connecting blades.

  Bashir had managed to press his attack. It was soon obvious that Tavarikh was tiring. It dawned on me that had been the Half-Orc's plan. To save his strength and wear his opponent down. He continued to strike blow-after-blow, while Tavarikh blocked. Then Bashir managed to land a fierce kick to his foe's chest. The Orc-Slaver grunted and fell back. Unrelenting, Bashir struck hard with his sword. This time he landed a disarming blow. Tavarikh blade hit the ground and skidded across the floor.

  “Yield!” Bashir demanded.

  Ann unexpected voice filled the room.




  The entire room began to shake and debris fell from the ceiling. With horror I realized the AI had started a cave-in. The entire temple room was collapsing. Bashir darted towards me leaving Tavarikh where he lay.

  “We have to get out of here!” he commanded.

  “No” I screamed. “I've almost solved the puzzle! I'm too close to give up now.”

  “If you don't go, you'll die.” Bashir grabbed my shoulders. “We must leave!”

  My heart sand at the prospect! I'd worked so hard to find this place, and now my dreams of escape ended. It was then that I noticed Tavarikh had regained his footing. The large Orc approached His great sword raised high. Without thinking, I screamed “Behind you!”

  Bashir turned on his heel with dizzying speed. Before Tavarikh could land his deadly blow, the Half-Orc had attack
ed. His blade buried itself in the attacking Orc's chest. Tavarikh eyes widened with disbelief as he crumbled to the ground. I stared at the Orc-Slavers motionless body as a river of green tinged blood pooled beneath him.

  “We must leave NOW!” Bashir scooped me up in his powerful arms and ran towards the door. We made it through just as the ceiling collapsed behind us. I stared over Bashir's shoulder when I realized my only chance of escape was gone forever.

  WE REACHED THE TOP of the stairs, and stared up at the darkening sky. A party of Orc's greeted us. A husky green-skinned scout approached and asked, “Where is Tavarikh?”

  “Dead,” Bashir replied.

  There was a momentary silence and then the Orc scout spoke again.

  “Since you have defeated him, you've earned the right to lead us.”

  The others nodded in agreement. Bashir turned a grim face towards the remaining Orc's and spoke.

  “I am your leader then,” he paused. “Is there a healer among you?”

  A thin Orc approached and bowed, “Are you injured?”

  Bashir removed his hand from his chest and revealed a frightening looking gash. The Orc healer grimaced and then spoke. “I can tend that wound, but it will take time to heal.”

  I watched as the healer applied a salve and then bandaged the injury. The other Orcs stood silent and I could feel their eyes on us. I wondered if they were trustworthy? When the healer had finished his work, Bashir spoke.

  “I will return to my estate,” he said. “All who would join me may follow.”

  There was rumbling among the Orc's and I could sense the unease. Finally, one of them raised his voice. “What will you have us do then milord?”

  “Who is the Captain?” Bashir asked.

  “I am,” the tall Orc stepped forward.

  “This Oasis is ours,” the Half-Orc continued. “Have Orcs clear that passageway. I want to regain access to the temple”

  “Whatever lay in there, is destroy mi'lord” the Tall Orc replied.


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