Alien Seduction

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Alien Seduction Page 5

by Amelia Wilson

  Notla walked into the bedroom not sure what to expect. He saw Sarah looking through a book the aliens had brought from earth to entertain their guests.

  “Sarti thinks you're sleeping,” he said softly.

  “I don't want to hurt his feelings. I just needed some alone time.” She put the book down and gave him her attention.

  “You've been needing that a lot lately.” Notla sat next to her and reached out to feel her emotions. She was conflicted about something. He thought he knew what it was. Well, that wasn’t true he hoped he knew what it was. He still didn’t want to believe she was going to hurt them.

  “I know,” she leaned her head on his shoulder.

  “You're worried about carrying our young in your body, he said, it's okay to be as scared. I know you thought you'd conceive faster.”

  “That's not it, Notla.” She looked at him with sadness in her eyes. He ignored it.

  “It's just when you thought it would happen fast you didn't have time to worry and now that it's been a couple months you're worried.” He took her hand willing that to be the problem.

  “No, it's not that. Have you ever thought something with your whole self? There was no doubt that how you believed was the way it was.”

  “Sure,” Notla said, “I believed I could keep my family safe.” He fought the grief that always flooded him when he thought of his mate and their young.

  Sarah's face softened. “I'm so sorry Notla. It's just that I'm conflicted about what to do.”

  “Is there something you need to tell me? Is there something you need to get off of your chest?” Notla thought maybe she would just come out with it. Maybe she would let him know what was going on.

  “So, I guess the best way to put it is I’m not who you think I am,” Sarah started. “You have to have an open mind and understand that since your planet joined our solar system I have been part of a resistance.”

  “A resistance,” Notla kept his voice down and didn’t give her any indication she was setting off alarm bells. Inside he was going insane. He knew this was it, this was the moment he could change the path. His woman was the one who meant to harm them.

  “Yes, a resistance. We are against the mating of aliens and humans. We’ve had a plan in effect since the beginning to stop it.”

  That was not what he thought she would say. He truly felt like the danger was her as a lone wolf. He thought it was a disease she carried or something that she hadn’t intended to do. Even when he followed her he hadn’t felt like she was out to do anything sinister. Now he knew he’d been completely wrong.

  “How were you going to stop it, Sarah,” he asked afraid to know the answer.

  “Poison,” she lifted her sleeve and showed him a small scar.

  “It’s in your blood?”

  “No, it’s inserted into my skin. It’s in a vial. I was supposed to release it soon after I arrived and then fake an illness to be sent back to earth. I just enjoyed my time with you and now that I’ve met some children of human mothers I’m just so conflicted.”

  He needed to be careful. Whatever he said right now could either help or hurt them.

  “Do you still wish to release the poison?”

  “No, I want it out of me. I want to go home and leave you alone. I want to have your young. There are so many things I want that I don’t know anymore which the right path is.”

  Notla suddenly understood something he hadn’t before. “There’s a reason you haven’t gotten pregnant isn’t there?”

  “Yes, it’s something inserted to block your sperm.”

  He had to sit down then. Right in the middle of the floor. This woman’s sole purpose for coming to the planet was not to give them young but to hurt them. He couldn’t believe it and now he didn’t know what to do.

  “Okay is that it? It’s a lot to take in that you are actually here to hurt us.” Notla said. He had listened quietly as Sarah explained the plan to him and didn’t leave anything out. Well, almost anything.

  She came down to the floor on her knees in front of him. She took her face in his hands. “I want you to help me. Help me remove this so I can get pregnant, help me get the poison out so it doesn’t hurt the baby or your babies.”

  He was conflicted. Did he help her? She could say the poison had been forced there. She didn’t realize until after she was on the planet. Then the doctor would help. He would still raise an alarm though. If he decided to protect her from being shipped back to earth or prosecuted somehow no one could know but the two of them and Sarti.

  “There’s something else,” she said as she took his hands in hers. He looked down at their contrasting skin tones and how small her hands were. He still wanted to protect her even though she had planned to betray them.

  “No, there’s one more thing,” Sarah said looking down at the floor.

  “What is it?” Notla asked not meeting her eyes.

  “I have a block in front of my womb. It was tested with sperm some ladies had brought back from visiting here. I won’t get pregnant while it is still in place. I don’t know how to remove it.” Sarah said and actually started to cry. She wasn’t sure what made her the saddest. The betrayal she’d almost gone through with or not being able to give Notla a child.

  “We need to tell Sarti. Then we need to figure out a plan.” Notla stood and moved towards the doorway.

  “Notla, there’s one more thing. I have to trust you to keep this between the three of us.”

  “Okay,” he said. There was really nothing he could think of he had to lose by making the promise.

  “There’s a human colony hidden in the field where your people are living with their surrogates and multiple children.”

  Notla was completely in disbelief. This was strange news to him. “Okay, let’s go and tell Sarti,” he said.

  Chapter Nine


  Sarti jumped up from the couch when they walked into the living room. She didn’t want to tell him what had been wrong with her. She knew it would hurt him. It was almost like Notla somehow knew before she let him know that her intentions weren’t the purest.

  “There’s no easy way for me to tell you this Sarti.”

  She debated on what to start with. Should she tell him about the block or her plans for their planet. They were both shameful to admit.

  “I never intended to have your baby when I came here. I have a block in front of my uterus that would keep me from ever getting pregnant. My reason for coming to your planet was to poison it.”

  Sarti sat on the couch and his eyes grew distant.

  “That’s not possible. We help the humans, we’re good to you.”

  “That’s true, but the group I was part of on earth have a different way of looking at things. They think it’s a bad thing that you’re here and they think it’s even worse that you’re mating with human woman. That’s what they want to stop. Until I came here, it’s what I believed too.”


  “I just thought what they all thought, you were bad for our future.”

  “No, how were you going to poison the planet, through sex with us?” The edge to his voice made Sarah want to recoil but she stood her ground looking to Notla for support. He nodded.

  “I have a vial of poison implanted in my arm. I was supposed to release it right after I arrived but found myself busy doing other things.” Despite the intense nature of what she was saying she felt her cheeks heat up thinking about being with both of them.

  “So, what now?” Sarti asked. He wouldn’t even look at her.

  “Well, there’s an underground colony of humans on your planet and I want to see if they will help me remove the block, so I can have your babies. You two have changed me, I promise.”

  “You can’t make promises.” Sarti said. Then he stopped and turned around as if just registering what she’d said. “Humans?”

  Sarah nodded and he shook his head. “That’s impossible, we’d know.”

  “Come on. I told them I’d
be bringing you by. We’re going to go and see them.”

  Sarti didn’t look like he wanted to. In fact, he looked like he wanted to be as far away from her as he could get. It was understandable, but it still hurt. She led them through the field and down to where the cave was. They walked in and found the same scene she had before. Humans and aliens lounging and swimming with their children running all around them.

  “This is where they went,” Sarti said.

  “What are you talking about,” Notla asked.

  “The males who went off the grid after being with women, they just came here. They wanted to be with their women,” Sarti looked off into space and a small smile graced his face. Then he looked at her and in a second it was replaced by a scowl. She knew what he was thinking. He would not do the same for her.

  Renee came up to greet them and hugged Sarah.

  “Quite friendly with them aren’t you,” Sarti said the words in a clipped way. She ignored it.

  “I have something to tell you. A few somethings actually. Is anyone a doctor here?”

  “I am,” a deep voice said from the back of the cave and a tall Klaskian walked forward.

  “Dr. Sossha?” Both Sarti and Notla said at the same time. The older alien smiled and nodded. “Yes, hello boys.”

  Notla told Sarah, “he delivered us.”

  They five of them went back to the rooms in the cave and entered one that had a table set up with manufactured stirrups. It was like a back alley OBGYN.

  “Before I came here the humans I worked with inserted a block in my body to keep alien sperm from getting through.”

  “How did they test that?” Dr. Sossha asked clearly intrigued.

  “Some of our scientists were creative with getting, keeping, and taking alien seed back to earth with them for that very purpose.”

  “Are you the deliverer?” Renee asked as if it clicked in her mind.

  “I am,” Sarah nodded and looked at the nails on her left hand. “I don’t want to be anymore.”

  The Klaskian doctor looked confused and she pointed to the scar on her arm. There’s poison inserted in a vial beneath my skin. If it gets into your atmosphere it could cripple the planet.”

  “It’s from SAAB. She’s an agent,” Renee told the doctor and he seemed to understand. He left the room and came back with a female Klaskian. The female came up and talked to her.

  “Lie down. We’ve had to deliver our own young, so we might be able to help you.”

  Sarah leaned back and tried to relax. The woman moved between her legs and spread them. She inserted the forceps after putting a bit of gel on them and felt Sarah’s pelvis. It was just like going to the gynecologist. She wondered if it would hurt. They’d put her asleep to put it in.

  The woman reached inside her and she winched. Despite being stretched by the alien men it was never pleasant when you weren’t ready for it. She was dry and sore and the woman’s fingers hurt.

  “She’s ready doctor,” the woman said and Dr. Sossha came in and inserted a tube inside of her. There was a screen up on the wall and it flashed a picture of what looked like a giant black beetle inside of her. It was attached to her insides. She felt faint. How could they have put such a contraption inside of her. How did they do it without cutting her open.

  “I think if you hit the right button on this thing it will pull out and fold up. That’s the only way I can see they got it inside of you.”

  She didn’t like the way pull out sounded. It looked like it was attached to some pretty important stuff. Notla grabbed her had.

  “You don’t have to do this.”

  “I do. I want to.” Sarah knew she wanted to. She just hoped they would knock her out with something. Sarti sat quietly in the corner and said nothing.

  “We’ll put you to sleep and cut the poison out at the same time,” the doctor said nodding.

  He started moving quickly getting things and Sarah started to get nervous. She wanted the strange thing out of her, but she didn’t know it would happen so quickly. She worried that they may take it out and ship her back while she was still asleep. She hoped not, but she had admitted she was there to destroy their planet, so they probably didn’t look too favorably on that.

  The mask came over her face and the last thing she saw was Notla’s concerned face looking down at her. He really cared about her no matter what she did. He brain became fuzzy and she thought about flying through clouds with him and then everything was dark.

  When she came to she gasped and sat up. She was still in a room in the back of the cave and she was alone. No. She wasn’t alone. Notla slept in a chair on the other side of the room. They hadn’t sent her back to earth! She felt her stomach and pushed down slightly. She cried out in pain and the doctor rushed in the room.

  He lifted the sheet and showed her the beetle had crawled out and the pain she felt was its little claws digging into her flesh. The thing seemed alive although he assured her it was just artificial intelligence. It creeped her out. Dr. Sossha was fascinated and kept saying he couldn’t wait to explore and do tests with it.

  “How are you feeling, Sarah,” Notla asked and came over to her.

  “I feel okay. I think that’s the best I’ve slept since I’ve been here. Now nothing will stop me from having your babies!”

  She sat up and hugged him and then pulled back, “where’s Sarti?”

  “He needs time and you need to rest after they pulled that bug out of you. He shivered and helped her up. It was time to go home.

  Chapter Ten


  Despite his distrust of her, Sarti still came over to Notla’s place for coupling. Now that Sarah could get pregnant, he wanted a child. He no longer looked at her the same and she knew it. She couldn’t blame him. He would only be with her with Notla. That was why he had come over that night. He wanted her to know there were was no more one on one sessions and she never went to his place anymore. This would be a new experience for her and it made her nervous.

  She watched them as they talked together preparing to take her. She thought of how far she’d come. She’d thought what they were doing was so wrong and now, she was a part of the whole thing. Perhaps the people in SAAB had just made her think the surrogacy program was a blight on the human race. Maybe she’d just drank the Kool-Aid as they say.

  There was something about each of the alien men that drew her in. Sarti with his sweet inexperience. Even as he shot daggers at her she still wanted him, maybe even more because of his unspoken disdain for her. Notla with his overwhelming grief who never spoke of his loss, but still showed it in everything he did.

  She couldn’t believe there would soon be one or two little creatures inside of her. They would be their fathers made over without an ounce of her DNA. She still thought she would feel close to the babies though having carried them and all.

  “Sarah, you seem melancholy,” Notla told her as he came to sit by her on the bed.

  “No, not sad. I’m fine,” Notla had forgiven her. She leaned over and kissed him grateful she had at least one of them in her corner.

  “You’re sure. You can tell me,” Notla said. Sarah knew he knew why she looked sad. She wanted Sarti to be in it for real not just going through the motions. This was the first time they’d both take her and she wasn’t sure she was ready for it.

  “Nothing to tell, right as rain,” she told him kissing him again. It was time to get down to business. Sarti sat on the opposite side of her.

  When her lips touched Notla’s a zing of desire flooded her sex. She thought about the last time they’d had sex and that got her even more revved up. Her nipples pebbled and longed for his touch. Sarti’s hands came around her waist and he kissed her neck while Notla ravaged her mouth. It was incredibly hot, she had to admit. They’d both gotten so good at kissing.

  A moan came from deep in her through as Sarti reached around and pinched one nipple while cupping the other breast. He was rougher than he needed to be but she didn’t mind. She’d
let him touch her how he wanted. Notla’s tongue probed deep into her mouth and her sex ached to be filled and release the delicious pressure that had started to build there.

  “I want you Sarah,” Notla said, “right now.”

  Sarah looked into his eyes and saw desire and the possibility of love. He flipped her around so she faced Sarti. His eyes held a sadness and he tried to make them cold as he claimed her mouth. He kissed her hard punishing her with his mouth. She only enjoyed it. He wanted her as well, she could feel it in his touches.

  They both were hard. She could feel Notla’s large cock pressing into her back and saw Sarti’s hard on peeking out the top of his pants. She giggled despite the tension. His face almost changed to a smile but then he remembered and he stopped himself.

  She sighed and leaned forward to kiss him. They both pressed into her with their hardness and she felt exhilarated at the thought of both of them having her at once. She wondered if they would all take turns or she would have one in her mouth and one in her pussy.

  “You’re going to have to trust us, Sarah, I know you aren’t sure what to expect,” Notla said.

  She said, “Yeah, sure. What did you have in mind?”

  “We want to share you,” Notla said and kissed her neck. “At the same time.”

  “Oh,” she said getting their meaning. There had never been anyone in that part of her body. She was extremely nervous but also turned on by the thought of having one of them fill her ass while the other filled her pussy. They would move together. It was too much for her to stand. She kissed Notla and he pushed her down onto the bed. Sarti took his clothes off before climbing onto the bed and Notla undressed as he kissed her down the shoulder and back up to her lips. She moaned as he freed his cock and she saw how ready he was.

  “Get up,” Sarti said and she scooted up on the bed towards the center. Notla reached into the drawer in the bed’s headboard for a vial of something she’d never seen before.

  “Oil,” He murmured and Sarti resumed massaging her breasts playing with them until they ached and felt heavy.


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