Enthrall Me (The conclusion to Enchant Me)

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Enthrall Me (The conclusion to Enchant Me) Page 4

by Violet, Anne

  Someone nudged my arm, and I glanced up to find an older man holding out a glass of dark beer. “You look like you need to ease your troubles,” he said with sympathy.

  I smiled my thanks, and took a sip. The strong, smoky bitter taste hit me immediately, and I wanted to hand it right back to him, but I looked at all the happy intoxicated people around me, and drained it. My stomach didn’t feel so empty afterwards, and since Ireland’s drinking age was 18, I ordered the next one myself. One after the other I drowned myself in beer.

  Lassitude hit me, and then alarm… I needed to be in control, I couldn’t risk the stranger having any control over me. But as more minutes passed an even greater lethargy spread over me, and I relaxed back against my both. The worry I had, was it minutes ago, seemed distant and unimportant. Musicians on a small stage in the corner, played overly energetic traditional music, and enthusiastic customers started to tap their feet and pound the tables with their hands in rhythm. My head began to pound with them, which annoyed me. I wasn’t in the mood to be annoyed.

  I glared at the band, internally demanding that they stop and go home, now... Abruptly to everyone’s surprise, the musicians stopped playing and packed up to leave. I watched them bemused, but pleased.

  “Hey, it’s not closing time yet,” the bartender called to them with a smile.

  But that didn’t stop them, like zombies, without a word or flicker of expression, they left the bar. A suspicion floated into my mind. Did I make them leave? I laughed to myself, just thinking that. Wanting to test the theory, I looked about the pub for a good test subject. Sitting at the bar, a shy blonde girl was being aggressively hit on by a tall overbearing jerk. Burdened with too much politeness, she was having difficulty getting rid of him.

  I quickly slid into her mind, amazed at how simple it was. With a thought, I told her to slap the guy, and cuss him out. Shockingly right before my eyes, she did, and I laughed out loud in drunken exhilaration. The look of surprise on her face matched the guy she slapped, and she slinked off in embarrassment.

  The stranger inside of me wanted more, and I found myself wandering the streets. With this type of power, I could have anything, do anything. A part of me rejected this thought, but it was weak, too weak to fight the stranger. When I spotted a small casino, a new idea came to mind. I confidently crossed the street and prepared to walk in the doors, when a doorman grabbed my shoulder, and hauled me back. “You have to be 21 to go inside.”

  I looked up, and smiled at the bulldog faced man. With ease I infiltrated his mind. “I am 21.”

  The man blinked his eyes, and nodded. “Have a good night sir.”

  “Thanks,” I said, shrugging off his hold, and walking inside.

  Since I had played poker with my grandparents since I was little, I headed straight for the poker room, and sat at a table. The three men at the table looked at me suspiciously, but didn’t voice their thoughts about my age. I ordered a beer and sat back, briefly touching each man’s mind, familiarizing myself with them. As each man’s turn came, I could influence what cards they played, but the more hands I won, the more suspicious they became.

  As time went by, the constant effort of controlling their minds became exhausting, and combined with all the alcohol I’d consumed, I felt sleepy and irritable. Bored with the game, I grabbed my winnings, and left the casino. I got no more than twenty feet away before I felt a tap on the shoulder, and I turned to find the three poker players had followed me out.

  “I have a feeling you were cheating some how,” accused the older man dressed in a business suit.

  I sneered confidently at him. “And how would I have done that?”

  “I doubt you’re even 21. Just give us back our money before you get hurt,” the ex-convict looking guy ground out, and shoved me.

  Anger burst through me. Whether it was right or wrong, sane or insane, I was blisteringly angry. I felt myself seething with it. All around me, people became agitated, and with a mental nudge I incited the three poker players to fight amongst themselves. As fists started to fly, I made my escape.


  I jerked at the sound of Alexis screaming my name. Then realized I had heard her only in my mind.

  “Christian, stop!” This time louder and more urgent then before.

  The part of me that wanted to go to her, fought for control, fought to turn my body around and go to her, but it wasn’t as strong as the stranger’s desire to escape. It felt like my body moved without my permission, ducking behind a building, and running down the alley. Without conscious thought, my mind opened to the Otherworld vision in a sickening rush that made me sway on my feet.

  I peeked around the corner, about half a block away I could see the glow of magic from the people of our Grove. With all the locals still fighting amongst each other, I couldn’t see who they were, but I could sense them. I took off down the alley stumbling over drunks and garbage, knowing Alexis and the others could sense me just as I sensed them. I needed to get as far way as possible. I couldn’t risk slowing down to look back, but I felt Alexis, Liam and Neila, they were closing in on me.

  I turned the corner and saw a young woman getting into her car, she gasped in surprise at my sudden appearance, and glowing silver eyes. I tried to approach her in a unthreatening manner, but when she opened her mouth, preparing to scream, I quickly invaded her mind.

  I gave her the thought that I was a long lost cousin who needed a ride. Her face grew slack, and then she smiled and unlocked the door for both of us. I jumped in next to her and we drove off. When I looked back, I saw Alexis, Liam, and Neila, their powers glowing, skid to a halt, and look about them, confused. Alexis… Would I be able to go back to her after this? Watching her under the streetlight looking anxiously about, broke me down from the inside out.

  “What’s going on?” my driver asked alarmed.

  In my distraction, I had released her mind. Quickly I renewed the thought that I was a cousin that she had promised to take to a place as far away from Dublin as possible. She smiled vacantly again, and headed west. Since I couldn’t risk falling asleep, I turned the radio to a rock station, and opened my window for the chill breeze to sting my face. But with every mile I became more and more drained by the constant effort to control the woman’s thoughts; her mind kept struggling for the true reality. Eventually, my Otherworld vision slipped from me without any conscious effort, simply because I couldn’t maintain it.

  Finally my driver pulled in to our destination, the headlights bounced off a sign listing the Cliffs of Moher. Weak and bleary eyed, I tumbled out of the car, and with a wave, I sent her off with the thought she had just taken a drive, and now should return to Dublin. With that same odd vacant expression, she waved me off and left.

  In the predawn light, I scanned the area around me, and saw with relief that I was alone. I took a deep breath of the fresh sea air, and made my way over the uneven ground of stone and grass, until I stood a couple of feet from the edge of the cliff. Rising more than 600 feet above the ocean, I could still hear the roar of the waves crashing against the craggy cliffs below. The winds buffeted me, pulling me closer to the edge.

  My struggle could end here. I could be free. I dropped to my knees; I wanted to surrender. No more fighting, no more fear, guilt or shame, but alongside that thought was something even more powerful. I had never quit, never given up. And I wouldn’t lose to this. I had to fight this stranger inside of me, and win. I needed to go back.

  Sunlight spread across the sky like a reward, then abruptly I felt Alexis…her anger.


  Before I could even turn around, I felt Alexis’s power wrap around me, and jerk me away from the cliffs edge. Then she whipped me around and laid me flat on my stomach. I tried to lift my head to tell her how un-necessary this was, but her power become so heavy I couldn’t move, could barely breathe. I heard the shuffle of someone run up to me, then a small pin prick in my neck, and before I succumbed
to whatever drug they had injected, I felt how disturbing it was to be under the power of someone you love. But this is what I had done to her.

  When I came to, I quickly looked around for Alexis, at the same time recognizing the stone walls of Ward House’s dungeon. Why was I here? Leaning against the wall opposite of me, she glared at me with furious green eyes. “You’re awake.”

  I tried to sit up, and realized I couldn’t. I looked up to see chains around my wrists, pinning me to a wooden platform. I glanced back at Alexis, who had come to stand a couple feet from the platform. “Alexis, I am not going to run again,” I informed her in a calm voice.

  Something like regret flickered across her face, but quickly disappeared. Emotionless she stared at me. “For what I’m about to do, I’m sorry.”

  Suddenly the platform with me on it, jerked up into the air a couple feet from the ground. Trepediation wormed its way into my mind. What was Alexis doing? Then just as suddenly the platform slammed back against the ground. The jarring impact drew a more irritated than hurt groan out of me. “Alexis, what are--”

  The platform rose up in the air again, but this time higher than before. “Ale--” I couldn’t even get her name out before I was flung against the floor. Pain radiated across my back, shoulders, even my head where it hit the back of the platform. Anger ripped through me, as once more I was launched into the air. “Stop it, Alexis!” She either didn’t hear me or didn’t care, because the platform hurtled back down to the floor again. I struggled to catch my breath, my whole body throbbed with pain, but the most agonizing part…I could sense that stranger again. Stronger than ever before, and angry.

  I felt sick yet powerful, as control slipped from me. “Stop this, or you’ll regret it,” I warned, looking deep into her eyes. I could see her fear, but I knew it wouldn’t stop her. Someone banged on the door, I could sense the rest of our Grove on the other side.

  “Alexis, don’t do it! He’s not himself!” Ciara screamed.

  I could hear the sound of someone undoing the lock, but Alexis flung out her hand, and the sound of the lock being broken beyond usability, echoed through the room. I turned to Alexis, fighting the chains that held me. “Let me go.”

  “No, she stated simply, and with a lurch, the platform stood on end, and with her powers she yanked it within a couple feet of her.

  The cuffs bit into my wrists as I hung from them, the pain amplifying my need to defend. Mentally I lashed out, seeking that place in her mind I already knew so well. I instructed her to release me, but it had no effect. I couldn’t seem to control her mind like I could the normal people I had experimented on, but I could block or if necessary burn out her powers. I laughed in shock when I discovered she could block me.

  This time she flung me backwards against the other wall, rougher than all the times before. I could feel blood trickle down my wrists from the cuffs, and a fury like I’d never experienced, took hold of me. Like a flurry of arrows being launched, I attacked her mental shield, looking for a way in, or past.

  Unexpectedly the cuffs released, and I collapsed to the ground. I immediately got up and charged at her, only to be brought up short, a foot from where she stood, her hand out in front of her, holding me back. But I could feel her getting weaker. She wouldn’t be able to maintain this much longer, sweat beaded on her forehead, and tears sprung up in her eyes. Alexis…

  Some shred of the real me roared to life. I had to warn her. “Alexis, I don’t think I can control it, get out of here!”

  She shook her head miserably, and tears streamed down her beautiful face. “We can’t go on like this.”

  She dropped the physical and mental shield, and I wrapped my arms around her, pinning her to me. Excited, the stranger rushed into her mind, the path to block her powers laid in front of me, vulnerable. As vulnerable as her body pressed against me. Like before, our minds connected, and I heard her voice in my mind. “I won’t stop you.” Her arms moved around me, holding me tight.

  I couldn’t do this, I couldn’t hurt her again! The stranger clawed at me to get out; urging me to block or destroy her powers to protect myself. I clung to her tighter as the world seemed to spin around me, a dark vortex opened up within me, and I was falling--

  I woke up in a dark forest. How did I get here? Did Alexis and the Grove abandon me here? Looking around, the place reminded me of my nightmare. A dark lonely forest, a night within a night, the only difference here was the flowers, trees and plants, glowed. It felt strange, like it pulsed with energy. I could hear whispers in the wind, and laughter. “Who’s out there?” I called out.

  I heard a rustle in the bushes, and then the sound of someone running through the brush. I couldn’t see who it was, but I took off after them. Branches snapped against my face as I tore through the forest, but I refused to stop.

  As I closed in, I could see it was a guy, about my own height and build with dark hair. “Stop!” I demanded, then reached out, grabbed his collar, and jerked him to a halt. When he whipped around, I stumbled back in shock. My own face stared back at me and sneered. No, not me. A shadow of me. Only this shadow had substance. “What you didn’t think it would be you?” The shadow me snarled.

  I shook my head speechless. It moved closer, getting in my face, breathing my own breath. “Its been you all along,” it whispered. “You, who killed your own parents. You, who almost destroyed Nicolas. You, who invaded Ciara’s mind, and then tried to hurt Alexis…”

  Seething with anger and guilt I slammed my fist in his face. My face. He retaliated with a hard punch right over my heart. I bent over from the pain, and he drew his knee up hard under my chin, knocking me to the ground. I wiped the blood off my mouth on the back of my hand. I hated this stranger, this side of myself that was ruining my life.

  “You’re going to lose, and become the enemy to all those you want to protect,” he ground out, as he pulled his fist back to hit me again.

  I shook my head. I couldn’t lose to this thing. “I’ll die first.”

  “Yes, that part of you that isn’t me will.” He came at me first, and I punched him hard in the stomach. I swung again, but he blocked me, wrapping his hands around my throat. He squeezed hard, laughing when I couldn’t break his hold, and began to wheeze. I choked off his laugh with my hands around his neck. I felt our minds merge, and knew his thought; he wanted to win, needed to win, just as much as I did. He wanted to be free.

  Darkness swirled up and around us, the forest grew silent, the only sounds were our gasps for air. He was right, if I lost to him, I would become a danger to everyone I loved. I exerted more pressure, and fear registered on my shadow self’s face. Its hands left my throat, and tore at my grip on his. My stomach turned at the vision of my own hands, choking the life out of myself.

  And then he was gone.

  I fell to my knees on the forest floor, exhausted. The darkness lifted, and sunshine filtered through the trees, and I sprawled out on the ground, numbly staring at the leafy green canopy above. More minutes passed, and the numbness faded, followed by resolution. No longer would I be my own enemy. Too many people depended on me, and I couldn’t afford to be so self absorbed that I wallowed in guilt or doubt. I closed my eyes in relief; I hadn’t felt this peaceful in a long time.

  A heavy, damp feeling on my chest woke me up. I looked down to find Alexis with her head on my chest, crying silently. I lifted my hands up, cupping her head. What’s wrong?”

  Her head bobbed up in surprise, her eyes swollen, and sparkling with tears. “You’re awake. Are you o.k.?” She demanded, throwing herself more fully on me, and gripping my face tightly in her hands.

  I studied her for a moment. She didn’t look well. Her skin looked abnormally pale, and her powers were registering so low it worried me. “I’m fine,” I answered, alarmed. “What’s wrong with you? Why do you look sick?”

  “She’s barely ate, drank, or slept in the last two days,” Ciara informed, moving out of a chair on the other side
of the room.

  I glanced at Alexis. “Is that how long I’ve been out?” I asked softly.

  She nodded her head tiredly. “Are you really o.k.?” she questioned, looking deep into my eyes.

  “Yeah,” I reassured her, and kissed her forehead, then tucked her head underneath my chin.

  “I’m sorry we had to do things that way, but it seemed that side of you always came out when you were under attack. We counted on the fact that if Alexis was in danger, the real you would do whatever it took to save her. I sense none of that darkness from before, you must’ve been successful,” she said this with such satisfaction, it got on my nerves.

  “Next time, could you please not use my girlfriend as bait?”

  “I have no illusions that you would’ve cared as much about my safety,” she replied with a smirk. I started to sit up in protest when she waved me back down with a little laugh. “You two get some rest, then come downstairs. The other Groves have arrived, so we’ll be holding the council meeting tonight,” she informed us, then quietly closed the door.

  I closed my eyes and reached out with my mind, and smiled. Powers and magic of infinite variety and strengths, were all around us. I squeezed an already sleeping Alexis; I could meet all of them now without fear. Rolling onto my side, I threw a leg protectively over Alexis, and slept.


  I woke up to the feel of Alexis’s curls tickling my nose, and late afternoon light filtering through the curtain. I cuddled her closer and she murmured happily in her sleep. Gently I rolled her onto her back, brushing back the curls hiding her face, and she wrinkled her nose adorably at being disturbed. She attempted to roll away from me, but I pulled her beneath me, and laid down on top of her.

  Alexis blinked up at me, and then smiled. “What?” she asked, levering up, and kissing my nose.


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