Slave World

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Slave World Page 13

by Johnny Stone

  “Yes, Sir!” I slurred around my bit, with more mischievous fire than I’d felt in a long time.


  Slave World’s double suns were low in the sky when I started my training. I was actually surprised since my internal clock said it should be much later than it actually was. The days must be longer; well past the standard 60-minute hour, and 24-hour days that ship standard time was still based on. No big deal, once I figured it out I could reset my processor accordingly.

  My initiation into being a pony slave went on for several more long and grueling hours. It was quite a shock actually, yet strangely calming in a way. I was going to have to forget everything I knew about myself in order to succeed. My thoughts and mannerisms, my posture, the way I acted; everything had to replicate an actual horse now, even down to whinnying instead of talking.

  The Master apparently owned numerous ponies, more than I’d seen in my short time of walking about. Some of my newfound brothers and sisters watched my indoctrination from a respectable distance. Most of them were the tall and overly muscled brutes like I’d seen earlier. They’re definitely in shape that’s for sure. Their impressive physiques had to be the result of a strict, intensive training program mixed with drug enhancement. Humans, if that’s what we still were, just couldn’t get that ripped without a little bit of a push, and because of it, it made perfect sense why Burke was the Overseer of the stables. The size of the pony brutes alone would have been intimidating to most normal people, with or without a restraint collar. Burke wasn’t normal though; his strength augmentation, not to mention military training, would easily be able to keep them in line.

  I did see several very petite and simply gorgeous little females mixed in with them on occasion. They were all buxom slices of perfection like I was, and carried themselves with a distinct poise and grace. Regardless if they were big or small, all of them were modified just as I was with ears, a tail, and in most cases, multi-pattern skin color. I still found it hard to take my eyes off the stallions; every damn one of them was hung like a horse, and their endowment was literally realistic. I could only think of one reason why they would be modified like that, and wondered who the recipient of it would be? Was it for some of the more kinky elite of Slave World, or was it meant for breeding with the mares? I’d heard mention of a reproduction program during the inprocessing. I suppose it really didn’t matter; one way or another, I’d find out soon enough.

  I did happen to notice an exceptionally large stallion watching me with judging eyes. He was gray and covered with dark spots, by far the largest among the group. Must be something like the alpha male? I didn’t care for the way he looked at me; it reminded me of Dobbs when he wanted to fuck me. This guy’s going to be trouble; I could see that much already. I received a light slap on my ass from Burke’s crop, drawing my attention back to the task at hand.

  “Pay attention, 18, you need to get the basics down and you don’t have much time. You’ll learn more as time goes on, but this is your crash course to say the least. By the way, you’re doing very well, better than I expected actually. You seem to be a natural for this.”

  I felt a swelling of pride, holding my head just a bit higher. I almost said thank you, but caught myself, giving a soft whinny instead. At least we didn’t have to stay in the pony role all the time or so I gathered from the others watching me. They were talking softly amongst themselves, and were acting normal for the most part. As normal as a human-horse hybrid is supposed to act, I guess.

  Burke tapped my right leg signaling me to kneel, easing into the saddle for the first time tonight. The pull on my shoulders and waist gradually increased, becoming a sagging weight of protesting leather, as his feet slipped cautiously into the stirrups; this was something new for him as well. Damn he’s heavy! It wasn’t anything I couldn’t handle; I just wasn’t expecting it was all. Burke shouldn’t have weighed more than 200 pounds or so by my guess, even with his implanted gear. He felt like he weighed a hell of a lot more than that for some reason.

  “Okay, 18, take it nice and slow.” He grasped my reins lightly. “Come up in a single motion, keep your back straight and head up. Use your knees just like dead-lifting any type of weight.” I slowly rose to a standing position, wiggling my hips a little to help settle his weight. The volume of whispered conversation from the other ponies increased, and was accompanied by more than a few gasps of astonishment.

  Uh oh… I started to weave, feet shuffling. I was going over backwards with Burke’s randomly shifting weight. Damn, this is going to be harder than I thought. His grip on my reins grew tighter, followed by a hushed murmur of encouragement.

  “Come on, Margo, you can do this, concentrate and don’t fight it. I know you can carry more than this on a bad day.”

  Grrrr…Dammit, he’s right. I was so top-heavy now, and the weird footing of these hoof boots only seemed to make my balance worse. It was like my whole equilibrium was out of kilter, and I was trying to learn to walk all over again. I glanced down briefly at the ample flesh of my new breasts, grinning. Naw, being top heavy isn’t so bad.

  With a little bit of luck, I finally managed to regain my balance without dumping the both of us on the ground.

  “We’ll start out slow. Just try walking, nice and easy.” I had to lift my feet a bit higher than normal. It was an exaggerated high step that forced me to lock my back ramrod straight.

  Head up…

  Chest out…

  Ass pushed back…

  Arms up in front of me prancing style…

  The slight tug on my reins pulled my head, guiding my movements about the yard with growing confidence. Burke was firm, yet gentle, and the heat of his body next to mine made my tail swish in a lazy, happy pattern. It was his voice that I found most enthralling; it had the uncanny ability to sooth my discomforting worries while turning my insides to jittery goo.

  It wasn’t long before my conscious mind began to wander, entering a hazy state of content automation under Burke’s control. Without realizing it or maybe he did, Burke had effortlessly managed to coax me into a state of total surrender. It was so simple though, so easy to get lost in. All my thoughts gravitated around pleasing him and following his commands as flawlessly as possible. It was actually frightening in a way, because as strange as it sounds, I really didn’t mind relinquishing control to him like this. The fact that he was on my back, riding me like an actual horse in the first place, sent shivers of wanton eroticism streaking down my spine. Trust me; it wasn’t long before I started to fantasize about him riding me in other ways.

  I wasn’t sure how I felt about Burke any longer; my emotions were in a bit of a jumbled mess over the issue. I’d only known him for a few short hours, yet I still couldn’t shake the nagging feeling that we’d met somewhere before. Maybe it was on board a ship? We were both stationed on the Intrepid at one point. Our short, yet estranged relationship had already taken on the easy calm of long lost friends, or maybe past lovers? Oh shit, did I have sex with him at some orgy, and don’t even remember it? How embarrassing would that be? No, my body’s innate response to him would have remembered it, if I had. A girl doesn’t easily forget a man like Burke.

  It was dark now, several hours past sunset, yet my training continued in the artificially lit grounds near the stables. I was tired, dog tired, and the heavy sheen of perspiration slithering about my skin gave testimony to the fact that Burke still had the soul of a Marine Drill Instructor. I’m finished, buddy, you win. Round one goes to Fleet Strike. But like any experienced taskmaster, Burke instinctively knew that I’d been pushed to my limits, if not slightly beyond. A light tap on my thigh told me to kneel, and he dismounted, coming to stand in front of me, taking my reins.

  “Very good, 18, you did well tonight.”

  I looked up at him with exhausted eyes, whinnying faintly, panting slightly. He reached out stroking my matted hair, and the side of my cheek. His touch lingered just a bit too long to be a simple caress of ap
proval. I closed my eyes nuzzling his hand, growing giddy behind glowing cheeks. I felt like a young girl again with a crush on the hottest kid in school.

  Burke broke the spell, hand drifting away with a pull of my reins. “Let’s get that gear off so you can get cleaned up and shown to your stall for the night.” He stopped just as quickly, walking over to where he’d set my restraints down. “I need to put these back on, sorry,” he whispered regretfully. My large glacier blue eyes stared back sadly, as my brief time of blissful freedom, even if only perceived in my mind, drew to an end.

  The heaven sent air-conditioning of the stables sent a series of rippling shivers through me, or perhaps it was something much more primal, that I shamefully wanted to embrace?

  Clip clop…

  Clip clop…

  Clip clop…

  My boots resounded off the hard tile floor of the main hallway like a twisted cadence of female acquiescence, hypnotic and mesmerizing in a way that called to something long extinct in the human psyche. It became my heartbeat, pulling me under, as I focused on Burke’s broad back that writhed like a caged python beneath his sweat-soaked shirt. I couldn’t have stopped my gaze from drifting lower in narcotic longing even if I’d wanted too. Damn, he’s got a nice ass.

  My sexual fantasies about Burke slowly began to warp into something dark and unspoken. They were erotic visions of being controlled and willingly broken, of obeying his every command while he used my body for his own sexual fulfillment, no different than he’d done in my training tonight. Whoa, this is just too weird…I must be tired, or something. Yeah, that’s it, I’m just tired is all, right? So why did the leather strap running between my legs, feel mushy from more than just a liberal coating of sweat?

  The old fitter, Connell, was gone for the night, replaced by a younger night attendant. Burke wouldn’t let him so much as lay a finger on me, removing every piece of my gear himself. Slowly, deliberately, he drew it out as if not wanting it to end. I didn’t want it to end that’s for sure. I closed my eyes, teeth chattering silently under the feel of Burke’s hands. I thought I vaguely sensed them hungering for more, or perhaps it was just wishful thinking on my part? He hadn’t done anything thus far that would be constituted as ‘putting the moves on me’, had he? I was given back a matching set of pink fishnet briefs and tank top.

  “No, keep them off.” I froze in the process of pulling up my panties. Burke was staring at me with that weird, uncertain expression again. I let them slip back down my legs, growing hopeful in a way that was as frightening as it was welcome. “I mean, you don’t want to get them dirty, do you? Wait to get dressed until after your bath.” His voice trailed off at the end, almost shyly.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Several minutes later, and much to my raging libido’s disappointment, I was placed in the custody of one of the night handlers.

  “This is pony 18, Mrs. Savota’s new riding mare. She’s had a hard night of training and doesn’t know her way around yet so make sure she gets bathed, receives a rub down and then shown to the dining room.” Burke silently met my gaze with an intensity that took my breath away. It was crazy, like I could almost see the sparks leaping between us. “I’ll be back in the morning to continue your training. Goodnight, 18.” And with that, he was gone, followed by a sense of unexpected loneliness.

  “Let’s go, 18, hurry up, I haven’t got all night.” The bitter tone of the handler shook me from my reverie. “Thanks to ‘Mr. Ramrod’, I have to baby sit you for another hour or so instead of going home for dinner with my wife,” he mumbled, while I scowled at his back. I wonder what Burke would say about your whining? I knew exactly what he would say; wash the sand out of your pussy, suck it up and drive on! Yep, that’s exactly what he would tell him.

  I quickly discovered why Burke had said we were well treated, the cream of the crop among the slaves owned by the Master. First, the handler along with another attendant gave me a relaxing, hot mineral bath. They gently washed me with soft sponges, delightfully scraping the sweat and grime from my body, while I melted like butter in their hands. It ranked up there as one of the most euphoric experiences outside of an orgasm that I could ever remember. It didn’t bother me in the least that they were both men, especially with my new body. Damn I’m hot, and in more ways than just one. I still couldn’t stop thinking about Burke, and the way he looked at me before leaving.

  It was hard to keep my kindled yearning in lockdown while every square inch of my flesh was tenderly lavished. That wasn’t even the best part, because after my bath, I received a full body massage with scented oil and moisturizing lotion. It felt like I had died and gone to heaven, as my already relaxed body became a lump of hand-kneaded mush. Neither one of the handlers spoke to me while they went about their task, but I was content to lay there in silence, imagining Burke was the one exploring every steaming crevice, as I was sinfully pampered for the first time in my life. I was well past the point of being ravenously horny by the time they finished.

  After dressing in my meager allotment of clothing, I was shown to the dining room and instructed to take a seat by a female attendant wearing a simple dark blue smock and slacks. I was the only one in the large room other than a bored looking guard.

  It boggled the mind to think that the Master employed a multitude of people just to wait on his slaves hand and foot at all hours of the night. Much of the work they were doing would normally be the responsibility of bots, or synthetics. Maybe they were slaves themselves, captured and forced into it the same way I’d been? I guess human life is cheaper than artificial on this planet.

  The attendant returned with a menu, along with ice water and a lightly colored purple drink. Curious, I took a sip, and was rewarded with a light fruity taste that made my mouth pucker. I hadn’t realized how thirsty I was until now. I quickly drained it along with my water before the woman made it back my way to take my order. A cheeseburger and fries, with a side salad and a refill of both my glasses didn’t take long to arrive. Yeah, I was being naughty, but I simply loved a good greasy burger from time to time. Based on my work out tonight, I didn’t think the extra calories would hurt.

  I tensed at the light sound of bare-footed steps while I ate. The presence stopped, looming silently over me from behind. My nose twitched from some subconscious odor, not unpleasant in the least, that caused my nipples to noticeably harden. The sensation of warm flesh brushed against my elbow as another pony took a seat in the chair opposite me. It was Big Gray, the one who’d been watching my training earlier. He quickly undressed me with his eyes, what little of it there was to take off at any rate.

  “So you’re going to be the Mistress’ new mare? You don’t look like much. How were you able to carry the Overseer like that?”

  I studied him over my plate through mouthfuls of food with a discomforting sense of hungry intentness. He was handsome despite his pony modifications with short dark hair and a strong, square jaw. He was definitely larger than I first thought, having the densely packed and hand-chiseled frame of an award winning body builder. Shit, his biceps are larger than my thighs. Even from across the table, an enticing odor made my nostrils flare. Now normally I would have been all over this guy in a heartbeat, but the memory of Burke still flooded my mind, leaving room for little else. Despite the instinctive, if not somewhat embarrassing reaction of my body, I started to push him away.

  “Do you have a name or should I just make one up?”

  He leaned back, bristling at my redirection of the conversation. I could tell he was used to getting his way with the others, and the new kid on the block had just stomped on his nuts.

  “Yes, the Mistress has named me Cirus. Not all ponies have names; you have to earn it, 18.”

  “Good for you. Does she come and visit you in your stall at night or just blow a little horn in summons?”

  I don’t know why I was goading him on; I just wasn’t in the mood for a testosterone shower at the moment, at least from him anyway
. I still found it hard to keep my eyes off him regardless. Damn he smells good. Unwelcome heat, accompanied with the sweet dew of lust began to lap at my pussy, forcing me to close my thighs.

  Cirus glanced nervously about for some sign that the guard had overheard my comment. Something told me I had been close to the mark with that call. “You better behave yourself, they’re very harsh when it comes to disrespect towards the Master or Mistress like that.” Cirus leaned forward suddenly. “Since you’re new here, let me explain how things work. I have seniority among the ponies, and you will respect it. You’re nothing but a lowly mare, and the new one at that; that puts you at the bottom of the herd until you’ve earned your place among us. Just remember that I’m the Mistress’s team leader, not you, and as such I’m given special privileges.” Cirus leered at me with eager eyes that wanted to take a bite. “One of which happens to be fucking any mare I choose during scheduled breeding days.”

  Perspiration flared on my brow like a mist of sensual longing. My nipples ached, poking invitingly through my fishnet, while the warmth between my thighs continued to spread, making me shift uneasily in my chair. I started to tremble, throat growing tight, eagerly licking my lips. What the hell’s wrong with me? It was like my sexual cravings are on autopilot. I had to set my fork down, unable to eat any longer.

  “You can’t hide it from me; you’re in heat, wild and eager. No worries, little filly, I intend to have you the next time, and I can tell you’re just as anxious for it as I am.”

  When Cirus stood, his enormously augmented cock was staring me right in the face. I was helplessly captivated while it swelled, semi-erect inside his briefs. Holy crap, it’s bigger than anything I’ve ever taken in the past, real or not. If he let that sucker free, I bet it would almost flop down to his knees, nearly as thick as my forearm.


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