Slave World

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Slave World Page 21

by Johnny Stone

  “I’m sorry, Nathan, I didn’t want to…I would never have…”

  “I know that, Margo, you don’t need to apologize to me.” His voice was soft and understanding; it only made me feel worse.

  “I’m not leaving, Nathan, not without you.”

  “But after last night? I can’t stop him from-”

  “I know that and I don’t care. I love you, Nathan.” There, I’d finally said it out loud and it felt wonderful, like an immeasurable weight had been lifted off my chest. “I love you, Nathan Burke, and won’t leave you here alone.”

  The blood all but drained from his face, lips wordlessly moving. He licked them, nervous and unsure. “No woman has ever said that to me, not one that really meant it anyway. I’ve never been good when it comes to things like this, dealing with women, but from the first moment I saw you, and you were assigned to my care…I think maybe I’ve always loved you, in a way.”

  I reared from the whirlpool, throwing my arms about his neck. I didn’t care what happened to me anymore, because Nathan loved me, and that was all that mattered. He slowly drew away, cupping my upturned face, stroking my cheeks with a kiss to my nose.

  “I’ll figure something out, I always do. I have to go, but I want you to rest today; I’ll pass the word along. Relax and get some sleep. I need to find out what the hell’s going on around here, okay?” I smiled and nodded. “And don’t sweat the small stuff; I’m just going to have a friendly talk with Michael, that’s all.”

  “Just play it cool and don’t do anything rash, okay?”

  Nathan smiled, leaning back in astonishment. “Who me? Cool, is my middle name. I’ll be good, promise.”

  I gave him a playful scowl. “Yeah, right.”

  Nathan went to the medical cabinet, returning with a small chunk of pliable urethane. “When I turn the jammer off I want you to stash it. Wrap it in this. We don’t do cavity searches, but the rooms are searched on a regular basis.”


  “Put it in your butt; the goo will keep it dry and clean. Don’t use it any more than you have to, because a break in surveillance might arouse suspicion if it happens to frequently.”

  “Okay, Nathan.” Well, this is a surprise.

  He started wrapping it in the thick, slippery material, before switching it off and handing it to me, wordlessly leaving the room. I finished covering the jammer out of sight, below the lip of the whirlpool, and then effortlessly pushed it into my rectum. I mouthed a silent ‘Ow’ while I did so; I was still pretty sore down there. Guess the nanites haven’t made it that far yet.

  I lay back in the whirlpool, head resting against the lip, dozing off with a smile in the warm, soothing water. I couldn’t stop thinking of Nathan, and all the wonderful things I wanted to do with him the next time we were alone together. Maybe everything would work out for us in the end. Marines didn’t like to lose, and he would approach this problem like any other mission; failure was not an option, with victory being the only viable and expected outcome.


  It was late morning when Burke stormed into Rupert’s office like a whirlwind, a venerable bull in a china shop. He barely took notice of the old man that jumped up from behind the multiple holographic displays, filled with graphs and charts that floated in the air around him.

  “Nathan? What do you think you’re doing?” Burke ignored him, heading straight for the door to Michael’s office. “Mr. Savota is in a very important meeting at the moment, and can’t be disturbed.”

  “Don’t give me that shit, I know exactly what kind of a ‘meeting’ he’s in,” Burke mumbled softly, punching in the security code that allowed him facility wide access throughout the entire ranch. The red access light blinked rapidly, before turning solid again. Son of a bitch… “Open the door Rupert, now. I know you have the command override for it.”

  Rupert took a hesitant step back, fortitude waning. “I can’t do that, Nathan. What gives you the right to come in here and-”

  Burke crossed the distance between them with uncanny speed; it was less time than it took to draw in a single breath. Rupert was jerked forward like a stumbling rag-doll, positioned in front of the keypad by hands more powerful than he could have ever imagined.

  “I’ll tell you what gives me the right, I can,” Nathan growled dangerously in his ear. “Force, power, intimidation… That seems to be the law of the land around here anymore, and the only things you and Michael understand.” Nathan fumbled at his waist, unlatching his stun baton.

  Rupert’s eyes grew wide in terror, reflected back from the mirrored tint of emotionless sunglasses, as the tip of the stunner was forced into his hesitant mouth. “Do you have any idea what will happen, if I activate this right now?” The warm trail of urine pooling on the floor at Rupert’s feet gave Burke his answer.

  “Living in fear,” Nathan whispered almost kindly, “is a terrible thing to experience, isn’t it? Maybe you’ll stop to consider this in the future where the slaves are concerned. Now open the door before I do something we’ll both regret.” Rupert’s fingers groped blindly for the controls, trembling, as the stunner gradually left his mouth. And that’s how Marines play it cool, Margo.

  Burke slipped inside as soon as the door began to open. He quickly scanned the room, looking for any possible threats, but found only what he had expected to; one of the house slaves was sprawled across Michael’s desk with her legs perched on his shoulders. She barely took notice of Burke from behind her glassy eyes, split lip and broken nose.

  Michael jumped like a startled snake, puffing with sweat covered cheeks. “I said I didn’t want to…Nathan? Get out of my office this instant, Rupert!”

  “I’m sorry, sir, he forced me to open the door,” Rupert stuttered in the background, still visible shaken.

  Michael’s wild gaze came to rest on the stunner gripped in Burke’s white knuckled hand. He backed away from the young girl, nearly tripping over a small footstool. “Rupert, call security!”

  “Belay that order, Mr. Todd,” Nathan snarled with more authority than Michael could ever muster. “We’re just going to have a little talk is all.” He clipped the stunner back on his belt, helping the dazed and bloody girl off Michael’s desk, looking for some sort of intelligent recognition behind her dazed expression. She’s stoned out of her mind.

  “Can you hear me? Hey!” Burke snapped his fingers until her jerking eyes met his. “Go to the infirmary, do you understand?”

  “Who do you think you are giving orders to my-”

  “Shut up, Michael.” Burke’s menacing tone was more than adequate to accomplish its purpose. “Come on, girl, on your feet.” He supported her sagging, stumbling weight, guiding her towards the door. “Rupert, I trust you’ll see that she gets the medical attention necessary?”

  “Yes, of course,” he replied woodenly.

  “And one more thing, if this door opens before I’m finished speaking with Michael…” Burke left the rest unsaid, giving Rupert one last hard stare, before closing and locking the door behind him.

  “Nathan, what’s the meaning of this? You can’t just barge into my office any time you like. And who do you think you are, threatening one of my employees like that?” Michael was still trying to portray an image of controlled calm, where he was still in command of the situation. Burke knew better, they both did.

  “Sit down, Michael. Do you remember the last time we had a little talk like this?” Michael slowly gravitated to the chair behind his desk, face growing pale.

  “I haven’t done anything to Donna, I swear! I haven’t laid a hand on her since-”

  “I’m not here to talk about Donna this time; I want to talk to you about the way you’re treating the slaves, Margo in particular.”

  “The new pony?” he asked honestly surprised, and a little relieved.

  “I can’t have her, or any of them for that matter, coming back to the stable in the condition I saw this morning. As their Overseer
, I’m responsible for the health and wellbeing of all my ponies, and what you did to one of them last night was unacceptable.”

  A thin smile began to cross Michael’s face, once more on familiar ground. “Nathan, I think you’re forgetting a few things. First off, the ponies aren’t yours they’re mine. They’re my property, my slaves, every single one of them, and I can do with them as I see fit. Secondly, you work for me. If you have a problem with that, then I suggest you seek employment elsewhere.”

  Michael reached for the ivory cigar box on his desk, running the thick, eight-inch Leidary under his nose with an appreciative sniff. “You grew up here, Nathan,” Michael continued with an off-handed smirk. “You of all people should understand this. We all have a station in life, and theirs has been decided by the outcome of destiny. For someone that owned slaves in the past, your squeamish behavior actually surprises me.”

  Burke slammed his fist on the desk like a thunderclap. The clear protective covering splintered like glass and a massive crack opened along the entire length of the wood top. Michael jumped back in shock, shaken from his fragile position of power.

  “What the hell is wrong with you, Michael? They’re human beings, for god’s sake!”

  “Do you have any idea how much that desk cost,” Michael sputtered. “How painstakingly difficult it was to have it hand crafted and imported all the way from earth?”

  Burke shook his head in disbelief. “You care more about that damn desk than the people whose lives rest in your hands, don’t you?”

  “Yes I do, Nathan, because they’re disposable pieces of property and nothing more. Now get out of my office, before I forget why I let you stay on my ranch in the first place!” Michael would probably never know how close he was to dying right now.

  “That may be true,” Nathan breathed like the hand of death itself. “They may belong to you, but let me make one thing crystal clear.” The chill in the air sent a racking shiver up and down Michael’s spine. “If you ever hurt Margo like that again I’ll come for you, and there’s nothing you, or anyone else on this sick fucking planet can do to stop me.”


  The next few days passed with a sense of strange normalcy after the hectic episode of my arrival, frenzied training, and Donna’s party. Things kind of fell into a relaxing, if not comfortable rut, that was nice for a change. I caught up on my sleep and explored the sprawling expanse of the stables in between my daily regimen of strength and cardiovascular training. Nightly bath time with Crystal, Roxy, and Clover, while chatting away the cares of the world like a bubbly cheerleader quickly became the highlight of my day. I would have never imagined that I’d find such a comfortable niche in life as a social butterfly.

  I only saw Nathan briefly over that time, first at the morning briefings, then periodically skulking about the stables. He was on the prowl, watching everyone and everything, throwing the entire place into an uproar without warning. He fired three of the meaner guard’s right in front of us one morning, making me beam from ear to ear. He had the entire staff walking on eggshells; more nervous than a cat about to give birth, to include the head bitch, Torri. I don’t know what Nathan said to them, but our overall treatment improved drastically after that. I personally thought it was funny as hell.

  I missed my hours of personalized training with Nathan though. I was a junkie for him now, not just the sex, although it had been amazing, and every night I went to bed was a diminishing battle of willpower not to break the rules and play with myself while thinking about him. I was going through withdrawal, bad, and if I didn’t get laid soon…

  “What are you thinking about, Margo?” Crystal asked slyly, sitting in front of me in the whirlpool, gently washing my breasts. “They must be nice thoughts.”

  My eyes snapped open, and my jaw snapped shut in the middle of a throaty, euphoric moan. I’d been stroking my clit under the water.

  “Nothing… I was…” I fanned the heat from my face, clearing the dew of aroused sweat from my brow with the back of my hand. “Is it hot in here, or is it just me?” I chuckled, panting, seconds away from cumming.

  Clover was doing Roxy’s hair behind us, too lost in a private little circle of girl talk to notice what I’d been doing. Crystal leaned close to my ear with an innocently sly grin. One of her hands moved to the top of my thigh, inching forward.

  “It’s okay,” she whispered so quietly I could barely hear her over the churning water. “Sometimes I do that in the bath too. Go ahead, no one can see you.” My eyes reeled with desire; coiled springs ready to snap. Crystal met them with a subtle, yet all too obvious yearning. Holy shit, she’s got the hots for me! “If you want,” she swallowed thickly, “I can do it for you.” Her teasing fingers inched closer to the inside of my thigh.

  A startling chorus of feminine yelps, and playful laughter, jerked my attention away from her sensual gaze. Stephanie, Nina and Penny had broken into a frenzied splash fight in the pool next to us, and the sight of their wet jiggling flesh, dripping with youthful eroticism, sent my libido skyrocketing. Their playful frolicking could have easily been the precursor to some ultra-sexy, co-ed lesbian movie. The guard and bath attendant watched from the sidelines with humorous grins, whispering quietly to one another, enjoying the entertainment. That much was obvious by the strained fabric of their pants. I have to get out of here.

  I started repeating Nathan’s name in my mind like a silent mantra of mental chastity. I was so close to getting off, minutes away, and all it would take is for me to spread my legs a little more so Crystal could complete the deed. She was practically sitting in my lap now. Fortunately her hand slowly withdrew, after I pinched my legs together. She looked at me oddly, if not slightly surprised by my refusal, backing away obviously hurt.

  Clover surged out of the water suddenly, laughing hysterically, as she jumped into the adjoining pool with ruthless enthusiasm to join in on the splashing fun. Roxy leaned against the side of the pool now, grinning like the Cheshire cat, breasts resting on the lip. Her dark nipples were as hard as two marbles, while she cheered Clover on. I couldn’t take any more visual teasing; I got out of the whirlpool, heading for the dryer.

  I was almost finished, working on my tail when Crystal slid up beside me. She activated the controls of the nearby dryer, giving me an apologetic glance.

  “Sorry, Margo, I just thought-”

  “It’s okay.” I reached out with a soothing hand, stroking her shoulder. Her skin was so soft. “It’s not you, Mr. Burke said we’re not… I just can’t do things like that anymore.” God did I want to though.

  “Oh. “ Crystal chewed at her lip nervously. “You’re not going to report me, are you?”

  “What? Of course not.” I turned off the dryer, shaking out my frizzy long hair with a genuine chuckle. “Why would I do that? You’ve been so nice to me since I arrived and well, you’re my friend.” She smiled lightly.

  “You just have to be careful is all.” Crystal looked cautiously over her shoulder. “Some of the others are snitches. Be careful of Starlla and Penny; they’ve tattled to Miss Torri about things in the past.” Guess I wasn’t the only one that she had confronted with the offer of special privileges, for playing her reindeer games.

  “I will, thanks for the warning.”

  I reluctantly watched the splash fight slowly degenerate into nothing short of a nude wrestling match, while I waited for Crystal to finish drying. After Clover kept being repeatedly dunked by the other girls, Roxy flew from the water, jumping to her aid. Things only went downhill from there with barely concealed, exploratory touches and fondling hands. Clover didn’t seem to be fighting back all that much to me anymore.

  This was the first time I’d seen anything that resembled overt sexual contact between us, not counting washing one another of course, and surprisingly it put me on edge. They’re going to get their butts in trouble, especially if the rooms are monitored like Nathan said. Why was the guard even allowing it to get to this poin

  Most of the other girls stood around the pool now, whinnying, cheering at the top of their lungs like a bunch of excited kids. The sight of all those trim little rumps with swishing tails, and the over abundance of bouncing breasts, really wasn’t helping my current predicament of unruly horniness. I was so engrossed in watching Roxy’s magnificent body writhe in the water with the others, that I didn’t notice Crystal beside me, until her tail flicked against the back of my legs. Her cheeks were flushed, ogling the display with nearly as much restrained desire as I was.

  “Aren’t they going to get in trouble?”

  “Maybe,” she heaved, licking her lips. “Mares aren’t allowed to touch each other like that, ever. They’re all being bad right now, and they know it. They’re just anxious; we all are.”

  “Anxious, anxious for what?”

  “Breeding day.” I swore I saw Crystal actually shiver.


  “I don’t know, soon.”

  I already knew what awaited me, when the time came. Cirus said he was going to have me on breeding day, whatever that entitled, and I knew that he’d make good on the promise. I snorted, shaking my head, trying to rid my mind of his enticing scent. It was impossible, now that I made a conscious effort to single him out among the other stallions. Cirus was in the common area and he was sexually excited, more so than usual. Don’t ask me how I know that, but I do. My disobedient pussy began to salivate like a horny dog, in reluctant want for the bastard. It’s not fair; I’m trying to be good!

  “I know,” Crystal whispered softly, eagerly. “I can’t wait for it either; an entire day of breeding.” She let out a thunderous whinny that sounded out of place for someone of her stature. The other ponies quickly joined in, and their greedy call for lustful sex echoed off the walls, rattling my brain. When some of the stallions answered in the distance, I began to tremble, losing what little control and willful restraint I had.


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