Slave World

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Slave World Page 32

by Johnny Stone

  “You’re all I need any longer, Margo; you crave my attention, wanting more all the time unlike the rest of my worthless toys. They’re nothing compared to you.” The Master had used my name, I wonder why? I was such a worthless slut; I didn’t deserve to have a name any longer.

  He slapped my ass with everything he had, and I winced in wonderful agony, cumming. The crack of his hand against my flesh was like music to my ears.

  “Everything, it’s all thanks to you.” He was breathing deeply now, short stroking me as the footage of Donna was concluded with a massive facial that covered her euphoric expression with a dripping eruption. It was a freakishly large amount, even for a Cirus. “Soon I’ll have a perfectly willing and obedient slave at my side, Donna will be a brain dead cash cow, and Nathan?” He came, pushing hard inside me, groaning. The sensation was warm and soothing, as it flowed into the depths of my rectum.

  “I have a special surprise for you tonight,” he panted, slowing his pace in my abused asshole. It ached, hot and swollen. “Nathan loves you, and I know that in the back of your mind you love him too. I want to see the pain in his eyes when you betray him; I want to see him suffer in so many ways with his dying breath.”

  The Master released my wrist restraints and I was free to move again. He slapped my ass playfully one last time, taking a seat at his desk. I sunk to my knees at his side, placing my head contently in his lap.

  “Do you know what real power is?” I shook my head ‘no’ as it was a rhetorical question. “It’s not money or corporations, or even entire governments, it’s having control of another person’s mind, of being a puppet master while they do your bidding against their will. It’s all about control over other human beings. Things were so much easier before Nathan arrived, especially when dealing with Donna, but now the opportunity has finally presented itself in you to be rid of him forever.” I smiled happily, adjusting my head to kiss the tip of his leaking cock. “You, my little obedient pony, are going to kill Nathan Burke for me.”


  I knelt at the Master’s side, while he finished dinner. He was in a joyous mood, humming quietly while he ate, fiddling with his computer. He stroked my hair, scratching me behind the ear with loving fingers. My face glowed with lofty pride, as I nuzzled against his leg. I alone now held the favored position next to him. I was the chosen one, the Master’s favorite. His other pets had been chased off, and were sulking in the corners. None of them would ever dare to come near him again. I’d killed one, and put three more in the infirmary while he watched on laughing. I had strength and that meant power among my kind, and I’d used it tonight with brutal willingness to take what was mine. The Master taught me that.

  I was in the same massive dining room that I’d been presented to Mistress Donna in. Several guards were spaced about at various locations armed with assault rifles, while four sentry drones waited patiently in one of the anti-rooms. I was nervous, barely able to contain myself. The Master was going to let me kill Nathan. Why? I didn’t want to kill Nathan though, did I? I couldn’t say how I felt about him any longer. The Master wanted me to kill him; he would be pleased with me, reward me for my obedience, he said so. No more breeding days, and I would have my own stall adjoined to his bedroom in the house. I would be used and whipped by him every day, wallowing in pleasure and delirious pain-filled orgasms for the rest of my life. What more could a humble slave ask for?

  The cold metal of the 12mm Glock 21 pistol hidden between my thighs had finally started to warm, while my hand twitched nervously above it. For some reason, in the back of my naughty mind, I wanted to shoot the Master. My hand remained unmoving, waiting for his command to shoot Nathan instead.

  “Mr. Burke has arrived, Sir.” A voice cut in on the Master’s wrist-com.

  “Excellent, show him in please.”

  A few minutes later Nathan entered the dining room, looking calm and in control of himself as usual. I felt a stirring in the depths of my soul and my pulse began to race, but I wasn’t sure why. He looked slowly around the room, taking everything in at a glance, before his eyes fell on me. He looked sad for some reason. Guess I would be too, if I were about to die? Something inside me wanted to jump from the Master’s side and hold Nathan, to kiss him. Why? The Master didn’t like him, so I guess that meant I don’t like him either.

  “What’s all this about, Michael? I have work to do. The trucks still need to be unloaded.” The Master set his fork down, chuckling.

  “No need to concern yourself with that any longer; Torri will be seeing to your duties from now on.”

  “What are you talking about, Michael?” Nathan’s voice was deep and cautious. Something about the way he stood looked familiar: Ready? Waiting? Prepared? I wonder if I should say something to the Master.

  “You’re being replaced Nathan, permanently.”

  The guards nearby took a more hostile stance with weapons lowered, and Nathan looked back at them unfazed. The harmonic hum of the globe-like sentry drones rose up behind me, floating from their hiding place behind thick curtains, taking a position above the Master. Their weapons pod locked in place with ominous intent, armed and pointing at Nathan.

  “Michael? What’s going on?” Mistress Donna stood at the top of the stairs in her nightdress. It looked like she had been sleeping. “Hi Nathan,” she waved happily. “Are you going to be able to read to me tonight?” The Master angrily stood, turning to face her.

  “I told you to stay in your room, you stupid cunt! Get back upstairs before I take my whip to your ass!” She frowned nervously, looking down at her feet, shuffling them.

  “I only wanted something to eat is all.”

  “Upstairs, now!” the Master bellowed.

  “Yes, Michael, I’m sorry.”

  She quickly retreated up the stairs, and the Master regained his composure. Nathan continued to stand in the middle of the room as if bored from the show unfolding before him, calmly lighting a cigarette. There was a deadly glow in eyes now, and I smiled for some reason. He had that cute, lop-sided grin on his face again that I vaguely remembered like a dream.

  “Michael, you’re an idiot. Do you really think you can take me down with this pathetic group? I’m only going to say this one time; don’t do this, let Margo and Donna go and it can end right here and now, with no one getting hurt.”

  “You are in no position to make demands, Nathan. You have been a thorn in my side for much too long and it’s time to remove that thorn forever. Pony, kill Burke, kill him now!”

  I gracefully came to my feet in a single motion with the pistol in my hand. I stepped forward leveling it at Nathan’s chest from no more than 15 feet away. I saw the surprised look in his face, the hurt and pain. My finger wavered over the trigger for a fraction of a second.


  The discharge of the pistol echoed like rippling thunder in the enclosed room, as I fired four times in rapid succession into Nathan’s chest. He fell backwards, driven along by the force of the impacting slugs, coming to rest face down, while his unfinished cigarette continued to burn several feet away.

  Oh my God, what have I done? I dropped the pistol, going to my knees, screaming in grief stricken anguish. I wasn’t even sure why, only that I hurt like never before. The clapping behind me was slow and jovial.

  “And so it ends for the great Nathan Burke,” the Master scoffed, “killed by the very woman he loves.” The Master was at my side, pulling me to my feet. “That was easier than I thought; Rupert is such a worry wart. This calls for a celebration, doesn’t it, slut? Up to my room, and be quick about it.” I nodded, feeling my desire for him again. Yes, Master. “And get that mess cleaned up.” He motioned with a wave of his hand to the two waiting guards, as we turned to leave.

  The discharging of a small caliber weapon’s report startled me. I spun about just in time to see one of the guards, his face blown away, falling to the floor. Just as quickly, the other was knocked off his feet from a leg sw
eep, and Nathan’s arm came up and down with sledge hammer force, smashing his elbow into the man’s chest with a sickening crunch. Nathan was on his feet in the blink of an eye, holding one of the guard’s rifles now. There was a small pistol lying on the floor at his feet, and I could barely make out the presence of a thin, under-armor vest beneath Nathan’s shirt. It was torn and frayed from the heavy slugs, but it looked like it had done its job.

  The Master grabbed me, pulling me in front of him as a shield.

  “Drones, kill him! Guards!”

  I cringed as my hair swirled about my face, buffeted by the heavy thumping muzzle blasts of the drones, when they passed by over head. The wall behind Nathan exploded as he crouched and ran, firing from the hip at a window. More guards came through the far doorway and ran head long into several shots from the drones. They were blown to pieces, amid a spray of blood and body parts.

  “Stop firing! Stop firing!” The Master screamed as they continued to shoot holes in his home, killing everything before them, except Nathan. He dove through the air, throwing his shoulder into the shattered window, smashing through it to land in the darkness beyond. The Master tapped in a command on his armband, and the lockdown and alert sirens began to wail in the background.

  “Harry, Burke has gotten outside of the house, hunt him down, kill him, do you understand?”

  “Yes, Sir!”

  The Master turned his raging attention to the drones that had gone silent. “What are you waiting for? After him!” The clicking of mechanical eyes and artificial brains processed new information and orders. They sped off, following Burke through the destroyed window.

  The Master began to pace nervously before going to his computer on the dining table, calling up a large, CGI display of the ranch. Small dots with designation numbers appeared throughout the landscape, moving in small groups, converging on the house.

  The drones were firing again, and it was answered by sporadic automatic weapons fire. It quickly grew into a deafening exchange, reminding me of a Fourth of July fireworks finale. Occasionally I heard a muffled explosion, or a faint cry for help, while the dots on the display scurried about frantically, some of them blinking, then disappearing altogether. The Master looked upset now, and I wondered if he would let me suck his cock. That would make everything all right, wouldn’t it?

  He stormed over to the discarded pistol I’d dropped, picking it up before taking his seat at the table again. I knelt by his side, leaning against his leg, seeking his touch. It never came.

  “What in the hell is going on out there?” He furiously tapped in a command on his armband, and the communication channel for the guard force blared to life.

  “We’re taking fire from over there, near the pond,” a woman yelled frantically. It sounded like Torri.

  “Central, why can’t we get him on sensors,” a man screamed in frustration, “where is he!”

  “I don’t know, I can’t see a goddamn thing! He’s jamming us somehow.”

  “He’s in the grove,” another voice shouted excitedly.

  “I’m hit…” Static. There were more explosions followed by a sound from my nightmares.

  “Fuck! Where did he get a-” Static and broken screams temporarily overloaded the communication channel. The dots representing the guard force grew significantly less in number. The Master was getting scared; I could read it in his face, see it in his frantic eyes.

  “Bravo and Echo team are gone,” a man screeched frantically. The twangy pulse of searing meat came in loud over the communication channel in the background. Someone was firing an automatic laser. “They’re dead, they’re all dead!”

  “Over there, I see him!” A massive explosion silhouetted the jungle, rocking the main house with a billowing shockwave.

  “Central’s gone! The whole building just went up! We need help, Mr. Savota, Burke’s killing…” The channel suddenly went dead.

  “This is Savota, all guards report back to the main house immediately!” Some of them replied, but I got the impression that most didn’t. They were running away. The Master looked down at me wildly.

  “At least with you and Donna still here, Burke won’t come back in shooting the place up. Maybe I can still make a deal with him?” I smiled. Such a good and smart Master, I knew he would come up with a plan.

  “Michael?” It was Mistress Donna again.

  “I thought I told you to stay in your room!” The Master turned, facing the stairwell behind him. “Can’t you understand simple-”

  I flinched at the distinctive sizzling of a laser discharge, milliseconds before the cyan blue beam lanced into my unsuspecting Master. Human cell tissue is comprised of nearly 80% water, and every molecule of it that the beam came in contact with, was instantaneously superheated to over 1000 degrees, flashing to steam in the fraction of a second, expanding in volume by 1600 times as a result. The Master’s clothes burst into flames, and I was showered in hot red mist of charred, smoking chunks of flesh. His arm landed several feet in front of me; my remote still attached to it.

  I was shaking, gingerly gazing about in shock at the bright red peppering of bloody gore splattered across my pale skin. I turned numbly to see Mistress Donna standing at the foot of the stairs, her Nagutchi pistol still leveled at where Michael used to be. She sniffed loudly with a bored, emotionless expression on her deadpan face.

  “That’s the problem with using a heater on an unarmored target, Margo, it makes such a mess to clean up afterwards.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Nathan had known full well that Michael had plans to kill him, alerted by the transmissions piggybacked to his own wrist-com while still in Port City. He’d come back to the ranch ready to end it that night, just as Michael wanted. Nathan had been prepared for everything Michael could throw at him, except me shooting him. The guilt still lingered in the back of my mind whenever I looked in his eyes. I knew I’d never be able to get over it completely or forget the look of pained surprise staring back at me just before I’d pulled the trigger.

  I wasn’t exactly sure when Nathan had entered the smoking, ruined dining room to find me kneeling among the slaughter that used to be my Master; everything about that night was such a blur. I remembered little things though, how the barrel of his pulse rifle was white-hot from prolonged use, the air around it shimmering with heat. A small umbilical led from the stock of his weapon into a jack on one of his hands, while his eyes glowed slightly with an internal light, filled with targeting data and a heads up display.

  I was in shock, numbly aware of my surroundings, unsure of what to do next, while I stared down blankly at the remote still attached to the smoldering stump of Michael’s arm. For the first time since my capture, it almost felt like I was in control of my life again. Nathan thought we should destroy the remote right then and there, but I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. In the end I gave it to him to keep, to look after. Oddly enough, I’d wanted no choice in the matter. I would let Nathan ultimately decide what the fate of my remote would be.

  Things changed so much after that crazy night in the main house. Michael’s remaining henchmen disappeared into the night. They knew it was over and everything was about to change forever. A few remained behind, those that were nothing more than simple employees of a deranged and power hungry megalomaniac. They stayed to help us set things right again.

  Clean up of the ranch had started the next day. It had taken a long time to get everything back into some semblance of normalcy again, even now, six months later, construction or demolition was still going on in various locations. Then there was the issue of all the slaves and how to deal with them. Nathan wanted nothing to do with the concept of slavery, and surprisingly Donna, the real one that slowly started to make its reemergence over time, agreed with him on the matter. The majority of slaves, the ones born here that knew nothing else, had stayed on to work as paid employees for Nathan and Donna. This was their home and they opted to stay despite the memories. Oth
ers wanted off Slave World as quickly as possible, and who could blame them?

  In the weeks that followed the battle, Nathan cleared their registration numbers, as well as mine, from Slave World Central Processing and the Holloway Company. As a final show, our brands and tracking devices had been removed; the closing act in a long dark play of depravity that was known as the Savota ranch. We were all free now. What a strange concept for me to grasp…

  There had nearly been a riot among the other Landowners after word got out about what had happened. Michael Savota’s slaves were free now? Some of them wanted to leave Slave World? Impossible! The secret of this place couldn’t get out; no one could know the true extent of what went on here. The local militia had been mobilized, and another battle had nearly ensued.

  Nathan hadn’t been lying when he said that he had friends. Many of them were just hired guns at this point; battle hardened veterans like himself that made a living the only way they knew how. Within five days of Michael’s death, some of them began to arrive. It was probably a good thing the other Landowners decided not to attack the Burke ranch; Nathan and his close-knit band of professional killers would have brought down a world of hurt on them the likes of which they had never experienced before. Money, lawyers and corporate power meant little to those with weapons that had the determination and training to use them with deadly efficiency. Sure the Landowners could have hired a privately owned army at a ridiculous price to get rid of us, but what was the point? They had much more to lose than they had to gain at this point.

  They ultimately decided it was best just to leave the Burkes alone. In the end a deal had been brokered; the slaves that had chosen to leave were allowed to, but only in stasis and on independently owned freighters of the other Landowners. At least this way the location of Slave World would still remain a secret to them, and the rest of the universe in whole.


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