Claiming What's Theirs

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Claiming What's Theirs Page 3

by Jenika Snow

  Gripping his dick harder, he gritted his teeth as pain and pleasure slammed into him. Pins and needles started in the root of his cock and traveled up his spine. Eyes closed, he pictured Jessa naked and needing him. He would lay her on his bed, her ankles in his hands as he pushed her legs back until they touched her chest. She would be open for him, every part of her on display for his appraisal. Oh, she would be beautiful in every way possible, and he would devour her. His climax shot out of him, hitting the tile and causing him to brace his free hand on the wall to steady himself. Despite the pleasure his orgasm delivered, he was still hard and aching for a certain small female, one just a few doors down from him. He knew she would accept him, had smelled her interest for not only him, but his brother as well. The tangy sweetness of her arousal had hit him squarely in the chest and left him feeling off-balance. She wanted them, both of them. The temptation was strong, but Deacon’s strength surpassed any weakness that would have had him submitting.

  He toweled off and slipped in bed naked. For several minutes he stared above him, watching the way the light from the moon moved across the ceiling. The sun would be up in a few short hours, and although he didn’t require much sleep, it had been days since he had gotten any quality rest. The random sex and run in the woods hadn’t tired him out, but maybe taking the edge off in the shower would allow him to close his eyes and sleep for a little while. He let his lids drift shut and forced his body to relax into the mattress. Surprisingly he felt the tendrils of sleep start to filter around the edges of his subconscious. The only problem was the image that wouldn’t leave his mind of Jessa withering beneath him in ecstasy.


  Jessa woke to the smell of bacon. It was still early by the way the light from the sun bathed the room in a pinkish hue. A look at the clock on the bedside table affirmed her belief.

  Six in the morning.

  She pushed herself up and sat on the edge of the bed, every part of her protesting. If possible she was even sorer then she had been last night. Her jeans and sweater felt like sandpaper on her flesh. She made her way to the dresser and opened the drawer. She didn’t expect to find any clothes, but surprise filtered through her to see some white shirts and sweats. She grabbed a shirt and sweats and went into the bathroom. Turning the light on illuminated the rustic looking facilities. The walls were stained pine, the smell of the rich wood refreshing. Thick slabs of tile covered the floor. They weren’t the shiny kind but the ones that were made to look worn. It matched well with the feel of the cabin. A shower was positioned off to the side, and a small tub beside that.

  She undressed, making sure to keep her back to the mirror. She had no desire to see her body, especially knowing how it had looked yesterday right before she left Paul. She wished she had some clean underwear and a bra, though. Maybe one of the guys would take her to her car? She could get her clothes and money and figure out how to get her car working. The sweats were three sizes too big, and the shirt hung to her knees, but they were clean and comfortable, and at this point she didn’t care. She rolled the waistband of the sweats down until they stopped falling off her. He mouth tasted nasty, and when she opened one of the drawers and found an unopened toothbrush and tube of toothpaste she thanked the heavens. For men who liked to live alone they sure had a nice stock of supplies in their guestroom. She washed her face and brushed her teeth and then headed back into the room. She went to the task of straightening up, telling herself it was because she was a guest and not because she felt the need to stall.

  When there was nothing left for her to do in the room she made herself open the door and step into the hallway. The sound of silverware clanking on china and low murmurs filled the space. Thayer and Deacon were sitting at the table, their postures relaxed, and the air around them comfortable. Looking at the two of them in the morning light showed her that they were more similar in appearance then she initially had thought. Both of them turned their intense blue eyes her way, and she found herself picking at the shirt she wore. Was it one of theirs? Would they be mad she went through their things? Their eyes did a once-over of her body, and chills raced along her arms.

  “I-I’m sorry.” She continued to nervously pick at the clothes. “My clothes were dirty and bothering me. I hope you don’t mind, but I found these in the dresser. I also used the toothbrush you had in the bathroom.” Deacon cleared his throat and looked down at his plate. Thayer started rubbing the back of his neck. “I can change.” The way they acted made her uncomfortable.

  She turned to leave, but Deacon’s deep voice stopped her. “No. It’s fine, really.” She turned back around and went to the table. “That’s why we have those things in there.” Thayer motioned for her to sit down across from them. Deacon set an empty plate in front of her, and he started piling on eggs, bacon, pancakes, and fresh fruit. She knew her eyes had to be as wide as the plates at the amount of food in front of her. The sound of Thayer chuckling had her lifting her eyes to him and then looking at Deacon who scowled at his brother.

  “What’s so funny?” Deacon’s voice was so rough and so very male.

  “Dude, she can’t eat that much.” Thayer threw his head back and let out a bark of laughter, which only had Deacon deepening his scowl.

  Deacon turned and looked at her and then down at her plate. “You need more meat on your bones.” He started shoveling food in his mouth but kept his eyes on her. When he swallowed and took a drink of coffee he spoke again. “You’re skin and bones.”

  She knew he hadn’t meant for it to be an insult, but she felt her cheeks heat nonetheless. Paul had always said she was too thick for his liking, that she needed to portion out her servings and eat like a woman, not a grown man. For years she had swallowed his words and taken them to heart, and after a while she started believing him. When he hit her so hard her jaw became dislocated, and when he started bringing home random women, Jess finally saw what her life had become. She had finally had enough. Of course that had been five years too late, but hey, at least she had finally grown a spine and fought back. The image of blood filled her mind again, and she shook her head, trying to rid herself of the image.

  “Deacon.” Thayer hissed under his breath, and she looked up at him and smiled.

  “No, he’s right. I do need to put some weight on.” She didn’t like how thin her body had become since being with Paul. She used to have a full figure with curves and an actual chest. She was now convinced Paul wanted someone to keep under his thumb, to mold into the perfect little Stepford wife. Deacon made a sound deep in his throat, and she smiled. She was comfortable in the company of these strangers, these men who commanded the attention of a room. That realization scared the shit out of her.

  “I took a run this morning to your car and grabbed your bag.” Deacon said after swallowing a mouthful of food. He pointed, and she turned to see her bag and purse sitting on the couch.

  “I actually need to know if there is a mechanic who can take a look at my car and get it in running order again.” She looked between the two of them, realizing they were still and silent. “I appreciate everything you two have done. I could never repay you for saving my life, and I’m sure you want to get on with your lives without the inconvenience of me here.” She forced a smile because the strange thing was she didn’t like how she felt when those words left her mouth.

  “You’re far from an inconvenience, Jessa.” Thayer spoke low and gently. She wouldn’t break, not again. Never again.

  “Your car is pretty fucked up.” She didn’t flinch at the crude nature of his words.

  “Damn, Deacon. Do you have to speak like that?” Thayer all but growled.

  Deacon didn’t take his gaze off Jessa, and she felt herself warm under the weight. “Well, do you know anyone that would be able to fix it? I can’t afford much, but I know I can’t stay here. I mean you guys have already helped me out so much. I’d hate to overstay my welcome.”

  “There is only one mechanic in town, but I’m pretty sure he went to Florida
or some shit like that. He won’t be back until January.” He said it so nonchalantly. “Besides, you are so not overstaying your welcome.”

  Heart palpating at the husky timbre of his words, she cleared her throat. Two months seemed a lifetime away. She dropped her head in her hands and closed her eyes. “There isn’t anyone else? Maybe in another town?”

  “The next town is over an hour away, and the tow alone would cost a small fortune. As far as I could tell, without really delving under the hood, is that you need a new radiator, seeing as coolant covered the ground.” A long pause followed before Deacon continued. “Those foreign parts cost a pretty penny and can take a while to get shipped in.” She lifted her gaze to his, trying to gauge where he was going by the look on his face. “I could probably tow it back to the cabin with my truck and work on it. I can see about getting the parts at the scrapyard. I know the owner, so I could get a good price on them.” Hope sprang in her chest.

  “Ohmigod! That would be great. I mean, if it all works out and it’s no problem for you.” The corner of his lips twitched in amusement, probably because of her full-blown giddy mode.

  “It’s no problem, Jessa.”

  God, the way he said her name was like sex. It was like he was fucking her name and enjoying every minute of it. It was like his hands were on her body, his mouth against hers, and his cock buried inside of her. God, her lewd thoughts had her feeling disgust with herself. She forced her voice to be calm and collected, the complete opposite of how she felt. “How long do you think it would take? A few days? A week maybe?” She didn’t want to impose on them, but she also didn’t want to seem like impatient. They were doing her a huge favor. Maybe she could have one of them take her into town and she could find a cheap motel to hole up in until her car was finished? It would eat away at what little money she had, but she certainly couldn’t stay with them. The sooner she got this taken care of the sooner she could be on her way and put miles between her and Paul, and the whacked arousal she felt for these two men.

  Deacon shrugged his big shoulders. “Not sure. I’d have to see exactly what’s wrong with the car and what I’d need to order. Then it depends on if the scrapyard has those parts.” Okay, so he couldn’t give her a time frame, but it was better than nothing.

  “You can never know how much this means to me. I’ll just get changed and maybe one of you can take me into town? I can see about checking into a motel until the car is fixed.” She stood and grabbed her bag. Turning back toward them she saw Deacon and Thayer in a staring match. Their jaws were clenched, but neither spoke. God, what if this isn’t okay with Thayer?

  They turned in her direction, and both of their brows knitted. Thayer spoke. “Why would you need to stay in a motel?”

  “Uhm—” No one moved, and the air shifted. “I just figured I’d stay there until my car is fixed.”

  “You staying in town doesn’t make any sense. We have the guest room that is yours for however long you need it.” Their gazes were penetrating, so penetrating that she shifted on her feet and looked down at the ground.

  “Besides, I’d like to monitor you and make sure everything else heals correctly.”

  Thayer made sense, but she still felt like an intruder. She started tugging at her shirt, trying to hide the bruises she knew they couldn’t possibly see. Tears pricked her eyes at the kindness these two strangers were showing her. She hadn’t felt like this in years, and it was a little unnerving. Lifting her eyes to them, they both stood suddenly and took a step toward her before stopping themselves.

  “Fuck.” Deacon’s curse rang through the room. “Was it something I said? Was I being an ass?” He ran a hand over the back of his head. “Shit, I’m sorry. Jessa. I’m not good with words, and I tend to put my foot in my mouth a lot.”

  The concern in his voice had her smiling and needing to reassure him that he didn’t do anything wrong. “You didn’t say anything wrong, Deacon.”

  “Are you in pain? I can give you something if you are.” Thayer turned and went to the cupboard.

  “I’m not in pain.” It certainly wasn’t anything she couldn’t handle. She had felt a lot worse. “It’s just…” She looked between the two of them and tightened her hands in her shirt. “You’re just so nice to me, a woman you don’t even know. You guys saved my life and are now offering to fix my car and let me stay at your home. I don’t know what I’d do if not for you two.” A blush crept up her neck, and she looked away, suddenly feeling very exposed. “I’m not used to that kind of kindness.” She smiled and murmured, “Thank you.” Before she was the one that put her foot in her mouth, she darted back into her room, away from their knowing eyes and the unfamiliar understanding and tenderness they offered her.

  Chapter Four

  “Deacon. What. The. Fuck?” Thayer kept his voice low, but Deacon heard the irritation laced in the words nonetheless. He pulled his eyes from where Jessa had been standing and looked at his brother.

  “She’s running from something, little brother.” He had seen it in her eyes, that fear and pain that she tried so hard to hide. Her scars ran deep from whoever hurt her. That knowledge had his hands tightening at his sides and a rumble growing in his chest. “She’s been hurt.” He sliced his eyes to Thayer and saw on his brother’s face that he had seen it, too.

  “Yeah, I know, and all I want to do to put her in a bubble and guard the hell out of it, but Deacon, this is bad, very bad.” He started pacing, an act Thayer didn’t do unless he was in turmoil. “It’s clear we both feel something for her, but it’s dangerous for her to be here when our emotions are running so rampant. I can feel my animal trying to break through.” Thayer dropped his voice another octave. “Deacon, it wants to claim her.” Fear laced his brother’s voice for the first time ever. Deacon couldn’t remember a time when Thayer had let his guard down, had actually revealed the raw, uninhibited emotions that he showed right now.

  Deacon took a step back and crossed his arms over his chest. In all honesty he knew having her stay with him was a bad idea. The scent of her alone drove him crazy with lust. Since he had first laid eyes on her his dick had been hard, the arousal so strong it squeezed his brain until he thought he’d go mad with the need to take her.

  “This is bad, brother, really fucking bad.” Thayer, always the logical one.

  “I know this wasn’t the wisest move, but tell me how in the hell she was going to leave with no transportation. You know damn well everything I said to be the truth.” Scrubbing his hand across his face he took a deep, steadying breath. “Besides, the thought of her leaving makes me want to hurt someone.” It wasn’t rational or sane, but he knew what he felt, and if Thayer felt a sliver of the same emotions, then they were both fucked. “I want to mate her.” Thayer stopped pacing, the look on his face unyielding. “And I know you want to do the same.”

  A string of curse words left his lips, and Deacon couldn’t help the amusement that filtered through him. His little brother was never the one to talk like a sailor, but it seemed a tiny female was enough to undo him … both of them.

  “What if—” Thayer dropped his big body in one of the chairs. “What if shit goes down, Deacon? What if you can’t control yourself around her? What if I can’t?”

  Not going to fucking happen. Deacon ran a hand over the back of his neck and exhaled.

  “I would never hurt her. My animal would never hurt her.” He gripped a chunk of his hair at the nape of his neck. “It’s my beast that is demanding I take her, Thayer. It’s taking everything inside of me to rein it in.” Deacon pulled up the chair next to him, and the two of them sat in silence.

  “I want her, Deacon.” Need coated Thayer’s voice and filled the air. “I mean, I really want her. I’ve never wanted a female like this, especially after just meeting them.” Thayer cast a hopeful glance at him. “Do you really think she’s ours? Is it even possible for both of us to mate the same female?”

  Deacon really didn’t know the logistics of that. Their parents didn�
�t discuss any of that with them, deciding instead that their children needed to learn the hard way about how the world really worked. Painful memories accosted him, but he pushed them back. He was good at pushing them back. At least Thayer hadn’t been on the receiving end of their fathers “lessons”, well, not like Deacon had been. With him being the oldest he had to man-up and take the brunt the shit thrown their way. He had a fucked-up childhood, but he wouldn’t have changed it. His brother had been spared the horror he had seen, and nothing else mattered.

  “I don’t know how that shit works, but it looks like we don’t have a choice. It looks like fate chose for us.” Deacon had never believed in fate or destiny, but after laying eyes on Jessa there were a lot of things he was reconsidering.

  “We can’t keep her here forever, Deacon. You’ll fix her car, and then she’ll want to leave.” They heard her in the bedroom, and both of them turned in that direction. She didn’t come out, and Thayer continued. “Sooner or later she’s going to see us shift, and then how are we going to explain that? She’ll run away from us so fast and hard we’ll never be able to find her.”

  A low growl left Deacon at the thought of her leaving. “I’m not going to let her go, not when she makes the restless energy and my beast calm.” His voice was calm, but even he heard the determination in his voice. “We are just going to make her want to stay, no matter what.”


  “You sure you’re feeling all right?”

  Jessa smiled and looked over her shoulder at Thayer. That was the third time in the past hour he had asked her. “I’m fine, really.” He looked at her sheepishly, and she chuckled.


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