Don’t Tell: The Series

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Don’t Tell: The Series Page 15

by Paige, Violet


  The big homecoming party was tomorrow. We decided Ryan needed to know ahead of time. We couldn’t ask Kaitlyn’s parents to keep our secret.

  “Listen, man. I’ve got to tell you something.”

  Ryan turned to face me. His skin was unusually tan. “Don’t tell me you knocked up another girl.”

  I grimaced. “No, but there’s a girl.”

  He raised his eyebrows. “A serious girl? Does she know about Grayson?”

  I nodded. “She does. And Amber. And the Dunes. She knows everything.”

  He tilted his head. “She knows all your baggage and she’s still around?”

  “I don’t think there’s anyone else like her. She’s amazing. And gorgeous. She accepts all of it.”

  “Don’t tell me she gives you blow jobs every day too. Because I haven’t fucked a girl in a year.”

  I wasn’t going there. “I was going to say, and she still loves me.”

  He blinked. “Love? Shit. I have missed a lot. Never thought Cole Thomas would say that.”

  “You might want to finish your drink to hear the rest of this.”

  Ryan looked at me. “What is it?”

  “The girl is Kaitlyn.”

  I should have known it was coming. I should have braced myself or even ducked. But the punch was fast and furious.

  Ryan slugged me, knocking me on my ass.

  He stood over me. “Mother fucker. You did not just tell me you’re fucking my sister.”

  I rubbed my jaw.

  “I love your sister, asshole.”

  “Ryan!” Kaitlyn ran outside. She leaned down to help me, but I shrugged her off and stood on my own.

  “Are you ok, Cole?”

  “I’m fine.” I turned to Ryan who looked like he could throw a second punch. “Man, it’s not like the past. This is different.”

  He stared at Kaitlyn. “Him? You want to be with him?”

  She nodded. “Please don’t be mad. And please stop punching him.”

  “I can’t fucking believe this.” He spun in a circle on the patio.

  I looked through the glass as the Sinclaires ushered Grayson into another room.

  “I love your sister. And I know how it sounds. I’m a dick. But I love her. And this is what we want. You know I’ll take care of her. I’ll keep her safe. I swear to you. I swear on my life I won’t let her get hurt.

  “We hope you can accept it eventually. Not tonight, but one day. You’ll stop hating my guts and wanting to beat the hell out of me.”

  Kaitlyn looked at him. “Please, Ryan.”

  He sighed. “Damn it.”

  He extended his hand toward me.

  I took it.

  And I knew from then on we were going to be ok.



  Grayson slept on my lap as we flew home. Home. I couldn’t believe Texas was going to be my new home. Cole wore earbuds and watched a movie. No surprise it was a military one.

  I ran my hands through Grayson’s hair. It was starting to get long on the ends. But it was cute and shaggy.

  I’d be lying if I said Ryan was completely happy with our news, but after a full weekend together and chance for him to finally get some sleep, he seemed to accept it.

  My parents were so enamored with being potential step-grandparents, they glossed over the entire relationship. I could only imagine what it would be like when I had a baby of my own.

  Looking at the child sleeping in my lap, I knew I loved him as if he were my own. I didn’t know that kind of love existed. But it did. I could feel it.

  I didn’t want to replace Amber or erase her. Cole had told me enough to expect her return. She’d always been in Grayson’s life, which didn’t know how she’d appear. And maybe once she traveled and grew the hell up, she’d be ready to be a mother.

  I already was.

  I smiled. Cole folded his strong hand over mine.

  We were headed home to our cute beach house. Where Cole and I would spend nights with the sliding door open, drowning out the sounds of sex. Our passion had only just begun. We’d work together during the day, and we’d raise Grayson. Making sure he had all the love and happiness this world could give him.

  The flight attendant walked by. “Miss, you need to return your seat to the upright position.”

  I nodded. “No problem.”

  Who knew when I flew to Texas on my own that I’d end up with everything I ever wanted.

  Don’t Lie



  I kicked the back tire twice. It was already deflated. Seriously, how could I have a flat tire? I stared at the rubber as it formed a pancake on the shoulder of the road.

  I pulled out my phone to call roadside assistance. There was no way I was driving another inch on that thing.

  “Hi. Yes, this is Kaitlyn Sinclaire. The trailer I rented from your company has a flat tire. Can you send someone to change it?”

  “Where are you, ma’am? And I need your rental ID number.”

  “There was a detour and I was rerouted.” I sighed “Let me check my phone. It looks like I’m on state road 101.” There were no mile markers or exits. Only swamps and sugar cane. I unfolded the rental slip from my pocket and read the numbers in the right-hand corner to her.

  “Ok, I see your reservation in our system. It will be at least an hour before we can dispatch someone in your direction.” Her voice was crisp, not at all the comforting tone I needed right now.

  I cringed. “An hour? Isn’t there someone closer than that?”

  “No, ma’am.” The operator was losing her patience with me. “He’ll be there as soon as he can.”

  Before I could ask anything else, she hung up.

  My entire life was in the back of this truck. The bedroom set I bought when Mary Ellen and I moved into our first apartment. Boxes of books that I couldn’t seem to part with and their bookcase. Suitcases of clothes.

  I flipped on the radio. Who does this? Who packs up her entire life and drives halfway across the country by herself?

  I did.

  Because I felt as if I needed to prove something. I don’t know if I was trying to prove to my brother or to myself, that my life with Cole was something I could handle. I wanted it. Needed it. I could do this.

  Despite the age difference. Despite his two-year old son. I was completely committed to us.

  Moving to Texas proved that to everyone.

  I thought about calling Cole to tell him about the flat tire, but if I told him where I was, he would get in his truck and start driving. No matter how many times I tried to convince him I had help on the way, he would drive straight to me. That’s what Cole does. That’s why I fell in love with him.

  I jumped when I heard my phone ring.

  I picked it up. “Hey, Sasha.”

  “When are you getting here?”

  I laughed. She might be as excited as Cole and I were, possibly more. “I’m getting there.”

  “I still don’t know why you didn’t let Cole drive with you. He was dying to make the trip with you.”

  “I know. I know. But we couldn’t put Grayson in a car seat for four days. This made more sense.” I wasn’t going to feel guilty about it. “It’s just something I needed to do. I’ll be there tonight.” Although, at the rate this roadside assistance was going, I’d be lucky if the guy showed up by nightfall.

  “I can’t wait for you to get here. I still can’t believe you are actually moving.”

  I shook my head. “Me either.” I looked at the trailer behind me. “There’s no turning back now. The truck is loaded and I’m in Louisiana. I’m almost there.”

  My shoulders were starting to cramp from the driving and my left foot kept falling asleep. Cole was my grand prize at the end of this journey, but it would be so amazing if he came along with a hot shower.

  “Call when you get to the bridge, ok?”

  “I will.”

  I’d give just about anything t
o be there now. I had at least nine hours of driving ahead of me. I might never make it to Cole.

  “Thanks for calling. I’ll check in with you later.” I smiled as I saw the yellow caution lights flash in my mirror. I had to get this show on the road.

  I hung up the phone, tucked it into my back pocket, and hopped out of the truck.

  “You run into trouble?” A lanky man with grease-stained jeans and a wad of tobacco in his jaw strolled toward the tire.

  “I did. Do you think you can get the tire changed for me?”

  He lifted a ball cap from his head and scratched what little bit of hair he had. “Nobody told me nothin’ about a tire. I got a call you needed a tow.”

  “That’s not possible. I specifically told the woman on the phone the trailer tire was flat.” I wanted to call her back and lay into her, but I had bigger problems. This was the help they sent, and now that he was standing four feet away, I wasn’t sure he would be able to do much of anything.

  He spat from the side of his mouth, sending brown bits of tobacco into the grass and gravel. I tried not to stare, but this couldn’t be happening. I had to get to South Padre. I had to start my life with Cole. This man was one more thing standing in my way.

  “Don’t know what to tell ya. I don’t got a tire. I’ll roll back up to town, pick you up one, and I’ll be back.” He looked at his watch. “Gimme an hour.”

  “An hour? You’re going to leave me here for another hour? I’ve been sitting here two hours already.”

  “You can ride with me.” He pointed to the cab. “Sally there’ll move over for ya.” In the front seat was a long-haired golden retriever. I liked dogs, but I wasn’t about to let one I didn’t know sit in my lap.

  I weighed my options. I could stay with the truck, keep an eye on my life’s possessions, and get harassed by every man who drove past; or I could ride with Frank the tow truck driver with Sally on my lap into a town I’d never heard of, and leave everything I own in this world on the side of a Louisiana back road.

  Frank stepped toward his truck. “You comin’?”

  “No. I think I’ll stay with the truck.”

  “Suit yourself.” He opened the door. “Be back real soon.”

  “Ok. Thank you.” I tried to smile, but knew I didn’t have much faith in Frank. He didn’t seem like a take-charge kind of guy.

  I climbed into the truck, locked the doors, and turned on the radio. I don’t know how much time passed before I saw Frank’s truck pull up again. He waved as he pulled behind the trailer.

  “Got you a tire.” He beamed as he stepped out of the truck.

  “Good. I was starting to worry about you, Frank.”

  He walked to the back of his truck and retrieved a tire, slung it to the ground, and began rolling it toward me.

  “This was the only one we had left in that trailer size.” He pointed to the flat. “Why don’t you scoot, and let me git this on here?”

  I hopped from the ledge and watched as he began the process. Sally must have seen this a hundred times. She pulled her head in from the window and folded herself in the front seat.

  After twenty minutes, Frank had finished and stepped back to admire his work. “That oughtta do ya.” He smiled widely, and I noticed he had several teeth missing.

  “Thank you. I really appreciate the help.”

  “Sure thing.” He tipped his hat and walked to the truck. “Be careful out there.”

  “I will.” I almost jogged to the driver side. I was ready to get the last part of the trip underway. Nine hours and I would be in Cole’s arms.



  I never liked the plan.

  There was no way in hell I would have agreed to it if I had an option for Grayson. But Amber had just left Texas. I couldn’t leave my son when his mother had left him behind. How was I supposed to explain to him she was studying poetry and not tucking him in at night? That I had custody because she was more like a gypsy and less like a mother? And Kaitlyn was right—it was too much driving and sitting for him.

  He would be restless and go through all the snacks before I even crossed over the Texas state line.

  It didn’t mean I liked it her idea. I hated it. It didn’t feel right.

  Kaitlyn shouldn’t be moving herself here. Alone.

  I pressed my palms into the wooden railing. The waves beat the shore.

  I knew what Ryan would think before he said it—I was failing her. How could I keep her safe when she was on the road without me? I promised him she’d always be taken care of. And look what she had talked me into doing. Fuck.

  I shook my head and walked back inside. Grayson was curled on the couch. His favorite blanket was tucked in his fist. I scooped him in my arms and walked to his room. The toddler bed was close to the floor. I lowered him to the mattress and pulled his favorite train quilt to his shoulders.

  It didn’t seem real that I had full custody now. But he was mine. No more back and forth on the weekends. No more two-hour playdates. Grayson had a room in our house.

  There were books and crayons scattered on the floor. I had tried to convince him we had to clean up before Kaitlyn arrived, but he didn’t understand. It was a battle just to get him in the bathtub tonight. I choose to wrestle him in pajamas and worry about the floor tomorrow.

  I turned off the light and closed the door.

  The only thing I could do now was wait for her.

  Wait for the girl I loved to come home.



  I blinked. It didn’t seem possible that after twenty-three hours of driving, I was finally driving over the South Padre bridge. I was almost delirious from the trip. My eyes blurry, my neck and shoulders on fire, my foot falling asleep off and on. But, I was here. I had made it.

  I pulled out my phone to call Cole. I gripped the steering wheel with my left hand as I tapped his number on the screen and hit the speaker button. It rang four times before going to voicemail.

  I stared at the phone. Sure, it was after two, but I thought he would be up. I dialed again. Voicemail.

  I exhaled. At the end of the bridge, I turned left and dialed his number for the third time. He probably just needed a wakeup call. Or maybe he had softened it so he wouldn’t wake Grayson.

  The island felt different. It wasn’t the heart of the summer. It was almost deserted. Quiet. I reached Cole’s voicemail again.

  I slowed as the lights of the Dune Scape glowed in front of me. The vacancy sign flashed neon red. There was only place to park this huge-ass truck. I debated on how to drive into the parking lot. There was no way I could cram this thing into the tiny beach driveway.

  I cut the engine and opened the door. The ocean air hit my nose and whipped over my skin. I could hear the waves pounding on the shore.

  I couldn’t do much about this outfit, but I flattened the creases in my tank top and smoothed the top of my shorts.

  I climbed the stairs.

  I knocked on the door. “Cole. Cole, you there?” Silence.

  I stopped when I saw a note taped to the door.


  Welcome to Texas, baby. I have a surprise for you.


  I peeked in the kitchen window. Where was he?

  Suddenly, Cole appeared from a nearby hallway. He rushed to the door and pushed it open.

  “Kaitlyn, where in the hell have you been?”


  He picked me up, his lips smothering mine. I wrapped my heels around his waist as he carried me over the threshold. His hands tangled in my hair and I groaned as his tongue lashed against mine. I wanted to tell him about my flat tire. I wanted to ask why he didn’t answer his damn phone, but all that could wait. I needed this moment with him.

  His hands coasted down my sides until they gripped the edge of my tank top. He tugged it upward and tossed it on the floor. Our bodies were starving for one another. The kind of I’m-going-to-rip-every-stitch-of-clothing-off-you starving. It was primal. It
was magic.

  It was unbelievable being in his arms again. Kissing him, touching him, seeing him in front of me. It was almost too much.

  “Grayson?” I whispered.

  “Sleeping,” he growled into my neck. “In his room.”

  We stumbled along the hall. The lock clicked behind us when we entered the bedroom.

  “I want these off. Now,” he urged.

  He yanked at my shorts until they slid past my hips.

  I gasped as his eyes sharpened with hunger as he peeled the silk panties off my thighs. I reached for the button on his jeans, fighting to free his hard cock. I pushed them to the the floor as he kicked them to the side. He shirked the boxer briefs off and his giant shaft bobbed.

  I moaned, realizing how much I had missed him.

  Being anywhere near Cole made my body respond with unexplainable heat and electricity.

  With one flick, he unclasped my bra and threaded the straps off my arms.

  I threw my arms around his neck, loving the feel of his rigid body sliding against mine. I was completely exhausted, from my legs to my shoulders, but the charge growing between us gave me energy.

  He kissed along my throat. His mouth was hot and firm. I relaxed under him until I felt his thumbs dig into the sensitive flesh on my hips. My eyes darted to his as he commanded my hips to rock forward. I couldn’t look away.

  He spread my wet folds and pushed a finger inside me.

  I hissed. “Oh God, Cole.”

  His fingers moved in and out of me, sending my hips thrusting higher and higher, just like he wanted.

  “I love how tight you always are. And wet.” He grinned wickedly, pumping another finger inside me. “Like a sweet little virgin,” he teased.

  I felt the tight coiling in my core as my body responded to his every move. His mouth covered mine, wrapping our breaths around each other.

  “I’m your virgin,” I whispered.


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