Kingdom Level Four: LitRPG

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Kingdom Level Four: LitRPG Page 13

by Adam Drake

  “We had a deal, remember? You're not a deal-breaker, are you?”

  Fenton looked sullen. “No. Okay, I'll go back. But I can go back on my own. I can handle myself.”

  Rob didn't doubt it, but the last thing he wanted was the kid getting killed returning to the castle. And it wouldn't happen on his watch.

  “Come on. Shouldn't take long,” Rob said.

  They left the cave, wary of the straggler bugs that still hung around although none appeared to be remotely interested in them anymore. The slaughter had been incredible. Rob couldn't guess how many bugs they'd killed unless he took the time to scroll through his combat log and count. He peeked at his experience points counter.

  75% toward next level.

  Rob whistled. That was the fastest he'd advanced in such a short time, and nearly all of it was from kills.

  Over the course of all the fighting several of his skills advanced. Basic Defense 14%, Block 17%, Maces 8%, Shield Bash 19%.

  They headed due west, skirting the northern edge of the swamp, keeping to the forest. Rob didn't want to risk the chance of running into Quartek at all. Neither he or Fenton would be returning after bumping into the monster crocodile. He would need to deal with that creature, and soon. Maybe with his new acquisition it would be a little less than impossible.

  He pulled out the white sack and glanced at the items of the Alchemy Kit.

  “Are you going to make potions now?”

  “No, not now. I lack ingredients, and more importantly, recipes.”

  “Recipes? Like for what?”

  Rob shrugged. “Healing potions and Mana, for one. It would allow me to carry around a small stockpile of them for when things get heated.”

  Fenton furrowed his eyebrows. “Healing recipe? That one's easy. Two Blood Flowers and a pinch of Life Moss.”

  A message appeared.

  You have learned a new recipe. Healing Potion


  Water x 1

  Blood Flowers x 2

  Life Moss x 1

  Required: Basic Alchemy Kit

  Rob stopped in his tracks, surprised “Wait, how did you get that?”

  The young man shrugged. “Dunno. Everyone knows it.”

  “Doesn't it cost two hundred gold pieces?”

  Fenton scoffed. “What, like Stenn wanted to charge you? I thought you two were joking with each other.”

  Stenn, you bastard, Rob thought, ruefully. “So, what's the Mana recipe?”

  “Dunno that one. Sorry.”

  They resumed walking, Rob smiling to himself. Now he had two recipes. He wondered how many there were and wanted to learn as many as he could.

  Fenton said, “Hey, now that I saved you two hundred gold pieces, think I can stay with you-.”

  “No. Not at all,” Rob said. “Nice try though.”

  They traveled through the forest for a time, Rob keeping his eyes open for anything that looked like Blood Flowers or Life Moss, which Fenton admitted to not knowing what they looked like. He did ask about the Arc of Damage and Knock Back abilities, but Fenton said he wasn't a trainer and couldn't teach them much to Rob's disappointment.

  Soon, they approached the area where the road cut north and south through the kingdom. But before they reached it, a shout could be heard ahead.

  Rob raised a hand, stopping them. “Shhh. Listen.”

  Someone in the distance was yelling angrily. It sounded like it was coming from the road.

  Slowly, they skulked through the undergrowth keeping themselves hidden as best they could.

  You have advanced in Stealth! Skill has increased from 6% to 7%

  As they got closer, Rob could see a group of people on the road. Surrounding them were a bunch of well-armed goblins.

  The people were carrying packs and bags and he suspected they'd been heading to the village. Their faces were stricken with fear and panic. Standing a little away from the group was an older man. He was shouting at the surrounding goblins and shaking his fist. Rob could see he was completely unarmed.

  A message appeared.

  You have been given a quest. “A Kingly Duty”

  Rescue the people from the vile goblins.

  Reward: 500 Experience Points.

  Obvious quest is obvious, Rob thought.

  Fenton, eyes wide, said, “We have to save them.” He moved forward.

  Rob put a hand on his arm, stopping him. At the young man's confused look, he said, “One second. We don't want to rush in and get them killed.” It appeared the older man's bravado amused the goblins for the moment. It wouldn't last long.

  He could tell Fenton wanted to tell him off, but the young man stayed back.

  Rob assessed the goblins. A quick count revealed twelve in all, most heavily armed like the others he'd encountered earlier. Nine formed a tight circle around the frightened people, whereas three stood apart. One wore a red sash across its chest. A mage. The other two were armed with small bows. Archers.

  Keeping his voice low, Rob said, “See those two archers and the mage? We need to deal with them first. Ignore the warriors until then. The range attackers are the priority.”

  Fenton frowned. “They're a good distance away, though. Once we break from the trees the entire group of them will see us.”

  Rob knew he was right. Based on their positions, the warriors would have time to react to their appearance and cut them off. He did have his Sun Bolt, but that would only negate one of them at best.

  “What about your bug?”

  “Bug? Oh, right.” Now was as good a time as any to see what it could do. He held out his hand, pointing the ring on his thumb at the ground.

  Summon Shale Mite

  A Shale Mite appeared on the ground before them. It fluttered its wings and moved around, inspecting its surroundings.

  Rob fought back the instinct to smash it with his mace, but refrained. He'd killed so many of them today, it was almost second nature to him.

  Its health bar appeared in the top left of his vision. 65 Hit Points. Not a lot.

  Each time his eyes looked at the bug a menu appeared.

  Shale Mite Commands:







  Cool, Rob thought. Despite how ugly it was, he had a pet.

  Curious, he commanded it to fly. The thing's back carapace split open and a trio set of clear wings sprouted out. With a low buzz it lifted up in the air a little above eye level.

  Rob grinned. Perfect.

  He said, “I'm going to send the bug to attack one of the archers on the other side of the group. This should draw everyone's attention away from us.”

  “And we rush out while they're all looking the other way,” Fenton said with smile. “I like it.”

  Rob nodded, then pointed at the furthest archer on the opposite side of the road. “Attack!” he commanded.

  The bug rotated in the air, then suddenly shot forward, flying quickly out of the trees.

  The two men watched with anticipation as the bug flew straight at its intended target.

  The goblins although absorbed in the spectacle of the screaming human, grew bored and took steps closer to the group. There intention didn't appear to be to capture anyone, but to kill.

  Rob put a hand on Fenton's shoulder who tensed beside him. “Not yet,” he whispered.

  As the warrior goblins slowly moved in, bloodthirsty grins on their wide faces, the Shale Mite skirted past them.

  The mage must have heard the buzzing overhead and looked. Surprised, he pointed at the bug and shouted a warning.

  All eyes, both human and goblin turned to watch as the bug slammed into the archer.

  “Now!” Rob hissed and they burst from the trees, sprinting over the grass to the road.

  The archer shrieked as the Shale Mite buried it's massive pincers into its neck, wings fluttering.

  Several of the closest warriors moved to aid the
ir companion, while the others shouted in surprise.

  As Rob quickly closed the distance, the mage caught sight of them and reacted faster than Rob thought possible by casting a fireball.

  “Crap!” Rob said, and cast Sun Bolt.

  Somehow, the two magical projectiles collided and a blinding flash exploded at the point of impact. Both the fireball and Sun Bolt were negated. They'd canceled each other out.

  I didn't know I could do that, Rob thought, just as he reached the panicked mage. He used Shield Bash and, coupled with the momentum of his run, smashed into the screaming mage with a satisfying crunch.

  Fenton sprinted past him and cracked the other archer over the head with his quarterstaff.

  By now the other goblins were reacting to their presence. The problem was they still needed to keep the group of people contained. The closest goblins to the fighting moved to join in, while three or four remained to trap the group who were now more agitated than before.

  The mage fell to the ground, and Rob dashed its fireball casting brains in with his mace. He whirled about to meet the first warrior goblin. Unfortunately, he didn't turn fast enough and the goblin struck him in the right shoulder, but the blow was deflected by his chainmail shirt.

  Rob attacked, and thumped at the goblin's shield several times before another goblin ran up to help. This one managed to strike at his right thigh.

  Wincing at the pain, Rob used Sweep and sent both goblins staggering back, splitting the shield of the one on his right. Catching a glimpse of movement, Rob ducked just as a spear flew past his head, partially deflected by his raised buckler.

  A quick glance to Fenton showed the young man was holding his own. The archer was dead at his feet, and he was keeping a trio of goblins at bay with wild swings of his quarterstaff, sometimes connecting with a shield or skull.

  But Rob worried they were too far from each other. He stepped forward with a Shield-Bash to counter an attack, sending the goblin flying back into the others. Then he quickly side stepped to stand next to Fenton, all the while parrying swings or blocking strikes.

  Four goblins were dead, including the archer the Shale Mite attacked. The huge bug flew in circles as if uncertain what to do.

  Rob looked to one of the goblins guarding the group and said, “Attack!”

  The bug immediately shot across to buzz around the goblin, causing it to panic and drop its short sword to hide behind its shield.

  Seeing an opportunity, the old man stepped from the group and snatched up the short sword. He lunged forward and buried it in the panicked goblin's chest up to the hilt, all the while screaming profanities in its face.

  Fenton used his Knock-Back sending all the goblins crowded in front of them to the ground. Both he and Rob moved in, smashing skulls and bashing faces.

  When they looked up, only two goblins were left, both petrified. The people were screaming at them and pelting them with rocks. The old man ran at them with the bloody short-sword, howling.

  Both goblins spun around, and fled.

  “Oh, no you don't,” Rob said and cast Sun Bolt at one. He struck it in the back of the head and it collapsed just as the Shale Mite landed on it, snapping its pincers into its neck.

  Quest Complete! “A Kingly Duty”

  You saved the people from the goblins. Ensure they reach the village without further problems.

  You have gained 500 experience points toward your next level.

  But the last goblin, now in full flight, reached the treeline and vanished into the forest.

  “Not again,” Rob said. It was just like his first encounter at the farmstead. Had he killed that goblin, then all the others might not of come to the valley.

  He turned to Fenton. “Strip the gear and weapons from the bodies. Then escort these folks back to the village.”

  Fenton said, “But I want to go with you!”

  “Not this time.” Rob pointed at the group, most still terrified, “They need your protection. Now hurry!”

  Rob didn't wait around to hear more and ran back into the forest, the Shale Mite trailing through the air after him.


  Rob ran through the forest as fast as he could manage, dodging trees and crashing through bushes. Somewhere ahead the last warrior goblin was running for dear life, and he knew exactly where it was headed.

  The hideout.

  At least he hoped it was although he doubted there was anyplace else it could be going. Didn't matter. If he could catch up to it, maybe he could track it better. Waiting on Hazziq to unthaw would take far too long, and Rob didn't want to search aimlessly in the vast forest.

  This goblin was the quickest way.

  You have advanced in Basic Tracking! Skill has increased from 5% to 6%.

  Over his shoulder, the Shale Mite buzzed, swooping through the branches with ease. He was amazed to be so close to the bug without being mauled. It had only lost ten hit points and looked ready for more action. What other creatures could he possibly summon? It seemed to make sense that it could be anything. Bugs, dogs, maybe horses for a mount.


  He shivered at the thought. That one may wait for later if it was an option at all.

  The two-hour cooldown on his Damage Shield aura finally popped, so he recast it with the last of his mana. Slowing, he fished out a Mana potion from its pouch and guzzled it.

  He sped through the forest, but found that with the heavier chainmail shirt on, it drained his Energy a little faster.

  He'd lost sight of the goblin, but could hear it crashing through the underbrush ahead. Not certain if the humanoid knew it was being followed, Rob changed tactics and tried to move more quietly.

  As he moved through the forest, keeping his ears locked on the bumbling goblin, he reflected on what just happened. He'd engaged a dozen goblins and kicked their butts. He'd learned, after much trial and tribulation, that a little planning can go a long way.

  And a little help. Fenton had been a dynamo, both with the bugs and the goblins. Having him come along to assist in other quests was definitely something he could agree to in the future. If Trenton did, too. Rob didn't want to cross the man. Not just because he was building his castle, but out of respect for him being Fenton's father. If Trenton was adamant Fenton couldn't play quest anymore, then Rob wouldn't include him.

  He pulled himself out of his thoughts and focused on stalking the goblin who still crashed along, heedlessly.

  For close to an hour, Rob patiently followed. It had altered direction and now headed southeast. The huge Eastern Mountains occasional peeked out from above the treetops.

  The landscape became more rocky the closer he got to the mountain range and he wondered if he'd encounter the troglodytes who resided there. They'd be a different group than the Crimson Council in the Western Mountains. Something else he'd have to deal with later: trading with lizardmen.

  But trade what? He was utterly clueless as to what goods his kingdom could eventually make to trade with anyone. Crops, once the farmers felt safe enough to return to their lands. And how long would it take for the first harvest? Were there even seasons in this place? Winter? Or could they grow crops all year round? How long was a year here, anyway? He had no idea. What about months?

  He was caught up in his thoughts when he heard a loud shout ahead, followed by a scream of agony. Stopping, he listened, buckler and mace at the ready. All he could hear was the buzzing wings of the Shale Mite hovering over his shoulder.

  He pointed at the ground and hissed, “Heel!” The bug did as commanded.

  For a few moments he couldn't hear anything more, just the rustling of the trees and the distant chirping of birds. Then he heard voices ahead, speaking to one another. One deep, the other a higher pitch.

  Curious, he crept forward keeping low.

  As he got closer to the voices he could make out bits of figures through the trees. Two people, a man and woman. They stood in a small clearing, looking down at the ground at something. Rob look
ed, too, and was shocked to see what it was.

  The goblin. It lay supine with an arrow sticking out of one of its eyes.

  “Damnit!” Rob blurted. “Not again!”

  The man and woman tensed, each armed with a bow, arrow at the ready.

  “Who goes there?” shouted the woman. “Show yourself or we'll fire!”

  Rob considered his options, but figured if things went south, he could always run away. Besides, he was to annoyed to care.


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