Kingdom Level Four: LitRPG

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Kingdom Level Four: LitRPG Page 20

by Adam Drake

  The goblin weathered this criticism with a toothy smile. “Most correct, your Lordship. Of course.” It backed away as Orbin came closer.

  Rob glanced over at where his people had been herded together. They looked confused and terrified. But most of all they looked scared for him.

  Orbin clucked his tongue and frowned. “Why aren't they practicing protocol? Isn't there suppose to be protocol here when his Lordship is around?” His face reddened as he shouted.

  The goblin looked from Orbin to Rob and Saif. Then it pointed at them and screamed, “KNEEL BEFORE YOUR KING!”

  As if the the muscles in his legs had suddenly been removed, Rob collapsed to his knees. He blinked in confusion until he realized what had happened. Magic.

  Orbin smiled, again. “There, that's better. When in doubt always follow protocol.” He looked around and the throng of soldiers. “Isn't that right men?”

  The soldiers appeared to be frozen with indecision as to what to do, and glanced at one another.

  When they didn't answer, Orbin put his hands on his hips and shouted, “Your Lordship asked a question!”

  The men nodded, many of them saying “Right, right,” over and over.

  Rob watched this bizarre spectacle with growing confusion. What the hell was this? Who was this guy?

  Orbin nodded and looked down at Rob. “See, usurper? Do you know what that is? Do you? Respect! That's what that is. And how does one gain such respect?”

  Rob realized the man was expecting him to answer, but thought it best to hold his tongue.

  “Conquest!” Orbin said, “And I am very good at that. Aren't I men?”

  The men nodded and grumbled, “Yes, yes,” over and over.

  Orbin held up a finger. “Yet, here is my dilemma. You see, I conquer lands so that they are mine. When you take something, it is yours. When I take land, it is mine. That is the very basis of conquest, itself. And such a concept is understood by all, by both the conqueror and those being conquered.”

  Rob found himself losing track of what this fool was babbling about. He had to find a way out of this mess. But how?

  “So, when I heard that a teeny tiny portion of my conquered lands had been occupied by a bunch of dirty squatters, I was surprised,” Orbin said.

  Oh boy, Rob thought. Here it comes.

  “I tell myself, 'Self, how can this be? What fool would be stupid enough to claim what has already been claimed?'.” Orbin spun around in a slow circle, looking at the assembled crowd as if expecting a reaction. “Without an intellectual equal I was forced to counsel myself on this matter. A heavy burden, I assure you. Perhaps, it was a simple mistake, a misunderstanding? But that would be too easy. These squatters are not children who lack common sense. You know what they are?”

  Rob couldn't tell who he was asking, if he was asking anyone at all.

  But when Orbin spoke again, he screamed at the top of his lungs, stomping a foot with each word. “Conniving! Dirty! Lecherous! Traitors!”

  Spit flew from his mouth as he spat out the words, rage contorting his face.

  When Orbin finished, everything went quiet, as if everyone was holding their collective breath.

  Mortified, Rob could only stare at the lunatic and wait.

  Orbin sighed. “Normally such miscreants are dealt with quickly, and harshly. Made examples of. Better to douse the flame before it becomes a raging fire. But I heard this wasn't you're average run of the mill usurper. This one was different from all the others I'd crushed under foot. No, this particular upstart had been given a title by the gods themselves.” Using air quotes, he said, “The Chosen One.”

  Rob glanced at the soldiers, their faces blank. No doubt they'd seen this kind of display from their Lordship before.

  Orbin continued. “So I reached a decision. Who am I to thwart the will of the gods. Why must I be made to punish their,” more air quotes, “Chosen One?”

  Rob caught a glimpse of Jace standing head and shoulders above the others in the crowd of subjects. He looked to Rob and nodded.

  “I mean, why would they give him such a title and not me? Haven't I earned such a moniker? I've delved into countless dungeons, conquered many lands, destroyed all my foes. Wouldn't this be enough for such a title? I guess not. So, my decision is this. I will allow the usurper to live, both him and his squatter followers. I will also allow them to stay in this bunghole of a valley and let them grow. And I will watch and see. Will he live up to the title given upon him by the great and malevolent gods? Or will he end up utterly and completely destroyed. Deleted, if you will?”

  Rob caught the word and wondered if it was just a part of this crazy man's drivel or something more significant.

  “So, yes. That is what I'll do,” Orbin said. “So I will take my leave now. Flourish, Usurper. You've earned the chance.”

  To Rob's surprise, Orbin mounted his mighty steed, waving. “Farewell! Good luck!”

  Orbin turned his horse around and trotted down the road, the flaming hoofs of the beast clacking loudly on the flagstone and shooting sparks.

  Rob noticed none of the soldiers had moved, nor the goblin. They knew this was all a part of the show.

  “Oh, wait! Wait! Wait!” Orbin shouted, pulling his horse to a stop. “I'd almost forgotten!” He dismounted again, and walked back to where Rob knelt.

  Rob stared up at him, his own image reflected back in the sunglasses.

  Orbin leaned close, and grinned. “What good is it to be magnanimous without at least making an example out of someone?”

  Rob's stomach fell. This wasn't going to be good.

  Orbin turned away and snapped his fingers.

  Five soldiers appeared, each carrying a long spear. Stuck at the end of each was a severed head.

  People gasped or screamed as the soldiers marched past to the dais at the middle of the circle. Calmly, they set the bottom of the spears into between gaps in the flagstone, forming a semi-circle.

  Rob stared at the heads in horror. He recognized them all. One of whom was Breddin. The others were on the patrol he'd encountered. The group who's purpose was to make a difference.

  He recalled their expressions as they'd looked at him. Happy and confident. Happy they were in the presence of their king, and confident he'd protect them.

  The rage which had simmered in Rob's chest, exploded and he turned to Orbin. “You son of a bitch!”

  Orbin raised his eyebrows in mock surprise. “Oh, dear, how ungrateful. You should never speak to a king in such a manner. A real king, that is. Here, allow me to admonish you for your crass outburst.”

  He leaned over and made a show of gently slapping the side of Rob's face.

  But it was no slap.

  Rob's head snapped to the side and bloody teeth exploded from his mouth. He was launched bodily, and slid across the flagstone to the edge of the circle.

  You have been concussed!

  The world swayed and stars danced across his vision. That light slap had cratered his health to only five hit points. Dimly, he heard his people screaming and shouting from some far off place.

  “Shhh! Shhh!” Orbin said, wiggling his hands in the air like he was trying to pk console children. “It will be okay.”

  Rob tried to sit up, but couldn't move.

  Orbin continued his little act. “Now, now! Everyone calm down. I'm sure the usurper got the point. If he didn't then I'm afraid I'll have to-.”

  A roar erupted from the crowd and Rob tried to focus his eyes in its direction.

  To his horror, Jace launched himself from out of the startled crowd, and ran at Orbin, axe held over his head.

  “No!” Rob tried to shout, but his mouth felt like it was full of marbles, and blood dribbled into his beard.

  Orbin calmly turned to look at the screaming woodsman rocketing toward him and smiled. None of his soldiers moved to intercept Jace. Even in his banged up state, Rob understood what this meant.

  As Jace quickly closed the distance, Orbin held a hand to hi
s mouth and feigned a yawn. Then he snapped his fingers.

  The flagstone beneath Jace suddenly exploded. A huge jagged rock heaved up out of the ground in an instant. When the dust cleared, Rob could see a macabre scene. Jace was pinned to the jagged rock, his body practically ripped to shreds. His bloody head sagged back with his dying breath, his eyes looking in Rob's direction.

  Rob was stunned. But before he could even comprehend what had happened, another roar broke from the crowd.

  Fumi, the massive one-eyed cook, launched herself at Orbin, screaming, “My Jacey! What have you done to my Jacey?!”

  A soldier in full plate reached out to stop her. But the big woman punched the man in the chest. The impact of her fist shattering the plate and sent the man flying across the circle like a cannon ball.

  Orbin's eyebrows rose up, and he took a step back in surprise. “Oh, my,” he said. His voice was tinged with fear.

  But it was all for naught. As Fumi ran screaming at Orbin, arms outstretched, the goblin pointed at her and Rob's chest tightened with fear.

  A column of ice flew from the goblin's fingers and in an instant, Fumi was encased in a large block of ice.

  Iceberg, Rob thought, almost grateful.

  Orbin walked over to inspect Fumi's frozen form. Her face was contorted by manic rage. “Wow! Now isn't this interesting. Who is this magnificent specimen?” He turned to look at Saif.

  “She's the cook,” Saif said, his voice tight with emotion.

  “Hmm,” Orbin said, then spun on his heels. “Anyways, where was I?” He looked about as if hoping someone would remind him. When no one did, he said, “Well, no matter, let's cut to the end bit. I'm getting bored, here.”

  Rob watched helplessly from the ground as Orbin casually sauntered over to him and placed a boot on the side of his neck. Orbin pushed down ever so slighting and Rob gasped for air. The pressure eased off and he could breath again.

  “My boot is on your neck, usurper, in more ways than one,” Orbin said, his tone serious. “Do you swear fealty to me?”

  Confused, Rob tried to speak, and the pressure returned.

  Orbin said, “I'll pop you like the festering pimple you are, if you don't answer me.”

  The pressure eased off, and Rob sputtered for breath, spitting blood. “Okay, okay,” he said.

  “These kinds of things have to be official, I'm afraid. Administration is particular about that,” Orbin said.

  A message appeared.

  King Orbing of Drust is demanding for your fealty. Giving fealty will mean you accept his word as law, subverting your own. You will also be expected to pay all taxes and give tithes.

  Do you wish to give King Orbin of Drust fealty? Yes/No?

  Rob wanted to tell the maniac off. Spit in his face. Something. Anything. But he couldn't and he knew it. He glanced to Saif who stared at him. The Sage nodded, over and over.

  “Yes,” Rob finally grunted. “I give you my fealty.”

  “Your Lordship,” Orbin said.

  “Your Lordship.”

  “Take it from the top. I never tire of hearing those words.”

  “I give you my fealty, Your Lordship,” Rob said, loudly. The words felt like glass shards in his mouth.

  You have given King Orbin of Drust your fealty. The Kingdom of Anika is now a fiefdom of the Kingdom of Drust.

  “Well, wasn't that easy?” Orbin said. “No muss, no fuss, I always say. Why be crushed when you can simply cower? Anyways, I've much more important tasks a great king like me is expected to attend to. So, I'll be on my way.” He pointed at the frozen form of Fumi. “Have that sent along, too. I may have a use for a cook like her.”

  As Orbin walked to his horse, Rob looked over at Jace's dead eyes. Sorry, my friend.

  Mounting his horse, Orbin said. “I'll be leaving a contingent of men behind to keep an eye on things. While the cat's away the mice will play, and all that. Quinn here will be your acting Overlord.” He indicated the blond soldier who'd spat at Rob's feet.

  Quinn bowed low. “Thank you my Lordship. I am most grateful. I shall not -.”

  “Okay, shut up,” Orbin said, cutting him off. “Just don't let it all go to your head. Consider this place my pet project. I expect to see results.” He turned his horse and trotted away.

  The soldiers and riders followed, creating a slow parade out of town.

  As Rob watched them march away, he was suddenly pulled to his feet.

  Quinn leered at him. “Chosen One, huh? What a crock. Well, I'd rather be babysitting your sorry ass than be fighting at the frontier.”

  “Which frontier?” a soldier asked.

  “Any of them,” Quinn scoffed. He pointed at Rob and Saif. “Cut there bindings, but leave those collars on for a couple more days. Should give you time to cool off a little.” He looked up at the castle and spit on the ground. “Phase One. Really? Bet you don't even have hot-spring baths to soak in, do you? Bah. Whatever. We'll take your castle. You can sleep down here in the gutter with the rest.”

  As he turned away, he stopped. “Oh, and don't make any problems for us, understood? If you do, then a boot on the neck will be the least of your problems.”

  Quinn and his soldiers climbed the hill to inspect their new home, leaving the town residents standing around in a daze.

  Saif grabbed Rob to keep him from falling. “My Lord! Are you all right?”

  “No, I'm not all right. I'm the farthest thing from it.” His eyes were locked on the backs of the soldiers marching down the road. He moved a little up the hill, looking south.

  Saif followed, concern etched across every feature of his face. “My Lord, it is best to do as they say. We can't cause any problems. Not now. We'll bide our time.”

  Rob stopped when he was high enough to see the front of the procession in the distance. Orbin's white hair and white horse were distinct amongst his men. Rob glared at him. “We will bide our time, Saif. As long as it takes. We'll bide our time and wait. And we'll grow stronger, each and every day.”

  Saif stared at Rob's bloody face, not certain what else to say.

  After several long moments, Rob finally said, “Then, do you know what I'm going to do?” The words hurt just to say them.

  “What, my Lord?”

  Rob's rage had changed. No longer explosive, no longer out of his control. He'd keep it deep down in his soul, cultivate it, nurture it. Until it was time to unleash it upon the world.

  When he spoke again, his voice seemed to shake the very ground.

  “I'm going to kill a king.”

  Rob's Odyssey Continues in

  Kingdom Level Five

  Shadow Gambit

  (Shadow For Hire Series)

  An impossible quest for a legendary item.

  I love questing for loot.

  And the more difficult the quest, the greater the reward.

  So when I'm offered a chance to retrieve the ultimate treasure of all, I signed up.

  Yet no one warned me the task would be impossible. Against overwhelming odds I'm also expected to defeat an ancient evil - one with the power of a god.

  But you know what?

  Some loot is worth risking it all.





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