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Lucky 7 Brazen Bachelors Contemporary Romance Boxed Set

Page 12

by Caridad Piñeiro

  Divina flashed a satisfied smile. “Did you miss me, Caro? I wasn’t gone that long,” she drawled. She cupped his taut jaw with her hand and slid her tongue along the seam of her glossy full lips.

  “You’ve stayed long enough,” he said curtly. “It’s time for you to leave. And no more whisky!”

  Her body grew rigid with anger as she dropped her hand from his face. “I am not abandoning Mama Hunter. I brought her here and I will take her home.”

  “The hell you will. You have no business being here. We are over, and you’re using Mum to get to me. Bad form, Divina. I’m not pleased.” He shook his head at her audacity.

  Red-faced, she bristled like a porcupine as she leaned forward and gave him a whiff of her liquored breath. “I don’t take orders from you! I am going to have fun tonight, and I am not leaving until the end of this party. Now get out of my way,” she said, teetering on her heels as she shoved his chest with her small evening bag.

  Cameron took hold of her hand to detain her as she turned away. “Go home, but don’t drive. You’re a hazard to others,” he said sternly. “I’ll call a car for you.”

  “I said I’m not leaving! There are plenty of other men who will enjoy my company,” she shrieked, drawing curious looks from nearby guests. She yanked her hand back and cradled it to her as if he’d hurt her, though his touch had been far from rough.

  “Stop it,” he muttered. “If you really care about my mum, you won’t cause a scene.”

  Divina tossed her head and swung her curvy bum as she flounced away. To think she’d initially lured him with her provocative curves and over the top sensuality. Little had he known what a viper she was.

  Cameron grimaced when he saw her head straight to his mother’s side. Divina swayed to the music as she whispered something in his mum’s ear. Mum nodded and breezily waved her off before resuming her chat with gossipy Mrs. Wilkerson, sitting across from her.

  Divina instantly found a willing partner on the dance floor and wowed him with her moves. Within seconds a crowd formed around her as she strutted, shimmied and twerked to the gawking onlookers. Cameron slanted a glance at his mother, but she was oblivious to Divina’s antics as she blissfully drank another dram and chatted with the other guests at the table. Knowing Divina’s addiction to being the center of attention, negative or otherwise, it would keep her out of his hair. Good riddance. He had other things to think about—namely a naïve young widow in the clutches of a practiced conman.

  Cameron’s gut tightened as his attention riveted to Evie. He watched her arrive at the dance floor with Spenser beside her, his hand resting on her tantalizing bare back just above her waist. Take your hands off her, Cameron thought darkly as he gazed at the luscious indentation at the small of Evie’s back. The music slowed down and Spenser pulled Evie in close. Cameron’s eyes narrowed to slits as he watched Spenser’s hand glide up Evie’s naked spine to rest on the nape of her velvety neck. She closed her eyes and smiled. Her dreamy expression had to be a result of the many cups of champagne she’d consumed with Spenser.

  Sod it, Cameron had to get her away from Spenser. Evie’s neck was off-limits—along with the rest of her! A surge of protectiveness propelled him to stride up to Spenser and tap his shoulder.

  “I need to speak to Evie,” Cameron said.

  Evie’s brows lowered over suspicious eyes. “Why?”

  “Not now,” Spenser muttered with a scornful curl of his lips as he turned Evie away from Cameron.

  “Evie, please come with me,” Cameron said in a level tone.

  She shook her head. “I have nothing to say to you.”

  Cameron reluctantly moved away and waited on the sidelines, his irritation escalating as he was forced to stand by and watch Spenser in action. His blood boiled when Spenser pressed Evie so close her breasts were squashed against his chest. Relief shot through Cameron when she pulled back, leaving a gap between her and Spenser.

  The music segued to a faster beat and Cameron reached for Evie’s hand only to have Spenser cut him off. With a flourish, Spenser spun Evie away. Cameron stepped forward, but Divina popped in front of him and began to twerk. When her plump behind bopped against his groin, Cameron was tempted to give it a couple of smacks, but he controlled the impulse because she likely would have enjoyed it.

  “Get out of my way,” he snapped at Divina. “Evie!” he called out.

  Mum suddenly appeared at the foot of the dance floor, her face florid and her hat askew over one eye. “Cameron James Hunter, why are you ignoring Divina?” she demanded, waving a stern finger at him. “I did not raise you to be rude to your future bride and the mother of my grandbairns.”

  Cameron froze. Good God, Mum was drunk! He should have stopped her from drinking when he saw her flushed cheeks. She’d had too many drams already.

  Spenser leaned forward and said roughly, “Run to your mum, mama’s boy, and suck on the drunken hag’s withered tit. Leave Evie to a real man.” He grabbed Evie’s hand and dragged her away.

  A red haze of wrath filled his head to bursting as Cameron caught up with them on the terrace. He seized Spenser, spun him around and rammed his fist into Spenser’s high-bridged nose and listened to the bone crack with satisfaction. “Nobody insults my mum,” Cameron said with chilling menace.

  “Leave Spenser alone!” Evie cried, clutching the balustrade as she glowered at him.

  “Argh! You bloody fucker,” Spenser roared, staggering on his feet as he cupped his nose with both hands. Blood streamed down his chin onto his shirt’s pristine white collar. “You’ve broken my nose!” He cocked a fist and swung, but Cameron ducked and laughed when Spenser’s punch landed in the air.

  Lights flashed and people rushed outside as paparazzi descended upon them. Evie ran up and lodged herself between both men. “Do not hit him again!” she screamed at Cameron, rising on tiptoe to get in his face.

  Spenser’s punch skimmed Cameron’s jaw and when his elbow hauled back again, Evie’s face caught the brunt of it.

  “Ow!” she shrieked, clutching her eye and doubling over in pain.

  Cameron shoved Spenser, who staggered backward and fell a few feet away.

  “Are you all right, Angel?” Cameron’s hands closed about her waist and lifted her to eye level as he inspected her face with a look of alarm.

  “No, I’m not all right. Put me down, you bully!” Evie snapped.

  Cameron set her aside and yanked Spenser up by his lapels. He gripped him in a headlock and punched his right eye. “This is from Evie,” he snarled.

  While Spenser was bent forward he tried to ram into Cameron, but Cameron sidestepped and lifted Evie out of harm’s way.

  He couldn’t believe when the stubborn lass ran right back to him. “Stop it! Look how he’s bleeding. You broke his nose!” Evie drummed her fists on Cameron’s chest. “Spenser was right. You’re a hotheaded thug…and…and a liar!”

  Cameron was about to set Evie straight when he heard his mother’s high-pitched scream.

  Horrified to see her swaying on her feet, he ran to Mum amidst flashing bulbs. He caught her in his arms and felt her body go limp as her little hat fell to the floor.

  Heart Hunter: Chapter Seven

  Evie woke up at the sound of a ringing phone. The shrill noise startled her and her hands fumbled to answer it. “Hello,” she said cautiously. Heart pounding, she tried to get her bearings in the dark room. Her temples throbbed and her mouth felt like it was stuffed with straw. Ugh, that’s what she got for mixing champagne and whisky.

  “Is this Miss Evangeline Parker?” a man with a heavy Scots burr inquired.

  “Yes.” She passed her hand over her aching face and winced at the tenderness around her left eye as the wretched events that led to her sore eye came back to her.

  “This is the concierge speaking. I’m afraid you must check out today.”

  “There has to be a mistake. I have reservations through tomorrow night.” She had two hotel nights reserved in Skye before she
left for Edinburgh the following morning for a sightseeing tour.

  “The hotel is surrounded by paparazzi because of you. We can’t have this type of disturbance. Guests come to our fine establishment for relaxation,” he said, his voice laced with sharp accusation.

  Really? She must have heard wrong. “I’m sorry, you must be mistaken. I—”

  “When you’re ready to check out, please ring the front desk and we will send a security guard to escort you safely from the hotel,” he said and hung up.

  Evie held the receiver in her hand and stared at it in shock. She was about to be escorted out by a security guard. Startled dismay immobilized her. She had done nothing to be thrown out like that! Did she have any recourse or did she just have to accept their decision?

  Heavy pounding at the door jarred her from her lethargy. Was it the security guard sent to rush her along? They sure didn’t waste any time. She ran to the door and shouted, “Hey, I’m supposed to ring the front desk when I’m ready, and I’m not ready yet!”

  She felt a measure of relief when Cameron’s voice came through the door, but she was still annoyed at him. “Evie, it’s Cameron. Please let me in.”

  “Go away. I don’t want to see you ever again,” she said, fervently meaning every word.

  “I’m sorry about last night. We need to talk.” His deep voice was insistent.

  “Nothing you say will change my mind about you,” she said scathingly.

  “Open the door. It’s important.”

  Evie slid her fingers through her tousled hair and frowned knowing Cameron wouldn’t budge until she let him in. With a heavy sigh, she said, “Give me a few minutes.”

  “Hurry up.”

  Evie wrapped the hotel robe around her and trudged to the bathroom. A glance in the mirror made her gasp. Her fingertips gently probed the puffy, bruised flesh around her eye as she flinched in pain. It was a miracle Spenser’s elbow hadn’t knocked her poor eyeball out of the socket. Now she was going to have to spend her vacation wearing sunglasses. At least she’d gotten off better than Spenser. Because of Cameron’s hot temper, he would have to have his nose reset to look presentable for his TV show.

  Shaking herself mentally, she hurried to make herself presentable. A few minutes later, she emerged with a washed face and freshly brushed teeth. She popped two painkillers and then headed to the door. When she opened it, Cameron’s fist was poised to knock on the door.

  He recoiled when saw her face. “Are you okay? You’ve got a nasty bruise there.”

  “I’m a bit worse for the wear, but I’ll be fine,” she mumbled. She paused and blinked when she got a good look at him in the red hoodie and white delivery uniform. “Why are you wearing that?”

  He pushed the hood back from his head and shoved his fingers through his thick hair leaving it sexily disheveled. “I’ll tell you in a minute. Put these on and be quick about it,” he said, handing her a stack of clothes.

  Stop thinking he looks sexy. He’s a boatload of trouble! She held up the red hoodie and found it was identical to the one he wore with Hot Buns inscribed over the front. “I’m not putting this on. I had planned on sleeping in this morning and—”

  “Quit arguing. I know they’ve asked you to leave the hotel. The concierge called to inform me of it an hour ago. ”

  “Why would he call you?” Evie demanded indignantly.

  “Maybe because he was on duty when I picked you up for the wedding yesterday and thought I could be of help…or maybe because of this.” Cameron whipped out a newspaper clipping from his back pocket and waved it under her nose. “We made the front page of the local paper. Soon it will be plastered all over the Internet.”

  Evie’s eyes popped open at the headline. Heartbreak Hunter in Drunken Brawl over Mystery Sprite. Her jaw dropped as she stared at the picture. Wild-eyed and open-mouthed, she was wedged between Spenser, who clutched his bleeding nose while Cameron aimed a fist at him. In the background, other men were punching it out. She knew their fight had caused a ruckus, but she hadn’t realized to what extent.

  She sucked in an astonished breath and uttered incredulously, “Will you look at that? I’m in the tabloids.” A dazed grin spread over her face at the absurdness of the situation. Never in her wildest dreams had Evie imagined she’d be front and center with two celebrity hunks fighting over her. She couldn’t hold back the giggle that erupted.

  Cameron’s brows knitted over concerned eyes. “It’s not funny, Angel.”

  “I’m no angel. Thanks to you, Heartbreak Hunter, I’m Mystery Sprite.” She lost it then, doubling over with laughter at the silly title.

  “Stop laughing and do as I say.” He took hold of her arm above the elbow. “You’re coming with me. The paparazzi will make your life a misery if you don’t.”

  Evie wrenched loose and sobered quickly. Annoyed as she was with him, she had to admit he was right. Kate and Alec had already left on their honeymoon and she didn’t know anyone else in Scotland to turn to, other than Spenser who was probably in the hospital.

  “I guess I’ll go with you.” She frowned. “Because of you I can’t stay here and I don’t have anywhere else to go.”

  “I’m glad you’re finally being reasonable, Mystery Sprite.” The corners of Cameron’s mouth twitched.

  “You don’t have to gloat about it,” she said coldly.

  “You’re the one who was laughing earlier,” he pointed out. “Change and put on your sunglasses, Angel.”

  Hands on hips, she said, “Don’t order me around. And I’m not your angel.”

  He smiled. “Says you. Quit stalling. There’s a delivery truck parked just outside the kitchen. We’ll sneak out that way.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “I’m going to give you that grand tour I promised. But first I have to make an unpleasant stop.” Cameron’s dire tone piqued her curiosity.

  “Why is it unpleasant?”

  He shook his head and muttered, “I’ve been summoned.”

  “Summoned,” she repeated, trying to make sense of it. “By whom? The police?”

  “No. Worse.”

  Surrounded by big brown woven sacks of freshly baked bread, Evie sat in the back of the delivery truck and inhaled deeply of the delicious, yeasty scent. She couldn’t resist helping herself to one of the soft morning bread rolls Cameron referred to as baps. She was famished; her eye hurt and her head hurt even more. Cameron was being annoyingly cryptic about who had summoned him, and she wouldn’t have the strength to pry more until she got sustenance. With a sigh, she sank her teeth into the warm bun and rested her back against her suitcase. What she’d give for a double espresso latte.

  With no windows in the back of their getaway truck, all Evie could do was try to stay calm and be patient. As far as she remembered, there hadn’t been any damage to the premises from Cameron and Spenser’s brawl last night. If anything, the hotel would get good press from the incident between the two celebrity bachelors. So who had summoned him…and why?

  Cameron parked the white delivery truck, got out and came around the back to get her. “We’re here,” he said as he opened the back door to let her out.

  Evie gulped when she saw the imposing dark stone castle that loomed before her with narrow turrets, small windows and high walls. “Who lives here? Count Dracula?” she quipped.

  Cameron gave a dry bark of laughter. “No, but you’re close.” He extended a hand and helped her out of the van. “We’re at Castle Hunter, Granddad James’ territory.”

  She inclined her head and waved her hand, encouraging him to elaborate. “Territory? Sounds medieval.”

  “Aye, you could say he’s a wee bit medieval. Granddad is 94, and he’s still a force to be reckoned with.”

  “Did you say 94?” She lifted a nonchalant shoulder. “I seriously doubt a feeble old man can be such a force. All you need do is make him feel important and let him retain his dignity. He just needs to be humored,” she said as if it were a no-brainer.

p; Cameron chuckled. No sooner had he said, “You’ll see,” than Granddad James, laird of Castle Hunter, appeared at the entrance of the castle.

  Feeble old man? Evie could have eaten her words. She gawked at the sight before her. James Hunter had a thick head of white hair and a neatly trimmed white beard, a noble set to his slightly bent shoulders and the same keen, smoky green eyes of his grandson. She sensed Cameron’s restless energy as they walked toward the formidable man who waited for them to climb the steps.

  When they got close, Laird Hunter tapped his wooden cane against the floor and commanded, “Come in and be quick about it. There’s much to discuss.” Nothing else. No niceties. No introductions. The man looked fit to be tied. Surely the paparazzi were less threatening than fierce Grandpa Hunter.

  Evie gulped and stole a glance at Cameron. His face was set in taut lines as he followed his grandfather through the massive main hall that resembled a hunting lodge more than a home. With a shudder, Evie tried to ignore the stuffed, mounted animal heads lining both sides of the chilly room as she walked beside Cameron.

  Confusion and resentment mingled inside her. She’d never seen Cameron so somber and silent. Why had he brought her here? All she wanted was to take in the peaceful beauty of the Scottish landscape. She longed to do some sightseeing and not be subjected to a family argument in a medieval castle. At the very least, he could have communicated something about his grandfather, but he’d been tight-lipped for most of the drive over.

  Something was terribly wrong. Was it Cameron’s mother? After all the tumult last night, Evie had forgotten to ask how his mom was doing, but since he was here and not at a hospital with her, she could only surmise that she was okay.

  They turned right and entered a wide corridor with walls that held gold-framed formal portraits of people she imagined were family members. They stopped before a massive oak door and Cameron turned to Evie. “Wait there,” he said, pointing to a burgundy velvet bench a few feet down from the door. “This shouldn’t take long.”


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