Undying Desire

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Undying Desire Page 21

by Jessica Lee

  “Sure,” Eve said. “I look forward to meeting her.”

  Eve turned to head out with Kenric when a door opened a few feet away and Guerin appeared. Wearing a pair of black leather pants, boots, and a white T-shirt, along with his dark hair and eyes the male was a lethal combination—to her sex drive.

  “Hey, Guerin,” Kenric said and headed over to him. “I’m glad you’re here.” Eve joined her father at his side. “I’m overdue to take care of Markus. It’s been way too long. Would you mind keeping Eve company? This shouldn’t take long.” Kenric slapped him on the shoulder and marched off, not waiting for a reply. Guerin swung his gaze in her direction, and from the look on his face, Eve guessed he’d prefer a roll in fire ants.

  “You do not have to babysit me,” Eve chewed out and started toward the exit. “I can find my way around and am certainly capable of entertaining myself.”

  “Wait,” he called out. Eve slowed and came to a stop, but she didn’t turn around. God, why had she agreed to this tour? She’d rather be upstairs alone in her room than spend time with a male who couldn’t make up his mind what he wanted. Because after a while, the forced togetherness would only end up making each other miserable.

  The fresh scent of sandalwood and leather drifted into her nostrils. Guerin stood behind her. Her pulse leaped. Eve curled her fingers into a tight fist under the response. “After earlier this morning…I wasn’t sure how you’d feel about his request.”

  She pivoted and faced him. “How do you feel about it?”

  “We’re going to be living under the same roof, so I think we’d better get used to spending time in the same room.”

  He had a point. It was a big house. But not so big they wouldn’t run into each other on occasion. She sighed. “I’ll try if you will.” Eve scanned his attire once more, noting the sheath strapped to his thigh. “You’re going out tonight?”

  “Yeah. I’ve been gone a while, so it’s way past my turn on rotation.”

  Eve nodded. “I see.” She didn’t know why she’d assumed Guerin’s returning home would put him in less danger. He was a member of the Enclave. Putting their lives at risk was what they did, yet the idea of him being out there didn’t sit well with her at all. A part of Eve wanted to cry out “mine” and keep him all to herself. But since when had he become hers to worry about? He’d made it perfectly clear that what they’d shared was in the past.

  “Kenric said he needed to take care of Markus,” she said, needing a different subject to direct her focus. “Who is he?”

  A look she could only call rage flashed across Guerin’s face right before it morphed into disgust.

  “Wow,” Eve stated. “Maybe I don’t want to know. Or maybe I do, because based on that look on your face, he’s someone whose ass I need to kick.”

  Guerin chuckled, and the sound warmed her heart. “And you would be right.” But the smile that had ridden along with his laughter quickly died before he glanced down at her and proceeded to tell her about Markus, the male’s abduction, and subsequent alliance with her mother. Guerin revealed to her that Markus was the one who had confirmed her existence and had put them in contact with Ana, whom Guerin had met on his arrival in Nuremberg.

  “I remember Ana from when I was young.”

  “She was the one who sent me to the Rose’s Thorn.”

  “I still can’t believe my mother told Markus about me.” Eve’s chest tightened. “She must have truly thought she had him completely ensnared.” She whirled around. “I have to see him.” Eve made for the door. He was the last person to spend time with the Marguerite she never knew, and Eve had to know what secrets this male kept.

  “I don’t know about this.” Guerin put his palm to the wood, halting her exit. “Kenric asked me to keep you here.”

  “No, he didn’t.” She glared up at Guerin. “He asked you to keep me company. So you can do that from anywhere, even in the other room with Kenric and Markus.” Eve yanked on the door, and Guerin reluctantly lowered his arm.

  “You’re determined to give me an aneurysm, aren’t you?”

  They exited the Enclave’s common area and Guerin accessed the door that led into another wing of the basement. The lock secured behind them. Ahead, a light shone through the bars of a silver holding cage. Eve craned her neck, peering inside before stepping in full view of the occupant. Guerin stood behind her, within reach, but allowing her to take the lead. Unlike the cells she’d seen in the past, this one was much larger. Bars enclosed its front side, but the other three sections of the square were contained behind the whitewashed wall The silver would keep a vampire from escaping, but the room was large enough so the prisoner wouldn’t be tortured with an overdose of the toxic metal.

  A humane approach.

  Kenric stood over a thin male who sat on the edge of a cot, his broad palm holding the back of the seated male’s head to his wrist. Markus’s long pitch-black strands covered the side of his face, but she could tell he was feeding from Kenric’s vein. This had to be what Emily had referred to back in Germany when she said Kenric wasn’t an option for blood. Sweat glistened on Kenric’s forehead as if nourishing the male took great effort.

  Several long minutes later, Markus reared back, gasping, crimson streaks dripping from his chin.

  “Dammit, Markus!” Kenric raised his arm and sealed the punctures to his flesh. “I’m doing everything in my power to give you another chance. But you fight me even to take my vein.”

  Slowly, Markus cranked his head in her direction. His nostrils flared, and then a smile she could only define as sinister curled his lips. “She’s here, isn’t she?”

  “Who?” Kenric growled.

  “Marguerite’s daughter.” The thin male rose, staggered, but kept coming toward the bars. “I smell you, Eve. Your scent is similar to your mother’s. I’d know you anywhere.”

  From behind him, Kenric wrapped his hand around Markus’s throat. “Leave her alone, or I swear I’ll end your pitiful life right now where you stand.” Markus didn’t flinch.

  “It’s okay,” Eve said and moved closer to the front of the cage. Markus’s eyes widened, yet no light reflected back. Her gaze captured his, and she grabbed the bars for added security as if the dark void staring back at her could somehow suck her in if she didn’t hold on tight. Markus followed where her hands had gone and smiled. He hadn’t missed the fact that she’d touched the silver without retreating. It burned, but thanks to her hybrid nature, there wasn’t enough of an overall concentration to blister or to have her writhing in agony. Not like the dose she’d received under the silver mesh that had had her nerve endings on fire. The contact with the metal was uncomfortable, but it was nothing compared to the disturbing vibe radiating off the male on the other side.

  “Fascinating,” he said, then lifted his head. “You look exactly like your picture, Eve.”

  “What picture?” She’d never known her mother to have a photo of her. Marguerite had always said it was too dangerous to have her image documented.

  “She kept one locked away,” he said. “Marguerite showed it to me one night as proof she truly had a child with Kenric. She’d been in an especially melancholy mood, and after some encouragement, she finally told me why—that particular day was her daughter’s birthday.” His gaze roamed from toe to head. “Damn. Except for the eyes, you look so much like her.” Markus seized the bars, hissing as his flesh sizzled, and thrust his hips at the cage. Guerin circled her waist with his arm, pulling her against his chest. Kenric roared, yanked Markus away, and tossed him onto the floor.

  “That’s my daughter,” he growled. “Show some damn restraint.”

  Markus laughed. “You had better keep an eye on her, Master. But I don’t think it’s me you have to worry about. I’m just having a little fun.” Markus’s gaze shifted to the man behind Eve, and a corner of his mouth curled into a sneer. “Oh, I’m thinking you’re too late, though, Dad. I suspect your best friend’s already had her.”

  A deep growl
rolled off Kenric as he spun away. He exited the cell, slamming the door with an ear-ringing clatter. Markus rolled to his feet, his attention never wavering from Guerin. “Does she have her mother’s taste for domination?”

  “Shut the fuck up,” Guerin snarled.

  “I’m taking that as a yes.” Markus winked and turned to Eve. “Unlike myself, I don’t think your daddy enjoyed your mother’s flair for the darker side when it came to sex.” His gaze raked her once more. “I wonder how the copy compares to the original.”

  “That’s enough!” Kenric barked.

  Rage vibrated off the male behind Eve. “Let’s get the hell out of here,” Guerin said, and he grabbed her shoulder. But Eve didn’t budge. She wasn’t finished yet.

  “My, you are a bad one,” she said, her tone mocking, and placed her hands on her hips. “But I’m afraid that’s a question, Markus, you’ll be left to ponder for the rest of your miserable days,” she said, the tips of her fangs nipping her lip. “Because you’ll never know for sure.” Eve spun and headed for the exit.

  “Ouch. Touché, little beauty.” Markus’s laughter echoed off the walls.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  “Hurt me, Mistress,” Guerin begged, his voice ragged. His heart galloped inside his chest, each beat a thunderous clap inside his head. How the hell the muscle hadn’t ruptured by now, he’d never know. He’d rather walk into the sun than grovel for Daniela. But he had no choice. He couldn’t allow Eve to suffer. It was worth swallowing his pride and shattering his vow.

  The lash cracked, then licked his spine with its fiery tongue from where he kneeled on the floor. He writhed under the bite, and his head lolled between his shoulder blades. The click of her heels resounded off the wood as she neared. Guerin opened his eyes, and the image of the female he’d expected to find morphed. Daniela’s blond waves darkened, and her brown eyes shifted to blue.

  Eve. What the hell?

  They were no longer in Seth’s dungeon, but had somehow leaped into Eve’s basement.

  His cock pulsed—thickened until it was rock-hard. “Fuuucckk.” The word ripped from his throat on a groan. How could it be? But damn if he cared. “Again!” he cried out. “Don’t stop until there’s nothing left.”

  She spun and resumed her position. Guerin bowed his head and curled his fingers. The tip of the whip snapped in the air, then struck.

  “Yes!” This was what he needed. Needed her to eradicate every memory, every nerve ending that had ever responded to the other female. “More,” he growled. “Rip me apart!” He tore at what was left of his shirt, the popping of the seams competing with the crackle of the whip. Christ, he was so dirty.


  How could Eve ever stand to touch him, to love him, after where he’d been, the things he’d done with Daniela? His very tongue was tainted from the word “Mistress” he’d uttered for her. The whip crashed over his shoulder, and a strangled cry burst from his lungs.

  A loud clatter filled his ears, and Guerin lurched forward, his eyelids popping open. He scanned the darkness of the bedroom. His bedside lamp lay busted on the floor. Shit. He was dreaming. Again.

  Guerin swung his legs over the side of the bed. Beads of sweat covered his body, and he shook from the chill of the air flowing over his naked flesh. Yet the AC had done little to bring down his raging hard-on.

  For the last two weeks, he’d requested every shift Kenric would give him to avoid time alone with Eve. Removing a couple of DEADs from the planet had felt damn good, but it hadn’t taken care of the problem he was dodging inside the walls of the Enclave. It was still there every time he stepped across the threshold and his gaze fell on Eve. Whether or not he was ready or willing to verbalize his issues, the fact was, he had way too much crap going on inside his head that needed to be fixed before he was ready or worthy for a female, especially one as amazing as Eve.

  Padding across the carpet, he made his way to the shower. What he needed was a cold one, but he was already freezing. He pulled open the stall’s glass door, twisted the faucet, and stepped inside.

  He plucked the bottle of shower gel from the caddy and lathered up, doing his best to wash away the memories of his dream. With a slick palm he gripped his shaft and swallowed a moan under the warm, slippery feel. He gave his length a few hard tugs with his fist. A quick and easy release. That’s all he wanted. Nothing too complicated. He leaned back against the cool tile, working his cock—praying for the familiar tingle at the base of his spine to hurry and appear, the signal his orgasm was imminent. Damn, who was he kidding? It wasn’t enough, and he knew it. He gave up on his jerk-off session and moved under the spray to rinse.

  Would he ever rid himself of Daniela? How many centuries would he have to endure before her taint wore off? Before Eve could ever love him?

  The words his mind had conjured during his dream came flooding back to the surface. Love… He bit back a laugh. He was three hundred years old, and the ridiculous fantasy was for those much younger and far less impure.

  Yet an ache pulsed and radiated behind his breastbone at the concept of Eve’s love. He rubbed a palm over his chest. Yeah, maybe he liked the idea more than he wanted to admit.

  When Eve had pushed him away from her bed the day of their return, she’d known better than him that what they needed couldn’t be found in a hot and fast fuck. They’d shared something in Germany, but when she’d pressed for more, Guerin could only go so far, could only let her in so deep.

  Perhaps his dream was trying to tell him something his conscious mind hadn’t been ready to accept. The only way he was ever going to mend his soul was to open up and allow Eve inside to heal the wounds.

  The thought scared the hell out of him.

  Yet the idea of waking every day to Eve upstairs and him in the basement was driving him mad. The last hour was proof.

  Guerin turned the shower off and stepped out onto the bath mat. Beads of water sluiced down his torso as he stared at his cloudy image in the fogged mirror. He pulled a towel from the stack on the shelf, draped it around his hips, and sidled up to the sink. With his palms, he worked a lazy circle over the glass, revealing a clearer view of his face.

  “You know what needs to be done, Lombardi,” he whispered at his reflection. “Admit it to yourself.” Eve belonged to him. She was his soul mate. There was no getting around that fact. Every cell in his body desired her. Hell. Guerin needed Eve on a level he never knew existed.

  He craved her touch.

  Her taste.

  And he wanted nothing less than for her to possess him—body and soul.

  Now he just had to prove it.

  After midnight, Guerin lit the wick to the final solid white cylinder candle on his dresser. The flame danced to life and joined the twenty others in the room, giving his room a magical glow. He tossed the lighter onto the wood beside the wax with a clunk and pivoted to survey his work. The tray on the stand in the corner where he’d suspended a large ring from the ceiling contained a nice assortment of tools and toys for Eve. Everything she might want should be there.

  Guerin crossed the room, reached in the top drawer of his desk, and pulled out a pad and pen. He straddled a chair, put ink to paper, and reached for the words he’d practiced inside his head all night. His chest tightened, his heart heavy like a rock. Christ. He hoped this worked.

  Looks like we’ve come full circle. Except this time, it’s me sending you the note. But one thing remains the same—I’m still looking for you, Eve. I’ve been searching for you my whole life. I just didn’t know until now. Meet me in my room in ten if you want to be found.

  He signed it with a single G, folded the paper, and slipped it inside an envelope. On the outside, he wrote “Eve,” then sealed the flap. Guerin palmed the house phone and rang Michael, asking him to stop by; he needed a favor. The guy was at his door a couple of minutes later. He answered, making sure the younger male couldn’t get a full view of his room.

  “Thanks for getting down here so fast,
” Guerin said.

  “No problem.” Michael shrugged. “You never call for anything, so I figured it must be important.”

  Guerin passed the other man the envelope. “Would you give this to Eve for me?”

  Michael took the note and slipped it into his back pocket. “Consider it done.” He nodded and turned to leave.

  “One more thing,” Guerin said and Michael looked back. “Discretion is appreciated. Keep this between us.”

  “I got your back.” Michael grinned.

  “Yeah. Right.” Guerin coughed. “I’m going to owe you big-time for this, aren’t I?”

  “So big,” Michael mouthed the words, and spread his hands wide.

  “That’s what I thought.” Guerin shook his head and laughed.

  Back inside, Guerin quickly washed once more and brushed his teeth. Then with nothing else to do, he stripped down to his boxer briefs, folded his clothes and set them neatly on a chair. Standing in the center of his room, he clutched his wrists behind his back—and waited.

  Time yawned and Guerin thought he would crack before a knock finally sounded at his door.

  “Enter,” he called out, not worrying if it were someone else. The vibration in his soul said it was her.

  “Guerin?” she called out. Staring at his feet, he listened for the sound of her footsteps. “What’s going on?” Eve’s voice was barely above a whisper, then her movements stopped a couple of feet away, and he could swear Eve had ceased to breathe.

  Dampness pooled inside his clenched fists as he lifted his gaze to hers. Her midnight locks fell down her back and over her shoulder in a raven waterfall. So different from Daniela in more ways than her appearance alone. Eve wore a white blouse with a few of the buttons left open at the top, a black leather skirt that stopped a few inches above her knees. Below, she’d finished the outfit with a pair of sexy black ankle boots. His shaft pulsed at the mere sight of her.

  “I can’t do this any longer,” he said, the words tumbling from his lips. “I lied. What I need is you.”


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