Fractured Hope (Undone Series Book 4)

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Fractured Hope (Undone Series Book 4) Page 26

by Kristy Love

  Now, we stood in the chapel as Roxie and David promised to love and cherish each other for the rest of their lives. Donovan stood at my side. Cassie stood next to her sister, handing Roxie a tissue when she teared up. Jax, Cassie’s husband, stood back with Will and Ry and Courtney and Chase. The kids watched the ceremony, partially bored and partially enjoying the grand way Elvis spoke and gestured. My own eyes misted, watching the way David looked at Roxie as though she were his whole world.

  This is what I wanted. My eyes found Roman and I saw it. He looked at me the way David looked at Roxie. I smiled at him and he smiled back, his eyes warm with emotion.

  And I knew. We were leaving Vegas as husband and wife.

  Once the ceremony was over, I took Donovan back to our room so Roxie and David could have a night alone. Ry had brought along a friend of hers who had offered to watch the kids so we could all hang out, but I wanted to spend the night in, relaxing with Donovan and Roman.

  Donovan was asleep in the Pack ‘n Play in the corner. I was lying in bed in Roman’s arms. He kissed the back of my neck and I snuggled back into him.

  “Let’s do it,” I whispered, not wanting to wake up Donovan.

  “Do what?” His hand skated up my arm.

  “Let’s get married. Let’s start our family.”

  Roman’s body stilled. “Are you sure?”

  “Absolutely. You’re right. We have no idea what tomorrow will bring, but I want you in it. I know that much.” I turned around to look at him with the light that crept through the drapes. “I do have love to give. I want more kids. Let’s adopt. Let’s foster. Let’s help give hope to kids who feel they have no hope for a better life. That’s what we did for each other, right? We can give that to kids who have no one. We can give them love and safety and a home.”

  “God, I love you so much.” He crushed his lips to mine, teasing my lips with his tongue. His hands went up my shirt, cupping my breasts.

  Breathless, I pulled away. “Donovan is right there.”

  “I know. I just love you, so fucking much.”

  “I love you, too.”

  “When do you want to get married?”


  His eyebrows raised. “So soon?”

  “Why not? Are you having second thoughts?”

  “No. I thought you wanted to wait.”

  “Caution to the wind, baby,” I replied, kissing him. He wrapped me in his arms, holding me close.

  “You don’t want a big wedding?” he asked.

  “No. I had the big wedding last time. A big wedding doesn’t mean anything. I want a big marriage. And that can’t start until the ceremony is over. Our family is here. Our friends are here. I want to start my life with you now.”

  He didn’t respond. He kissed me, stealing my breath. Excitement coursed through me, making it hard to fall asleep. Though I was eventually able to find it as Roman kept touching me, his fingers calming me and helping me settle into slumber.

  The next afternoon, Roxie called and asked about Donovan.

  “He’s good. How are you guys?” I asked. We were out by the pool and Roman was swimming with Donovan. And the sight? Delicious. I couldn’t wait to get him to myself.

  “Perfect. Thank you so much for keeping him last night. It was good to have a night on our own,” she replied. “We’re working on giving you another niece or nephew.”

  “I’m not sure whether to be grossed out or excited. Maybe a bit of both.”

  “You love us.”

  “That I do.” Roman spun Donovan in a circle. I smiled, watching them together and loving the fluttering in my chest. “Roman and I decided to get married last night.”

  “Shut up!” Roxie exclaimed.

  “Yeah. We were thinking tonight.”

  “Then get your ass up here so we can primp and polish you. I’ll send David down to the pool so Roman can get ready.”

  I laughed. “You aren’t excited or anything, are you?”

  “Are you kidding me? This is the best news ever!”

  “Even over your own wedding? And the birth of your son?”

  “Stop being ridiculous. Get your ass up here.”

  “On my way, Roxie.”

  I went up to Roxie’s room, and Courtney, Ry, Harper, and Cassie all joined us quickly. They fixed my hair and my makeup. Ry ran down to my hotel room and got my dress. Roxie called Roman and got everything set up. We would get married in the same chapel Roxie and David had been married in the night before. Roxie’s enthusiasm made it clear she didn’t care if we got married the day after her.

  I felt nothing but happy. Who knew this would be my life? A few years ago, I had no hope. I’d never known true love beyond my daughter. And now I was getting ready to be married to the love of my life . . . by Elvis.

  And it couldn’t have felt more perfect.

  “What made you decide to do this now?” Roxie asked as she fussed with my hair before we headed to the chapel.

  I shrugged. “I love him, Roxie. I love him so much. I can’t imagine life without him. I couldn’t imagine feeling this way after the last couple of years, but he makes me feel as though everything will be okay. And I want him forever.”

  Roxie smiled, tears threatening to spill over. “You deserve that, M.”

  “You totally do,” Cassie agreed, squeezing my shoulder. “We’ve all been through hell.” She looked at the other ladies in the room. “We’ve all had to fight our fights and find a way to be happy again and we did it. We’re all survivors. You’ve survived, Mia. Now it’s time for you to chase your true happiness.”

  “Thank you,” I said, my throat tightening with emotion.

  “You’ve been through enough,” Courtney said. “I’m glad you found someone to be with.”

  Ry bent down and hugged me. “I’m happy for you. I have no doubt you will find everything you need with Roman.”

  “You guys will make me cry,” I complained. I fanned my eyes to keep the tears away so I didn’t ruin my makeup. “I’m glad you’re all here. You’ve all become an extended family.”

  “Of course,” Ry said, squeezing my hand. “We’re all family to each other. That’s what friends are for, right? They’re the family you get to choose.”

  I stood and gathered them all in my arms, hugging them. “I love you all so much!” I cried, trying to keep the tears from making my mascara bleed before Roman saw me.

  “Here, we got you a little something for the special day,” Ry said. She pulled a jewelry box out of her purse.

  “How’d you guys know?” I asked and took the box from her outstretched hands.

  “Roxie got us all together last week after we bought this and got it ready for you.” Ry smiled.

  I opened the box and a beautiful heart-shaped locket was inside. It had curled vines intricately carved around it. I opened it and inside were two pictures of Gia. On one side was a baby picture. The other, one of the last pictures I took of her before the accident. The fight against the tears was lost as they slipped down my cheeks. “Thank you so much. You have no idea how much this means to me.”

  “Now you can have Gia with you on your wedding day,” Cassie said, hugging me.

  “She was here in spirit all along,” I said. “Now she’ll really be here.” I pulled them all in for another hug.

  “Let’s go get your man!” Roxie exclaimed when we all broke apart.

  We walked the short distance to the chapel, everyone chattering around me. Butterflies swirled in my stomach and my heart pounded against my ribs. I was anxious to see Roman and nervous about walking down the aisle. I knew neither of us would have any doubts; I knew he’d be at the end of that short walk.

  I knew he’d always be there. And that was the most beautiful thing in the world.

  Roman and David had already purchased the wedding package before I arrived. Roxie had directed them exactly what to get. Roman was already waiting for me at the head of the aisle—a few short steps away, next to Elvis. I was handed
a bouquet of pretty pink and white flowers and ushered to the doorway.

  “Wait here for the music to start, okay?” Roxie said, and then rushed away. She wanted to be inside the chapel to watch Roman’s reaction. Ry, Courtney, Harper, and Cassie all kissed me on the cheek and hugged me before entering the chapel.

  It was hard to breathe through the anticipation. The wedding march started and the woman at the counter gestured for me to head toward my future husband.

  I entered the doorway and my eyes zeroed in on Roman. He stood there, at the end of the aisle, decked out in a suit that fit him perfectly. His hair was styled in its usual relaxed fashion, his eyes shining with excitement. He had the most gorgeous smile on his face. With every step, his smile grew wider. He mouthed the words I love you and grabbed my hand to kiss it as soon as I got close enough to him.

  The ceremony was a blur. All I saw were Roman’s beautiful eyes that smiled down at me, soaking in every moment and every word. We exchanged vows and he kissed his bride.

  I was now Mrs. Mia Haynes.

  In a whirlwind of congratulations and hugs, Roman and I left our friends behind and went back to our hotel room for alone time.

  I wanted to ravish my husband.

  As soon as the door clicked shut behind us, I was on him. My lips crashed against his and I climbed up him. As I wrapped my legs around his waist, he chuckled.

  “Impatient, wife?”

  “I want you, husband. Now. Forever.”

  In a flurry of movement, we removed clothes and landed on the bed.

  Then, in one perfect movement, Roman slid inside me and my world was righted again.

  This was what I needed. I needed Roman and me, together. He moved inside me, completing me and reminding me that I was here. That this was where I was supposed to be.

  No matter how hopeless things seemed to be, there was always a way for things to get better. Roman was that reminder.

  We spent the rest of the night lost in each other, finding new ways to drive each other crazy and bring each other pleasure. Taking our time, enjoying each other, loving each other.



  I OPENED THE FRONT DOOR, ushering the kids in. “Gemma, make sure the rabbit has food. Harry, get your homework out. And Mark, you, too!” I called after them as they took off for the kitchen. Fiona was on my hip and I closed the door behind us. The house became a mess of shouts and noises. Gemma rushed upstairs and fed her bunny before running back downstairs and flying into the kitchen.

  Now was the craziest time of day. The kids were home from school. They wanted snacks and needed help with their homework. Fiona was up from her nap and full of energy. I had dinner to make and all of this to balance.

  And I wouldn’t have it any other way.

  As I walked through the house, my eye caught on the picture of Gia in the middle of all the kids’ portraits. She was still in our lives. I told the kids stories about her—nothing too sad—and they knew she was their big sister. I wished she could be here with us, completing our large family, but she couldn’t be. Her picture would have to do. I smiled at her picture, sending up a silent I love you to her, then proceeded with the rest of the afternoon.

  When we got back from Vegas, Roman and I settled into my apartment and house hunted. We found one we fell in love with and put in an offer on it, which was accepted. Shortly after that, his house sold. We moved into our new house and enjoyed being together. We gathered information on adoption and fostering and talked about our options.

  In the end, we ended up doing both. We adopted Gemma, who was now almost ten. Harry, Mark, and Fiona were siblings and foster children. We had just started the process of adoption. Not many foster parents took in that many children, especially all under six, but Roman and I were happy to do it. We wanted them to be together. They’d been with us for almost a year now, and I couldn’t imagine our crazy family without them.

  I helped with homework, got everyone a snack, and finished making potato salad. Roman was upstairs, sleeping off a twenty-four-hour shift before the gang came over for dinner. It had been awhile since we’d all seen each other. With kids, jobs, and activities, it was hard to catch up, but tonight we’d all be together again.

  Life was good.

  Later that evening, almost everyone had a glass of wine in front of them, except Jax and me. We sipped Diet Coke. The kids were playing on the swing set out back. Well, everyone but Ry and Will’s oldest and Cassie’s son. They were over playing Minecraft on their handheld devices. They were in their early teens now.

  The kids grew up so quickly.

  Roman grabbed my hand, smiling at me. The corners of his eyes crinkled and he leaned over, kissing me. I kissed him back, full of love for the man I’d been married to over a decade now. It was crazy to think how much my life had changed. How much our lives had changed.

  “We should all go on a cruise this year,” Roxie said, her eyes following her children as they played on the swings and slides. She had three children now, two boys and a girl. I was surprised David and Roxie were able to stop having kids, but Roxie demanded that David get snipped after the youngest was born. She said three was more than enough.

  “Where do you want to go, love?” David asked, his hand resting on Roxie’s shoulder as he took a sip of wine.

  “Somewhere warm,” Courtney said, bumping into Chase’s shoulder. “Even if Chase wants to go to Alaska. I want to sail through beautiful, tropical waters.”

  “I’ll go wherever you want.” Chase kissed his wife’s forehead. They had two kids of their own now, and Chase’s two boys joined us as well tonight.

  “I say somewhere warm, too,” Ry chimed in. Will nodded his agreement. Ry put their son down so he could go join the other kids. As soon as he did, he climbed up the ladder and went down the slide.

  “Then it’s decided. Somewhere warm,” Jax threw out. “I’m sure there are plenty of options.”

  “We’ll find a date and a place that works for everyone,” Cassie said.

  “Perfect,” Roman responded. He looked down at me and I knew he liked the idea of us getting some time away. I could also tell he wanted time for just us—privately—later.

  I was totally down for that.

  We chatted about our options, Roman drawing circles on my inner thigh with the tips of his fingers. Shivers raced across my skin and I smiled, loving that I still excited him this much.

  Really, I just loved him.

  Everyone got ready to leave, which was a big production. Hugs were exchanged, as well as kisses, and promises to get in touch about the cruise. Once our kids were in bed, Roman and I fell into bed next to each other.

  “Life is good, yeah?” Roman asked, his voice deep and rumbly. Sometimes his voice made my toes curl. Other times it made my knees weak. I was so glad I had found someone to still make me feel this way after such a long time.

  “Life is beautiful,” I responded, kissing him.

  And it was. Life was beautiful. It was also messy, sad, and lonely at times. But for every bad moment, there were a dozen that were amazing, and made it all worth living.

  The End


  FROM THE TIME SHE WAS old enough to form words into sentences, Kristy Love has been writing stories. She attended La Roche College and graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Professional Writing. When she’s not writing, Kristy can be found with her nose stuck in a book or spending time with her family and friends.

  She lives with her husband and two girls in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.



  The Fragile Fall

  Heartfelt Lies

  Unfolding Desires

  Thank you so much for reading Fractured Hope. Please consider leaving an honest review.


  ANOTHER BOOK WRITTEN. IT’S CRAZY to think that this is my fourth book. There are some people who have been amazing in helping get this book into reader’s
hands. The smallest I can do is give them a thank you.

  Josh, thank you for always being supportive. It means so much that, no matter what, you always have my back and you push me forward even when I’m not sure of myself. Thank you for being the best husband ever.

  Sarah and Bella, you girls are amazing. Thank you for putting up with my weird hours and my attention being all over the place. You guys are my reason for always striving to be better.

  Brenda Letendre, thank you so much for your editing! I hope I was able to put you back together in the end!

  Mitzi Carroll, thank you. Thank you. Seriously. You’re such a sweet, kind, and genuine soul. Thank you for your grammar and spelling expertise. Thank you for whipping this manuscript into shape!

  Sarah Hansen, thank you yet again for a gorgeous cover! I have no idea how you make such beautiful covers from my disjointed thoughts, but I’m so glad you’re able to!

  Christine Borgford, thank you for making the inside of the book look as gorgeous as the outside. Thank you so much!

  Daniela at DCP Designs, seriously, girl. Your ability to make graphics blows me away. You have such an amazing talent. Thank you for making such gorgeous graphics!

  Thank you to Give Me Books for organizing promotion for me. You ladies are amazing!

  Thank you, Roxie Madar. I appreciate you taking your time to go through this story and help make it stronger. You’re an awesome friend and an awesome beta!

  J.A. DeRouen. I’m struggling with finding the appropriate words to convey how much I appreciate you. I love that you are always there. You push me forward, push me to get better, and make me laugh. I love our constant chats and your support. Thank you for helping me to get this book out there. I’d be lost without you.

  Stephanie Rose. Thank you for reading through this book and helping me out. Thank you for always lending a listening ear and a shoulder to lean on. You rock!

  Shannon Mummey, thank you for taking the time to read and critique this book! I really appreciate your input and your time!


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