Book Read Free


Page 5

by Delisa Lynn

  “Why can’t you just marry me already?” I question.

  “Heath Mason, I’m not going to be tied down. I want to explore the world. You’re never giving all this up,” she says, pointing toward the ocean. She is right, I’d hate to leave this place.

  “You’re so goddamn stubborn. You know that?”

  “Yep… I know. That’s why you love me. Come on, let’s not ruin tonight. I would like to have you in between my legs.” She winks.

  “You’re killing me,” I say as I run my hands through my hair.

  I can’t believe she’s gone, she was a damn spitfire. Reaching over and turning my light off, I drift to sleep dreaming about what could have been.

  Waking up to the sound of my phone, I see that it is a private caller. I sent them to voice mail and turned back over. Then not even two fucking seconds later, it starts going off again. Not knowing who it is, I think it may be important. So I answer it and the moment I hear her voice, I regret it.

  “Heath, please just hear me out. I need some money. You’ve left me broke, I lost my job. I’m living here and there and everywhere.”

  “Well, that happens when you decide to become a drug using whore,” I say as I hit end then I turn my phone off. I fluff my pillow and go back to sleep.

  I’m meeting up with one of my friend’s fiancée and sister this afternoon to pick up some keys to one of my beach houses. He swears that I have to meet his soon to be sister-n-law. She is a big shot attorney in New York City. He said she is just about a year younger than I am, and he knows she and I would hit it off. So he thinks.

  After my break up with Jess six months back, I swore off woman. That woman fucking broke me. Finding out what she had been up too all along. I should have known it was too good to be true, she was almost perfect, so I thought. After that night, I just cut her off completely. I found out that my fiancée had been using me, she was living a double life. A damn good one at that. After that night, the old Heath came back out. I’d given her three years of my life–three years of financially supporting her and her shopping habits, as well as her drug addiction.

  I just hope that meeting this chick won’t ruin my friendship with Brett. He’s determined that I meet her. Fucker would not take no for an answer. After saying yes, I wondered if I’d regret it. I’ve tried not to date much since Jess.

  Everything about this girl sounds familiar. I could meet her and it isn’t like I’m going to fall for her the minute I lay my eyes on her. Just to satisfy my friend, I decide I’m giving it a shot and asking this chick out.

  Hoping she won’t be that bad. It’s like all the good ones are dead, or taken. A few months ago, I ended up sleeping with one of Jess’s friends, and I regretted it as soon as I entered her. I haven’t been with anyone since then. Hell, the rate I’m going, this girl will probably be just like the rest of them.

  I can’t believe I let my sister, Abby, talk me into this. We’re going to the beach for the summer. I’d always avoided family vacations once I went off to college. Although I graduated a few years ago, my sister thinks I need a break. I definitely need to get away from New York City. Not so sure I needed to go on a family vacation, especially where there are happy couples.

  I’ve never been the relationship type of gal and I actually like it that way. There have only been two men that I’ve ever loved. One left me nine years ago and the other man informed me he is now engaged to someone else. He and I had been seeing each other on and off the last five or six years. I could trust him, and he was very honest with me and always made it clear that he just wanted a friendship out of what we had going on. I was completely fine with that, because he was a good in bed that’s for sure.

  Once I realized I’d developed stronger feelings for him, it was too late; he was with someone else. Of course she’d hurt him just like the others did. And he ran back to my bed, just as he always did. I guess this time the shit is for real, so that’s why I’m here. Summer, sand, sun, water, and drinks should get me out of this Evan funk.

  Abby and I are driving to Holden Beach. It’s somewhere in the Carolina’s. This is one road trip I’m not looking forward too. Don’t get me wrong, I love my little sister. But she is meeting her fiancé there and our parents and aunt and uncle will be joining us, a few days later.

  I’ve packed everything I think I’ll need. I’ve left my neighbor Georgie a key so she can feed my cat. I trust her she’s a sweet older lady, I actually call her the dog lady. She has more dogs than an animal shelter. She offered to keep my cat, Softie, at her place, but I think he’ll be more comfortable in his own home. His name is Softie because he is so damn soft, I swear he looks and feels like a cotton ball.

  Leaving everything out for Georgie, I hear my doorbell. I know exactly who it is. I look out the peephole and see my beautiful evil sister standing there. She is so damn giddy. I open the door and she’s practically Muppet flailing me. She rushes into my arms, wrapping her tiny body into mine.

  “Jesus, lady. Calm down, we’ll be spending a week together,” I say as I pull out of her embrace. I try not to be an affectionate person.

  “I missed you so damn much. Are you ready? Aww… Look at this cat, he is bigger than my dog. Why is he so fat?” she asks as she picks him up.

  “Hey, don’t call my cat fat. You just have a small dog, what is it, a Chihuahua?” I laugh. I actually think it’s a Pomeranian or something.

  “No, I have a twenty-pound Toy Poodle.” She laughs

  “Well, Softie is just big boned. He is only twenty-pounds. He likes his tuna-fish, okay.” I laugh as I kiss my fat cat.

  Here we go with the damn boyfriend questions. My little sister think’s she is a love doctor, although she is actually a podiatrist. We’ve been on the road for about an hour and the questions keep rolling out of her pretty little mouth. I should just tell her I have someone so she’ll leave me alone.

  “Just tell me you’ll meet him. He’s a hunk, and he owns half of Holden Beach,” she says as she pushes her sunglasses on top of her head. “Alyssa, you need a good man. I know you are tired of taking care of that yourself,” she says as she looks in the direction of my crotch.

  “Seriously, you’re going to throw that in there. How do you know that I don’t already have someone taking care of that for me?” I say as roll my eyes at her and look out the window.

  “You can pretend all you want, lady, but I can tell you haven’t had those pipes blown out in a while. There’s probably two inches of dust in them,” she snorts.

  “Hahaha! You’re so lucky you’re my little sister and I have to spend the next ten hours in this car with you. Or else I would kick your ass.” Hell, she’s right, but I would never tell her that. I would love to be held and kissed by a nice strong man. Umm, wake up Alyssa. Yeah, that’s not happening. They only want one thing from me. Apparently, that’s all I’m good for.

  “Trust me, you’ll like Heath. I’ve met him several times. He reminds me of someone I just can’t figure out who. He’ll actually be at the beach house when we arrive, he has the keys.”

  “So after this long ass trip, I get to meet Mr. Hunk looking like shit?”

  “Well, we can always stop off and make ourselves look presentable love.”

  “So when is your man joining us?” I’m not a fan of my sister’s fiancé. Brett is his name and he thinks that they broke the mold when his snooty ass was conceived.

  “He isn’t able to get out of work for a few days. He will only be there the weekend. Which is completely fine, I thought that would give us some time to hang out and shop.” She winks.

  “That work’s for me, I don’t think I could handle being around him for a complete week,” I say honestly.

  “He isn’t that bad, why don’t you give him a chance? You know he adores me. I know sometimes he comes off a little bit of a jerk, but he is a great guy,” she says, defending him. Of course.

  “Keep telling yourself that, sister. You know I love you, regardless. Can we stop and grab a
snack? I need some chocolate, if I have to keep listening to you talk about how amazing douchebag and the rich guy is.”

  “That was wrong, Alyssa. Seriously be nice for a change. Trust me when you meet this guy, you’ll change your mind about everything. Please trust me on this. I know Evan burned you, babe, but my God, move the hell on.”

  “I was out of line, I’ll only apologize if I can listen to Maroon 5 and have chocolate,” I say as I bat my eyelashes in her direction.

  “Oh, I can listen to Adam any day,” she smirks. Then she pushes a button on the stereo and the lyrics of “She Will Be Loved” by Maroon 5 blares through the speakers.

  We’ve been driving for about six hours now, I think I’ve dozed off a few times. Abby hasn’t seemed to mind. She is used to staying awake long hours. I’ve heard her talking to Brett a few times. I don’t know what it is about that man but I can’t stand him. I think he uses my sister for one reason. He seems to think that her money is his money.

  In high school, I thought I found the love of my life. But life happened and ruined that for me. Seth was an amazing guy. He actually graduated a year before me and was in college when the accident happened. My life truly hasn’t been the same since then. So I did what I could—not letting my feelings get involved with other men, well that was until I let Evan Martin in.

  Letting him in was never my plan. Hell, the first night I met him, I went down on him in the hallway of the bar. I was drunk off my ass, in my defense, I knew he was a good guy. I’d seen him several times at the café I worked at. After sleeping with him twice, I was hooked, and his country charm and fine ass body had me wanting more and more of him. Knowing he didn’t want more broke me, I ended up sleeping with all of his friends and making sure that even though he had a girlfriend, I was a part of his life. Seeing him with those other girls made me want to stab their eyes out with a rusty spork.

  “Hey, you asleep over there?”

  “Nope. Just day dreaming. You know I miss Seth. I know I haven’t talked about him in years. Hell, it’s been almost eight years,” I say as I feel a tear slip down my cheek.

  “I know, you loved him more than anything. You want to talk about him?”

  “God, did I love him, I thought he was my life. It broke me when I lost him. Going to college and just doing whatever and whoever helped me. Did I get over him? No. But it helped me. Now is it time to stop for more chocolate and caffeine? I hope there is a Starbucks around here. I’m in need of a Mocha Frappe.”

  “Yes, we need more gas anyways. I also received a text from Heath. He wants to meet us for dinner and then he’ll show us to the house.”

  “I need to clean up before we see him. Could you imagine his face if he sees me like this? A successful New York attorney in yoga pants and her hair balled up on top of her head.” I laugh because I know I look like hell.

  “You look fine, never think that about yourself. Although, I think he will like you regardless what you have on or how your hair is fixed. We will stop and doll ourselves up in the gas station bathroom. Sound good?”

  “I guess you aren’t a bad sister after all.” I say smiling.

  After raiding the gas station for candy and caffeine, we get some clothes from the car and return inside to change. I decide to wear a pair of cut off shorts, with a tank top. I pull my hair down, fluff up my curls and throw on a little makeup. I think I look better than what I did an hour ago. Let’s hope that the hunk my sister keeps raving about thinks I look okay. Knowing my luck, he is going to be hideous. Probably a fucking Brett clone. Yeah that’s all I need in my life.

  “Does this look okay?” I question my sister.

  “You, look fab, doll,” she says, kissing my cheek.

  “I didn’t want to over or under do it.” I laugh.

  “Yes, he’s going to be drooling over you.”

  “We will see about that,” I say as I smack her ass. “Let’s get out of here.”

  “Let’s roll. Did you get me chocolate?” she asks as we walk past the candy isle.

  “I got enough candy to last us a week.” I giggle.

  I wrap my arms around my little sister, hugging her. I’m glad she has gotten me out of New York. I think she’s right, it is exactly what I need. “Thanks, babe,” I say, squeezing her.

  “No thanks needed. I knew you would be happy once we got away from your place.”

  “Yeah, I’m not going to say you’re right. So just take my thanks.” I laugh as I slide in the passenger seat of her fancy car. “I can’t believe you have this car. It cost as much as my condo,” I say, turning the radio on.

  “Stop it. I work hard for what we have. I deserve it.” She smiles.

  “Yes, Doc.” I laugh

  As we pull into the parking lot of The Dockside Grill, I see a very tall, tan, and muscular guy walking toward our car. Once his face, comes into view, I feel like I’ve seen a ghost. That’s why he looked familiar to her. He is Aaron Mason.

  “Abby, did you know that Brett’s friend is Seth’s twin Aaron?” I whisper-yell.

  “What? No, I didn’t know Seth had a twin, and this guy is Heath, Brett’s friend. He’s always lived here. Seth lived in Rhode Island?” she questions.

  “Yes, he lived with their father in South Carolina. They’re fraternal twins, but I would know those eyes anywhere. Oh my god… Aaron must be his middle name too. That was Seth’s middle name also. I can’t fucking believe this,” I say as the tears stream down my cheeks. Abby gets out of the car and talks to Heath. I could see him running his hands through his hair. He stared into the car and walks toward my door. I’m a blubbering mess by now. He opens the door and reaches for my hand pulling me out.

  “H…hi. Ni…nice to see you again Aaron or is it Heath? I’m sorry, the tears they won’t stop coming…I had no clue I would ever see you. I mean in person. Since the funeral,” I say as I cry into his chest.

  “It’s okay, Lys. I had no clue when they said Alyssa that it was you. Goddamn, I never imagined in a million years that I would see you either. It’s been close to nine years,” he says as he pushes my hair back behind my ear. “Let’s grab dinner, if that’s okay with you. Oh and its Heath. Aaron is my middle name. That’s what my mom calls me.”

  “Ye…yes that’s fine. I’m so sorry about all these tears.” I try wiping my face. I think I just made it ten times worse. It isn’t until we walk in the restaurant that I notice he’s holding my hand. Abby looks over and tries to give me a comforting smile.

  “So you’re an attorney now? That’s what Seth always wanted to be.”

  “Yes, I attended New York University and decided I wanted to stay in that area. I am a partner in a firm in the city. What exactly is it that you do here? I know Abby’s told me you own half of Holden Beach.”

  “That’s great, I’m glad to see you made a good life for yourself. I actually am a realtor. I’ve bought almost all the houses in Holden and rent them out, or fix them and sell them for more.”

  “That’s fabulous. I’ll be honest, my sister dragged me here. How do you know her and Brett?”

  “I’ve known Brett almost all my life. I’ve always lived in this area with my father. He and my mother divorced when Seth and I was ten, and my dad and I just stayed here.”

  “What happened to Josie? I liked her.” I say, with a smile. Then I see his smile fade completely.

  “She died too.”

  “I…I’m so sorry, I didn’t know.”

  “It’s okay, now would be the time I can tell you that things get better. Because I too, know what it’s like to lose someone,” he says.

  “Yes, your right.” I think back to that day he told me things would get easier. Damn I’m a bitch.

  The waitress came by to take our order, I was still in shock and not really sure what I should order. I suggested the two of them order first and then before I knew it, Heath was ordering for me. He didn’t even ask if I even liked shrimp. He ordered me the shrimp scampi with a side salad.

sorry, baby, is that okay? I guess I should’ve asked if you even liked shrimp.”

  “Its fine, I was actually going to order that,” I say as I take a sip of my iced tea. Damn I could use a drink right about now. Looking in his eyes, he reminds me of Seth. His smile and his dimples. This man is beautiful, absolutely beautiful. It makes me think of the last time, I saw Seth alive. The memories come flooding, my mind and my eyes feel with more tears, which I’ve needed to shed over the years.

  “I’m going to miss you so much. Promise me you’ll be back next weekend. I can’t wait until I graduate and can see you every day.”

  “I’ll be back, I love you so much, Alyssa. Promise me you will still have fun, although I’m there and you are here. Enjoy your senior year. Then we will be inseparable once summer begins.”

  “I will, I wish I could have graduated early. I hate that you are so far away.”

  “I know, sweetheart, soon we will be together forever. Got that forever, Alyssa.”

  “I love you Seth. Call me as soon as you get to your dorm.”

  “I love you and I will. Take care of yourself.”

  Just the thought that I’ll never hear his voice again has me shaking. I excuse myself from the table. I walk into the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror. I have huge mascara marks all over my face. My eyes are swollen and my nose is red. Fuck, why the hell did he have to be Heath Mason? Out of all the men in the world, I would run into my dead boyfriend’s twin brother. Who in fact is finer than any of the other men I’ve dated.

  Splashing cold water on my face, and wiping away the make-up marks. I wash my hands and exit the ladies room. Returning to the table. I notice Heath isn’t at the table but over at the bar.

  “Alyssa, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know. I swear,” Abby says with tears in her eyes. “Now, I know why he looked familiar. I don’t remember much of Seth, I was a lot younger. Damn it, sis, I’m so sorry.”

  “I know. Is it odd that I feel comfortable with him? It’s like I’ve known him for years. He isn’t like Seth though.” I say, squeezing her hand.


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