Line of Fire

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Line of Fire Page 5

by Anderson, Simone

  Taking a deep breath, Christian turned the vehicle off and made his way into the bar, taking his hat off as he entered. Music poured through the sound system, loud enough to be enjoyed, but not overbearing. He wasn’t in the mood for socializing. Trying to shrug off his sour mood, he acknowledged his teammates and ordered a beer from Brick at the bar before making his way to the pool tables. Someone had gotten the bright idea of starting a pool league, and the current stats had been posted on the wall.

  Eyes burrowed into the back of his head. Turning, he caught Hayden staring at him. Hayden raised his bottle and tilted it at him. Christian nodded, but didn’t raise his own glass. He hadn’t been prepared for the array of emotions rushing through him since they’d landed on the deck of the USS Nimitz. Hayden frowned and turned his attention back to his friends.

  Finding a spot at a table where he could watch the pool game while still keeping an eye on Hayden, Christian sat down and was quickly joined by his best friend, Jason. He was partway through his beer when one of the waitresses placed a glass of pop in front of him.

  “Sorry, honey, no more alcohol for you.”

  “What? Why the hell not?”

  “Brick’s orders. Something about not mixing alcohol and meds in his bar,” the girl said smiling sweetly.

  Christian growled and set the half-full bottle down with far more care than he felt. “Fine.”

  Beside him Jason laughed. Christian reached across the table and smacked his friend. Movement around Hayden catching his eye as he did. A very drunk Seiboweitz was pointing and shouting at Hayden. The music stopped. Hayden’s squad stood and stepped forward. Tension rose. Hayden had been outted and by the time they’d returned to Gooding, it seemed like everyone on base had heard the man was gay. It was evident Hayden’s crew had known, and they didn’t care about who he slept with. Christian wished it were that easy with everyone.

  Seiboweitz stepped forward. Christian was halfway across the bar before he realized it. He continued without stopping. Stepping in front of Hayden, Christian crossed his arms.

  “Back off Seiboweitz,” Christian ground out. He might not be willing to come out to his teammates, but that didn’t mean he could let Hayden face things alone.

  “I don’t need defending,” Hayden protested.

  “No, but he needs to know that other people will back you up and support you,” Christian replied, not taking his eyes off from the other man. He wanted to wrap his arms around Hayden, to make this easier. For both of them.

  “Fucking faggot, thinks he can be a SEAL,” Seiboweitz said, his words slurring.

  “He is a SEAL,” Christian said firmly. “He’s a trusted member of this team. He’s saved lives, including several men in this room. What does it matter if he prefers to sleep with men over women? Are you afraid he’s going to hit on you? Afraid that you’ll like it? What the fuck does it matter who he sleeps with? How does it affect you? It doesn’t affect the way he does his job!”

  “I’m not a faggot!” Seiboweitz bellowed, staggering as he swung a fist.

  Christian blocked the punch, used the momentum against the drunk, spinning him around and slamming him into a nearby wall and pinning his arm behind his back. “Smith! Come take his drunk ass home before he does something to get himself fucking court-martialed,” Christian yelled, calling for Seiboweitz’s dive partner.

  “He’s drunk,” the dark-haired man said by way of explanation, joining the small group at the center of everyone’s attention.

  “Doesn’t matter. He’s said it too many times. Too many people have heard for it to be a one-time-he’s-drunk incident,” Christian said, pulling the man away from the wall and turning him around to face the bar’s patrons. Every man in there was either an active or retired SEAL. Only rarely did Brick close the bar to the public, tonight was one of those nights. Tonight there were a handful of women present either waitressing or hanging out with other SEALs. It was more people than Christian wanted to know about their business, but Seiboweitz had chosen a public forum for his insults.

  “None of the officers or senior NCOs are here. They’re already dissecting what happened earlier. Think about it,” Brian O’Shaunessy said, stepping forward and crossing his arms. “Personally, I don’t trust him. I don’t want to go back into the field with him.”

  Christian didn’t look around, but the silence in the room was telling. Missions and lives depended on trust, on knowing that each man was going to pull their weight. That they would watch each other’s back. Putting the team above one’s self and personal glory was the nature of a SEAL. A man who couldn’t be trusted put everyone in danger. And their mission, while successful, had been seriously compromised.

  “That’s harsh,” Smith said finally.

  “He’s letting something that doesn’t matter affect him to the point of causing issues with another SEAL. He either can’t or won’t let it go. How do I know that some of what happened wasn’t because he wanted Hayden dead or wasn’t willing to work with him? How do I know Seiboweitz pulled his weight? I don’t,” O’Shaunessy said flatly, shifting his weight. “Defend him, control him, fuck him—I don’t care. But I don’t trust him. Get him out of here before he ruins the entire night.”

  Seiboweitz launched himself toward O’Shaunessy. Christian was pulled off balance as he struggled to retain his grip on the drunk. “I’m going to suggest that you get Seiboweitz home to work off his drunk or mad or whatever the fuck is bothering him before anyone else hears him go off on his anti-homosexual rant or he does something that will get his stupid ass court-martialed. It’s not like we can turn a blind eye to this,” Christian said turning and pushing Ryland Seiboweitz towards his dive partner before turning to Brian O’Shaunessy. “And while he is way out of line, there is no proof that Seiboweitz either intentionally or unintentionally did not pull his weight or cause any number of other issues. Now either shut up and drink or go the fuck home. We do not need any trouble.”

  Minutes later, the atmosphere of the bar was back to normal. Christian sat partially on a high stool picking at the label on the beer bottle before pushing it away and reaching for the Coke the waitress had left. He’d initially refused the pain meds, but the doctor had insisted. Fishing the pill bottle out of his pocket, he dumped a one large white capsule into his palm, closed the container and downed the pill and half the contents of the glass before ordering a soda. The antibiotics combined with the pain pill were enough without adding more alcohol.

  “Dress whites, so what did they say?”

  “Light duty until the drainage tube comes out,” Christian scowled.

  “You knew it was coming,” Jason said taking a drink from his beer.

  “Still sucks.”

  “Here you go sweetie,” the short, slender brunette said, setting his drink in front of him, interrupting their conversation.

  Christian returned the woman’s smile, his gaze wandering from the waitress to the other side of the bar where Hayden sat surrounded by his squad. His phone vibrated, he hesitated, contemplating ignoring it before withdrawing it from his pocket. Hayden’s name flashed along with the text message icon. He entered his password and tapped the little envelope.

  Now that you’ve gone and been my knight in shining armor coming to rescue me, you can at least take me home and ravish me.

  Christian’s cock reacted to the words as his brain tried to process what had been written. Slowly, he looked up, smiled and nodded, before typing his response. He’d never underestimate the merits of same-room-texting again.

  My place. Leave in 20.

  Taking a deep breath, Christian willed his body under control as he hit the send button. A reply came almost instantly.

  Can’t wait. Address?

  “What’s that grin for? Hot date?” Jason asked, raising an eyebrow. “Any body I know?”

  Ignoring his friend, he sent his address before taking a long drink. He forced his attention away from Hayden, going over in his mind details from the mission and watchin
g the on-going pool and dart tournaments. Anything that would relieve the swelling in his cock before he had to walk the several hundred or so feet to the entrance through some of the most observant men in the world. Christian swore.

  “Hope they’re worth it.”

  Downing the contents of the glass, he checked his watch and prayed he wouldn’t out himself or make a fool of himself. Just as he was about to leave, Lieutenant Ellison and several others arrived. He accepted another soda and joined in the customary toast before slipping out of the bar, still shaking his head at Jason’s not-so-subtle reminder to use a condom.

  Twenty minutes later, he pulled into his parking spot under the overhang and sat. He knew Hayden was right behind him. Christian waited until Hayden had pulled into a vacant spot in front of his building before getting out. Rubbing his hands on his jeans, Christian took a deep breath and double-checked the vehicle was locked. He couldn’t believe how nervous he was. He’d never invited a man back to his house, he’d never felt the need to before. Crossing the street, he reached Hayden’s truck as the man was getting out.

  Christian smiled at Hayden, waiting until the man had closed the door and his back was to him, before pinning his lover to the side of the vehicle. His cock hardened as Christian imagined their night together.

  “Do you still need rescuing?” Christian asked, grinding his hips into Hayden’s ass, nipping on his lover’s ear, one hand pressed into Hayden’s back keeping him in place while the other worked the hem of his t-shirt out of his jeans. Without releasing his hold, Christian teased the skin below his fingers, glorying in the sensations as the man squirmed against him.

  “Only if you’re doing the rescuing. Although tonight I’d much rather you ravish me,” Hayden replied pushing his ass back. “Isn’t that what knights are supposed to do?”

  Christian kissed the back of Hayden’s neck. “No, I think they’re supposed to abstain from ravishing. That whole code of chivalry thing.” Christian bit down gently on Hayden’s ear, worrying it between his teeth and was rewarded with a pleasure-filled groan. “But oh yeah, I’m going to ravish you.”

  “Thank God,” Hayden whispered, breathlessly.

  Movement at the window in the apartment below Christian’s caught his attention, reminding him that his neighbors were watching, and he was still in uniform.

  “Upstairs with you.” Christian pulled back and tapped Hayden’s ass lightly. He hoped the lights dotting the parking lot and courtyards wouldn’t draw attention to his erection. “Second floor. Right hand side.”

  “If you say so,” Hayden replied with an exaggerated sigh.

  Christian unlocked the door to the building before leading them up a flight of stairs to his apartment.

  “Now that you have me here, what are you going to do with me?” Hayden asked as Christian closed and locked the door behind them.

  “Oh, I’m sure I can find something to occupy you.”

  Chapter Six

  Pointing out the general direction of each room of the two-bedroom apartment, Christian walked Hayden down a short hallway to the master, refusing to keep his hands or lips off the other man. Once in the bedroom, Christian stepped back far enough to pull Hayden’s shirt up over his head, momentarily trapping his arms as he plundered Hayden’s mouth.

  “Mm, you taste so good,” Christian said, freeing Hayden’s limbs and tossing the garment away from them.

  “So do you. Feel good too. Please tell me you have stuff?”

  “I have everything you need,” Christian ground out, laving one of Hayden’s nipples while undoing the denim fabric.

  “Oh God.”

  Christian pulled out Hayden’s engorged cock and balls and ran the tips of his fingers along the length of the shaft. He switched nipples, smiling at Hayden’s gasp. “You like?”

  “Y—yes. Oh God, yes.”

  Dropping to his knees, Christian pushed his lover’s jeans to the floor, helping him step out of them as he flicked the flared head.

  “I want to come with you deep in my ass.” Hayden ran fingers through Christian’s hair.

  Ignoring Hayden’s request, Christian swirled his tongue around the tip before enveloping Hayden’s shaft. One hand played with the twin orbs while the other held Hayden to him. Pre-cum dropped onto his tongue, sending his senses flying. He was addicted to Hayden’s body. All of it. Muscles rippled beneath his hand. Christian let go of Hayden’s balls and slid his hand backwards along his crack, keeping him in place. Above him, Hayden swore. Christian hummed his satisfaction as tension raced through Hayden’s body again, not to run away but to come.

  The hands on Christian’s shoulders moved to his head. Hayden’s hips thrust forward involuntarily. Christian released Hayden’s ass and slid his thumb alongside his lover’s cock, so he could suck on both. Increasing his suction and speed, Christian pushed the wet digit into Hayden’s body as far as it would go. Hayden cried out and thrust forward as shot after shot of come hit the back of Christian’s throat. After licking Hayden clean, Christian stood dragging his fingers across Hayden’s body and pulling the other man closer.


  “Will come again,” Christian finished, nipping at Hayden’s earlobe. “If I’m going to properly ravish you, you need to be on the bed.”

  Hayden tilted his head further to the side, granting Christian better access. “Probably,” he said, his voice catching in between syllables.

  “This isn’t the bed,” Christian chastised, cupping the twin globes and nibbling the flesh at the base of Hayden’s neck.

  Hayden jumped and wrapped his legs around Christian’s waist. The action brought their cocks together and Christian moaned. Pressed against him, he could feel the blood starting to return to Hayden’s cock. Releasing Hayden’s neck, he recaptured the man’s mouth and walked over to the large king size bed, collapsing onto it and knelt over his lover.

  “I always have liked a man in uniform,” Hayden quipped unbuttoning Christian’s starched white shirt. “Taking it off is the best part though. It’s like opening a present.”

  “A present huh?”

  “Yup,” Hayden replied, pulling the shirt out of Christian’s pants and shoving it off his shoulders. “The best kind.”

  Christian braced himself for the shot of pain through his injured arm, but didn’t interfere. He loved the feel of Hayden’s hands on his body. Very gently, Hayden pushed the fabric off one shoulder and then down the other and over the wound before flinging it across the room. Christian heard the ping of his medals making contact with the wall and said a silent prayer of thanks that he didn’t need to wear it again for a while.

  “Hurt?” Hayden asked running his fingers along the skin on the edges of the bandage.

  “Not enough to not want to fuck you.”

  “Good. Not to sound like a girl or anything, but I’m feeling needy.”

  Christian nodded. He’d seen the need in Hayden in the jungle. The man had wanted to touch him, to make sure everything was okay. To ease the tension they’d both felt since stepping foot in Brazil. He’d seen Hayden’s reaction. Actions Hayden hadn’t taken because of him. For him.

  “I’ll take care of you,” Christian said quietly, capturing Hayden’s mouth, even as the man’s fingers had found the hem of his undershirt and started lifting.

  In a haze of kissing and touching, all of their clothes were removed and scattered around the room. With Hayden spread out in front of him, Christian knelt in between his legs and ran his fingers up and down his lover’s long limbs, each pass with an increasingly lighter touch. Moving around, Christian treated the rest of Hayden’s body to the same touches, avoiding the hard, dripping cock. Hayden moaned and groaned, threatened and cajoled before begging Christian to fuck him, to touch his cock, to do something, anything so he could come.

  Christian smiled and reached into the nightstand drawer for the bottle of lube and several condoms, dropping them on the bed. Grabbing a pillow, he wedged it under Hayden’s hips before mo
ving back between his lover’s spread thighs. Kneeling, he braced himself and tongued the puckered entrance. Hayden lifted his hips and called out. The words were a jumbled, incoherent mess. Christian licked and sucked at the hole. His own cock was hard and aching. He needed to be in Hayden, as much as the other man needed him to be. Christian poured a generous amount of lube onto his fingers, traced a line around the opening before sliding the digit in.

  “More!” Hayden half-demanded half-begged.

  Christian continued to finger fuck Hayden’s ass for several minutes before adding a second digit and then a third.

  “Damn it Christian! Fill me up!” Hayden demanded. The order turning to a yelp when Christian pressed against his lover’s prostrate.

  Scissoring his fingers one last time, he withdrew them. Quickly, he sheathed and lubed himself before replacing his fingers with his cock in one smooth motion. Balls deep in his lover, he waited agonizing minutes for Hayden to adjust to his intrusion. Hayden moved his legs to Christian’s shoulders and pushed back. Christian had wanted to make love to Hayden slow and gentle, but the man seemed to need more than that. Hard, fast, and reassuring. Dismissing his own desires for a later time, Christian gripped Hayden’s legs and withdrew slightly before slamming back in.

  “Oh God! Yes!” Hayden shouted. Desire and need cresting every word.

  Christian pistoned in and out of Hayden’s body, each thrust bringing him closer to the edge. Hayden stretched his arms out over his head, pushing against the headboard. Christian let go of one of Hayden’s legs and wrapped his hand around the shaft. Hayden bucked and came hard in short bursts painting both of them, his body gripping Christian relentlessly. Christian’s balls drew up. A handful of hard thrusts later and Christian careened over the edge, filling the condom. Pinching the top, he reluctantly withdrew from Hayden. Removing it, he tied it and tossed into the trashcan before washing them both up. Exhaustion threatened to overtake him as he joined Hayden. The other man had already moved under the covers.


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