Pursue (Portland Street Kings Book 4)

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Pursue (Portland Street Kings Book 4) Page 18

by Evie Harper

  Slater and Mack took care of the body, and we’re all sworn to secrecy. No one can know Krazy was here or how he died. We’ve been on the lookout for the young boy Krazy used to do his bidding, but have had no luck so far. Kelso wants to thank him, as do I. Slater wants to warn him not to say a word, that if he keeps his mouth shut, he can have anything he wants at Playthings Toy Shoppe. Hopefully we find him soon.

  Kelso spots me walk into the kitchen and strides over and pulls a chair out at the table. I roll my eyes as I plant my ass down. Glancing around the table, I catch Pacer pouting his lips, making a kissy face at Kelso, and Lana looking at me with a grin on her face from ear to ear. Slater is over by the counter with Piper. He rubs her stomach and says something that makes Piper laugh. Dom drops a big plate of pancakes in front of Della, who elbows me and says, “Thank God you are back, Ivy, you saved the buttermilk pancakes.” My cheeks lift as a smile spreads across my face.

  Mack kisses Lana’s head and strides out the back door.

  Kelso approaches me and does the same while placing a plate of pancakes down for me. “I’ll be in the garage catching up on some work. What are your plans for today?”

  Since last Saturday, Kelso has been reluctant to let me out of his sight. I’ve stayed at his house every night, but not because he asked me to—I knew if I insisted on going home he’d come with me. No, I stayed because stepping foot back into my house freaks me out. I’ve never felt such terror. The thought of moving around my house, lazing on the couch as if I wasn’t stabbed twice on the floor, seems impossible to me. The space I once felt safe in is now tainted, and if I never saw it again, it would be too soon.

  Becca understood and told me to take my time. It didn’t surprise me my best friend expected me to come back at some point. Becca has always been the strongest out of the two of us, and she didn’t see the brutal scene. Lana, Piper, and Della cleaned our house for us. Becca said the house was crystal clean when they allowed her back in there. I can’t thank them enough for doing what they did; Becca didn’t deserve to go home and see what I’m sure looked like a slaughterhouse.

  My father had flowers sent to the hospital, which I sent straight back to him. No phone call or personal visit from him, but then again I would have told him to leave anyway. I’ve closed that chapter of my life and I have no desire to open it again.

  I spoke with Becca, and she now knows time won’t make this better for me. I need out of the house for good. That particular conversation took place before Kelso asked me to move a whole ocean away with him.

  “Well.” I sigh. “Since it’s Sunday, not much. Becca’s coming over, though. We planned on talking about house hunting, but since things have changed I’m going to tell her about possibly moving with you and your family.”

  Kelso grins. “Good luck with it, you might need a whole bottle of vodka handy.”

  Giggling, I go to slap Kelso’s arm, but he’s too quick and he darts away, heading for the back door.

  Sophie asks Ava to head upstairs and get out of her pajamas, and then clears her throat. Everyone left in the kitchen looks at her. “Ava and I have so much to be thankful for. We’ve made new wonderful friends and other not so nice people are out of our lives for good. Now the dust has settled and it’s time for us to leave.”

  Pacer drops his fork to his plate and growls, “Not this again.”

  Slater and Dom make a quick exit via the backyard, and Piper says she has to go to the shops for something. She doesn’t even name an item, only mutters “something” while dashing from the room. Lana and Della practically trip over their own feet echoing similar excuses.

  Sophie slaps her hands on the table and stands, leaning on the table and bending at the waist. She narrows her eyes on Pacer. “You have got to get off your high horse, Pacer. You do not control where my daughter and I go or what we do. Yes, she’s your niece, but she’s my daughter. It’s time for us to go.”

  Pacer’s chair groans as he pushes it backward and rises. As he does, Sophie slowly stands upright, and it’s then I notice how much Pacer dwarfs her. Pacer’s not the tallest of the brothers, but he’s much larger in the upper body. His barrel chest matches his large, broad shoulders.

  “And where would you go, Sophie? Back to Marion where you got yourself and your daughter into trouble in the first place?”

  Okay, that’s my cue to leave. Rising from the table with my plate in hand, I try to exit this tense and explosive conversation. However, as I step into the hallway, Pacer leaves the kitchen with Sophie on his heels.

  “You bastard,” Sophie spits.

  Chin down and trying to go unnoticed as they pass me, I’m about to spin back around to the kitchen when there’s a loud knock on the door. Oh my God, thank you, Becca. Saved by my best friend.

  “I’ll get it,” I call.

  Stalking past me, Pacer mutters, “Ivy, you know for now that no one opens the door except me or one of my brothers.”

  “I invited—”

  Pacer swings the front door open, but when his body goes completely still the rest of my words get caught in my throat.

  Behind the screen door stands an elderly couple, both wearing expressions of pure shock, their mouths hanging open.

  Sophie gasps, and the older woman drops her handbag, her possessions spilling out. Softly, she breathes, “Mason?”

  Ava comes racing past me. “Nanny, Pop, you came!”

  To be continued...

  Portland Street Kings Series

  Reckless is the fifth and final story in the Portland Street Kings series. Releasing July 2018!

  Keep flipping to read a sneak peek of You Loved Me At My Darkest, book #1 in my You Loved Me series.

  Also by Evie Harper

  You Loved Me At My Darkest (You Loved Me #1)

  You Loved Me At My Weakest (You Loved Me #2)

  You Loved Me At My Ugliest (You Loved Me #3)

  Collision (Portland Street Kings #1)

  Fatal (Portland Street Kings #2)

  Tail (Portland Street Kings #3)

  Pursue (Portland Street Kings #4)

  Reckless (Portland Street Kings #5) July 2018

  Sneak Peek


  You Loved Me At My Darkest

  Hopelessness wraps around my body like a tight cord. Alone and beaten, each breath comes quicker. My eyes are almost swollen shut, with only tiny slivers of light shining through to let me know it’s daytime. Thick, rough rope scrapes harshly against my wrists. A dirty white dress, held up on my shoulders by thin straps, covers my shaking body.

  What have I done? I failed in my escape, caught in the grasp of evil again. Have I failed Lily too? Will I die down here—never being able to let my sister know how thankful I am that she did everything she possibly could do to save me? I would give up anything in this world to tell her how much I love her, and to tell her to keep fighting.

  So many hits to the head has left it pounding like it never has before. I've vomited twice already. I dread more may be coming up. My lip quivers and my chest expands heavily. Tears squeeze through my swollen eyes and spill down my face.

  I hear the door opening, and I sense movement near my body. Hot breath heats my cheek letting me know someone’s there. "Sasha, you need to reveal to us who helped you, or things are only going to get a lot worse for you." A gruff voice I know all too well causes bile to rise and threatens to empty again.

  I turn my head away and say, “I will never give up who helped me.” Only my words come out all wrong and slurred. What's wrong with my speech?

  He sighs. "Fine then, the hard way it is."

  I laugh in my mind. Given what I have already been through, I thought that already was the hard way.

  I'm pulled upwards by the ropes around my wrists, and he begins walking. I fall to my knees as soon as I try to take my first step.

  "Get up," he growls.

  My hands are yanked up, and my shoulders scream from the pain. A whimper tries to escape but can't get past the
lump in my throat. He grips my elbow and pulls me along with him.

  Light explodes between the tiny cracks in my swollen eyes and heat from the sunshine hits my skin. I realise I’m outside. I smell the salty ocean air and feel the chilly breeze. He continues to walk me for a moment, and then stops. I'm pushed to my knees, and then my hands are lifted above my head and tied to something round. I feel it with my fingertips; it’s hard and rough, and feels like a wooden pole.

  "Now, boys, watch and learn. This is what we do to slave girls who try to escape and protect traitors." I can hear the sick excitement in his voice. He has been gunning for me ever since I arrived.

  My head is still thumping painfully, and my chest is rising and falling fast, waiting for the first punch to come. Trying to predict from which angle, so I can brace for the pain, I feel it.

  A scream is ripped from my throat as a searing sensation runs down my back. I arch in response to the blistering pain. I sob when I realise he's whipping me.

  I try to move forward to get away. When I feel it again, I scream. My back forces itself forward, trying uselessly to get away from the attacking whip.

  Trying to force my hands out of the ropes to defend myself has caused my wrists to throb with pain. I want to crawl into a ball and try to protect what piece of untouched flesh I have left.

  I scream again as the whip slashes through my thin dress and skin. The pungent smell of metallic fills my nose. The sliminess of my blood as the whip flicks down my back, seeps downward. The pounding in my head is growing. My eyes are begging me to open them to see, to escape. My body arches again along with a piercing scream from another strike.

  Tears overflowing through my swollen eyes, I can taste the saltiness on my lips. My head sags to my chest, my breathing heavy. I sense my body going faint. I'm so tired. The promise of unconsciousness whispers on the edges of my mind. Darkness begins to envelope me.

  All of a sudden, I hear screaming in the distance. I recognise that voice. It's Lily. She's getting closer. Oh, thank God, I can tell her how much I love her. How much she has been the best big sister anyone could ever ask for, and demand that she keeps fighting.

  Suddenly, I'm turned over. I hear her sweet voice talking to me; she's crying. Lil's arms feel so warm around my body. Home. I'm finally home. I love you, Lil. I try to say except my mouth won't move. I scream it in my mind to her. I love you, Lily! These are my last thoughts as darkness surrounds me and the light drifts away.

  Sneak Peek - Chapter One

  Carefree and Flying High

  Taking a seat and looking through the enormous glass window, I watch a plane move down the runway, building up speed, until it's up, and flying into the sky off to some exciting place in the world.

  I look down at my bags, butterflies fluttering around in my stomach. Finally, a packed suitcase and passport in my hands. I'm finally here, Sydney airport, and I'll be getting on a plane and leaving Australia, my home. I love my home, but seeing the world has always been a dream of mine, and today that dream is finally coming true. I, Lily Morgan, will be getting on a plane to travel the world. Excitement vibrates through me like fireworks ready to show the world just how happy I am.

  I look around the airport terminal at the people bustling around me; some on their phones, a couple trying to get their children to behave, and others just sitting, looking out at the runway. I wonder if they are like me, in awe of doing something they have only ever dreamed of.

  I feel movement on my denim shorts and look down past my white shirt to see Sasha poking me. I look over at my sister. She looks like she's ready to burst with joy as well.

  "Lil listen." Sash is jumping on her bum like a little kid, her yellow dress bouncing with her. She points to the ceiling, and I hear the man on the voiceover announcing our gate is ready for boarding. People start walking over and lining up with their tickets.

  We've been talking about going overseas since high school, but we kept putting it off. Then three years ago, our parents were killed in a car accident. A drunk driver ran a red light and hit my parents, striking the passenger’s side of the car. They both died instantly from the impact. Sasha and I crumbled when we lost our parents, but we managed to pull ourselves through some pretty tough times and have slowly moved on with our lives.

  My eyes start to water and I feel a familiar palm squeeze my hand. I look over, and Sash gives me a sad smile. She knows what I'm thinking about, and like always, she is there for me. I bury my pain and put a smile on my face for her; she has suffered enough. I don't want to remind her of how much we have lost.

  When our parents passed, the first place we went was the family farm. We climbed up into our childhood tree for the first time in many years. We cried together and said our goodbyes to our parents.

  Sash may be my little sister, but she is also my best friend. Living on a farm far away from any neighbours, we only ever had each other, and that's all we needed. Being only two years apart, we were always into the same things. We shared secrets and practiced kissing on the back of our hands, giving each other tips. All of this in our favourite tree, we would climb, sit and talk in our willow tree for hours after school until mum would call us in for dinner.

  Many people ask if we are sisters, but we can never understand how people pick us out. We don’t think we look alike. Sash has Mum’s beautiful straight, light brown hair, blue eyes, and her outgoing personality. At twenty-eight, I have more of my dad's dark blond, thick straight hair and his green eyes. Sasha’s and my body types are similar though, generous in the bust area but not over-the-top. We're both tanned and athletic from growing up working on the farm.

  With our parents gone and no one to keep the wheat farm going, Sasha and I decided to move back home. It’s been in our family for four generations. One day we knew one of us would take it over. It meant too much to our dad to just see it go to a stranger.

  It was hard at first to live where our parents had. Sometimes I think I can still hear my mum call us in for dinner or hear my dad's laughter. My parents were in love; not just any love, they were soul mates. They never fought. They argued, but not for long, and usually only if they believed the other was going to get hurt or letdown. They would have done anything for each other. I suppose it was right they died together. I think if one had lived, they would have died of a broken heart anyway.

  After working the farm for three years and acquiring some trustworthy employees, Sasha and I decided it was time to do some travelling. We didn't want to keep putting it off and one day regret never doing it. It's what our parents would have wanted. Mum and Dad were both adventurous. They wanted Sash and I to see the world before we settled down.

  We have no set plans, but our first stop is New York City. It's the one place we both want to visit first.

  "Lil, let's go line up," Sash’s excited voice sends butterflies to my stomach.

  We stand from our seats, pick up our suitcases and start toward the ticket desk. My heart beats wildly, and I have a huge smile. I glance at Sasha and see she has the same sized grin on her face. Yep, this is going to be a trip of a lifetime.

  I clock her as soon as she gets off the plane, fucking perfect. One of the most stunning smiles and perfect bodies I've ever seen. Every man turns his head as she walks by. It helps she has a mini version right next to her.

  Country girls, easy to pick with their clothes. And first-time travellers. The dumbstruck look on their faces says it all.

  She would be fucking perfect for what Marco’s looking for. He’d probably fall all over his feet to have her. A pang hits my chest, knowing these happy, carefree girls would soon be caught and caged.

  After stepping out of JFK Airport in New York, we quickly realise we have made the journey to a whole new world. It doesn't take long to get a cab; they are everywhere. Half an hour later, we are at our hotel checking into our double room. After a quick glance around and look out the window, we decide to head to the bar downstairs to have one drink before calling it a night. Looking a
round the bar, I'm in awe of all the different types of people. No one seems to be relaxed. Everyone is dressed up in suits, sophisticated dresses and heels, just to a have a drink at a bar.

  I peek over at Sasha and grin at our clothes. Sasha is in a denim skirt and a tank top. I’m in ripped Levi jeans and a plain white t-shirt, and we’re both wearing our flat sandals that we wear everywhere. This is what everyone wears back home at our local bar or pub.

  "What?" Sash asks, seeing me smiling widely.

  I laugh while I explain. "Look at us and look at everyone else. We stick out like sore thumbs."

  Sasha looks around. Realising what I’m saying, she smiles and says. "We do, don't we. Maybe we should have dressed up a little bit."

  We both burst out laughing and I reply, "Next time we will. Lesson learned." We finish our drinks and head back to our room.

  After our showers, Sash and I lay in bed, facing each other, both giggling and talking about what in New York City we want to see tomorrow.

  Sash drifts off to sleep first, and I follow soon after, thinking of all the wonderful places we’re about to experience and will remember for the rest of our lives.

  Days, I've watched her. Her smile lights up a room, people can't help but look when they hear her soft, sexy and musical laugh.

  She senses something. She looks back now and again, and I see her shiver when I imagine undressing her. She feels me, without even knowing I'm here.

  Her light hair flows like fucking silk. I almost touch it when I get too close. Clenching my hands, I need to remember to keep my distance. It's becoming harder and harder every day I watch her. She's fire, and I am a stupid motherfucking moth who wants what I can't have.


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