My Destiny

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My Destiny Page 8

by J. L. Perry

  It only took about five minutes for the police to arrive. The officers who had taken our statement the other night, as well as two detectives, pulled up. Logan got out and asked me to stay in car. I knew he was just trying to protect me, but I got out anyway. This involved me and I needed to hear what they had to say.

  We went back into the house to show the officers everything. One of the detectives pulled a camera out of his black bag and started taking photos. The other one started taking my statement.

  I was finding it hard to concentrate on what he was saying. My eyes scanned the room, looking at all the destruction. The detective asked me if I noticed anything missing from the house. I explained that we had only come into the front room and hadn’t looked through the rest of the house yet. The only thing I had of value in the front room was the television, and it was smashed and lying upside-down on the floor.

  Whomever had done this was angry. Only a person in a fit of rage could cause such destruction. It made me think of that day back in Melbourne when Jake had thrown and smashed things in the house.

  “Hey, any luck on tracking down Jake yet?” Logan asked the officer who had taken our statement the other night.

  The officer shook his head. “No. It’s like he has just dropped off the radar. The house he was living in was repossessed by the bank, his family hasn’t had any contact with him for over six months, and his bank accounts were cleaned out a few months ago.

  “In regards to the drugs that were found in his office, he got off with a warning because it was his first offense. He was, however, arrested two months later after being pulled over by the highway patrol,” he added. “He was found to be driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol. When his car was searched, he was in possession of a large quantity of cocaine. He didn’t show up for court and, subsequently, a warrant was issued for his arrest. Since then, we haven’t been able to locate him.”

  I was shocked. Jake’s life had really taken a turn for the worse. I asked the officer if Jake was still in Melbourne. He told me he wasn’t sure. “Our records show that he hasn’t left the country, but I can’t guarantee that he is still in Melbourne.”

  “Do you think he’s behind all this?” I said as I gestured around at the destruction.

  “He can’t be ruled out as a suspect, but until we have proof, we won’t be making any assumptions.”

  The detective that had been taking photos earlier was now dusting the house for fingerprints. “Because he’s been arrested before, his fingerprints would be on record so if there’s a match, we should know soon.”

  Once the officers had finished taking our statements and gathered all the evidence they needed, they asked me if there was anything I wanted to take from the house before I left. The only things that I had of any real value were sentimental items…the photo album my mother had made for me and the locket she had given me for the eighteenth birthday. I couldn’t leave them. Logan followed me into the bedroom so I could get these and grab some more clothes.

  My bedroom was in total disarray, just like the rest of the house. Things had been smashed and furniture turned over, but the most disturbing part was my clothes. They had been ripped apart and scattered throughout the room. It also looked like someone had been sleeping in my bed. Well, maybe not sleeping, but definitely lying in it. My body started shaking again as I quickly grabbed what I needed and left.

  Logan gave the detectives his business card on the way out and asked them to contact him with any developments.


  Furious would be an understatement for how I was feeling right now. I would love to get my hands on whomever was doing this to her. What they had done to her place was not only sickening, but appalling. There was definitely a mental condition associated with this person. It only made the concern I had for Brooke’s safety escalate.

  Once we were back inside the car, I could feel her trembling beside me. I scooped her up so she was sitting sideways on my lap and held her tightly against me. She didn’t put up a fight but, instead, rested her head on my chest. I was thankful for that. All I wanted to do was hold her and make her feel safe. After a few minutes, I could feel her starting to relax.

  “Brooke, you’re staying with me tonight,” I said softly. Hearing no argument, I continued, “If you are still adamant about not staying at the penthouse while this psychopath is on the loose, then I will find you a more secure place to live tomorrow.” She started to say something, but I said, “Shhh, baby. We can talk about this later.” I pulled her into a tighter embrace.

  When we entered the penthouse, I was carrying Brooke’s suitcase in my left hand so I grabbed hold of her with my right and led her to my bedroom. As I gently pulled her through the door, she stopped.

  “What are you doing, Logan?” she asked.

  “I told you in the car that I wanted you with me tonight, Brooke,” I explained.

  “I didn’t think you meant in your bedroom. I presumed you were just talking about your house,” she said, exasperated.

  “Brooke, my only intention is to hold you in my arms. I don’t have any ulterior motives. Just for tonight,” I pleaded. “I just want to make you feel safe.” I really didn’t want her to be alone because I knew what had happened earlier upset her. God, it had even upset me.

  “Okay,” she replied.

  Wow, no argument?

  “That’s my girl,” I said with a smile as I leaned over a kissed her forehead. “I’ll just go into the bathroom to run you a bath.”

  Brooke came into the bathroom a few minutes later with some clothes in her hand. I put some bath oil into the bathtub and mixed it with my hand before turning off the water. I gave her a kiss on the top of her head.

  “Take your time, princess, and try to relax,” I said as I turned and left the room, making sure I closed the door behind me. More than anything, I wanted to jump in that bathtub with her, but she had been through enough tonight. Honestly, it was probably the last thing she needed, considering everything that had happened earlier. Brooke needed to know she was safe around me because she was.


  Logan was being so sweet, but I was hesitant about staying in his bed tonight. Even though I really didn’t want to be alone, sharing a bed with him was a huge step.

  He really did make me feel safe and I could tell he cared for me, but I was still hesitant about sleeping next to him. I did love the way he seemed to put my feelings first, though, because that was something Jake never did.

  I looked around the bathroom before climbing into the tub. It was beautiful, just like the rest of his place. Just the size of the room was enough to blow my mind.

  There was a shower along the far wall that was so big, I could probably lay down in it. The colour scheme was black, white, and grey, which fit in with the rest of the house. The vanity was white with a black trim and had a double sink with sunken lights around the edge of the mirror. Even the tap fittings were beautiful, and the bath was so big, it would fit at least four people comfortably.

  As I sunk down into the water, I sighed. This was just what I needed. The bath oil Logan put in smelled beautiful, too. It was mixture of something fruity and vanilla. It smelled more like a yummy desert than something you would bathe in. The only thing that was missing in the tub was Logan. I knew I said I didn’t want a relationship with him, but I also couldn’t stop thinking about him.

  After our kiss earlier, I couldn’t get him out of my mind. He had awoken feelings inside me that I never knew existed. Just by the way he kissed and touched me, I could tell that he would be a fantastic lover. God, I was getting turned on just thinking about it.

  I could feel my body relaxing as soon as I laid back. I tried not to think about everything that had happened tonight because I was still quite traumatized by it all. Having a crazy person out to get you was definitely not fun.

  I must have been in the bath for a while because I could feel the water starting to cool. When I held up my hands, they looked like prune
s so I got out and dried myself. His towels were so soft and fluffy. As I put it up to my face, I noticed it was warm. When I put my hand against the towel rack, I got a shock. He even had a towel warmer in his bathroom! Our lives were so different.

  I chose the plainest and, definitely, un-sexiest nightie I owned to wear to bed. It was baby pink and more like and oversized tee. Unfortunately, I hadn’t realised until just now that it also wasn’t very long.


  It only came to mid-thigh so I stood in front of the mirror trying to stretch it for at least another five minutes. It wasn’t safe to be wearing anything sexy tonight, especially if I was going to be sleeping next to Logan. I was starting to regret accepting his offer to sleep in his bed. Again—shit!

  I stepped out of the bathroom. Logan was sitting on a long sofa in the corner of his bedroom, working on his laptop. Who has a bedroom so big that you can easily fit a full-sized sofa in it?! His room was beautiful, but masculine. Again, everything was black and white but, this time, he had incorporated a lot of blue into the room. I noticed another huge flat screen television mounted on the wall.

  Geez, if I had room like this, I don’t think I would ever want to leave it.

  I could see the beautiful view of the city lit up behind him, but it wasn’t quite as spectacular as looking at him. Logan had changed into some black silk pyjama bottoms and his chest was bare. Um…yum! I noticed his hair was wet, too. He must have showered in one of the other bathrooms.

  Even fully dressed, I could tell he had a good body, but nothing could have prepared me for the sight I got without his shirt on. Again…yum! His body was toned and muscular, and his skin was tanned. Totally lickable! It left me breathless. Correction…He left me breathless!

  Logan looked up from his laptop and gave me a sexy smile. Shit. I quickly closed my mouth and averted my eyes. I would hate for him to know that I’d been checking him out, even though I couldn’t help but notice that his eyes roamed over my body. They also lingered a little longer on my legs before he finally made eye contact with me. I’m pretty sure I heard a small growl come from his throat, as well.

  “Feeling better?” he asked, smiling that sexy smile.

  I smiled back at him. “Yes, I am. Thank you.” I hesitantly walked across the room to sit down beside him.

  “So, would you like something to eat before going to bed?”

  “Umm, no. I’m really not hungry and would just like to go to sleep.”

  “Brooke, I would like you to eat something because I know you haven’t had any dinner, but I’m not going to push you.” I was thankful for that because I really couldn’t eat after everything that had happened tonight. Even though I was relaxed from the bath, my stomach was still in knots.

  We sat there for a few minutes and the nerves started to settle in. It was awkward and I wasn’t sure what to do. The only guy I had ever slept next to was Jake. I was rethinking my decision again.

  Thankfully, Logan put down his laptop and grabbed my hand as he stood up. Then he led me over to his bed. It was massive, just like everything else he owned. He pulled back the covers and gestured for me to climb in before getting in beside me. Once we were laying there, he covered us with the quilt and pulled me into his arms.

  It felt good to have his arms wrapped around me. I was lying on my side with my head on his chest. He smelled so good that I wanted to stick my tongue out and taste him, but I didn’t. I laid there for a few minutes, just drinking in his scent. The feeling of his amazing body against mine was almost too much to bear.

  I lifted my head up so I could see his face because I needed him to know how grateful I was for everything he’d done for me. “Thank you for everything. I will never be able to repay you for all the kind things you have done for me,” I said with a smile. “From the first moment I met you, Logan, you have been saving me from one mess or another. You are like my very own knight in shining armour.”

  He was looking deep into my eyes as he gently stroked his hand down my face. He gave me his heart-melting smile again. “There is nothing I wouldn’t do for you, Brooke,” he whispered.

  I don’t know what came over me, but I leaned in closer and brushed my lips against his. I just couldn’t help myself.


  When she walked out of the bathroom in that little pink tee, I think my heart actually stopped beating for a second. Her legs—fucking hell! They seemed to go on forever. Looking at her dressed like that made my cock twitch.

  From the moment we got into bed and I pulled her into my arms, I could feel my arousal. This woman turned me on so much. She was driving me fucking crazy! I started to think that maybe sharing a bed with her wasn’t such a good idea after all. I had the most beautiful woman in the world lying in my arms and I wasn’t allowed to touch her. Well, not the way I wanted to, anyway.

  When Brooke lifted her head up and looked at me, my chest actually hurt. Looking into her beautiful brown eyes made my heart suddenly beat faster. She was so beautiful, inside and out. I could feel myself falling heavily for her, but I had promised myself I would give her time. Even if it killed me, that’s what I was going to do.

  I nearly stopped breathing when she leaned in closer to me and put her lips on mine. They were so soft and she tasted so sweet, just like the other night when we shared our first kiss.

  I kissed her back softly and passionately, as a growl came from the back of my throat. From the first moment I laid eyes on her back in Melbourne, I’ve wanted her. Thinking back to that day, I found it hard to believe that she was actually here with me now.

  I couldn’t think straight when I was around her, and I couldn’t get her out of my mind when we were apart. Kissing her felt so right and I didn’t want to stop. As our kissing became deeper, I put my tongue in her mouth and started to explore. Her lips were amazing and I was so turned on.

  As hard as it was, I broke the kiss because I knew she wasn’t ready for this. “We better stop before we can’t. I don’t want you to do anything you will regret tomorrow,” I said. She gave me another one of her beautiful smiles, before pulling her shirt up and over her head.

  Fucking hell!

  “I want you, Logan,” she whispered in her sweet voice. “Don’t stop. I need you. Please make love to me.” I nearly came in my pants when she said that. I looked down at her beautiful tits, which were practically in my face, and smiled. It was like I’d died and gone to heaven.

  She didn’t have to ask me twice! I flipped her over onto her back and looked into her eyes again. “Are you sure?”

  “Oh, I’m sure,” she replied confidently as she smiled at me. “I need to feel you—all of you!”

  That was all I needed to hear. I started to softly kiss her again. But the more we kissed, the wilder it became. My god, I couldn’t get enough of her. I wanted to crawl inside her and never come out. As I trailed kisses down her neck, I heard a beautiful little moan escape her mouth.

  As my lips moved down her body, I sucked one of her nipples into my mouth. I wanted to taste every inch of her body. “You are so damn beautiful, baby,” I said, trailing kisses down her toned stomach.

  She pulled me back up to her mouth when I put my hand down the front of her underwear. She was so wet and it was such a turn on. She pushed her hips up to meet my hand so I slid a finger inside her. She felt so good and I nearly lost my load. Nobody had ever turned me on as much as she did!


  Logan started moving his finger around inside me. Oh, god. It felt amazing! Jake was the only person I have ever been with and I wanted this so bad. Logan had me so turned on. I have never wanted someone so desperately. I needed more and he knew it because he slid another finger inside me.

  “Oh god, Logan,” I moaned loudly.

  “Oh fuck, baby,” he breathed in return. “I want you so much. Come for me.”

  While his fingers were still inside me, he started to rub my clit with his thumb. That’s all I needed because I could already feel my body climbing hi
gher. Then I felt the ecstasy travel through me as I shattered around his fingers. My whole body was trembling. I think I moaned a little too loudly, but I didn’t care because it had been way too long.

  “That was so hot,” Logan said, as he looked down at me with a huge smile on his face.

  “I need you inside me now,” I whispered in desperation. I pulled him down and crashed my lips against his. He quickly pulled down my underwear and then slipped out of his pyjama pants without breaking our kiss.

  He reached over and grabbed a foil packet out of his bedside drawer and ripped it open with his teeth. After he rolled it on, he climbed back on top of me. I opened my legs to let him in and I could feel his erection pushing against my opening, then he gently pushed inside me.

  Oh, boy. He was so big, but felt so good. I grabbed onto his hot little arse as I moved in rhythm with him.

  “Oh, Brooke,” he moaned. “You feel so good, baby. I have wanted you from the first time I saw you walk into that room back in Melbourne. You are so beautiful!” He looked down at me, and the connection I felt with him was overwhelming. It was like nothing I had ever felt before.

  Logan leaned down and gave me the softest kiss I have ever had as he continued to move in me. He was so passionate and I knew one time with him wouldn’t be enough. It wasn’t long before I could feel my body starting to climb again. I tried to hold it back, but I couldn’t. This time, I called out his name as my second orgasm engulfed me. My god, he was such a good lover. It had never felt this good with Jake—not even close.

  Logan grabbed hold of my hips and pushed himself deeper inside me. His strokes were harder and faster now, and I knew he was close. He let out a loud groan as he threw his head back and climaxed. His body was still trembling when he collapsed down onto me.

  We were both trying to catch our breath when Logan lifted his head up and gazed into my eyes. “You are amazing,” he breathed with a gorgeous smile on his face, then put his lips softly against mine. I just smiled back at him because I was too tired to say anything. Logan was staring at me as he brushed my hair off my face and put his lips softly against mine again.


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