Loving Lo: Devil's Knights Series

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Loving Lo: Devil's Knights Series Page 3

by Winter Travers

  My problem when it came to dating was I just didn’t want to play the games. I hated all the guessing and wondering about what the other person was thinking, I was straight forward and that’s what I wanted from the person I dated.

  Of course I would have to actually go on a date with someone to see if they were worth my time. Maybe Lo could be my jumping off point into the dating scene.

  Or maybe, Lo could just help me with my little orgasm problem.



  “I should have brought clothes to change into.” I hopped out of Troy’s truck and looked down at my steel toed boots, faded jeans, and black hooded sweatshirt. “What do you think?” I looked at Troy and did a spin.

  “You look like you just got off work.”

  “Thank you, Captain Obvious.” I said as I flipped Troy off.

  “You look fine, Meg. Truckers have hit on you in those clothes at work before. I need a beer, let’s go.” Troy beeped the locks on his truck and headed across the street to The Tavern.

  “Because truckers have such discerning tastes. They spend ninety percent of their day alone; anything with boobs probably gets their goat.” I caught up to Troy and grabbed his hand.

  “Really, you cramp my style when you hold my hand. People think we are together when you do that shit.” Troy whined as he tried to twist his hand out of my hold but couldn’t shake my hand.

  I clamped down harder on his hand and yanked his arm to make him stop. “What the hell am I doing, Troy? I haven’t been on a date since before I was married. I don’t even know how to date. I’m going home.” I let go a Troy’s hand and headed down the sidewalk towards my house.

  Troy grabbed my arm and spun me around to face him. “You’re not going home. Get your ass in that bar and show this guy how awesome you are. If he’s a douche bag, take the drink he buys you and come find me.” Troy grabbed my hand and dragged me to the door, throwing it open.

  “I thought I cramp your style when I hold your hand.” I tried wrenching my hand out of his grasp but couldn’t.

  “Meg! Come do a shot with me!” I looked to my left and saw Cyn sitting at the bar with two shot glasses in front of her.

  “One shot, but then Meg’s got to go find her date.” Troy pulled me over to Cyn but didn’t let go of my hand.

  “Wow! You have a date!” Cyn marveled as she handed me a shot.

  “Don’t act so surprised, Cyn. What is this?” I glared at her and took the shot from her, sniffing it.

  “Buttery Nipples. Bottoms up!” Cyn clinked her glass against mine and I threw the shot back, feeling it burn down my throat.

  “So who’s your date?” Cyn asked as she grabbed my glass, setting them back on the bar.

  “A guy.” I avoided the question and looked at the jukebox. “I need music.”

  “Not so fast, who’s the guy?” Cyn asked again and grabbed my other hand.

  Troy ordered a beer from the bartender and looked at me. “Cyn just asked you a question, Meg.” He smirked and reached for his beer.

  “I helped his mom this morning and then he asked me for a drink because he feels guilty, end of story. I’m going to put some music on and then go find him. Save me a seat. I doubt I’ll be gone long.” I twisted my hands out from under Troy and Cyn’s and headed to the jukebox. I nodded at people I knew from work but didn’t stop to talk to anyone.

  I pulled a five out of my pocket and plugged it into the machine. I knew all the songs on the jukebox and picked out all my favorites. Halestorm’s “Love Bites” started playing immediately. I started swaying to the music and finished picking out the music that would play for the next half an hour.

  Turning away from the jukebox, I saw Lo right away. He was sitting at the far end of the bar away from the door. I could only see him from the waist up, but what I could see was even better than what I remembered. He had on a tight black short sleeved shirt that look like a second skin on him and a leather cut over it. I had seen enough Sons of Anarchy to know a MC cut when I saw one.

  “Holy shit.”


  Chapter 4


  It was about time she saw me. I saw her the instant she walked into the bar holding hands with some guy. I didn’t know what the fuck that was all about, but I planned to find out.

  She had talked to the guy and another girl, who was smokin’ hot also but didn’t have anything on Meg. They both had dark hair, were curvy as fuck, but that was where the similarities ended. Meg was much taller than the other woman and carried herself with confidence, while the other woman you could tell was younger and hadn’t figured out who she was yet. Meg was everything I knew I wanted in a woman, even though I told myself I wasn’t looking for an ol’ lady.

  I made sure to wear my cut tonight. It was something that I normally did have on, but today Ma had called when I was in the middle of painting, so I just booked it from the clubhouse and didn’t think about throwing it on. I saw her gaze travel over my cut, taking it in and watched her eyes get big as she figured out what it was.

  Most women got turned on when they found out I was in a Motorcycle Club. The other half that didn’t get turned on, did as soon as they heard that I was the president. There was never a shortage of pussy at the clubhouse and I had definitely had my fair share of it. One of the perks of being Prez.

  Except lately, I hadn’t been taking part in the partying and pussy as I normally had back at the Collinsworth Clubhouse. Demon, my VP, had noticed this and had called me on it a couple of weeks ago. I told him I didn’t know what the fuck he was talking about and took the first pussy offered to me that night back to my room just to get him off my back. I only had her suck my dick and told her to get the fuck out because I just didn’t want it any more.

  None of the guys in the new chapter had an ol’ lady so it was just a constant fucking parade of pussy through the club and I was sick of it. I wanted my own pussy, one that belonged to me and nobody else in the club had touched.

  As soon as I saw Meg that afternoon I knew she was it, I just couldn’t admit it. Yet.

  “That the chick we came here for?” Demon asked as he walked up to me.

  All I did was grunt at him. I didn’t feel like dealing with Demon’s shit tonight.

  “When you’re done with her, send her my way. That chick has got ol’ lady written all over her.” Even Demon could tell Meg was different.

  “Fuck off Demon. You’re not touching her.” I said as I slammed my beer down on the bar.

  “Is she what’s got you on fucking edge lately?”

  “No. She’s what’s going to get me off edge. I just met her today.” I kept my eye on Meg and saw her over by the jukebox, talking to some other guy. She glanced over at me and blushed.

  “She looks different, man. Different than any chick you’ve ever been with.” Demon said as he put his empty bottle on the bar and took his keys out.

  “That’s the whole point, I want different.” I said as Meg made her way over to me.

  “Then make sure you treat her different, brother. She ain’t something you use and then throw away.”

  “Sounds like you’re talking from experience.” I said as Meg stopped to talk to someone else, delaying her even more.

  “Lesson I learned early on, brother. It’s one I’ll never forget. I’m heading back to the clubhouse.” Demon slapped me on the back and headed out the door.

  I waited for Meg.



  “You ok, Meg?” I looked to my left and saw Mike from work. He was fifteen years younger than me and made me feel like I should pack him a lunch and send him off to school. He had such a baby face that he looked like he should be hanging out with Remy and not me.

  “Yeah, I’m good, hon. You have a good night at work?” I glanced back at Lo and saw he was talking to another guy in a leather cut.

  “Same old, same old. Cal wouldn’t get off my back about my machine and…” I tuned out Mike and watched Lo
talk to the other man. The other man was now talking and then slapped Lo on the back and headed towards me.

  When he was next to me, he nodded his head at me and headed out the door.

  I looked back at Mike who was still talking to me. Focus Meg.

  “So I just reset my machine and then it seemed to run good.”

  “That’s good, hon. I’ll see ya later.” I waved to Mike and made my way over to Lo. I vaguely heard Mike tell me bye, but I was so nervous walking over to Lo, it took all my concentration to walk. My hands started sweating and I rubbed them on my thighs. I needed another three shots to calm my nerves.

  “I was wondering if you were ever going to make it over to me.” Lo rumbled at me as I reached him. He swiveled on his stool, cocking his legs open. It took all my willpower not to look at his crotch.

  “Hi.” I squeaked out.

  Lo smirked at me. Damn smirk was going to be the death of me. “What do you want to drink darling?”

  I was about to answer when I got bumped from behind and stumbled into Lo. He grabbed me before I landed on my ass and nestled me in between his open legs. I gripped his shoulders, feeling his leather vest under my hands and looked into his eyes. He stared back at me, and I sighed. I was pretty sure that I could look in his beautiful, green eyes all day and just lose myself in them.

  “You alright, babe?” Lo asked. I tried to move away from him but he wouldn’t release the hold he had on my hips.

  “Um, yeah. You can let me go.” I squirmed, twisting, trying to get out of his grip.

  “Not happening. What do you want to drink?” Lo asked again and wrapped his arms around me, caging me in.

  “I’m not going to fall, its ok. I can sit on the stool next to you.” I pointed at the stool hoping he would let me go. I needed him to let me go.

  “I told ya, babe, not happening. I like where you are. Now, what do you want to drink?”

  I gave him my “Mom Glare” and he just stared back at me, waiting for me to answer him. Apparently he was immune to my glare or he didn’t care I was irritated.

  “Southern Comfort Old Fashioned sweet. Don‘t forget the cherries.” I rattled off my usual drink order to him and tried to move away from him again.

  “Keep trying to get away from me, darling, and I’m going to make you sit on my lap.” He turned his head to the bartender and order my drink and another Pabst for him.

  I gave up my struggle of getting away from Lo and decided that I should just enjoy it. He smelled like worn leather and mint. I inhaled his scent and moaned. Lo’s head swung back to me and I realized I had leaned into him, two inches away from his face.

  His eyes were liquid and his legs closed in on me, pulling me closer to him. “Your sighs and moans are driving me crazy, babe. You moan one more time and I’m going to lay you out on this bar and have my way with you.”

  My eyes got huge and I choked on my own breath. Holy shit. “Sorry. I was just smelling you. You smell good.” The bartender set our drinks in front of us and I quickly grabbed mine, downing half of it. I just told Lo I was smelling him. Gah! What an idiot! I needed to get out of here, whenever I open my mouth around him, stupid just comes out.

  “Thanks, darling.” Lo chuckled. “So how long have you worked second shift?” He took a long pull off his beer and looked at me.

  Finally, a topic I could talk about. Lo turned us so my back was leaning against the bar but I was still in between his legs. He rested his left hand on my hip and held his beer in his right. The heat from his hand burned through my jeans, straight to my leg.

  “Fifteen years. I couldn’t afford daycare when Remy, my son, was a baby, so my ex and I worked opposite shifts so someone was always home.”

  “Why didn’t you try to get day shift when he got older?”

  “I got used to working nights. Plus, I couldn’t stand to be around my asshole of an ex, so working second gave me a reason not to be home when he was.” I toyed with the straw in my drink, swishing the ice around the almost empty glass.

  “How long have you been divorced?”

  “Five years. So what is it that you do? I didn’t know you were part of a MC.” Hunter was not something I wanted to discuss. I speared the cherries in the bottom of my glass and popped them in my mouth. I sipped the rest of my drink, watching Lo.

  “We’re the Devil’s Knights. I’m setting up a new chapter in Chilton, I’m the president. The MC bought the old roofing place on North St. The interior is pretty much ready to go and this coming week, we are going to get the siding redone and the signs up. We’re opening a body shop in one half and the other half is the club house. We should be opening in two weeks.” Lo grabbed my empty glass from me and nodded at the bartender for another.

  “So where did you live before here?”

  “Northern Illinois. We have a chapter in Collinsworth that I was the V.P. of. We decided that the Devil’s need to expand and I was ready for a change. My mom moved here about five years ago and I always liked it when I visited her. How long have you lived here?” Lo handed me my drink and put his hand back on my hip. He was barely touching me and it made me catch my breath. Geez, I needed to get a grip.

  “All my life.” I took a sip of my drink and looked into Lo‘s eyes. He looked back at me and I noticed his eyes crinkled when he smiled. So hot.

  “Yo, King!” I twisted to look at the door and saw a guy with a leather cut walking into the bar.

  “I’m busy, Rigid.” Lo yelled back.

  My headed snapped back to look at Lo. “You’re King?”

  “Yeah, babe.”

  “No shit.” I looked down at his cut and saw “King” on a patch. How did I miss that? I wonder if I’m supposed to call him King. Is he called King because, you know, he’s like King of well, everything or maybe it was something crazy like he had an Elvis Presley obsession. “Can I call you King?”

  “No. You call me Lo.” Lo grunted.

  “Oh, is it because I’m not part of your MC?” I looked down at my drink, disappointed I couldn’t call him King. The name King kicked ass.

  “No, babe, everyone calls me King, everyone but you. I like when you call me Lo. Only you and my mom call me that.”

  My disappointment disappeared about not calling him King as soon as he told me that. I got a loopy smile on my face and looked at Lo. He smirked at me and shook his head.

  “Ok. I like Lo.” I told him.

  “I like it when it comes out of your mouth, darling.” I’ve never had someone treat me sweet in my life and I was starting to see what I had been missing. “Course, I like whatever comes out of your mouth.”

  I grabbed Lo’s bicep and squeezed, “You need to stop with the sweet. I‘m not used to it.”

  “I don’t do sweet, babe, I just call it like I see it. Get used to it.” Lo rumbled at me.

  “King, we got some shit going down. We need you back at the clubhouse.” Oh yea, Rigid was here. I totally forgot about him.

  I twisted again to look at Rigid and sucked in my breath. Holy muscles Batman! I’m pretty sure Rigid could snap me in half and not even break a sweat. He had on the same cut as Lo but that was where the similarities ended. Rigid’s hair was spiked up into a Mohawk that he had dyed bright blue. He had gauges in both of his ears and his eyebrow was pierced. His nose was crooked and he had a scar that stretched across his face. It ran from the bottom of his left ear across his lips and ended right below his right eye. This guy looked like a fight waiting to happen. A red t-shirt with cut off sleeves was under his cut and ripped jeans covered his legs. I couldn’t see his feet, but I assumed he wore some kick ass motorcycle boots. I moved closer to Lo after my inspection of Rigid.

  Lo totally exuded bad ass, but Rigid screamed bad ass and trouble. Hot trouble, but trouble nonetheless.

  Lo wrapped his arms around my back, making me press fully against him. “What the fuck happened now, Rig? I’m busy.”

  “Hammer was about ten miles out of town on his way home from this last run, when
he dumped his bike.”

  “Son of a bitch.” Lo slammed his hand on the bar behind me and I jumped. Holy mood swing, Batman. I could feel the anger rolling off him. “He ok?” Lo thundered.

  “Pretty beat up. Demon told me to come get you. Ham should be back at the clubhouse in ten minutes.”

  ‘Thanks, man, I’ll meet you outside.” Rigid nodded his head at us and walked out the door.

  “I got to go, darling.” Lo stood up and I stepped back and bumped into the bar. I tipped my head and looked up at him.

  “Of course! Go make sure your friend is ok.”

  Lo cupped his hand around the side of my neck and swiped his thumb across my cheek. I leaned into his hand and he curled his other arm around my waist. “You going to my mom’s tomorrow?”

  “Yeah, you still need to text me her address.” I murmured.

  “I’ll send it to you. I’ll see you around ok?” Lo asked.

  “Sure.” Lo kissed me on my forehead and released me. He threw a twenty on the bar and walked out the door. I watched him until the door shut behind him and I collapsed onto the stool.

  What the hell just happened? The instant Lo put his hands on me, I lost all common sense. Then he just says I’ll see you around. What the hell did that mean?

  “You two looked pretty cozy.” Troy plopped down on the stool Lo had just vacated and nodded at the bartender for another beer. “You need another drink?”

  “No. I think I’m going to head home.”

  “Not until you tell me what happened with motorcycle boy.” Troy joked.

  I laughed. “He’s probably ten years older than you, Troy, I doubt he would appreciate you calling him a boy. Plus I’m pretty sure that was all man.”

  “Ugh, please stop.’ Troy said, as he screwed his face up into a grimace. ‘So are you going to see him again?”

  “Not sure. He had to leave pretty quick, he found out one of his friends was in an accident. He just said he would see me around. So who knows?” I downed the last of my drink and stood up.

  “From what I saw, I’m sure you’ll be seeing each other soon.”

  “Ha, please! This from the guy who could have a chick all but taking her clothes off begging for you to take her, and you would look at me and be like ‘You think she likes me?’ I just don’t think I’m going to listen to you on this one.” I smirked.


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