Loving Lo: Devil's Knights Series

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Loving Lo: Devil's Knights Series Page 6

by Winter Travers

  Have fun. See you at work.

  I was so going to kill him. I tipped my head to the bartender and he started making my drink. I felt Lo come up behind me and I tensed up. He slid his arms around me and tugged me so I was leaning back into him.

  “Don’t be mad.” Lo rumbled into my ear.

  Mad? No, I wasn’t mad. I was fucking confused and half drunk. The bartender set my drink in front of me and I decided I needed to be confused and fully drunk. Maybe that would help.

  “Why are you here?” I decided to get straight to the point.

  “Already told you. I wanted to see you again.” He growled into my ear.

  “Why?” I spun around to face him.

  “Why what?” He asked amused.

  “Why do you want to see me? I helped your mom out, you don’t have to feel obligated to see me or do anything to me.” Jeez, did I just say do anything to me? Kill me now.

  “First off, I don’t feel obligated. I do what I want, when I want. I was out on a ride and stopped at the Tavern looking for you. You weren’t there, but Troy told me where you would be. A couple of the guys and I decided to head up here, let off some steam and see what kind of trouble we could find. Second, I want to do lots of things to you, darling, got a running list going through my mind of all the things you and I could do.” He finished on a whispered promise.

  I licked my lips, snagging my straw with my tongue and took a sip, trying to process what Lo had just said.

  “Just added another thing to my list.”

  My eyes snapped to Lo. He had the most intense eyes I had ever seen. Regular Lo eyes when he was just talking to you were intense, right now, they were liquid pools of desire that almost had my panties melting off. Lord help me.

  “Don’t you have a girlfriend?’ I snapped at him. ‘Maybe you should go bug her.”

  “I’m thirty-five years old, darling, I don’t do girlfriends. One day I hope to have an old lady but not yet.”

  He was only thirty-five? Holy crap. That shot straight to the top of my list of “Why Lo and Meg Just Don’t Work” list. The list thus far was, 1) I was older 2) He was gorgeous, I was meh. 3) Umm. Well that was kind of all that I could think of, but I know there is more. If only Lo would stop looking at me I could remember the rest. Oh, 3) I am a mom. Don’t ask me what that had to do with Lo, but I went with it.

  “Stop looking at me! I can’t think!” I snapped at Lo.

  “Stop thinking.” Lo slid his hand up my arm and curled it around my neck. He pulled me to him and he leaned his head down. I licked my lips and I swear I heard Lo growl. I was inches away from Lo’s lips. Holy shit, Lo was going to kiss me.

  “Meg! Did you see all these hotties come in? I am in fucking heaven! Asshat who?” Cyn yelled.

  Lo growled (I was sure of it this time) and lifted his head away from mine. I shook myself out of the ‘Lo Daze’ and looked to my left to see Cyn barreling down on us with a huge ass smile on her face.

  “Have you seen all these bad ass bikers? They are smoking hot! Oh! You found one already.’ Cyn looked at Lo and gave him a little wave. I looked at Lo and he had a hint of smile on his lips. He nodded at Cyn. ‘I want him when you’re done.” She said.

  I had fully come out of my Lo daze and pushed away from him saying, “I’m done. He’s all yours.”

  “Except it doesn’t look like he is done with you, honey.” Cyn said, as Lo grabbed my wrist and swung me into him. I put my hand out to stop from slamming into him and gripped his bicep.

  “Excuse us.” Lo said to Cyn.

  Lo turned around and headed towards the front door. I frantically looked back at Cyn who had a big shit eating grin on her face. She threw a wink at me and waved.

  “Traitor!” I shouted at her and she just laughed. Cyn was obviously not going to be of help.

  We weaved through the tables and people heading for the door. Right before we got to the door, the big hulking Rigid appeared next to us.

  “Don’t let any of her girls leave. Meg and I got some shit to talk through outside.” Lo said to Rigid.

  “I already got my eye on one. Black hair, big tits, lots of ass and smiles like a fucking angel.” Rigid said as he grabbed his beer off the bar.

  “You mean Cyn?” I piped in. It really was an accurate description of her.

  “That her name? Then, yeah. I plan on doing a lot of sinning tonight with Cyn.” Rigid joked.

  I looked Rigid up and down taking in his tight t-shirt, ripped jeans, motorcycle boots, and blue Mohawk. “You are the complete opposite of Asshat. Buy her an Old Fashion with extra cherries, tell her she’s pretty and you’re in.” Cyn deserved to have a little fun and Rigid looked like he was just what the doctor ordered.

  “Really? Sweet. You guys coming back?” Rigid asked.

  “Yeah, we’ll be back. You figure out a place to stay tonight?” Lo shot back.

  “Edge was looking around, can’t find anything close.”

  Lo looked at me, “Where you guys staying?”

  “No.” I knew where this question was going and the answer was no.

  “Ask her girls. Find out if they got room for six more.” Lo said to Rigid.

  Shit, we so had enough room for six more.

  “No! I have my own room and all my girl shit is strewn all over!” I was supposed to be sharing my room with two other girls but since they had backed out, I was solo.

  “Sounds like you got plenty of room, darling.” This was from Rigid, who I promptly gave a eat shit look to and then he promptly laughed at me. Douche.

  “All right, I’m with Meg in her room, you guys sweet talk the other girls so you can stay with them. We’ll be back.” Lo tugged my arm and we were out the door.

  “Wait! You can’t sleep with me! Have you lost your mind?” I tugged my arm and Lo finally let me go.

  “We need to talk, babe.” Lo backed me up against the brick wall and caged me in with his arms.

  “Yeah, we do. We need to talk about how you are not sleeping in my room. Look, I have a phone.’ I pulled my phone out and waved it in Lo’s face. ‘I’ll just Google some hotels around here and find you guys a place to stay. Problem solved.”

  Lo ripped it out of my hand and shoved it into his back pocket.

  “Hey! You can’t do that!” I shouted at Lo.

  “Just did, babe. Now we talk.” He ordered.

  “You suck. Men suck.” I whined.

  Lo ran his hand down my cheek and tipped my head to look at him. “Babe.” He whispered.

  “Fine talk. The sooner we talk, the sooner we can have sex, then the sooner you can leave and the sooner I can go back to my life. So talk Lo.” I snapped at him. Men really did suck.

  “Who hurt you?” He asked instantly.

  “What?” I didn’t expect that question.

  “Who hurt you and made you think men suck?”

  “This is what we are going to talk about? Really?”

  “For now, yeah.”

  Ok, I guess talking about my douche of an ex was better than working on Lo’s list he had of things he wanted to do to me. “I was married for twelve years. We had a son, Remy. We got divorced five years ago. The end.” The condensed version.

  “How old is your son?” He countered.


  “This is like pulling teeth with you babe. I told you shit about me. Now it’s payback time. Why did you get divorced?” He asked, annoyed with my short answers.

  “I was too young when I got married. Nineteen. Do you have anything from when you were nineteen?” I shot back.

  “No, babe. I can’t even remember being nineteen.” He smirked at me.

  “Well, imagine making a horrible decision and living with it for the rest of your life. That is my ex. The first person to show any affection to me and I was hooked. I was young, stupid, and never should have gotten married. Two months after we got married, I got pregnant. After I had my son, Remington, I saw the real person Hunter was. Self-centered and completely sh
allow. The two things I learned that I cannot stand in a person. He treated me like crap. I learned after the first five years, it was best for me to be seen and not heard.” I looked at Lo to see what he was thinking. His face looked hard and pissed off. I could see a slight tick in his jaw.

  “That it?” He said through clenched teeth.

  “Hardly.” He wanted to talk, well we were going to talk. “I can count on one hand the times he honestly complimented me or made me feel beautiful. He made me feel like I was an embarrassment and ugly. I never heard a nice word from him, whether it be about how I looked, what I cooked, or how I was raising our son. But you better believe if he didn’t like something, I heard about it. I hated him. I still hate him. He made me feel like I was the lowest piece of shit and that I should be thankful that he took mercy on me by being with me. After twelve years, I just couldn’t do it anymore. I wasn’t going to give him the right to make me cry or make me feel like shit any more. We had a huge fight and he left and never came back. We share custody of Remy and hardly talk unless it has to do with Remy. Men suck.” I was on the verge of tears, but I said what needed to be said.

  “No babe, men don’t suck. Your ex sucks, a lot.” Lo growled.

  “Humph, all men are the same. They tell you what you want to hear to get you in bed and then they either leave or stick around and treat you like shit.” I shot back.

  “Meg, your parents still together?” He questioned.

  Huh? What? What kind of question was that? “Yeah. Fifty-nine years.” I replied, confused.

  “He treat her good?”

  “The best.” I seriously had no idea where he was going with this.

  But he wasn’t done. No, he fired another weird question at me. “What about Troy. He got a woman?”

  “No, he can’t find a good one to stick around. Totally crazy. He would be an awesome boyfriend if he could find the right girl.” Completely clueless where he was headed with all these questions.

  “Thought all men sucked, babe?” Lo grabbed a piece of my hair and started twirling it in between his fingers. Oh, now I see where he was headed.

  Shit. He was totally right. Time to back pedal. “Ok, so not all men suck, but the majority of them do. If you’re not five foot ten, a size 0, with tits and an ass, which, by the way, is pretty much impossible unless you’ve had some help from a doctor, no man is interested. Especially a guy like you.” I said, as I poked Lo in the chest.

  “This is going to take a lot longer than I thought. I don’t know how other guys think, but I am going to clue you in to how I and probably all the guys in the club think. You are fucking hot.” Lo bit out.

  “Bullshit.” I rolled my eyes and put my hands on my hips. I looked at Lo, feeling the irritation rolling off him.

  “Stop talking. You said your piece, now I get to say mine.’ He growled at me. I might have upset Lo. ‘You have lots of ass and tons of tits babe. I can’t wait to get you naked so I can see everything you are hiding under those clothes. I’m a big guy babe. I don’t want a woman who eats a piece of lettuce and gets full. The woman I want laying under me needs to be able to take me and everything I give. A pretty face and a bag of bones for a body does not do it for me. When I saw you clamoring to get off the floor at the store after helping my mom, I knew you were going to be in my bed.”

  This is where I choked. Literally choked on my own spit. Man, I was classy.

  “Tonight, I’m going to be in your bed. But after talking to you, and you telling me all that shit about your ex, babe, I can see I’m going to have to go about this in a different way. Tonight, we will get to know each other, we take this shit slowly.” He drawled, skimming his hand up my arm.

  “Slow?” I shivered at his touch.

  “Yeah, babe, slow. Now you wanna go back in with your girls or head to the hotel?” He asked.

  “Back in with my girls!” I exclaimed. I so was not ready to be completely alone with Lo.

  Lo ran his hands down my sides and gripped my hips, pulling me flush against him. He leaned his head down to me and brushed his lips against mine.

  “I thought we were going slowly?” I whispered. My lips brushing against his.

  “Mm, we are, babe. That means we aren’t having sex tonight, but I am going to get a taste of you. Make sure you’re worth all this shit.”

  I gasped, because really, I was so worth all this shit. If not a little bit whiny, but still, so worth it.

  My gasp was cut off when Lo’s lips brushed against mine again, except this time his hands slide into my hair and held me close. I wrapped my arms around his waist, tipped my head up and kissed him back. He nipped my bottom lip then started sucking on it to sooth it. He released my lip and his tongue traced my lips.

  My hands slipped under his shirt, feeling the warm skin of his back. I opened my mouth and our tongues swirled and danced together. One kiss from Lo and I was ready to rip my clothes off and let him take me right there on the sidewalk.

  Lo’s hands drifted from my hair down my body and brushed against my breasts. Our lips broke apart and I shivered from the loss of his lips.

  “You taste even better than I imagined.” Lo trailed kisses down the side of my neck as his hands traveled down my body.

  “Meg! They have karaoke tonight!” Cyn came stumbling out of the bar, precariously leaning to the left. “And the hottest guy just bought me a drink! Best night ever!” Cyn raised her arms in the air, throwing up devil horns.

  “Son of a bitch.” Low growled in my ear.

  I slide my hands out of Lo’s shirt and tried to catch my breath. “That’s good honey. I’ll be in in just a second ok?” I said to Cyn.

  Cyn smiled, realizing what she had barges in on. “No worries. Take your time. We can sing our song when you get done with, um, you know, whatever you were doing.” Cyn let out a giggle and stumbled back into the bar.

  “I think I might have to cut her off.” I said as Lo nuzzled my neck, burying his hands in my hair again.

  “You really got your own room, babe?” Lo mused.

  “Yeah. Why?” I wondered out loud.

  “Because that is the second time your girl has interrupted us and I plan on tasting all of you tonight and I want no interruptions.”

  I’d like to say that I resisted, put up a fight, but I didn’t. I blame the ‘Lo Daze’. “Thank god I have my own room.” I blurted out.

  Lo chuckled and shook his head. “Got a lock on the door?”

  “Yes, Lo.” I sighed.

  Lo growled again. “Fuck, babe, I love when you say my name.”

  He kissed me hard on the lips, making me second guess my decision to not go back to the hotel right away. Lo lifted his head from mine, brushing his fingers across my lips. “We better go back inside before I push you up against this wall and fuck you.” Geez, talk about getting straight to the point. “Fucking drive me crazy. I gotta tell ya babe, been with a lot of women but never have they driven me crazy like you do with just a kiss.”

  The mention of other women with Lo was like a cold bucket of water dumped over me. Shit. I stiffen and pulled away from Lo. “We should head back in.” I stammered.

  Lo lifted his head from my neck and narrowed his eyes at me. “Why’d you pull away from me?”

  “We should head back in.” I said again.

  “Shit. I was in there wasn’t I, and then you started thinking again.’ He was so right, but I wasn’t going to tell him that. ‘What happened?” He demanded.

  What happened? Should I tell him that the thought of him with any other woman turned me into raging jealous bitch? I had absolutely no right to feel that way about him. We weren’t a couple or anything. Right?

  “Just got a chill.” I lied.

  Lo saw right through my lie and looked pissed. “Shit, babe, I can just imagine all the bull shit swirling around in your head right now.” He ran his hands through his hair and just looked at me.

  “I’m fine.”

  “Shit. It’s like you just flipped
the switch off that I worked so hard to flip on.” He grunted.

  “Look King, I’m all good. Let’s go back in.” I moved two steps forward before Lo advanced on me, pressing me against the brick wall again.

  “Don’t call me King. The only thing you call me is Lo or Logan.” Lo growled at me through clenched teeth. Lo’s striking green eyes had gone molten and scary. He had one hand buried in my hair and the other one slid to my butt, pulling me against him. I was getting a glimpse at pissed off Lo and I made a mental note that pissed off Lo was not a good thing. Totally hot, but probably not a good idea to piss him off.

  I parted my lips to yell at him that I could call him whatever I wanted, when he slammed his lips to mine. He took advantage of my open mouth, sliding his tongue inside. He sucked my tongue into his mouth sliding it against his silky tongue. I moaned into Lo’s mouth and grabbed on to his biceps, holding on. It was the only thing that I could do.

  Lo broke away and said, “What’s my name?”

  “Lo.” I moaned as I leaned into him, following his retreating lips.

  “Fuck, you are so worth it.” Lo kissed me quick and stepped away from me completely. I immediately missed his warmth. “Let’s head back in.”

  My head was swimming with rioting emotions and I didn’t know what to say or do. So, I followed Lo.



  She was mine. The second my lips touched hers, I knew.


  Chapter 9


  We walked back into the bar, and Lo order another Old Fashioned for me and a beer for himself. He started talking to another guy in a cut I had never seen before, who was leaning against the bar.

  I stood there dazed, staring at Lo. I seriously had no idea what to do. Lo took pity on me, wrapping his arm around my neck and pulled me into his side. He turned his head to the side and whispered in my ear, “You keep that just been fucked look on your face, babe, I’m gonna bend you over this bar and actually fuck you.”

  My head snapped away from Lo and I glared at him. “I do not look like I’ve just been fucked. That isn’t even a real thing.” I countered.

  “With you it is. Eyes soft, lips swollen with a small satisfied smile on your face, yeah, babe it’s you.” Lo smirked.


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