Total Control 1: By Force

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Total Control 1: By Force Page 12

by Alan Horn

  I waited, wondering what awaited me, who would I serve. I remembered my lessons on ready grace, deportment, wording. All my dreams were coming true and I had to kneel motionless in this small room, and wait. I was almost vibrating, I was so ready. I was nervous. Would my master like me. I knew I would love any man. Hell any woman for that matter. I was ready to love, ready to obey, ready to submit. Please hurry. I'm going to burst. I need to submit. I want to just roll over on my back and be fucked senseless.

  I heard voices for a long time. I couldn't tell what they said, but it was so sweet to hear. Finally, the door opened.

  Chapter 19 - My New Master

  Jack helped Lady Anna out of their carriage and saw there were four other carriages in the driveway. As they walked, arm in arm up to the massive steps, Sir Robert came out to greet them.

  “Jack, so glad you made it, and this must be Lady Anna. Welcome,” Sir Robert greeted them. “Please come meet my other guests.”

  Stepping through the tall doors, A servant took their hats and coats.

  Sir Robert said,” Before meeting my other guests I would like you both to meet Dr. Benoit. He's waiting for us in the library. Please come this way.”

  He led them down the wide, carpeted hall to the second door on the right and held it open for them. There was a well dressed man of about forty waiting for them.

  Sir Robert introduced them, “Lady Anna Hedley, this is Dr. Rene Benoit. Dr. Benoit, I would like you to meet Lady Anna. Jack and Dr. Benoit are already acquainted.”

  Lady Anna looked at Jack and asked, ”Oh, a business acquaintance?”

  Dr. Benoit said, “Lady Anna, please forgive the secrecy, but this is not a chance meeting. Jack learned about a secret program of the Crown several weeks ago, but was sworn to secrecy. After I explain what we do, you will, I'm sure, agree that this was appropriate.”

  Dr. Benoit began his explanation,” I am a psychiatrist. I work at an asylum in London. I deal with the criminal insane. Lately there has been a drastic increase in an unusual type of patient . Young women of good family. We have looked with care at their cases and their symptoms are similar. They all have committed violence against friends, lovers, coworkers, strangers. Several have attempted suicide. They are all depressed and angry. After much research s it became clear that they all had several things in common. They all have strong sexual drives. They are intelligent, and submissive. They are empathetic and their parents were martinets.”

  I looked at the Doctor, but didn't say anything else. My God, he could be talking about me she thought! He can't suspect my erotic dreams. I've never met him before. Why is he looking at me so intensely?

  Dr, Benoit looked long at Lady Anna and puzzled over the frenzy of emotions crossing her face. I do believe she is blushing. I would love to explore what she is thinking. It started when I described the emotional state of my patients. I wonder if she identifies with them? She is looking guilty right now. Guilty of what?

  He said,” I developed a theory to explain their behavior. This led to a treatment plan which flies in the face of our societal norms. But since my job, my avocation, is to relieve their suffering, I determined to proceed. I hope you understand how hard this was for me.”

  I am sure you considered all alternatives before choosing this treatment, did you not?

  “Lady Hedley, my patients do not consider the treatment distasteful. In fact, as you will soon see, they happy with it. This treatment is common practice elsewhere, but our society does not acknowledge it. And, Yes, I tried other treatments. But none of the standard treatments showed any improvement,” said, the Doctor.

  Well, what is this unusual treatment and how does it involve us?

  “You understand, the young women a strong mental conflict. Please excuse my language, their bodies want, need, crave sexual intercourse with strong men. Their biological imperative is to find the strongest men they can find and reproduce. To create the best children with the best survival traits possible. And yet, their upbringing tells them to suppress these drives. To find kind, meek, respectful men and have sexual congress as seldom as possible. To find a single man and remain faithful to him. The strain between their biological imperative and their training is driving them crazy. Yet their early training is so strong and lasts their formative years. We have found it impossible to free them of it,” the Doctor explained.

  Doctor, that sounds terrible for them. What treatment did you develop?

  “We had to remove the conflict between their decision making and their natural instincts. We have convinced them to turn off those decision making components of their brains. Now they think it is not only better, but essential for them to let another person make all the decisions. Now their opinions no longer matter, even to themselves,” said the Doctor.

  "But that's terrible, Doctor. They would be little better than slaves." I could feel heat rising in my face and in my loins. This is my dream.

  There she goes again. As soon as I described our submissive girls, she began blushing and looking ashamed. Maybe she has submissive dreams like my patients. Hmmm. Same age, pretty girl, I wonder if her parents were strict? I'll have to ask Jack about her parents and her sexual activity. If its what I think, she may have dropped some hints to him. “Therein lies the heart of the public issue, Lady Anna. Before the treatment these women experience strong depression that often led to suicide.. After the treatment they are beautiful, happy, sexually responsive, obedient girls. They understand that they will wear restraints at all times. But they are free in all the ways they missed before. Free to feel, to love and be loved, to use their bodies to give and receive huge orgasmic release. They change from miserable creatures to happy, erotic women. They're devoted to their masters and mistresses. Freedom brought them only worry, pain, depression, and frustration. They do not want to ever be free again.” said the Doctor. Aha. That look of wolfish anticipation on her face belies her protestations. She can't wait to get Regina alone. Maybe I will help her along.

  “How can you be so sure they do not want freedom, Doctor? ” I asked.

  “Because I have asked them, and when we join the party, you can ask them yourself,” said Dr. Benoit.

  Is he going to enslave me? Did Jack talk to him about my hints? Have I missed some clue? No, be calm. He can't enslave me. I've done nothing wrong. "Doctor, how do Jack and I come into this?” I asked.

  “I want you to assume ownership of my patient and take her home to be your slave, Lady Anna,” said the Doctor. “Remember, she is both a convicted criminal and my patient. I will give you instructions for her care. If you adhere to these instructions, she will be a delight to you and Jack as well as happy herself. One other factor, my patient is Regina, Mr. Hedley's former wife.” She was afraid I was talking about her. The look of relief when I gave Regina's name was almost comical. Now she's getting more relaxed. She'll have to protest some more for verisimilitude, but she won't let Regina go now. Lady Anna is hooked. But she's hiding something and I'll bet its her own dreams of submission. The clues were just too strong to be anything else.

  “What, that's ridiculous, we can't have a slave, besides Regina hates Jack." Relief surged through me. My secret is still safe. I would love to have my own slave I could practice on in private. Of course we'll take her. I mustn't be too obvious. I will resist, but I will let myself be convinced.

  The Doctor replied, ”Lady Anna, Regina feels a special guilt towards Jack. She knows he was her perfect man, yet her internal turmoil made her drive him away. She must expiate that guilt to find peace. She also knows he married you and feels no jealousy. She knows she burned that bridge long ago. She will be ecstatic if you will consent to own her and be her Mistress. She, now, only wants to serve you and Mr. Hedley.”

  “Lady Anna, you and Mr. Hedley are perfect for Regina for several reasons. First, your estate provides the essential privacy. Second, Regina needs to serve Jack and knows this. Third, both you and Jack are well off and can afford the necessary security measures
. Fourth, we made discrete inquiry and none of your staff talk about your affairs,” said Sir Robert.

  “Well, how do you know Regina will go with us?” I asked. I know she will go with us because she's a slave. She won't have a choice ever again. I saw Jack watching me. I mustn't smile.

  Sir Robert answered her, "Her conditioning makes her follow orders. Anyway, she desires this. Let's ask her. Dr. Benoit, will you bring Regina in, please”

  “Of course, Sir Robert,” said the Doctor “But, before I bring her in, I need to caution Lady Anna. Regina is vulnerable right now. She knows she has new masters, but she has no idea what your reaction to her will be. You are her personal gods and if you find her pleasing, her world will be joyous. But, her world is narrow, circumscribed. We have isolated her from the outside world and she should stay that way. She must never have the opportunity to make any decisions or choices. You and Jack must decide everything. She knows the decisions she made were disastrous to everyone and does not want to make any more.

  She owes you a duty of obedience. She has learned a rigid set of rules she must follow. Her love for Jack, her sexual needs, and the joy and pain you give her form her whole world. Its consistency is the bedrock of her happiness. You must never show doubt or ask her opinion. Safe topics are physical feelings like hunger, tiredness, or pain. Compliment her on her grace, her rings. Ask her to show the positions she knows. Ask how she walks on a leash, what tasks she is able to perform on your estate, and the like. Touch her. Look at her arms, they are close chained, but you can loosen them a little so she can do some simple tasks. Above all you must be strict in enforcing her rules so she knows her boundaries. Remember that her strongest desire is to give pleasure to you and Jack.”

  The Doctor turned to Jack and Sir Robert, “Gentlemen, I need to talk to Lady Anna before we bring in Regina. Would you wait outside please. We won't be long. Thank you.”

  They had left and closed the door. The Doctor said, ”Lady Anna, you have gone to university. And spent years at boarding schools. I need to discuss female sexuality with you. Remember that I am a doctor and have had this discussion with many women. I know that an isolated group of women often experiment with female lovemaking. Are you familiar with the act?”

  I blushed red hot, suspecting he knew what happened at school. I said, “ Yes Doctor I am familiar with it.”

  “Have you experienced it,” asked the Doctor

  “Yes, Yes, I have,” I said.

  “There is nothing wrong with doing it. It is a common response to lack of a man and the raging hormones of adolescence,” said Dr. Benoit. “In fact, I am quite glad you have had the experience. Did you enjoy it?”

  I hesitated, my blush growing even redder. I said, "Yes, quite a lot, actually.”

  “Good. It is my strong recommendation that you order Regina to service you when you are alone with her. She has learned to give great pleasure to men and women. and it will give her great satisfaction to give pleasure to her mistress. Besides, she is still conflicted and you need to establish firm control. Make her obey you. It will be good for her and her adaptation to her new environment if you use the whip on her often. It doesn't have to be for many strokes, just to establish your dominance. She should not be your friend, but your slave.

  Regina has been aroused several times a day. We only let her climax when she has earned it. She has not been allowed to climax in several days. She will be quite needy. If she is pleasing, let her climax once. This will help cement her total dependence on you and Jack.

  That shouldn't be a problem. I am quite looking forward to meeting my new slave.

  After we have brought her in, I will take the men out of the room and post a guard on the door. To assure you are not disturbed with Regina,” said the Doctor. “Remember, she is my patient and you and Jack are helping me resolve her medical problem. She is in actuality your slave. But under the law she is a committed mental patient and I am still responsible for her. Now, let's have a look at her.”

  Dr. Benoit fetched Jack and Sir Robert then crossed the room to an inner door. He opened it and said, ”come out Regina and submit to your new masters.”

  Beyond the door was a small room. Inside, kneeling on the floor was a naked young woman with long, auburn hair. Her arms were close behind her so not even a bit of them were visible. She was wore a heavy steel collar on her neck. It was tall and snug on her neck. There were large gold rings in her nose, ears, and nipples and just a shimmer of more gold in her groin. She stood and walked toward us. A soft chinking sound followed her. The sound drew my gaze to her feet, I could see she wore shiny shackles on her ankles, joined by a short silver chain. Her steps were, of necessity, short and slow. I saw she took care with each step. Pointing her toes and placing each foot close in front of the other. Her walk was slow, sensuous, erotic and made me want to love her. She was so erotic and helpless.

  A long chain descended from her nose ring and back up to her collar. She was beautiful. She had large, high, round breasts, a slender waist, and shapely legs. A narrow, symmetric face framed high cheekbones. She stopped three feet in front of Jack, knelt, bent down, and kissed his feet. I could now see her wrists were also clasped in the grip of snug, gleaming steel, locked high on her back to her collar. I would not have thought it possible for a woman to touch the back of her collar with her hands. Her arms looked so trim and compact, tucked behind her like that. I wanted to reach behind me and see if I could touch my neck, but I didn't move. I'm sure the Doctor and Jack would know what I was doing. She rose to her knees, arched her back, thrust out her ringed breasts and said “I am Regina, your slave. I am your property forever and will obey you completely in all things. Command me master.”

  “Regina,” Jack said,” it has been a long time. You are more beautiful than I remember. Slavery suits you. You are much different than I last saw you. Tell me what you are now."

  Master, I said, I am Regina, your property You may do anything you wish to me, with me, and I will obey you completely."

  Jack said, "Property, sounds like a shoe or a cart. What other words might you use?"

  "Master," I said, I am your concubine. I will delight your senses with my skill."

  "Concubine, " said Jack, "good. Are there other words befitting you?"

  "Master," I said, I am your sex slave. I will orgasm at your touch to please you. I hope to bring you pleasure every day of my life."

  "Excellent," said Jack, "Your body is delightful, much better than I recall. Describe it for me."

  "Oh No," I thought. I was afraid. My training did not include this. But words came from my mouth without thought. I knew them to be true and heartfelt. I said, "Master, my breasts are for you to enjoy. Your rings adorn them that you may enjoy and control me. I will orgasm when you caress them. My nose bears a ring and leash for you to lead me and fasten me. I must follow anywhere you lead me. My lush lips are for your kiss and to lick and suck your manhood. My arms are forever chained so that I will not forget to live by your limits. My pussy bears rings for your pleasure and longs for your touch. My rings keep me aroused and wet for your pleasure. Thank you for the plug in my ass. I am pleased that your control over me extends even to my body functions. I am happy that it you make me the perfect size for your pleasure. My ass is well padded so that you may discipline me as I need and arouse me as you desire. My legs spread for your pleasure. I am proud to wear your chains so I may display my submission to the world. My throat is proud to wear your collar so that the world may know I belong to you and be envious. Master, every part of my mind and body exist only for your pleasure."

  Jack said, "Regina, you are now my property. I will keep you safe and cherish you. When I discipline you, or pleasure you, it will be from love. I will treat you as a rare and valuable treasure, and you will never be free of chains. This is Lady Anna, my wife.” Pointing to a young, well dressed woman beside him, “She is your mistress and you will obey her as you do me. Now submit to her.”

  “Yes master,”
I said , standing and walking the small distance to her. I knelt and kissed her shoes and said, “Mistress, I am Regina, your slave. I am your property forever and will obey you completely in all things. Command me mistress.”

  I stared at the naked slave girl in shock. She was more beautiful than I had imagined. This was not the beaten, enslaved wretch of her imaginings. Nor was it the prim and proper, stoic girl shown in Jack's photographs. Her hair was long, lustrous and smooth. it fell inches below her shoulders. She had full, sensuous lips painted light red. Her glorious breasts thrust far out and preceded her wherever she went. They were large, high and firm. Perfect bases for her large, erect nipples to flaunt their adornments. Large gold rings pierced her flesh and swayed when she moved. I wanted to touch them. Then I realized that was incorrect. I wanted to feel them in my nipples. Damn.

  Her face was beautiful, with high cheekbones, emerald green eyes, and long full eyelashes. Her neck beneath her collar was long and graceful. A tight steel band with many rings encircled her narrow waist. I could see it compressed her waist which was already narrow. She had not an ounce of fat on her. Her legs were long and the muscles toned like a swimmer. As she walked toward me my rapt attention was drawn to her full labia. She had large gold rings through each lip and one in her clit hood. They swayed in an enticing dance as she walked toward me.

  This was Jack's former wife and her rings made her exotic and erotic. I wanted to thrust a finger through them and control her. This siren, this vision of enslaved perfection was now mine. Her breasts were large, firm melons, with large dark aureoles and pink, engorged nipples. Her nipple rings were golden, thick, inches across and heavy. I wondered if they felt as good as they looked. I wanted to make her do whimsical things, to humiliate her further. I wanted to show the world my complete control of this temptress who was now my property.

  Most of all I wanted to somehow keep her away from my husband. She knew this ringed and helpless girl held enormous power to attract and control men. My Jack was strong but could he master this slave without falling in love with her? I had a tremendous urge to reach out and take hold of those beautiful rings and twist and pull. To force this girl to obey My fingers through pain. To hear her squeal. To ensure this girl was my abject, humble slave. To know she held nothing back in her submission. To know in my heart that I was her mistress. For her to know who was in charge and to fear my wrath. But not now, not with the men watching. This had to be a private woman to slave girl understanding.


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