Indecent Encounter: The Silverhaus Affair

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Indecent Encounter: The Silverhaus Affair Page 13

by Parker, M. S.

  April slid off her stool, wine glass in hand, and said, “Oh, good, did Alex send you to help too?”

  “Mr. Alex has no idea what you’re doing,” Jamison said, coming into the room and taking the lamp from me.

  “Excuse me?” April asked, showing the bright blue of her contact lens as she batted her eyes at Jamison.

  Jamison stood in front of me and addressed April, “This is outside of Chelsea’s regular duties. She will be returning to the main house directly.”

  “Oh, Jamison,” April said with an exasperated smile. “Don’t be silly. Alex and I discussed all of this early this morning. I know it’s hard to be left out of the loop, but trust me, it’s what your employer wants.”

  “Ms. Temple, my employer has been on conference calls with the West Coast since four o’clock a.m. If you wish to speak to him, you may come to the main house now.”

  Jamison gave a haughty bow and caught me by the elbow. We were out the door and onto the path leading to the main house before April stopped gnashing the bright white veneers on her teeth and rushed to the front door of the guest cottage to hurl her last remarks. “You can’t take her now. I’ll send the girl back when she’s done here. The very least I would expect is clean sheets on the bed.”

  Jamison paused, turned back to her and said, “Good service does not interrupt the guest. Rest assured you’ll have clean sheets. As our guest, I expect you not to worry yourself with the duties of the maid.”

  April huffed, “I don’t know what ‘duties’ she performs for you…or your employer. Maybe she’s better in between the sheets than she is at changing them. Does she polish more than the silverware?”

  I yanked my arm out of Jamison’s, spinning around as my hands balled into fists, but there was nothing I could do. I was an employee and I couldn't just haul off and hit her, no matter how much I wanted to.

  I didn't get it. Was she seriously that mean, or was she actually jealous? I wanted to laugh. That April Temple would be jealous of me was ridiculous. Was I felt to Alex was strong enough that other people noticed it too? That was just as crazy. My feelings were only anchored on my side. Alex had too many other strings attached.

  “Ignore her, Chelsea, please,” Jamison said, ushering me down the stone pavers to the main house before I could do something I regretted.


  I started walking and halfway down the hill I decided to just ask. Jamison wouldn't take it wrong, I knew. “Is she jealous of me?”

  “Yes,” Jamison snorted. “Though I’ve known her type before. She’d be jealous of a newborn baby if it stole attention from her. She’s not fond of sharing any spotlight.”

  Oh. So it really didn't have anything to do with Alex. Not really.

  We ducked through the garden path, and headed toward the main house. I opened my mouth to ask Jamison about Carrie and Emily when Alex came around the corner and we all stopped. He looked at me, his mouth working silently, as if searching for something to say.

  Jamison spoke first, “April was making Chelsea rearrange furniture at the guest cottage. Apparently, you agreed with April’s plans this morning after having spent the night there.”

  Red anger flooded Alex’s face and singed the deep blue of his eyes. He reached for my hand, but I pulled it back, and tried to move around him on the narrow garden path. I wasn’t convinced that what Jamison said was true at all. For all I knew, he'd only said that Alex was on the phone to cover for him. Jamison was an honest man, but first and foremost, he was on Alex’s side, no matter how much he liked me. I didn't have anyone on my side, and I needed to remember that.

  “Chelsea, wait, please,” Alex, pleaded.

  Jamison disappeared down another path as Alex caught my arm and pulled me back to him.

  “There’s nothing to say,” I said, looking at the ground. “I didn’t ask Jamison to intervene. I do the work expected of me.”

  “Look at me, please, Chelsea,” Alex, his tone almost pleading. “I’m not with April. I’ve never been with her.”

  I wrenched my arm free and held up a hand. I still couldn't meet his eyes. “Stop. I don’t want to hear any of this. I don’t need to hear it. Like I told you, I’m here to work and that’s it.”

  “But I want you to know the truth,” Alex said.

  “The truth has nothing to do with my job here. Whatever kind of playboy problems you have are none of my concern.”

  I glanced up to see his jaw clench. Alex’s face was a picture of misery when he spoke, and I felt my resolve weaken.

  “I realized last night how all of this might look, but I want you to listen to the truth.” He gently cupped my chin and forced me to meet his eyes.

  I tried to stamp out the little sparks of hope that were igniting in my heart, but his look was like an open flame. All I wanted to do was fall into his arms and taste his delicious lips on mine. I wanted to believe him more than I'd wanted anything in my life.

  Just as I was about to give in to my emotions and throw my arms around his neck, a crash shattered the quiet of the garden, followed by another smaller smash. Jamison appeared on the side terrace, urgently waving for us to come in. Alex laced his fingers through mine and we went together into the main house.

  There in the front foyer was April, her face contorted into an ugly grimace. Before we could say anything, she threw another vase onto the marble floor, and then stomped her high heels through the shards.

  The words flew out of Alex’s mouth. “What the fuck, April?! What do you think you’re doing?”

  “This?” April asked, holding up another expensive vase. “This is nothing compared to what she’s done.”

  “What have I done?” I asked, wide-eyed. What was wrong with this woman?

  “How dare you talk to me?” April shrieked, “After you’ve done everything you can to make my stay a nightmare.”

  “What the hell are you talking about, April?” Alex demanded.

  “She’s horrible, Alex.” April's shrill voice echoed off the walls. “I know you’re blinded by lust or maybe you just like the ‘duties’ she performs for you, but she’s horrible.”

  I tugged my hand free of Alex’s before he crushed it. His hand curled into a fist. It looked like he was forcing it to stay at his side and remain calm. He asked April again, this time with a firm, steady voice, “April, what are you talking about?”

  “All the little things she’s done to make my stay hell. I know you think I’m a demanding houseguest, but think about it from my perspective. Every time I turn around she’s done something else to make me crazy,” April wailed as she dissolved into tears.

  “April, stop. This is ridiculous. You can’t tell me one bad thing Chelsea has done to you because she hasn’t done anything. And this little scene of yours has done nothing except prove what a terrible actress you are,” Alex said. He shook his head. “You’re fired.”

  “Fired? She’s the one you should be firing,” April cried.

  “Go ahead.” I turned to Alex. I couldn’t believe what I was witnessing. This woman was a number one, certifiable nut case, and my life was already complicated enough. I didn’t have time to be caught up in the middle of poor little rich boy’s craziness. It wasn't worth a couple more weeks. “If it’ll put an end to this ridiculousness and save your production, then fire me.”

  “No,” Alex said, his eyes hard. “I’m done putting up with what other people want. April, you’re fired. Jamison will take you to the guest house to get your things. I want you off my property.”

  April lunged for a small porcelain statue, but Jamison blocked her, the expression on his face clearly saying that he wouldn't let her cause any additional damage. She had no choice but to storm out the front door.

  “Wait until your father hears about this, Alex,” April snarled, her pretty features contorted into something ugly. “Henry won’t let you fire me.”

  She slammed the door behind her as she stormed out.

  Jamison looked at Alex and said, “I’
ll go get the broom.” With a tug of his jacket, he turned and left the room, as if this behavior was par for the course in his line of work.

  For all I knew, it might've been.

  Quiet flooded the foyer, except for the crunch of glass under Alex’s shifting feet.

  “I didn’t ask you to do that,” I said quietly, looking down at the mess. “It’s probably better if I don’t work for you anymore.”

  Alex turned on me so fast that I jerked my head up automatically. The blaze in his eyes surprised me.

  “That’s the whole problem, isn’t it? You work for me, and that’s all you need to know. This is just a job for you, and I’m just the guy who signs your paycheck.”

  “What do you want me to say?” I asked, trying not to show how much his words cut me. “I like simple things. All of this is way too complicated for me.”

  “You’re the one that complicated everything,” Alex said, running both hands through his hair. “My life was simple until you showed up and now everything’s a mess.”

  “You’re blaming all of this on me?” I asked, indignantly. I wanted to storm out the door, but my feet were glued to the floor. Anger at his accusation warred with hurt.

  “No…yes. I mean it wasn’t supposed to be this way. You weren’t supposed to be this way,” Alex said, throwing his hands up.

  “What way?” I asked, confused. He wasn't making any sense.

  He crunched across the broken glass and grasped me by both arms. His lips seared mine as he claimed my mouth, his bruising kiss burning away everything around us.

  “Like this, Chelsea,” Alex whispered as he rested his forehead on mine. “Why can’t it just be like this?”

  “Because it can't,” I said, pushing him away. I shook my head. “You’re my boss.”

  Alex slipped his hands down to clasp mine before I moved too far away. “Then decide, Chelsea.” His voice was soft and gentle now as his eyes searched mine. “We’ll make it simple. Either keep the job, work until the end of the summer, and it’s nothing but professional…or quit right now and stay as my guest. Stay and get to know the real me.”

  He made it sound so easy, and for him, I supposed it was. He didn’t understand the importance of the money or my reasons for needing it. He didn’t even know my brother’s name, much less what I was trying to do for him. Plus, he was married – or divorced – or whatever screwed up complicated situation he had going on. He was right that I didn’t know him, but he didn’t know me either, or he wouldn't have asked me to choose.

  “Stay here in the house, not as a maid, but as my guest,” he said. “We can spend the rest of the summer getting to know each other with no complications.” He shrugged his shoulders, light and carefree as if such a massive decision were that easy. “What’s it going to be? The job or me?”

  I pulled myself free of him, hurt by how he couldn’t see how unfair that question was. Alex could do what he wanted, and it was pretty clear that he always did. He'd never had to make a difficult choice in his life. Not a real one. Not one that could affect the life of someone he loved.

  I, however, had spent my life with the weight of that choice on my shoulders. And it wasn't really a choice at all. Karl always came first. I was all he had, and I wouldn't put what I wanted before him.

  “It has to be the job,” I said and walked away before I could see the look on Alex's face.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  No one turned down a chance to be with Alex Silverhaus. But I had, despite the fact that the bright flash of his smile made my heart pound and my knees go weak. The memory of his kiss burned into my mind.

  He'd given me an ultimatum, but had no idea what it really meant. So whatever could have been, now it looked like there would be nothing between us except professional courtesy. Maybe it would be easier that way.

  I straightened my shoulders and sat back on my heels to catch my breath. I was down on my knees and up to my elbows in green slime–again–from where leaves had decomposed in the pool filter. I was cleaning and all I could think about was Alex.

  As I threw a handful of leaves into the bucket, the glitter of the sun reflecting off the pool caught my eyes, bringing with it a flash of the first time I'd slipped into the cool water with Alex. His tongue tasting me, his wet, hard body against mine with nothing between us but my thin t-shirt.

  I shook my head. That was then, and this was now.

  “I know you’d probably rather do that than head up to the guest cottage, but Ms. Temple needs help with her packing.”

  It was Jamison. I stopped my cleaning and squinted up at him hoping that my face didn’t reveal what I’d been thinking. I brushed a forearm across my warm cheek and blinked away the steamy memories.

  “Please, let me stay with the green slime, it’s much nicer.”

  “With a better personality,” Jamison agreed, “but I thought you might like helping her get ready to leave.”

  I stood up and sighed. I’d been dodging April ever since she'd caused a scene.

  “Is Henry coming to pick her up?” I asked. My life would be so much easier once April was out of clawing distance. I could avoid Alex easily. April hadn't really given me that option.

  Jamison nodded. “Of course. He’s on his way.”

  I was relieved. “Then I’ll make sure her luggage is waiting on the front steps when he arrives.”

  I finished cleaning the pool filter and stowed the cleaning tools in the gardening shed, then set off for the guest cottage.

  A narrow gravel road led up behind the beautiful mansion to the small guest cottage. I walked the familiar tree-lined path and tried not to think about everything she'd said. She all but called me a live-in prostitute. At least Alex'd had the balls to fire her and kick her out.

  I sighed as my work shoes crunched into the gravel of the path. I tried again to concentrate on what I’d chosen: the job and the tuition money for Karl. My heart couldn't come into play. My brother came first. Always.

  The thought fled as I caught sight of a shirtless Alex out for a jog, running along the side of the gravel road. His sculpted chest was glistening with sweat, and a couple of stray locks of hair fell into his eyes as he moved. My stomach flipped at the sight of him.

  I stepped into the road and waved to him with a tentative smile. We could be professionally polite, right? Alex stopped, breathing hard. His eyes darted everywhere, looking at everything but at me. Then they glanced to the opposite side of the road and the stone archway hidden amongst the leaves.

  A jolt ran through my body as I recognized the trailhead to the grove where we'd had sex. I remembered the cool caress of that grass against my bare skin, the sinful yet delicious explorations of Alex’s fingers, the way I’d opened to him beneath the dappled sunlight.

  It had been magical and earth-shattering at the same time, everything I could've ever wanted. The passion had poured out of us like hot molten fire, but however explosive our first time together had been, a crater now existed between us now. I stared down at his worn running shoes as he stood on the gravel road waiting for me to say something.

  “You don’t swim anymore,” I said, trying to break the uneasy silence. “Isn’t it too hot to run?”

  He shifted from leg to leg as if gearing up to run again, and I half-expected him to leave without answering. “I don’t mind,” he said.

  I glanced up as he frowned and shot a look at the cottage door.

  “You’re not going up to help April, are you?”

  “She needs help packing,” I said.

  He stopped his pacing and tilted his head. “You don’t need to do that. Jamison said my father’s on his way. Let him deal with April. He’s the one…”

  “I can handle April,” I snapped.

  Alex held up his hands and said, “Whatever you say.” A shadow crossed his face as he added, “You’ve got a job to do.”

  The inflection in his voice made it sound like he was mocking me.

  “Yes, I do.
” I shot back. “Most of the world has to work for what we want.”

  His stare drilled into me. Then he leaned in and took me by the arm, whispering harshly, “What do you want, Chelsea?”

  “You wouldn’t understand. It’s not about what I want,” I said, my voice small.

  Alex pulled back with a look of confusion and dropped his hand. “You have a boyfriend? I should've known.”

  His eyes swept over me, dark with emotion.

  “No.” My eyes widened. “How could you think that after what we…after what happened?”

  His shoulders relaxed and his gaze returned to rove over my body. “Well, I suppose you think I’m a playboy just looking for a piece of sweet ass, don’t you? So why should my assumption surprise you?”

  He was right. Why shouldn't he think I behaved the same way he did?

  And it shouldn't hurt. I had no claim on him. Who was I kidding? Despite everything, I still wanted him, and before I knew it, I took a step toward him. For a moment, my desire buzzed too loudly to hear reason and I reached out to graze my hand along his fingertips. I drew his hand up to my hip and raised my eyes to his face.

  His jaw clenched and he shifted away. He cleared his throat and stammered, “I’ve…I should go. There’s, um…a conference call or something….” He raked a hand through his hair and turned to leave.

  “Alex, wait, I…”

  I couldn’t find the words to explain. I needed the job, but I wanted Alex. But I couldn't have both.

  * * *


  Chelsea looked smoking hot. If I weren’t already out of breath from my run, she’d sure as hell take my breath away. She always did. Her thin white work shirt stuck to her skin in the humid summer air. Those long legs finally had a little tan now that she’d been wearing a shorter skirt. All I could do was stand here like a fool, salivating, wanting her more than ever, with hot throbs of desire pounding in my chest. But it seemed that Chelsea didn’t want any more from me than the generous salary I was paying her, and that burned.


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