On the Flip Side

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On the Flip Side Page 12

by Nikki Carter

  After the first hour of the show, we go backstage to prepare for our performance. It’s the first time I’ve seen my friends all night. Gia and Piper have huge grins on their faces and everybody looks excited.

  Gia runs up and gives me a hug. “Girl, you were fly as what on the red carpet! We watched you from back here. Also, do you know how many celebrities we met back here! My autograph book is full and Piper got a date.”

  “With who?”

  “Some rapper in Truth’s entourage. They invited her to an after-party... .”

  I walk away from Gia midsentence, stride over to Piper, and grab her by the arm. “Piper. Truth’s crew is bad news. Seriously. You can go with us, after the show. We’re going to an after-party too.”

  “Sunday, I’m cool. I can take care of myself. I might not even go with them! I didn’t say yes, I just took the guy’s cell phone number. Don’t stress about it.”

  Piper snatches her arm away from me and gives me a look of sheer irritation. Maybe I overstepped the boundaries of our friendship. I mean, I’ve only known her for a couple of months and now I’m trying to tell her who she should or shouldn’t kick it with.

  “My bad, Piper. I was just worried about you. That’s all.”

  “I got this. I’ve been taking care of me since I was five years old.”

  Piper walks away, and I don’t follow her even though I feel like I should say something else. I don’t know what that would be, though. I guess I’m so used to being the one person in my circle with any common sense. Dealing with Dreya and Bethany left me feeling that way.

  Speaking of Bethany, even though she’s not in my routine, she’s backstage and talking to Evan. She’s dressed similarly to the other dancers in my group, so I’m wondering if she’s coming out on stage with us. I wouldn’t care, but I know she didn’t learn the routine. Dilly is on the opposite side of the dressing room, giving Bethany cautious glances.

  I walk up to them and hug Bethany. “Hey, girl. What’s going on?”

  “Well ...”

  Evan interjects, “Do you mind if she joins you onstage? She can lead the backup singers.”

  “I know the song, Sunday,” Bethany adds.

  “Sure, but I don’t see the point. She’s a solo artist. Why would she want to come out and sing backup with me on stage?”

  Evan says, “It’s the message we’re sending about Reign Records. When they see all of you on stage together—you, Drama, Dilly, and Bethany—it will show that all past bad blood has been erased. Especially since Truth is no longer in the picture.”

  I shrug. It actually sounds like a good idea, and since I don’t really trust Evan, that’s saying a lot for me.

  Evan continues, “Mystique has shown that she’s not down for the family, but we’ve got to make sure we still have a good showing for Reign Records tonight.”

  Uh-oh. I knew that Evan was annoyed with Mystique about the whole coming on stage thing, but I didn’t know he was this mad about it. Evan standing backstage dissing Mystique to a couple of newbies is not a good look.

  A gossip blogger who’s scammed her way backstage takes pictures of Evan as he talks to the other artists and dancers and she’s recording him with her camera phone. He doesn’t seem to care, but I do. I’ve got my eye on her. I don’t want her anywhere near me.

  I ask Bethany, “Did you and Dilly work everything out?”

  “Girl, yeah. He thinks I’m gone over him.”

  “Are you?”

  “What? Be serious, Sunday. I thought you knew me better than that. I liked him and everything, and of course I wanted to know why he wanted to break up, but I’m straight.”

  “So you’re okay working with him?”

  “Look at him! You should be asking him that question. He’s been standing in the corner, terrified like a little punk since I got back here. He acts like I’m gonna do something to him. I’m trying to get this paper.”

  I chuckle under my breath, because Bethany sounds just like me, talking about getting this paper. To look at her, you’d think she was straight Disney Channel with all that straight brown hair and blond highlights. Her makeup is all glittery and pink. She looks like an extra on the Hannah Montana show or something. But as soon as she opens her mouth it’s straight hood.

  “Okay, well, maybe you should tell him it’s all good.”

  Bethany laughs. “Nope. I’m actually enjoying this. That’s what he gets for trying to play me with his young self. I should’ve known to not kick it with a high school senior.”

  “Yeah, college boys are better,” I say.

  “Or I could do like Dreya and get myself a grown man that’s making paper. Forget boys altogether.”

  I don’t comment on this since Evan is at the awards show with a groupie. I don’t know what’s going through Dreya’s mind on that topic, but I know it can’t be good. She’s never been one to share.

  “You guys are on in ten minutes,” the production assistant says.

  “Is everyone ready?” I ask.

  “Everyone except you, Sunday,” Ms. Layla says. “You need to get into your stage costume.”

  Ms. Layla has me dressed and made up in about four minutes flat. She’s great at that whole quick-change operation thing.

  Next thing I know, we’re on stage in front of all these people. This is worse than a concert of fans. This is the entire music industry waiting to see if we can bring it.

  And guess what?

  We totally bring it!

  After the first chorus, we have planned Dreya’s rap break, but when Dilly steps to the microphone too, I’m surprised.

  He and Dreya go back and forth on the mic, wowing the crowd with their incredible lyrics. I didn’t write one line in the entire rap. Maybe Dreya does have the talent to write her own hits.

  Everyone stands to their feet when I start the second verse, and Bethany’s background vocals ring out loud when she harmonizes with me on a few notes like we used to do back in the day.

  When we get a standing ovation by the crowd, I am shocked and humbled. It’s like they accept us into the music scene! We’re the newbies, and we’re being welcomed with open arms.

  Finally, it’s time to present the T-Mobile Breakthrough Artist of the Year award. I didn’t know how much I wanted to win until they started reading off the nominees’ names.

  I hold my breath as the presenter says, “And the winner is ... Sunday Tolliver.”

  I sit frozen in place when she says my name! Did she really just say me? Did I really just win an American Music Award when I just started in the music business not even a year ago?

  When I don’t jump out of my seat, everyone in my row hauls me up! Unlike Mystique, I want, and need, everybody to come up on stage with me. Sam hugs me tight and holds my hand as we go up to the stage.

  I know that everyone is expecting a speech, but I stand in front of the microphone for a moment, trying to think of what to say.

  “Wow ... I didn’t write anything, because I didn’t think I would win. So, I’m just gonna wing it up here. I want to thank God, because ... y’all just don’t know what I went through last year. I was at a place ... um ... I didn’t think I would be able to go to college, and then everything happened so fast. Big D, Mystique, Zillionaire, Evan, Caterina, Lawrence, and everyone at Reign Records, thank you so much for this opportunity! Thank you, BET, for producing the reality shows that put us on the map. To all of the fans who bought the album as soon as it was released on iTunes and Amazon and everywhere else—I appreciate you for not bootlegging! To my crew who hold it all the way down, my cousin Drama, Bethany, Dilly, Gia, Piper, Meagan, DeShawn, and Ricky, y’all are the best! Hey Aunt Charlie and Manny! To my mommy, I love you! And last but definitely not least, Sam, you are the best songwriting partner I could ever want or dream of having. We did this together, so I share this award with you. And ... I hope we keep making beautiful music together.”

  The applause is thunderous! I hope no one from the audience can see the te
ars streaming down my face.

  Everything right now is so ... perfect! I wish that I could just stay in this moment for the rest of my life.


  This after-party is jumping. Epsilon has rented out an entire nightclub for all of their artists and every label on their line. New artists are performing and it’s wall-to-wall beautiful people here. And my aunt Charlie is in the middle of it all.

  I tried to get Dreya to talk her into going back to the hotel, to enjoy room service and the cable TV. But Aunt Charlie wasn’t having it. She came to Los Angeles to get her party on. Even if the majority of people in this room are at least twenty years younger than she is.

  The good thing about Aunt Charlie is that she’s fly as ever. I’ve got to give it to her, the platinum wig is on point with its loose spiral curls that wave down her back. Her dress is cold too! It’s black and skin tight. My auntie has a banging body and while she doesn’t look as young as we do, she definitely doesn’t look her age.

  Aunt Charlie is already on the dance floor when I get there with my crew. She’s got a very young-looking guy grinding all up on her, and she’s enjoying every second of it.

  “Look at your mom!” Bethany says to Dreya as we walk in. “She is getting it in!”

  Dreya shakes her head. “That’s how she rolls. She never got to have a lot of fun when she was our age, because she had me. So just let her kick it!”

  I guess. I’m just glad it’s not my mother out there. If Dreya is okay with it, then I guess I am too.

  Sam is still holding my hand. He hasn’t let me go since I won the award. I was surprised that Dreya congratulated me. I was afraid that she was going to be angry that she didn’t win. But she seemed cool with it, so maybe everything is back to normal between me and my cousin.

  Dreya’s friends Kiki and Tasia walk into the party with wide eyes like two little kids at Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory or something. Tasia came ready to catch a baller with her sheer lace dress. Underneath the black lace she’s wearing a pair of shiny boy shorts and a tiny, tiny bra. Very little is left to the imagination.

  Even Kiki, who seems most comfortable in jeans, a button-down shirt, and a tank top, dressed up. She’s got on a tiny skirt and cute ruffled blouse. She does look uncomfortable as what wearing those high-heel shoes, and as soon as we’re on the dance floor for two minutes she takes the shoes off and holds them in her hand.

  “How do y’all dance in these things?” she asks me as she slips the heels on her hands.

  “I don’t dance in them. I dance in flats!”

  Sam pulls me away from the crowd, and I realize that we’re following Evan into the VIP area. When we get into the sealed off room, Mystique, Zac, and Big D are there, as well as the executives from Epsilon Records. Finally, Evan is claiming Dreya for the evening. He escorts her to his private table, where the champagne is flowing freely.

  Sam whispers to me, “You know that’s trouble, right?”

  I nod, but don’t reply. I really wish that my cousin would make the right choices for who she wants to date. No one can tell her anything, but in this case, I’m sure Aunt Charlie would be all for it!

  Dreya waves her hand at Sam and I. “Come over here with me!” she says.

  Evan nods at Sam to let him know it’s okay and we go over to Evan’s table to sit down. I notice that Mystique follows us with her eyes, and she’s expressionless. I wonder what she’s thinking, because I know she’s not feeling Evan right now.

  “Sunday, guess what?” Dreya says with an excited expression on her face.


  “I’m moving to New York with Evan.”

  My mouth drops open as I sit down. “Get the heck outta here! Are you serious? Then ... why was he at the award show with that other chick?”

  “She was a hired escort. He can’t go public with us like that. Not yet. But we will in time.”

  I can’t imagine my cousin moving to New York City.

  “Now, I’ll be able to keep an eye on Sam for you, and make sure he’s not getting with any random chicks.”

  Sam rolls his eyes. “Whatever, Dreya. I don’t need anyone watching me. You can go ’head with that.”

  Dreya laughs out loud. “Dang, Sam! I’m just playing. I’m not gonna have time to worry about what you and Zac are doing anyway. I’m going to be too busy living it up!”

  “What did Aunt Charlie say?”

  “At first she wasn’t feeling it, but when Evan gave her the deed and keys to a new house in Lithonia, she changed her mind.”

  “OMG! He bought your mother a house?”

  “Yep. It’s a little three-bedroom bungalow, but it’s big enough for her and Manny and even Auntie Shawn if she wants to come with them. It has a pool too!”

  I know that my mother will be happy beyond belief that her sister will have a home of her own. I also know that she would never want to live with her.

  Something about Evan and his generosity just seems strange to me. It feels like he’s trying to buy Aunt Charlie’s support, but that is totally unnecessary. Dreya does whatever she wants to do anyway. No one could’ve told her not to be with Evan or move to New York with him.

  “I’m happy for Aunt Charlie. She hasn’t had her own place in a while. Did y’all get Manny Transformers stuff for his room? You know that’s what he likes.”

  Dreya laughs out loud. “Yes, that little runt’s room is tricked all the way out in Transformers stuff. I even got him a new comforter, so he can throw that other one away. It’s probably saturated with pee anyway.”

  Now this makes me laugh! One day poor Manny is gonna get us back for all this teasing about his bed wetting.

  “Y’all want some champagne?” Dreya asks as she pours herself another glass.

  “No, and don’t you think you’ve had enough? Last time I checked we were still under age,” I say.

  “Boo!” Dreya says. “Stop being a party killer. Nobody is about to get drunk on champagne, Sunday.”

  “Maybe not, but still no thanks.”

  “Suit yourself.”

  Evan stands in the middle of the room with a champagne-filled glass raised to the sky. “Hey, everybody. Let’s lift our glasses up to celebrate the wins from Epsilon Records artists tonight. Mystique with three wins, the Bama Boys with their phenomenal sweep in the country categories, and our new princess of Reign Records, Sunday Tolliver!”

  Everyone hurries to get glasses in hand to raise the toast with Evan. Mystique’s frown deepens after she takes a sip of champagne and sets her glass down. This thing between her and Evan has the potential to turn into a hot, steamy pile of drama. I hope it doesn’t. I’m on a drama break.

  Mystique walks over to our table with her glass in hand. She stops in front of me and kisses both my cheeks. She ignores Dreya, which is completely okay, I think, because Dreya ignores her too. There’s a mutual dislike going on there.

  “Congratulations, Sunday. You deserved that Breakthrough Artist award. No one has hustled harder this year than you. None of the other nominees even came close to your shine.”

  Dreya grins because she gets the extreme diss from Mystique. Surprisingly, she doesn’t respond to it.

  “Thank you, Mystique! I think everybody in that category worked hard, even Truth. I wouldn’t have been mad if someone else won. We’re all grinding.”

  “That’s for real,” Sam says. “We’re taking this hustle to new heights.”

  “Well, say what you want,” Mystique says, “it takes more than hustle, or hooking up with someone famous to stay relevant in the game. You need talent too, and Sunday, you’ve got that part on lock. Don’t let anybody tell you differently.”

  Mystique makes eye contact with another artist who waves her over. It’s one of the Bama Boys. They want Mystique to do a duet with them on their Christmas album. I think that’s going to be funny. An R & B star with a country-western group. But I see she’s trying to maximize all streams of revenue and all fan bases. Can’t be mad at that.<
br />
  “I’ll talk to you some more later, Sunday,” Mystique says as she walks away.

  As soon as she’s out of listening range, Dreya bursts into laughter. “That heffa is so jealous of me and Evan. Do you know she wanted him before she got with Zac? She hooked up with him when she was on our level, trying to get in the game. How she gonna be hating on my come-up?”

  I do not reply, because I don’t want to get in this. Besides, I don’t have an opinion on anything Mystique did or allegedly did before I knew her. It doesn’t have anything to do with me, or Dreya for that matter. I also am not going to give Dreya my thoughts on her hook up with Evan. I think it’s a mistake. Clearly she thinks it’s the best decision she ever made.

  “I guess we’ll all see what worked or what didn’t work ten years from now,” Sam says. “Hopefully, we’re all still living the fab life.”

  I nod in agreement. Whether it’s singing on a stage or running a successful entertainment law practice, I’m going to be living the fabulous life. Because fab for me isn’t fly parties, jewelry, big houses, or vacations. My fabulous is living life with the people I love, and not having to worry about how the bills get paid.

  Actually, I think that is beyond fab!


  Back on campus, Gia and Piper are getting a taste of the celebrity life when people come up and congratulate them for their performance on the American Music Awards.

  We’re sitting in the campus courtyard, trying to get some study in and being totally unsuccessful. First of all, the weather has finally turned, and there is a nip in the air—enough for us to wear sweaters and sweats. And Meagan just can’t seem to concentrate without hating.

  “It’s not like you guys actually did anything, for crying out loud,” Meagan says as she pulls her sweater tight around her body. “You were back-up dancers.”

  “Well, I was just happy to get a check!” Piper says. “Thanks, Sunday. Anytime you want me to work for you, just let me know. I can sing a little bit too.”


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