On the Flip Side

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On the Flip Side Page 18

by Nikki Carter

  “Dilly, I’ve got finals next week so I won’t be in the studio. Feel free to get anything done that you need Sam for, because I won’t be here.”

  “You two haven’t squashed that yet?” Evan asks.

  “Uh, no, we haven’t and we’re not going to squash it. And no, I don’t recall asking you for your opinion about it.”

  “Okay, okay! I won’t try to get you back with your boyfriend. But I do have an issue with you not being able to work with your main producer. You two have come up with some really good music. I don’t want to see that disappear,” Evan says.

  I don’t say it to Evan, but I think my days of making beautiful music with Sam are over. I can’t see it ever being the same. Why did he have to go and ruin it all?

  “Was what he did so unforgivable?” Evan asks. “Don’t act like you’ve never, ever lied in your life to keep from hurting someone’s feelings.”

  “That’s the thing. He didn’t lie to keep from hurting my feelings; he lied so that I’d take him back. Unacceptable reason.”

  “I’m just saying, don’t feel like it takes anything away from you if you forgive him and move on.”

  What is up with Evan the guru today? I’m so over his advice. First of all, I didn’t ask for it. Second of all, it doesn’t make any sense. Plus, his advice is self-serving anyway. He wants me and Sam back together, so that we can keep making him money.

  “I’ll think about it,” I say, even though I have no intention of doing so. I just want Evan to leave me alone.

  My phone buzzes with a text message. I almost don’t look, because I’m not trying to read any of Sam’s apologies.

  But I do look and it’s from Dreya. Go on MTO right now.


  Before I can even tell them what the blog post says, Evan’s phone starts blowing up. Usually, Media Take Out only posts once a day, but this story is too good for all that. They had to post it immediately.

  “She did what?” Evan screams into the phone. “She can’t decide to leave Reign Records. I don’t care what Lawrence and Caterina said. I’m the brains behind all this. They don’t know what ...”

  Evan stops midsentence when he notices that Dilly and I are staring at him.

  “I’ll call you back.”

  He disconnects the phone and says, “We have a meeting tomorrow evening at Zac’s house. Mystique is no longer with Reign, but still with Epsilon. We have to figure out what to do next. Eight o’clock, tomorrow.”

  Evan storms out of the lab and leaves Dilly and I to make up our own answers.

  Mystique’s move is an interesting one. Evan thought he was holding all the cards and she just played the one she was hiding under her shoe. Epsilon Records needs Mystique’s record sales, and apparently Zac has decided that he needs her too. Enough to put a ring on it.

  This is just starting to get interesting.


  Everyone’s here, in Zac’s conference room, and the tension in this room is so thick that you could spread it on a piece of toast and put jelly on top.

  I’m sitting to the left of Mystique at the big table. Only because no one else wanted to take the seat. Zac is to the right of Mystique and at the head of the table. Evan is directly opposite him at the other end. Of course, Dreya is at his side. She keeps taking his hand in hers and stroking it. It is a surprisingly gentle gesture from her. Big D and Sam are in the middle seats, so I guess they’re not pledging allegiance to anyone. Dilly and Bethany don’t even get a seat at the table, so they just stand.

  “Why’d you do it, Mystique? What are you trying to do to us? Reign Records was poised to take over the industry, and then you jump ship.”

  “Reign Records wasn’t my idea. It was yours. I’m not interested in commingling with a bunch of new artists. I’ve already paid my dues. No disrespect.”

  Evan sucks his teeth slowly and obnoxiously. “So you agree with her, Zac?”

  “Yeah, I do. This is her career. I don’t make decisions for her. If she feels this is the best move for her, then I won’t argue.”

  Bethany asks, “Why is it such a big deal? We’re all under Epsilon Records, right?”

  “Because Evan wants to control me, and no one does that. I’ve been there already at the beginning of my career. I manage myself. I run my own business. Sorry, Evan. Nothing personal.”

  Sam keeps trying to make eye contact with me, but I look away every time his eyes try to meet mine. It’s already hard enough with him in the room; I can’t have him staring me down.

  “I don’t think we need her. She’s a straight hater anyway,” Dreya says. “She’s hated on my cousin since the very first time she heard her sing. That’s why she put her on Mystical Sounds. She just wanted to make sure that Sunday didn’t get any bigger than she is.”

  Mystique’s mouth opens and she looks at me. “Is that what you think, Sunday?”

  “What? No! That’s all Dreya. I did not approve that statement.”

  Mystique smiles sarcastically at Dreya. “You are just jealous, Drama. You’ve always wanted me to take you under my wing, like I’ve done Sunday. But the truth is, you’re just too basic. And I know it was you who started that story about Zac’s baby.”

  “What if I did?” Dreya asks.

  “I’ll have to thank you some time. The whole thing got us talking about family and marriage. I’ll make sure you’re invited to the wedding.”

  “A team of wild horses couldn’t drag me there,” Dreya says.

  “Not so fast, Drama,” Evan says. “Of course we’ll be there. This will be the wedding of the year, and just the event for me to debut you as my woman.”

  Dreya squeals. “That’s what’s up!”

  “Okay, I don’t think any of this concerns me. I am just a producer,” Sam says. “I just want to make music.”

  “It concerns you, because it concerns me, and it concerns Sunday,” Big D says. “If Mystique is not the anchor of Reign Records, then who is going to be?”

  “Drama will anchor the label,” Evan says. “I just need a few months to clean up her image.”

  “I think it should be Sunday,” Big D says.

  “You’ve always thought it should be Sunday,” Dreya says. “So that doesn’t surprise me.”

  Evan says, “Ask Sunday how she feels about it.”

  “Why does it have to be about anchors, and who’s on top? Why can’t we just make incredible music and let the listeners decide?”

  Evan waves his hand in the air as if he’s proved his point. But then, I guess he has. “Like I said, Drama will anchor the label.”

  “Well, now I just feel like an uninvited guest,” Mystique says. “I don’t need to hear any Reign Records business. But please be our guest to continue your meeting in our home.”

  Evan jumps up from the table and storms out of the room with Dreya at his heels.

  “Is that all? Can we leave now?” I ask, because everyone is looking all nervous and uncomfortable.

  Big D says, “I don’t want y’all to worry. We don’t need someone to put us out there. We’re going to let our music speak for itself. Bethany, your record is coming out next, and it’s going to be incredible.”

  “Thanks, Big D,” Bethany says.

  “Then you, Dilly. Next year this time, we’re going to wonder how we even worried about it.”

  Big D keeps talking about worrying, but he’s the only one who sounds nervous. Reign Records, Epsilon, or whoever, as long as my tuition is paid.

  Speaking of tuition, I’ve got some exams to prepare for. Plus, the sight of Sam is literally turning my stomach.

  “I’ve got to get back to school. It’s exam week, next week,” I say. “We done here?”

  “Yeah,” Big D says.

  “Let me walk you out,” Sam says.

  “I’d rather you didn’t.”
/>   “Sunday ...”

  I shake my head and sigh. “Okay, whatever. Walk me out, then.”

  Once we’re outside of Zac’s house, Sam says, “Big D is going to come apart at the seams, you know that, right? He needs us. He thinks he’s ready for Zac and Evan, but he’s really just trying to look out for all of us.”

  “Big D will be all right. I’m sure his check was bigger than mine, so he got paid.”

  “What about us? Will we be all right?”

  “Oh, I’m straight.”

  “So it’s done, huh? We’re done?”

  I nod. “Yeah. I think so. But Evan wants us to still work together.”

  “Can you still work with me?”

  Long pause from me. “I think I can, but I’m not sure.”

  “So ... I’ll give you a break from seeing me and then, when it’s time to compose the songs for your next record. . . we can try.”

  I need to get away from him ... immediately. His pitiful routine is not making me feel anything remotely close to pity. Actually, it’s making me want to go straight upside his head.

  Yeah, I can’t look at him without feeling anger, or remembering his lies. Totally not ready to collaborate with him, and I don’t know if I ever will be.

  “I’m outta here, Sam. Take care.”

  Those words sound so much more final than I mean them to sound, but I think Sam gets the message. It’s good-bye ... for now.


  Woo-hoo! I just finished my last final in English Composition. And I know I aced it even though it was purposely hard. My professor was evil.

  One semester down, seven to go until I have my undergraduate degree. Then, onto law school. But one victory at a time. First, pass my fall-semester exams.

  As I cross the courtyard on my way back to my dorm, Piper runs to catch up with me. She’s panting and breathing heavily when she finally catches up to me.

  “If you’re breathing that hard from just running across the campus, you need to work out.”

  “I know, Sunday,” Piper says between breaths. “I know it was you.”

  “You know what was me?”

  “I know you paid my tuition.”

  I poke my lips out and roll my eyes. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Whatever, Sunday. I see you don’t want to admit it, but I’m going to thank you anyway.”

  I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face if I tried. “I still don’t know what you’re talking about, but if I did, I’d probably say you’re welcome.”

  Piper links arms with me and we walk back to the dorm in silence.

  When we get to our room, Meagan and Gia are there, and they’ve got boxes of pizza and Pepsi—our favorite pig-out foods.

  “It took y’all long enough to get back!” Gia says.

  “Yes, it did!” Meagan says. “Now it’s time to celebrate.”

  “What are we celebrating?” I ask.

  Gia says, “We survived our first semester of being free-thinking women.”

  “Right,” Meagan says. “Our first semester of taking the world by storm.”

  “Our first semester of being away from home,” Piper adds.

  “Our first semester,” I say, “of sisterhood.”

  We toast with glasses of Pepsi and tear into the greasy, cheesy, and chewy, gooey pizza. If anyone had a question about why I stay in school when I’ve already made my first million, they could find their answer here. I haven’t got it all figured out yet, but I’m getting there, and my friends are helping me learn.

  I’m here to learn how to make a difference in the world. And I am here to find out who I am. With every new dilemma, I feel the old Sunday slipping away like a pair of knee-highs on my legs in the middle of summertime.

  And this is who I am. I am a student. I am a daughter. I am a (ridiculously talented) singer.

  And I am a sister.



  Nikki Carter


  The following questions are intended to

  enhance your group’s reading of


  Discussion Questions

  1. Is Sam’s story about what happened at the New York City club believable? Did you believe him?

  2. What do you think about Dreya and a rap career? Does she have what it takes to be a hip-hop diva, or should she stick to the pop star game?

  3. Is there a future for Bethany and Dilly? Should Dilly kick Bethany to the curb, or should they have a full-fledged teenage love affair? Why or why not?

  4. What’s up with Mystique? Is she really down for Sunday or is she a secret hater?

  5. What do you think of Sunday’s new sister-friends at Spelman? Does Gia seem like a good roommate? What about Meagan and Piper? Do you see drama in the future for these two?

  6. Who’s going to snag Kevin? Piper or Meagan?

  7. Seems like Sunday’s friends are sorority crazy! Do you think Piper is Gamma Phi Gamma material? Should she even pledge, or is it a train wreck in the making?

  8. Sunday. Sam. The breakup. Should they get back together or should Sunday walk away—this time for good?

  Don’t miss Nikki Carter’s

  Time to Shine,

  available now wherever books are sold!

  “Sunday Tolliver! Are you on your way to Mystique and Zillionaire’s wedding?”

  The paparazzi catches me off guard by jumping from behind a building as I exit my parked car in front of Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church in downtown Atlanta. Really? This bird is hiding at four o’clock in the morning trying to get the scoop? I mean, who is checking for Mystique wedding details at four in the morning? And anyway this is not the location for Mystique’s wedding. It’s actually one of the decoy spots. I will be picked up by another car to take me to the final location.

  “I’m on my way into this church,” I say.

  The annoyed almost-reporter cocks her head to one side and sucks her teeth. She looks like she doesn’t know whether or not to believe me. I certainly don’t look like I’m going to a wedding. I’m wearing sweatpants and my hair is in a loose bun on the top of my head. But there is a full wardrobe and makeup crew at the real venue, so I don’t have to worry about looking glam right now.

  “You’re one of her bridesmaids, aren’t you?” the reporter girl asks.

  I lean in closely and whisper, “I’ll never tell.”

  The frustrated reporter rolls her eyes again and storms off, perhaps looking for someone more willing to spill their guts about the so-called wedding of the year. I won’t share the details because, as a pop star myself, I don’t like my business in the streets (or on the Internet) either.

  I stride away from the irritated blogger chick. She can be camped out here for the next few hours and she won’t be any closer to the truth than she is now. The plan is for each member of the wedding party to be picked up by shuttle bus at four-thirty in the morning. Then we will be taken to the top-secret wedding location. The wedding party doesn’t even know where it is.

  I can’t believe Mystique was able to pull off something this complex when she and Zac (Zillionaire) only decided to get married a few weeks ago. News of Zac’s love child hit the blogs and the next thing you know those two are heading straight to the chapel to get married.

  When she asked me to be the one and only bridesmaid, I was kind of shocked. It’s not like we’re really close or anything like that. She gave me my first record deal and basically introduced me to the world as her protégée, but something has happened in these past few months. All of a sudden she got competitive, and did a few things that could be confused as hateration.

  I duck into the church and hand my car keys to a security guy standing at the door. He will be in charge of driving my car from the church to another parking area—not where the wedding will be held, but another fake location to throw off the paparazzi. Yeah, it’s super cloak and dagger up in this piece.

I see him.

  The new ex-boyfriend of mine. Sam.


  Like can I ask a side-bar question? Why do boys have to lie all the time? Sam told me that he didn’t hook up with Rielle on prom night, and that was a big, fat, gigantic lie. He says he only lied because he didn’t think I’d be his girlfriend if I knew, and he’s probably right. I would’ve soooo kept it moving. But now, I really like (almost kind of love) Sam and he’s hurt me.

  Maybe I would’ve believed that he was all done with Rielle after prom, but apparently he’s still dealing with her. He even bought her a laptop! Do I care that he did it because she’s poor and her grandmother heard that he got a million-plus-dollar check? Um, no. We do not do good deeds for side pieces.

  And why is he smiling at me? Ugh. I can’t stand him.

  He’s Zac’s best man, for some ridiculous reason. They aren’t even friends. At all. Sam is his employee. Zac and Mystique are probably trying to orchestrate a reunion or some stupidity like that. But I don’t care. Not trying to hear that.

  Sam crosses the church sanctuary to where I’m standing in the back. He’s still smiling like an idiot. I roll my eyes.

  “So, they’re sending a car for us,” he says. “It should be here soon.”

  I give him a tight nod and start playing with my iPhone. I make a huge production out of putting my earbuds in, so he can tell that I’m listening to my music.

  I wish my girls Gia, Piper, and Meagan were here with me. They didn’t rank high enough on the celebrity list to get an invite to Mystique’s wedding. They’re not celebrities at all—they’re my friends from Spelman College. Gia is my roommate.

  Mystique told me that I could invite one of them as my guest since I don’t have a date, but I decided against it. The two I didn’t invite would inevitably be mad at me, and I’m anti-drama right now.


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