The Rhythm of My Heart

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The Rhythm of My Heart Page 3

by Velvet Reed

  Dad studies me for a moment, and then looks back down at the paperwork. “So he’ll be dropping his car off in the morning. Huh, it’s a shame you’ll be taking Ruby to preschool and won’t be here then.”

  Much too quickly, I reply, “No, no, I’ll be here! It’s Charlie’s day to drop Ruby off.” I instantly realize my mistake when Dad whips his head back up with a big, knowing smile on his lips. Great, I guess now Dad knows there definitely is something going on with ME, when it comes to the equation of the doctor and me. Please don’t embarrass me tomorrow, Dad.

  Chapter 4


  I arrive at Rivers Auto Repair shop at 7:10 Friday morning knowing I’m early and no one will be there yet. I just want to make sure I actually see Grace and being early should guarantee I do. I park my Jeep and get out, then lean against the hood with my phone in hand going through emails while I wait. Bringing my car in was kind of a ridiculous idea; I’ve only had it for five months so there can’t really be anything wrong with it, but I just have to see Grace again.

  Ten minutes later a black pick-up truck pulls into the lot and I watch as Grace’s dad gets out with a small smirk on his face. “You’re a bit early aren’t you, Doc?” he says, walking toward me.

  “Morning, Mr. Rivers, I guess I am; better to be early though,” I reply.

  He shakes his head. “None of that Mr. Rivers crap, the name’s Bryan. And obviously, my two adult children don’t share the same philosophy this morning.” He gestures toward the building with his hand. “My Gracie usually has the office opened by now. Have you been here long?”

  “Only a few minutes, but I knew you didn’t open until 7:30 so I’ve been catching up on my emails.” I hold out my hand. “I’m Cole, by the way.” As Bryan shakes my hand a bright yellow Camaro Coupe with black stripes from the hood to the trunk streaks into the parking lot and skids to a halt.

  “Definitely running late, judging by that entrance.” Bryan chuckles as he lets go of my hand. I’m totally expecting to see Bryan’s son, Charlie, step out of the car. However, as the door flies open, a mass of gorgeous, wavy auburn hair appears, followed by a shapely but slim body in dark blue jeans with an electric blue tank top and matching wedge-heeled sandals. I’m immediately rendered speechless. That is the hottest fucking thing I have ever seen in my life! The shifting in my jeans signifies that my body is wide-awake and fully agrees with the thoughts running through my head.

  Grace moves swiftly to the office door, pulling keys out of her purse while looking at her father and me. “Sorry Dad, the power was out and I didn’t set the alarm on my phone. Thank God, Ash woke me up.” Ash? Shit, please tell me she doesn’t have a boyfriend. She opens the door and walks inside.

  I hear Bryan chuckle again beside me. “Close your mouth, Doc. Anything could fly in there; it’s opened that wide,” he says, walking toward the office.

  I quickly recover myself muttering an apology, and then follow behind him. When I enter the office space, I’m surprised by what I encounter. There are two sofas positioned on either side of a wooden coffee table with neatly displayed magazines on it. Complementary coffee making facilities, conveniently placed on a wooden counter that has a small fridge with a glass door underneath it. The fridge is fully stocked with a variety of sodas and juices, not to mention cream for the coffee. The administration area is a long desk made from the same wood as the coffee table and beverage counter, with a computer and all the normal supplies you find in an office environment arranged on top. The whole space is welcoming and homey; it’s extremely clean and professional; it looks nothing like any other auto repair shop I have ever seen in my life.

  “Morning, Cole.” A sweet voice sings from behind the desk.

  I turn toward Grace with an enormous smile on my face; she is the picture of perfection and just the sight of her beautiful face has made my day. “Good morning, Grace, it’s nice to see you again.” Her lips curve up and she is grinning at me. “I must admit, I’ve never seen an auto repair shop that looks like this before,” I say while my eyes take in my surroundings again.

  “Ha, this is all Gracie’s doing. She thinks an inviting and comfortable reception area will ensure customers repeat their business; well, that along with exceptional customer service,” Bryan says, while gazing at his daughter with immense love and pride.

  “Hey, don’t knock it. Our customers always comment on the office, and you know as well as I do that we’re booked solid almost two weeks in advance. We may have to hire a fifth mechanic soon or turn people away,” Grace directs back to her father but her face pales slightly and her words sink in. If they are booked two weeks in advance, how the hell did she fit me in with a day notice? Unless… Did Grace want to see me, as much as I wanted to see her? Hmmm… interesting.

  Bryan starts making his way through a door to what looks like the workshop and stops. “Sweet Pea, there ain’t no way I’m going to knock your exceptional business sense. This place wouldn’t survive without you and neither would your old man,” he says, giving her a deeply affectionate smile. Then he turns to me. “Your Jeep is in good hands, Doc. I’ll see you when she’s ready to be picked up this afternoon,” he says, as he walks away.

  Grace stands, gazing after her father and I can see the love and adoration gleaming in her eyes. This woman is breathtaking. My heart gives a quick squeeze and I know… in this instant, I know somehow, no matter what, I am going to make Grace mine. I want her looking at me with love in her eyes. I want her looking at me like no one or nothing else matters except me, except us.

  Grace turns back to me and points out the window. “So Cole, you own the Jeep.”

  I nod and the corner of my mouth turns up in a smirk. “And you drive a Camaro Coupe.”

  Grace gives me quizzical look and tilts her head to the side. “I do. Is there a reason why you find that amusing?”

  I shake my head as a wide smile spreads across my face. “Amusing? Well, maybe a little… It’s surprising without a doubt; it’s just I would never have expected to see you drive a car like that. It’s got muscle and you’re a small woman.”

  “Wow, Dr. Tierney, I kind of feel a bit insulted by that. Just because I’m a woman doesn’t mean I have no knowledge or love of cars. My car is my baby. Having grown up in this garage, I can assure you I know exactly how it runs and how to fix almost any problem it has. I can drive that machine better than just about any man I know,” she states full of conviction. And there goes the twitching in my jeans again. Goddamn… this woman turns me on with only her voice.

  “It definitely wasn’t an insult, Grace. As a matter of fact, seeing you climb out of your car has to be about the sexiest thing I have ever seen in my life, and I’m not even a car fanatic,” I reply, while gazing into her big brown, beautiful eyes.

  A slight blush creeps over her cheeks and she lowers her head to study some papers in front of her. “I, umm, I need you fill this out so we have your contact details and I can set up an account in your name.” She places a piece of paper and pen in front of me without looking up or acknowledging my comment.

  Okay, so she either doesn’t get compliments very often, and is embarrassed; or she is reacting to me personally. Let’s hope it’s me. I pick up the pen and start filling out my details while Grace busies herself with the computer.

  As I finish filling out the form, the door opens and her brother, Charlie, walks in with two other guys. One of the men has a buzz cut and is a huge solid guy; the other has shoulder length hair pulled behind his ears, facial hair, and is carrying a helmet for a motorbike. “Morning, guys,” Grace says, cheerfully.

  “Morning, Grace,” buzz cut replies, and then says to me, “Hey.”

  Long hair just says, “Gracie.” Then they continue through to the workshop.

  Charlie walks up and kisses Grace on the cheek. “Morning, Sis.” He notices me and smirks, glances at Grace then back at me again. “Morning, Doc,” he says with obvious humor coloring his tone. “Is that your Jeep out
front?” he asks.

  “It is,” I reply.

  Charlie glances at Grace again. “It looks too new to need a service yet,” he deadpans. Grace looks up at him, her eyes narrowed slightly.

  Hmmm, she’s annoyed with his comment; I might definitely have a chance here. “It’s only five months old, but I’ve taken it off road a couple of times, so I thought I’d have it checked out. I always take care of what belongs to me,” I tell him.

  Charlie chuckles, and says, as he’s walking away, “Yeah, I guess that’s a good enough reason. Who knows what problems a five month old car can possibly have?” His words drip with sarcasm, and he actually laughs aloud as he enters the workshop.

  “The Jeep should be done by mid-afternoon but we’ll call you when it’s ready.” Grace is looking at me again.

  I offer her another smile. “That’s fine. I’m off work today, so I’ll be around,” I inform her while handing over my keys. Grace takes them and a small awkward silence fills the room. Just ask her out for coffee or dinner or something… don’t just stand here, moron. With my heart beating a little faster, I go for it. “So Grace, I know this is only the second time we’ve seen each other, but I was wondering if you would like to have dinner with me tonight?”

  The side of her mouth curves, and then her lush lips open. “That sounds wonderful, Cole. I’m sorry, but I actually already have plans tonight.”

  I try to hide the disappointment in my eyes and force a smile while shuffling my feet; then I lamely respond, “No worries. I, uhh… I have tomorrow off as well, but then, I’m on until next Thursday. My schedule changes a fair bit, so it can sometimes be difficult to pinpoint days in advance.” Jesus, could I sound any more desperate. Relax, man. I never get nervous; this is ridiculous.

  Grace seems to think for a moment, and then beams a bright smile at me. “I’m free for lunch tomorrow, if that works for you.”

  Hell yes, it works for me, and even if it didn’t, I would change whatever plans I had. I nod my head trying to play it cool. “Lunch tomorrow sounds perfect. How about I pick you up at twelve?”

  Grace leans over the desk, grabs a piece of paper and starts writing something on it, than stands up straight holding the paper out for me. “Twelve is fine, Cole; here’s my address and cell number, I’ll look forward to it.”

  As I take the paper, our fingers brush and I experience the same zap of electric current as I did when we touched at the hospital. Yep, this is going to be good; actually no, this is going to be amazing. “Twelve o’clock tomorrow it is then. I guess I’ll hear from you later about the car. Have a great day, Grace,” I say, as I turn and head for the door.

  “You too, Cole; enjoy your day off.” She gives me a small wave as I walk out the door into the glorious sunshine, clutching Grace’s address and phone number tightly in my hand. This day couldn’t get any better.

  A few hours later when I have finished running my errands, my mind is still on Grace and our lunch date tomorrow. I find myself walking past a storefront that could possibly rival the Garden of Eden. As I’m looking at the flower displays, I notice the name, Flaunting My Flowers. Perfect. Without hesitation, I enter the shop and start searching for the perfect bouquet for Grace; the variety of flowers and colors is overwhelming.

  “Are you looking for anything in particular?” a voice oozing femininity comes out of nowhere. I pause and look up to find a very attractive woman with long blonde hair approaching me.

  “There are so many to choose from I’m not sure,” I tell her.

  The blonde gives a small grin. “Well, who are the flowers for? Your wife… girlfriend? What’s the occasion?” she enquires.

  “Actually, they’re for someone I just met. We’re going out on our first date tomorrow and I thought flowers would a nice gesture,” I respond.

  “Well, if that’s the case you want something that’s beautiful and says, ‘hey, I’m interested in you’ without going straight for the whole romance bit. So I would definitely go for a mixed bouquet full of color,” she announces.

  I’m kind of stunned with her assessment but I nod and say, “Okay then, a bright mixed bouquet it is. Do you deliver?”

  The woman picks out a huge bouquet with almost all the colors of the rainbow in it. She heads to a counter covered in tissue paper and ribbons in every color, displayed on several shelves. Behind her, there are glass and ceramic vases in different shapes and sizes. “We do deliver; however, the prices vary on distance,” she says, as she starts to wrap the bouquet. “There are the cards to write your message on” she says, as she points to a display of small cards. I pick out a pale blue card and envelope. I write Grace a message then push it across the counter.

  “What address and name are these for?” the woman asks as she finishes with the flowers. “They need to go to Rivers Auto Repairs and they’re for Grace Rivers,” I reply. Blondie stops still and looks down at the card then at me; it’s as though she is trying to get inside my head. “Is there a problem?” I ask her.

  A smile forms on her lips and she tilts her head to the side. “Nope, no problem, but you should know that if you really want to win her over, you should send yellow roses. They’re her absolute favorite!”

  I’m taken aback by her suggestion. “Oh, does she get flowers sent to her a lot? Is that how you know what she likes?” This is probably a dumb idea if she’s always getting flowers. Maybe I should just forget about them and wait until tomorrow. My thoughts are interrupted by a small giggle.

  “You know, I don’t think I have ever delivered flowers to Gracie before, and I mean ever. Considering she has been my best friend since the dawn of time, I have a fairly good idea what her favorite flowers are. I’m Ashley by the way and you are?” she holds out her hand.

  “Ah, I’m Cole; it’s nice to meet you,” I reply in a baffled tone, I pause for a moment then shake my head. “Sorry, it’s just completely weird that of all the florists I could have walked into, I come into Grace’s best friend’s shop. It’s just uncanny.”

  Ashley looks at me thoughtfully. “I wouldn’t say weird at all; I’d say this is fate.” She’s smiling warmly at me then continues, “Okay, Cole, what do you want to do? Do you want to stick with the mixed bouquet or do you want to impress the hell out of her and go for the yellow roses?”

  I smile. “Without a doubt, let’s go for impressing the hell out of her? Make it two dozen yellow roses, and will you put them in one of your vases? That way she has one at work in the future.”

  Ashley is showing off her pearly white teeth now. “For the future, huh? That I can do; I’ll even deliver them personally and for free just to see the look on her face.” She giggles again.

  I simply say, “Thanks.”

  “So, you two are going out tomorrow?”

  “Yeah, I’m taking her to lunch. I actually asked her to dinner tonight but she said she already has plans, so tomorrow it is.” I shrug and I can feel the grin forming on my lips.

  “Well, I must apologize then. I’m her plans for tonight,” Ashley informs me. “Girls’ night out, you know… Actually, Gracie and I are going to our favorite place… Pitch and Tone, do you know it?”

  I have heard of it but I’ve never been there. From what I know, it’s a karaoke bar or something, not really my kind of place. “Yeah, I know where it is; it’s the karaoke place isn’t it?” I ask.

  Ashley looks a little horrified. “No! It’s a club, just like any other club with a bar and dancing, but the dancing doesn’t start until after eleven because from seven they have open mic and anyone can perform. It’s the perfect combination for a night out,” she says, passionately. “Anyway,” she draws out the word, “why don’t you stop by; you know… Surprise Gracie? It will be like a prelude to your lunch tomorrow.”

  Hmmm, that sounds like a great idea. I wonder if I can get Sam to come with me. “What time do you usually get there?” I ask Ashley.

  “We’ll be there at seven. We know the owners so our table is reserved. You have
to be there early to sign in if you’re performing.”

  Now I’m wondering if Grace gets up and performs; so I just ask, “So, do you and Grace perform, Ashley?” She giggles.

  “I always sing when we go, but you won’t ever see Gracie up on stage. I haven’t heard her sing seriously, since we were little heard her sing; it’s just not her thing, but she loves the place anyway.”

  I get out my credit card and hand it to Ashley. “Well, it sounds like fun; I guess I might see you tonight then.”

  She finishes taking my payment, hands me back my card, and smiles at me. “Excellent! Well, it was great to meet you, Cole. I’ll be sure to get your flowers straight over to Gracie; she will absolutely love them.”

  “Thanks, Ashley. It was great meeting you too, and thanks for the tip about the roses… and tonight. I’ll catch you later,” I say as I leave her shop.

  Fate. Yep, that was definitely fate. I was wrong before about how this day couldn’t get any better. After meeting Grace’s best friend, this could possibly become one of the best days I’ve had in a very long time.

  Chapter 5


  The morning flew by and as I’m getting ready to go to lunch, a familiar van pulling up out front catches my eye. A grin forms on my lips as my best friend Ashley gets out and walks around to the side door of her florist delivery van. I move toward the door to greet her but come to an abrupt halt when she turns around with a huge vase full of bright yellow roses. Oh, My God! Yellow roses are my absolute favorite. Ashley closes the van and starts walking toward the office door where I’m standing; she has a shit-eating grin on her face that overtakes her features when she sees me.


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