Missy the Werecat

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by P. G. Allison

  She now had blended her two natures, melding them into one. She’d learned to compartmentalize her thoughts and instincts. She could control herself and be either way in either form. And, she had all these enhanced senses and abilities with a great deal of carryover. While she might not see in the dark as well in her human form as she did in her cat form, her nocturnal vision was way more than that of any other human. It had been more even before her first Shift but now, it was way more. This was true for all her senses and abilities. And, as she’d learned when rescuing the Stratton family, at times of great stress she could draw on her cat form while still human and gain even greater power, if and when needed.

  Her first two months back home hadn’t provided any opportunities to Shift back into her cat form. And, she’d wanted to test herself and see if prolonged periods as a human would cause her any problems. She’d managed okay but had definitely been feeling a need, a pull, to Change. After that, she found ways to be alone for time periods longer than the three hour minimum she needed. And, she found places where she could be a mountain lion without risk of discovery. She could strip down, hide her clothes, Shift and allow herself to again experience being a cat. This always brought her great joy and fulfillment. Since she knew she could later Shift back, get dressed and return to her human life, these hours when her “beast within” could roam free were all the more exhilarating. To be complete, every once in a while she had to be a cat.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Sep 2015 -- Nov 2015

  Her old friends all came to see her but she only reconnected with a few of them. It was very difficult at first, as she wouldn’t discuss details of her time away and, unlike her family who understood this, her friends did not. They couldn’t help pushing and probing for more. And, so much had happened for them, it was almost like they were total strangers. Without being in school, there weren’t the shared experiences and it was difficult finding things in common. She hadn’t even watched TV for two years. And, now that she was working so hard with her tutors, she just had so little time. Few of her old friends were going to the gym and none were in any of her martial arts classes. After several weeks, the novelty of her return was gone and most of her friends began saying how things would be better next year. Next year, when she was finally back in school with them.

  But then, she found herself making some new friends, girls from those martial arts classes and also from the gym. Most were older than she was, but that was okay. Her social life was so limited by the schedule she was on, it didn’t matter. She would relax and have fun with whoever was available during those few times each day when she had the chance. After the isolation she’d lived through in the mountains, this was more than enough. That, and the fact she really was very shy about relationships with boys. She wasn’t at all ready to begin dating yet. She was feeling a lot of things in ways which were so different now. Now that she’d returned and now that she was coping with all those raging hormones! Before, she really hadn’t experienced sexual desires the way she was having them now.

  Oh, sure, she’d noticed some things when she was twelve. And, at thirteen, the talk was always about boys and sex but, it was only talk. No one was doing anything and she was quite happy to merely listen to all the talk and laugh at all the silly stuff. Boys hadn’t really been all that interested in the girls back then. It had been more what all the girls were saying and they were definitely the ones taking the lead. Since Missy had been such a late bloomer, she’d stayed in the background. With all her other activities, it had been easy to ignore a lot of the whole boy-girl drama and being ignored didn’t matter much either. Then, after she Changed, matured as a mountain lion and began cycle after cycle of being in heat, sex had a whole new meaning for her. Things had then gotten serious and she had to not only control her own animal nature and instincts but also deal with several male mountain lions. Sex was just not going to happen with any of them and that required some real effort. Effort to ignore her own body’s cravings and more effort to escape into the wilderness without being followed.

  Now, at fifteen and once again a human girl, Missy was learning about sex all over again. There were all the ways her body was reacting and she needed to find ways to control those feelings. Thank goodness for bras since her naughty nipples would often stand up and take notice, and these would then act like control knobs for how things would tingle and feel down below. She wore comfortable bras which didn’t betray how things might be happening for her. And, she always wore her karate gi or judo gi at the gym as well as during all her martial arts classes. This loose fitting uniform kept her well covered up, so all her curves were not so noticeable. This was important since she could see that now, boys were very interested. Interested in sex and very interested in her. She knew she was attractive and because of the way her body had now filled out, with nice long legs, curvy hips, narrow waist and a very visible bust line … well, even all covered up she was constantly getting attention. Lots and lots of it.

  With her enhanced hearing, she could hear many of the male conversations and from the remarks being made about her, she knew just how much she affected them. Even all covered up, she apparently “had a great ass” and “wonderful tits” which they were still able to notice. And, wishing they could see more of. This was a subject they seemed to constantly talk about amongst themselves, endlessly making comparisons and speculating about just how “hot” she was. Of course, from many of them, she also heard all their theories about her having been a sex slave and how she was now “damaged goods”. Ugh! Thank goodness there were several boys who refused to believe any of that and spoke up in her behalf. She took notice and knew who they were as well as who all the others were.

  What was more disconcerting, however, was how much the “awareness” of the opposite sex could sometimes affect her. Just the musky, male scent from some handsome, hunky guy could catch her attention and then cause her immediate arousal; this often was quite difficult to ignore. Missy was a very physical, sensual person and her body was now fully awakened to sexual desires. Everything was enhanced for all her senses and feelings. While not ready to allow herself to have any sex, just as when her cat form had been in heat, her body’s hungers and needs were easily triggered and she often would experience those familiar throbbing, pulsating sensations. In the words she kept hearing the guys all use, she often was feeling very “horny”. But for Missy, as with every other aspect of her life, losing control was not an option. She learned to control herself in this with the same determination and will she used for all her other efforts and activities.

  Since her experience with relationships was lagging far behind her physical senses and abilities, and living alone for two years had certainly not helped with that, Missy continued being very shy with boys. She just didn’t know what to say or do. And, she didn’t have time for relationships anyway. She was much too focused on balancing everything else going on in her life. First, there was adjusting and reconnecting, just being back home again with family and friends. Then she had all the homeschooling work so she could return to school combined with the physical activities which were so essential to her well being. Finding opportunities to Change every once in a while and enjoy a few hours as a cat were far more important than investing any time in relationships with boys. That would just have to wait until later.

  Of course, later was only a few short months away. While she still wouldn’t exactly be having relationships or changing how she was spending her time, she would overcome her shyness and become quite comfortable dealing with the opposite sex. Perhaps be even more comfortable than when being with the girls.

  While her karate training could continue very nicely as she made steady progress toward earning her black belt, this was not the case for kickboxing and jiu-jitsu. Even second degree and third degree black belt ranks would be possible in karate, still with her same instructors. But the girls taking kickboxing and jiu-jitsu were nowhere near as serious and dedicated as Missy and so the instructors avai
lable locally weren’t that good; they really couldn’t help her advance very far. There hadn’t been the demand, so there just wasn’t that high a level of teaching available in the Salem area. Or, even in Boston. The sessions were merely workouts where she was getting some exercise but after a few months, when everyone refused to spar with her anymore, even that benefit went away. She really couldn’t complain. She knew, even though she was holding back, her opponents were all getting completely overwhelmed and she didn’t blame them. She just needed to move on to something else.

  Most of these local classes were co-ed with the competitions separate for girls and boys, but there was one mixed martial arts class with only male students. The instructors for that class were excellent. After a long discussion with the Sensei, who by then had heard all about “the girl whom no one could beat” in any tournament competition, she was allowed to enroll. She wouldn’t actually compete in any local tournaments as there were no female competitors. So, unless she was willing to travel to some distant cities, which she really didn’t have the time for, she’d have to be okay with that.

  She was the only female and, at first, she wasn’t even able to spar with the others. After two weeks, she began to insist. She assured everyone she didn’t care about tournaments or trophies, but that she deserved the opportunity to spar. That way, even though she wouldn’t be earning any official recognition for advancing in levels, she knew she’d be getting the actual training she wanted as well as the extreme exercise she needed so badly.

  She was starting out at an intermediate level, due to what she’d already demonstrated in her other martial arts courses. And, there were some guys who had only been training a year or two, whom she was matched up with. That was okay for a few weeks, but soon Missy wanted more. Sparring with these intermediate level guys was no longer a challenge. The other guys, however, were very advanced and they all wanted to ignore her. Not only did they have so much more training, but many of them were very big guys. Some were several inches taller who weighed eighty to a hundred pounds more than Missy did. One guy was more than double her weight, and it was all solid muscle. Plus, she wasn’t even sixteen yet. They insisted they couldn’t spar with her because she’d be injured, for sure, and they didn’t want to be responsible for that. Unlike her karate and her other courses, the sparring in this course was full on contact.

  Missy asked her Dad to help, since he was a lawyer. She wanted legal waiver forms she and her parents could sign so she then could compete with any of them. After all, it wasn’t official. This sparring wasn’t in any tournament. She wouldn’t even be getting credit towards any belt. She just wanted to spar once a week during the regular classes. Eventually, she was able to get her way. When the intermediate level guys no longer wanted to spar with her, because she was just too good and too fast, that definitely helped.

  She was slowly earning everyone’s respect for her natural abilities without damaging any of their fragile egos. She’d been very careful not to do that, and had been very willing to allow many of their blows to land in the process. Getting pummeled was okay since she was able to avoid any serious damage or injury to herself, and she healed up so quickly, it didn’t matter. Her opponents weren’t losing face, even though she was much faster and able to place her kicks and strikes on them with obvious skill. They stopped worrying about hurting her and actually took some satisfaction in at least scoring some decent points against her, even if they were often the one losing the contest.

  Her resilience was amazing. This became a reason for the guys to constantly strive harder. No matter what they did, no matter how hard they might hit her, she never seemed to really get hurt. She always just bounced right back up again, and they all just sort of got used to that. Without really thinking about it, they accepted it. Missy was no longer “a girl” but just “another guy” when they were sparring. Of course, she gave as good as she got, and they learned never to underestimate her. Once they were sparring, they quickly learned not to be distracted by her obvious female assets. She was so fast and her blows were very powerful, even though she weighed so much less than they did. One by one, each of the bigger, stronger, more experienced guys would get in the ring and spar with her. Not quite at the no holds barred level, but the more they sparred with Missy, the more they would go all out. Missy was finally getting the extreme exercise she wanted. And, she was able to be more and more relaxed being around guys. Her shyness just gradually went away without her giving that much thought to it.

  She did not, however, encourage any relationships. They all kidded her about never dating. Their attitude towards her was greatly influenced by her skills and abilities combined with her good natured willingness to accept whatever they could dish out in the ring. The ring actually was an octagon cage with walls. They’d toss, throw or kick her up against one of those walls again and again, only to have her bounce back and sweep them off their feet. As week after week of this went by, Missy managed being accepted as a person without being seen as a sex object.

  She continued to only wear karate or judo gi uniforms and always had a protective sports bra underneath. This helped to blur many of her female curves. She didn’t change before or after class, but came in that way and went home that way. Her long hair was always in braids or tightly tucked into a bun. She didn’t wear any makeup and avoided looking glamorous. They all still considered her very attractive anyway. Outside of the ring, they considered her sexy and hot as hell. But, they just didn’t think of her as a possible girlfriend.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Nov 2015

  At home, she was also getting more relaxed whenever John’s friends were around. She’d known most of these guys for years but things now were different. No longer was she the pesky little sister who they all wanted to ignore. Now, she had grown up and was definitely attracting their attention. She was turning them on just by being in the same room with them. Or, by being in the next room. Even had she not gone missing for two years, returning with secrets they naturally all wanted to find out about, this would have been true. She was so attractive and her sexuality was now such an obvious part of her presence, regardless of whether she dressed up or not, they all practically tripped over themselves whenever they came around.

  Her martial arts reputation wasn’t that much a factor with them, one way or the other, since they’d all known her for years. The mystery with “Missy’s secrets” only added to their wanting to know her better. John kept them in line, of course, but they all enjoyed teasing her any time they got the chance.

  Weekends, when they’d be there and see her eating any of her meals, they’d always make comments. “Look how much food she’s devouring!” and, “That’s surely going to affect her girlish figure!” She always had lots of meat, typically cooked quite rare, at every meal: morning, noon and night. Her family had accepted this and because she exercised so much, running every morning and working out every afternoon, her huge appetite no longer surprised them. John’s friends all knew how active she was but they grabbed at any excuse to talk about her figure.

  It wasn’t just how curvy and sensuous she appeared, but also the way she moved. She had such grace and style, gliding smoothly, effortlessly. At times, she’d sneak up on them without their even knowing she was there. Missy definitely got their blood racing whenever she was around and they loved the way she always would react, laughing and being very much a fun person. She also knew all their girlfriends and who was dating whom and who had broken up, so that just added to the banter as she’d threaten to tell on them.

  They trusted her, though, because she never would tell tales or betray any confidences and they all knew it. They often would tell her things without realizing just how revealing that was. Things they wouldn’t share with John or any of their other friends but they’d end up discussing them openly with her. And, that was how Missy learned about Alice having some sort of a problem, from one of these private discussions with Mark.

  Alice Morris was a really pret
ty blond, blue eyes, five-five with a nice figure and was supposedly Mark’s girlfriend; they’d been going out, off and on, for years. She was now a junior, a year older than Missy, and while never a close friend they still had all grown up together and knew one another pretty well. But, Missy was learning things with Alice had somehow changed. Mark told her, “She just really gets so uptight whenever we try to make out. Anything more than a little kissing and she freezes. She says she really cares about me but she just can’t let herself relax and … well … whenever I touch her, it’s no good.”

  Missy asked, “Are you sure you’re not moving too fast, Mark?”

  “No, not at all. She’s not just sending me signals, she actually tells me she wants me to do stuff. But, if I touch her breast or start getting physical in any way, she turns into a cold statue. She actually will let me do whatever I want but I know she’s not feeling good about it, which pretty much kills it for me. Can you talk to her, Missy? See if you can get her to tell you anything? I know there’s no one else that she’s seeing or has any interest in seeing. This has just been the way she always reacts. It didn’t matter that much at first but we’re older now and I sort of thought we’d be taking things to new levels, you know?”

  “What about other girls for you, Mark? Are you really sure you’re into Alice this much?” Missy knew he’d been out with a few other girls, and he was a very good looking guy, popular at school.


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