Missy the Werecat

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Missy the Werecat Page 21

by P. G. Allison

  Next, she wanted everything from Tony’s safety deposit box. Pulling out the key and handing it to Alice, she said, “I have this key that Tony gave me. Can you tell your Mom you found it in some of Tony’s things? Since she’s still his wife, and is going to inherit everything, she can use it to open his safety deposit box at the bank, right?”

  Although Tony had moved out, neither he nor Alice’s Mom had bothered filing any divorce paperwork. He’d signed over the house and made all the payments required by those agreements Missy had insisted on, so there really hadn’t been any reason for divorce. Now that he was dead, after that unfortunate “accident” in his car, the lawyers were saying Alice’s Mom would get everything. Tony had no other family and had never made any will, so she was the “heir at law” per the state of Massachusetts. So, once things cleared probate, she was getting everything: the three restaurants, all his real estate properties and all his investments. There was no insurance but as it turned out, Tony was worth a couple of million dollars. Who knew?

  Things had been happening so fast over the past few weeks. Alice’s Mom was still somewhat in shock. Shock at suddenly becoming a millionaire. She’d quit her job at Walmart and had been very busy meeting with various people every day. Thomas Mooney, the lawyer Missy’s father had recommended and who had taken care of all those earlier agreements with Tony, was now handling all her affairs for her. She was overwhelmed but, with Alice’s help, she was coping. Alice, of course, was continuing to rely heavily on her best friend, Missy. Missy, who knew everything about her. Whom she could share things with. Things she didn’t even tell her psychologist, whom she now was only seeing every other week.

  Alice was still with Mark and she believed that never would have been possible but for Missy. Mark really loved her and she was returning his love more and more every day. For the past few months, she and Missy had talked about the way her relationship with Mark had evolved and how, sometime soon, she would have to reveal what Tony had done; how he’d abused her. Mark was her soulmate and this secret was now a huge roadblock. They were getting very physical with each other and both wanted to go to the next level. Alice had some emotional scars but her sexual healing had made it possible to now thoroughly enjoy all the sex with Mark. But, before going “all the way”, she wanted to tell him everything. She wasn’t worried that he’d judge her in any way or that this would interfere with their fully enjoying each other. But, she had been concerned that Mark would want to confront Tony.

  Suddenly, that problem had been solved. Alice couldn’t believe it. After agonizing for so many months about being completely open with Mark, sharing all her secrets, she finally could do that and not worry. Missy was so supportive and reassuring. Although she was still keeping all her own many secrets, Alice had learned to just accept that. Missy was Missy. And, while she was a far more complicated person than anyone else Alice had ever met, Missy was her savior. The unconditional love which Missy always gave her was so special and so powerful. Alice knew it was Missy’s love and understanding which had made possible her relationship with Mark. And, with Tony gone, she now felt comfortable going forward with Mark. In every possible way.

  “I’m sure my Mom will do whatever I ask her to, Missy.” Alice accepted the key Missy handed her. “What’s in there? And, do I want to know why you have that key?”

  “No, you don’t want to know what’s in there. And, no, you don’t want to know why I have this key. Please trust me, Alice. This is very important. You need to have your Mom empty out everything she finds in there and turn it all over to you. And, neither of you can look at any of this stuff. I promise I’ll give you back everything which is okay. And, there are a lot of important documents you’ll need. Deeds, more bank accounts, key documents for the restaurants. But, there are some things in there you really never want to know about. For your own safety, okay?”

  “Wow! Okay. I guess I can explain to Mom that she needs to just get all that stuff for me and not look. She knows how much you’re helping me, Missy. And, that lawyer your Dad set her up with? He’s taking care of everything and she couldn’t be happier. I’ll explain you and I just need to go through the stuff first and then we’ll be giving it all to Tom Mooney. She doesn’t really want to figure anything out on her own and really appreciates all the help.”


  Two days later, Missy was giving Alice back many of Tony’s documents. These could all go to Tom Mooney who would see to the proper disposition of everything. And, when Tony’s estate finally cleared probate? It now would include a few more million dollars. Alice asked her, “How did you know, Missy? Without that key and that special code you explained using, these documents might not have showed up for years. Mom said the way Tony’s safety deposit box was set up … it was all done in a very unusual manner.”

  “I’m glad I was able to help, then. You and your Mom are pretty well set for life, financially, right? Free and clear. And, the stuff I didn’t return? Please just forget about that stuff. Be sure to tell your Mom that if anyone ever asks her about it, she should just say she turned everything over to her lawyer, Tom. Everything. Without looking. It’s important.” Missy could see Alice was a little concerned but she trusted Missy.

  Alice had known about Missy going to see Tony on her own. And, Missy was Missy! “Sure. Your story seems simple and logical so I’ll explain it that way to Mom. She doesn’t really know it’s not exactly what happened, anyway. I happened to find the key. She got the stuff and gave it to her lawyer. More millions. Lucky us!” Alice laughed. Then she changed the subject. “By the way, will you be going to the school prom this year? I’ve invited Mark to our senior prom, of course. And, Claire’s going with that football player, Ralph Beahner”.

  Claire and Missy’s brother had stopped seeing each other when John had gone off to college. Claire had been dating several guys since then, but wasn’t really getting serious with anyone. Jeff and Missy had also parted ways when he went away. His college was in Pennsylvania and their relationship wouldn’t have gone much further anyway. Jeff just wasn’t the one and Missy was able to break up with him easily enough. Alice thought she knew all the guys Missy had dated since then. There had only been three and she didn’t think Missy was seeing any of them now.

  “Well, I haven’t had a chance to tell you about this guy I met at the gym, Alice.” Missy actually blushed a little. “He only joined the gym last summer. He goes to the Prep and was on their swim team and water polo team. He’s invited me to their senior prom and I’m probably taking him to our junior prom the week after. We’ll see. So, I won’t be going out with anyone else right now and won’t be at the senior prom with you and Claire.”

  “Oh, really? And, just exactly when did you start dating this guy, Missy! I know you like keeping secrets from me, but really? Come on. Give. Details, details!”

  Missy giggled. “We only just started dating, because I’ve been ignoring him all year. He always watches me at the gym, but you know me. I don’t actually work out with anyone else as a partner. But, lately he’s been coming to watch me spar at my martial arts club. He definitely has a ‘thing’ for me. Won’t take no. And, I finally let him buy me an ice cream. He really is kind of a hunk. Six three, dark hair, blue eyes, big shoulders, very fit. Great smile. Smart too. He’s going to a really prestigious university next year, over in Medford.”

  “Wait ‘til I tell Claire! She’s been saying you’re just way too picky, but maybe you finally are finding Mr. Right? Maybe, huh, maybe?” Laughing out loud, Alice pulled out her cell phone and pretended she was calling Claire.

  “Stop being silly, Alice. Otherwise, I won’t let you guys meet my Mr. Right Now. I don’t think I’ll even tell you who he is yet. You’re not ready. Either one of you.” Now Missy was laughing. She was really going to miss her two best friends when they graduated next month. Yes, they’d have the summer but then in September, Claire was going to a college in New York and Alice was going to a university in Boston, to be where
Mark was.


  The next day, Missy placed a call to Robert Ulrey. “Robert, I’d like you to set up a meeting for me. With your organized crime guys. I have some very interesting documents, all about this guy Frank McCarthy in East Boston. But, I’m only going to trade this information. I need to protect myself and my family. So, I’ll only give you guys this stuff in exchange for everything you FBI guys can tell me about a guy named Salvatore D’Amato in New York.

  Chapter Thirty

  Apr 2017

  “Robert, why would we want to meet with some sixteen year old girl? You said, this was to trade information? What the hell? If she knows anything about McCarthy, anything at all, she has to just tell us. Or else!” Armando Sanchez was not happy. He was a large, heavy set man with a bald patch at the rear of his head, surrounded by bristly grey hair. He stared across his desk at Robert and asked, “Salvatore D’Amato? Really?”

  “First, there is no forcing anything from Missy. There isn’t any or else. Didn’t you read the background report I gave you? What can you threaten her with? Unless you think you can make trouble for her family. That, she’ll go to just about any lengths to prevent. Which brings up my second thing. She says she needs the info on D’Amato to protect herself and her family. Who is he, anyway?” Robert Ulrey looked at Armando with both frustration and annoyance. Yes, the FBI’s Organized Crime Division probably was more important than the Kidnapping Section. It certainly had more manpower and resources. But, that didn’t mean Armando could ignore the report he’d provided.

  “Salvatore D’Amato is maybe heading one of the mob families in New York. Get it? New York. And, he stays away from Boston. So, what the hell? This kid Missy lives in Salem, right? If she somehow ran across something about Frank McCarthy, I can believe that. But how’s that going to be related in any way to New York? Frank’s strictly here in the Boston area. He stepped up after that whole fiasco with those mob bosses who were FBI informants and what was left of the old gang in East Boston … but you know all that.”

  Robert said, “Yes, sure. We didn’t come out looking very well after the black eye our guy gave us. FBI handler protects murderers. After everything with our guy and those bosses, no one here wants anything to do with FBI informants. I get that. So, everything’s been squeaky clean ever since. No informants, right?”

  “Well, you can see why I’m not interested in any trade of information, then. Sounds tainted somehow. We don’t do things that way.” Armando opened the report on his desk which Robert had sent over earlier and quickly glanced over it. Then, he stopped and went back to read it more slowly. “Your girl maybe killed some guy a year ago? Hey, I remember hearing about her. Girl goes missing from soccer camp … that was three years ago. That story got a lot of publicity at the time. You handled that, huh?”


  Missy arrived at the FBI office in Boston and met Robert Ulrey in the lobby. He escorted her up to a conference room on the twelfth floor. She was introduced to Armando Sanchez and several others on his team. There were three men and two women, all seated to his left. They eyed her with a great deal of skepticism, which Robert had warned her to be prepared for. But, they’d agreed to this meeting.

  She glanced around the room and looked out the windows at the great view. She remained standing, even though Robert had brought her over to a chair at the head of the large table. He sat to her right, opposite to Armando sitting on her left. She deposited her folders and computer disks and passed out copies of a single summary page which she’d put together.

  “Thank you so much for this opportunity,” she said. She looked at each person and then stared directly at Armando. “As you will see, I have gathered some information which should be useful for your case against Frank McCarthy. While most of this is probably not usable in court, it should give you what you need to go get evidence which can be used in court. The person who was holding all this evidence was killed in a car accident six weeks ago. Tony Gonzales. I want to point out, right up front here, that his wife and stepdaughter do not know anything about this. I will be providing you with documents and computer files showing how Tony was laundering money for his childhood buddy Frank McCarthy. Millions and millions of dollars over the past twenty-five years.”

  Several in the room were now shifting in their seats, looking up from the paper she’d handed out to stare at her and then quickly look back down to read what she had summarized for them. Armando said, “This is very interesting, Miss McCrea. And, how did you happen to get this? You say the wife knows nothing?”

  Missy replied, “Correct. She was working at Walmart until Tony’s accident and never was involved in any of this. They were only married for about four years and had been separated since Tony moved out last November. She only knew he owned three restaurants. She cannot testify to anything whatsoever. She just never knew. She’s actually in shock right now, since it seems she will inherit everything. That’ll be almost five million once she liquidates the restaurants and various other assets. As for how I happen to have all this?” Missy smiled and once again looked at each person in the room. Looking back to Armando, she explained, “I do not intend to share that. The documents and data will speak for themselves. You don’t need any testimony from me.”

  “Wait just a minute, young lady!” sputtered Armando. “If you think you can waltz in here …”

  “That’s exactly what I think, sir! And, you’re free to investigate me and my family. There is not a single shred of evidence which could possibly tie any of us to Tony or what Tony was doing. I’m here to trade this information. I’m not here to provide any explanations.” Missy was dressed in black slacks with a sporty green blazer jacket over a white blouse. She had her hair up in a bun. She removed the jacket and placed that on the seat behind her. The blouse was sleeveless and when she turned around to face everyone, some of the scars on her shoulder were visible. She was purposely distracting them, since it served her purpose.

  While everyone had read the report Robert had provided, along with the additional file he’d sent them before the meeting, the scars -- a stark reminder that she’d been missing in the mountains for two years -- were sobering. While many in the room had obviously been noting what a beautiful, attractive, sexy young female she was, the reality of what she’d experienced had not fully registered on them. Now, it did. Somehow, that made her statements about what she would and would not provide a lot more credible.

  “I am giving you information which you might never have put together. Some of this would maybe have come out during the lengthy process for Tony’s estate going through probate. Maybe. But most of this, where I’ve connected the dots? No way. It would all have died with Tony. Once you’ve reviewed it all, I think you’ll agree.” Missy then looked at Robert. “Our deal was they get all this, look it over for two weeks, check stuff, and if … if they agree that it’s valuable information for their case against McCarthy … then I’ll get what I’ve asked for. I’m putting my faith in the FBI. I’m counting on you guys to come through for me.”

  Armando said, “Okay, okay, we’ll certainly look at everything. Millions of dollars all laundered by this Tony Gonzales over the past twenty-five years?”

  “According to Tony … allegedly … it’s what allowed Frank to get to where he is in the organization. He was able to launder their money and each year, as he moved up higher and higher, there was more and more money which Tony took care of. His three restaurants were just for the beginning years. As you’ll see, those weren’t really needed in recent years because of all the other holdings. Deeds, documents, computer files, bank accounts, it’s all there. You’ll note there are several million dollars which anyone can claim, provided they have the right passwords and codes. This is an FBI freebie, guys!” She laughed and several around the table began chuckling along with her.

  Others suddenly sat up and showed even greater interest than before. The man sitting next to Armando, whose name she’d already forgotten, spoke up. “
You mean, there’s money … but, what about the wife? Doesn’t this go to her, after probate?”

  Missy smiled. “She’s got enough. She doesn’t need to get dragged into this, does she? Trust me, guys. Hey, if you can’t trust the girl who just handed you over ten million dollars, free and clear? Who can you trust?”


  “So, I can give Missy all this information on D’Amato now? Just like she asked for?” Two weeks had gone by since the meeting with Missy and Robert was once again sitting across from Armando. “And, you want me to continue being the one who stays in contact with her?”

  Armando looked at Robert and nodded his head. “That girl gets any damn thing she wants, any time she wants it. And, yeah, we all think it’s best that you be her contact. You worked her case for years and so it’s quite normal for you to continue staying in touch. Looks good. Proper.”

  “No problem. I’m happy to help. And, I definitely am very interested in her. Most of my other cases don’t end that well, as you know. Hers is special.” Robert smiled. “And, she really is a sweetheart, isn’t she?”

  “Oh, she’s adorable all right, I’ll give you that. But there’s something …” Armando let that thought hang there. Then he added, “One of my guys did investigate her, you know. Just in case. She’s squeaky clean, along with her whole family. At least, on the surface. There’s absolutely nothing connecting her with that Tony Gonzales, other than Missy being a close friend with the stepdaughter. You know where she was when Tony had his accident? Autopsy confirmed his time of death was between two and four in the afternoon. A dozen witnesses all saw her that day at the local gym where she works out. Pumping iron. Nowhere near the location of the accident.”

  “Why were you checking that?”

  “Hey, it’s in your report, Robert. How maybe she killed her kidnapper, right? We wanted to be sure all this stuff she brought us from Tony wasn’t going to be fruit from some forbidden tree. We don’t need a scandal. But, the accident was either an accident or the guy committed suicide. Either way, there’s nothing tying him to Missy. Well, almost nothing.” Armando looked down at his file and said, “She made a phone call on Friday night, just a quick call home, but it was from Plum Island. And, no one saw her that night or most of the next day, Saturday. Then, Tony dies on Sunday.”


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