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Missy the Werecat

Page 23

by P. G. Allison

  He’d made the introductions and they went back and settled into a booth in the far corner. He slid into the booth next to her while Michelle seated herself opposite from Missy and Aaron slid in next to her. Mike knew his sister would have some questions to ask. And, she did.

  “Missy, my brother has been telling me how athletic you are, but … what you did back there? That was too amazing! And that one time? When Big-and-Ugly threw you up against the wall so hard? That had to hurt. Tell me the truth.” Michelle was laughing, but she was also really curious. She would have sworn Missy must have gotten some broken bones from that. But, after watching it actually happen, before she could turn in horror to say anything to Mike, she’d seen Missy quickly leap back up and somehow manage kicking the guy back so hard he actually raised his hand to stop for a minute. The guy was huge and had to weigh at least two hundred and fifty pounds.

  Missy chuckled and said, “You mean Jimmy? Jimmy, the Pipefitter? Don’t let Jimmy hear you call him ugly, Michelle! He thinks he’s God’s gift to women.” She could see that Michelle and Mike were really close and shared a lot. They seemed to interact very well together. She wondered if that might be one of the reasons she’d grown to really like Mike. He just seemed able to interact with her so much better than any of the other guys she knew.

  “Really, stop kidding around. That had to hurt.” Michelle wasn’t going to give up and she was having a hard time seeing Missy now, sitting there like she’d maybe only been bicycle riding, rather than tossing huge guys around and having them smash her up against the wall or bounce her off the floor a dozen times. “Surely you have bruises! You must be black and blue all over!”

  “Okay, okay, you have me! My secret is out. I probably even have some ugly yellow green splotches. Wanna see?” With that, Missy actually opened up her gi uniform jacket and started to take it off. Because they were sitting in the back booth, they didn’t have any audience. She was wearing her sports bra, of course, but her upper torso was otherwise exposed. And, she indeed did have several dark bruises with some of them looking a very sickly yellow. This variety of colors was due to her rapid healing and the bruises would be gone by the time she went to bed. She always waited until getting home to change, just to avoid anyone seeing her body looking like this. But, there was something about Michelle. She knew this was a test. And, she really liked Mike.

  “Oh, my God!” gasped Michelle. She was now also noticing those scars which Missy had on her shoulder. Obviously, there had not been any photo shopping for those pictures of Missy. She looked at Mike and Aaron and could see they also were shocked. “Why aren’t you asking us to take you to the hospital? Those are terrible!”

  Missy broke out laughing. She felt a bit giddy and wondered if it was because of the way Mike was looking at her. She really liked him. A lot. She knew he was getting very aroused and that was turning her on. “Don’t worry, guys! Really! I’ll be all healed up before bedtime. I have that big softball game tomorrow and then I’ll be hitting the gym, same as always. Mike, I’ll see you then, right?”

  “Don’t even try to change the subject, Missy! Those look awful.” Michelle was not about to let go of this. The two guys just sat there, mouths hanging open. She figured she’d push harder, so she demanded, “And, those scars? What happened?”

  Missy started out with a snappy reply, saying “I’d tell ya, but then I’d have to kill ya,” Then, she smiled. She didn’t really know why she was willing to share some of her secrets but she found herself just blurting things out. “It was when I was up in the mountains. I don’t explain about that time in my life to most people, so please don’t ask me for any details. I was forced to live up there and some of my experiences were pretty difficult for me. Getting all clawed up by a black bear was one of those.” She looked at Mike and added, “If you get lucky, maybe I’ll show you my other scar, high up on my thigh. My shorts at the gym keep that pretty well covered up. Since that’s on my right side, it doesn’t show in very many of the photos out there, which all seem to be showing my left side.” As she thought about Mike getting lucky, she suddenly blushed. Damn! What was happening to her today!

  Now all three were staring at her in shock. They had heard so many rumors about Missy. But, this was the first time they’d heard anything about a bear. And, they didn’t really know about her being in the mountains or just where she’d been. Mike had heard she’d disappeared from soccer camp up in New Hampshire maybe four years ago. There hadn’t really been that much of a story about her return. Just a lot of rumors.

  Before any of them could voice it, Missy addressed what most rumors would eventually get around to saying. “Just to set the record straight? Those two years that I was gone and forced to live in the mountains? I am not damaged goods. Okay, guys? But, I’m not going to talk about it. I just don’t discuss this. And, I trust you’re not going to tell everyone about the bear which mauled me. Or, the bullet wound on my thigh?” Now she was getting a bit excited. She suddenly realized she’d not actually said anything earlier about any bullet. Why was she so flustered? What had happened to all that control she always had?

  The other three all rushed to assure her they’d never think of her as damaged goods. Or, allow anyone else to suggest that. How terrible! And, no one would ever be hearing any of her secrets from them. They each felt deeply moved that Missy had opened up to them about something so personal. They recognized this was indeed very rare for her. Mike, most of all, felt something very deep inside. While this incredible creature was certainly capable of holding her own, sparring with guys twice her size, she actually was vulnerable. He reached over and touched her hand. Then, he wrapped her jacket around her and pulled her close against his side, letting his arm slide around her back so he could pull her tight.

  Missy suddenly felt so wonderful, having this big strong guy hold her so protectively. She let herself relax, pressing up against Mike’s side and going limp. She wanted to be held. Her body craved it and instead of her control wrenching her away from what her body wanted, she allowed herself to just freely experience the moment. For the past three years, she always had fought against any physical desires or compulsions. She’d resisted what her instincts were demanding: first, as a cat, going into heat time and time again without relief; then, being human and getting overwhelmed by all the sensations and feelings. She was so very, very physical. It was much more than just teenage hormones for Missy. But, she had always been able to compartmentalize her thoughts and control all her emotions. Today? She wanted to forget all about being a cat. Today, she just wanted to be a girl.


  Michelle sat quietly in the passenger seat while Aaron drove. She had come in Aaron’s car while Mike had brought Missy. Suddenly, she turned and asked him, “What just happened back there?” They’d finished up without anyone really starting any new conversations. They had somehow just run out of things to talk about and then had quietly said their goodbyes and mumbled other pleasantries as they’d all walked out. She and Aaron had gone over to his car and had let Missy and Mike go off together. “Did my brother just have a special moment with her?”

  Aaron looked at her and said, “You know Mike better than anyone, Michelle. You tell me. All I know is all of a sudden, it was the two of them and the two of us, but those two were so deep inside their own world … we didn’t exist.”

  “Exactly, Aaron,” said Michelle. “It’s funny. I was so sure I’d be making a list for Mike. The ten reasons why he shouldn’t be dating Missy McCrea. Nobody will ever be good enough for him, you know?” She sighed. “Instead, I find myself making a list of the ten things I like best about Missy McCrea. How does she do that? I really ended up liking her.”

  “Yeah, me too,” said Aaron. “He’s been brainwashing me all year, but at the end of the day? None of that mattered. Just as you say. I ended up just really liking her.” He and Mike had first met their freshman year at the Prep and they’d become best friends right away. Then, not long after that, he‘d sta
rted dating Michelle. For the past two years, they’d been pretty exclusive. No one said “going steady” any more, but they were definitely not interested in anyone else. So, Aaron really liking Missy was not at all threatening for Michelle. They’d both been trying to fix Mike up with various girls for the past couple of years. But, since last summer, he wouldn’t even consider anyone else, even though it took months before Missy would even let him buy her an ice cream.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  May 2017

  “Oh, Mom! I’m so nervous! What’s different this year? Last year, going to prom was no big deal. This year? I’m so worried my hair doesn’t look right, my dress doesn’t fit, my shoes will make me fall and break my ankle, my boobs …” Missy stopped babbling. Her boobs were probably not going to fall out even though the low cut of her gown had them prominently on display. She knew her bright yellow dress with the high sleeves covering her shoulders was making her once again look spectacular. Yes, her breasts were showing some great cleavage, but those were her breasts. Why not show them off? And her hair? Rather than being up in any fancy arrangement, she’d instead let her hair cascade down straight, all around, going well past her shoulders. It reached halfway down her back and she knew she was going to stand out tonight. She wanted to be looking really great for Mike, and in spite of all these sudden jitters, she knew she would be. Even her shoes with their four inch heels would not fail her. It only made her hips sway in an especially sexy manner as she walked -- or, to be more accurate -- as she strutted and glided her way along any path or walkway.

  Julia sighed and told her, for the umpteenth time, to relax and stop worrying. This was a special night and she should just try to enjoy it. Mike was already on his way. No limo this time. Mike was picking her up in his car, a sporty Acura, and would drive them to the hotel in Peabody. They’d meet up with Aaron and Michelle and several other couples who were all good friends. Since she had now finally met Michelle, along with Aaron, she didn’t need to feel like a total outsider. The evening was going to be a great success. Wait and see!

  Missy grew even more excited, thinking about Mike. On his way. For her. She’d pushed him away for so many weeks. Months actually. At first, it had just been her normal shyness and reluctance to get involved with any guy. Then, she’d been focused on winning that mixed martial arts trophy, which indeed had been fun. That had, of course, exposed her once again to the public and while her video clips on YouTube had not quite gone viral, she certainly had stirred up plenty of interest. She’d pulled back from most of that, and had kept to her routine. School, sports, karate, sparring, being with her family. There’d been no time for any relationships. After Christmas, her sister had needed help with tracking down Jonathan Baxter. That little adventure, at least, had worked out quite nicely, with Lisa and Marie now making that bastard suffer the death of a thousand paper cuts with everything they’d been doing, messing up his life. He still hadn’t figured out Marie was inside his computer every day. And, for him, the worst was yet to come.

  Getting kidnapped in March? Dealing with Tony, then those two hit men up from New York? While she thought she’d handled that well enough, it had resulted in a ton of work afterward. Helping Alice and her Mom. Sorting out what was free and clear for their inheritance from what she’d given to the FBI. She still had some concerns, as it would be a few more months before Frank McCarthy was arrested and put away. If he or his organization ever went after Alice and her Mom? She didn’t know if the FBI was really able to protect them.

  And, it was only last weekend that she’d finally managed getting all her surveillance stuff installed and set up in New York. Marie had really helped and, of course, they had all that equipment from Jonathan Baxter. They’d added to that and with the software the FBI had given her, she now had video and voice surveillance all set up. She was becoming an expert on breaking and entering. But now, if her name came up at either Billy’s place or Donny’s place? Or if any of the other key phrases and trigger words she’d selected was spoken? She’d get a text message and could download the tapes and review what was being said. She’d have some warning if her Plan B wasn’t working out with those guys.

  She figured she had very minimal risk but these added steps for mitigation were helping her feel much more secure. Safety for her friends and family. Adding all that to her other activities had left her no time for guys. But Mike? He’d snuck up on her anyway. He was always there at the gym, then he’d been watching her spar, and finally she’d let him buy her ice cream. She was going for the ice cream anyway, so how could that be any big deal? But, she now recognized it somehow had become a very big deal. She really cared about Mike and the fact that he had feelings for her was making her feel weak at the knees.

  Those feelings of his weren’t just sexual attraction. Lots of guys were all lusting after her and she ignored that. No, it was that he really cared about her as a person. What she felt inside was important to Mike. He made her aware of just how much that mattered to him, how much she mattered to him and that awareness had awakened things inside her. Things she wasn’t sure she could control. When he was able to make her feel all “thrilly and glowy” inside, so any resistance she might feel towards being in a relationship would just completely melt away? Just be gone? That made her feel exposed and weak at the knees. Not having her normal controls when around him was definitely making her nervous.


  Mike drove his Acura into the hotel parking lot and Missy felt her excitement begin to build all over again. She thought her controls had returned while driving there. Apparently, she had only just begun the emotional roller coaster ride. When Mike came around, opened her door and helped her step out, her heart raced and her pulse quickened. Without even thinking about it, she moved up against him, pressing her breasts against his solid chest, lifting her face and staring into his deep blue eyes. His arms went around her and he lowered his head, bringing his lips down to hers, and he kissed her. This was actually their first kiss and she felt it all the way down to her toes. She parted her lips and quickly thrust her tongue out, only to feel his tongue pressing its way into her mouth. She groaned, sliding her arms around him and then she pushed her pelvis forward. When she felt his hard erection pressing against her abdomen, she gasped.

  They both pulled away and, each too embarrassed to acknowledge what had just happened, they turned towards the entrance. Mike closed the car door and she heard the door locks click as he pressed the button on his key fob. Pocketing his keys, he led her with one arm entwined with hers, his hand squeezing her hand. Together they walked into the hotel lobby, then down the hallway to the grand ballroom. They were met by some of his classmates, standing around just outside the room. They greeted Mike warmly and complemented Missy with great enthusiasm. Then she and Mike were quickly inside. Party time. The music was playing and several couples were already dancing.

  Mike spotted his sister and Aaron right away, seated with two other couples. They joined them and she was introduced to the four people at the table whom she didn’t know. Missy forgot their names immediately. She was surrounded by sights and sounds and scents, all bombarding her enhanced senses, and she was oblivious. Her controls were not just slipping. They were gone.

  Mike was ready to burst and this feeling had been growing since he’d first watched her come down the stairs to meet him back at her house. They’d somehow survived all the photos Missy’s family had insisted on taking and had managed to finally get away in his car. She hadn’t said a word but his awareness of how excited Missy was didn’t seem to need any words. He just knew how she felt and it was making him crazy. He had never experienced anything like this before with anyone. He knew it had really been building for weeks now. She was the most beautiful girl in the world and she was actually there with him. She was his date tonight and this time, it wasn’t just for ice cream.

  Her emotions were sending him all these signals and, once again, he felt this connection with her. Ever since she’d opened up
that day, just a couple of weeks ago, when his sister had rudely asked all those questions. Did it hurt? Were there bruises? What about those scars? He didn’t know why Missy had responded the way she had. He was guessing she didn’t know either. But, something had happened. They’d both felt it then and they were feeling it even more now. Her green eyes were glowing and … damn! Did she suddenly have lots of golden yellow speckles shining in there! Her eyes were wild. He’d never seen anything like it.

  Missy wanted to move. She couldn’t sit still and she pulled Mike with her out onto the dance floor. It was a fast song which suited her just fine. She had so much energy! She needed to burn that off and so she let herself go, moving with the music. She kicked off her shoes and Mike reached down and scooped them up. She spun and undulated, letting the movements of her body express some of what she was feeling inside. Mike was right there, mesmerized, and she wanted him to know it was all for him. She wasn’t even aware of anyone else in the room. Her excitement and her arousal were driving her crazy. And, they’d only just arrived.

  The music changed, and it was a slow dance. She moved forward, melding herself against Mike’s body, and let him take over. Wherever he led, she followed. She flowed, always touching him, but giving him free rein. His arms encircled her and she pressed her face into his neck, her head lying on his shoulder. She breathed in deeply and the scents were almost overwhelming. She knew her enhanced senses were experiencing things way too strongly and that she’d better slow down. She could tell that her emotional overdrive was affecting Mike as though he were an Empath. While she loved having that connection with him, it was all happening too fast. She needed to dampen things down.

  She dragged him off the dance floor, went back to their table and sat down. He gave her back her shoes. Then, she sent him off to bring her something to drink. Poor Mike! They both needed to come up for air. Gradually, her heart stopped racing and the crazy thrumming all through her body which she’d been feeling finally slowed down. Her pulse returned to normal. She looked around and saw Michelle watching her very closely. She could practically read her mind and decided maybe they should try some girl bonding. “Will you go with me to the ladies room, Michelle?”


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