Trust No Bitch

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Trust No Bitch Page 8

by Nene Capri

  When they had given up all of the dough in sight they sat there thinking that they had played the robbers. “Now let’s take a walk over to the wall safe, and if you don’t have the combination you can start praying,” said Treebie.

  A look of surprise flashed in the eyes of one of the dudes left breathing; he wondered how in the hell did they know about the safe? Common sense told him that they were going to kill him whether he opened the safe or not, so he might as well have taken the combination to the grave with him. But even a man that’s facing imminent execution holds on to hope until the very end. “I can open the safe, just don’t kill me,” he blurted out like his dick had turned into a clitoris.

  Treebie put her gun to the back of his head and marched him to the real prize. He shook like a stripper on a Friday night as he opened the safe and filled the duffel bags.

  “Now walk that shit to the door. And if you make a wrong move it will be your last,” Lissha said as they kept the guns focused on their targets.

  Once the money was safe by Lissha’s side the delivery boy turned to walk away with his hands in the air. When he passed Treebie he mumbled something under his breath. Lissha caught a syllable or two, and sent heat to the back of his head. His body flew into the card table, tumbling it over.

  “What the fuck?” cried an older gambler. “We gave y’all what you came for. What else y’all want?”

  “I need one more thing,” Lissha said in a calm deep voice. The man looked at her and hesitantly asked, “What’s that?” “Your soul,” she responded.

  Treebie stepped up and served his ass up something hot and heavy. Another gambler reached for his waist and Donella made that his final act in life. Her sistahs chopped down anything else that moved.

  When they were done there were only two men left standing. One was a bald older man with a thick gray beard. The other one looked to be in his early thirties. They both had their hands suspended in air with fear enveloping within their hearts as they sat awaiting their execution.

  “This nigga shaking like a stripper?” Treebie chuckled, placing the gun on the bridge of the younger man’s nose.

  Narrowing down at him with unforgiving eyes, she saw the color literally drain out of his face. “Nigga, loosen your ass cheeks. This is your lucky day. We need a mouth piece and you’ve just been nominated.”

  Sweat beads ran from his race as the cotton in his mouth made it impossible for him to swallow.

  In one move Treebie shot the older man in the face. She looked back down at the young dude who was trembling in his seat. A smell assaulted her nose. She couldn’t tell if it was pussy or shit, but she knew it was fear.

  Bayonna and Donella moved closer to the door, keeping their weapons focused on him. Treebie shook dude down for weapons, ran his pockets, then handcuffed him to his chair.

  Her crew members looked on as she reached in her pocket pulled out a dollar bill. She rubbed it the dead man’s blood next to him.

  “Make sure you tell them niggas this is Blood Money,” she said, stuffing the bloody dollar in his mouth.

  The young dude gagged. Easing backwards she lifted her gun to his face so that his eyes were level with the barrel.

  “Be easy, nigga,” she spat.

  She raised up and they formed two lines, back to back, to make their exit.

  Within seconds they were gone. The die was cast and the word would go out. Don’t fuck with Blood Money.

  Chapter 11

  Business is Business

  Lissha opened her eyes slowly and looked around the room. Stretching her arms and legs she prepared to get out of bed but was stopped by the strong arm and leg of the man lying next to her.

  “Don’t get up yet. I need you to ride this morning wood,” he said, placing that hard muscle against her butt.

  “Nah, I got some shit to handle,” she said, removing his arm from her waist.

  “Damn, why you always ready to jump out a nigga’s bed and get into the streets?” Gator spat.

  “It’s not like that. We laying in the middle of a war zone and you wanna cuddle. I fucked you real good last night, you should be straight,” she said, rising to her feet and wrapping a towel around her naked flesh.

  “Last night is over. I’m trying to get you to make this tent go down.” He was laying on his back with his dick holding the sheet in the air.

  “You so crazy,” Lissha chuckled as she crossed her arms over her chest. He had been her way of winding down after the job she and the girls had pulled off last night.

  She stared down at Gator. He had his hands behind his head on the pillow and he was looking up at her invitingly, with his dreads splayed out all over his head. He slowly ran his tongue over his lips, reminding her how he could make it pleasure her.

  Lissha weighed her options. She had to meet her bitches in an hour. They were going to celebrate last night’s successful caper by hitting the malls. Later they were driving to Akron, Ohio for dinner at The Diamond Grill, then they would come back home and cap the night off downtown at The Horseshoe Casino, gambling and getting buzzed. But right now she had some fire head and good, hard dick just a few feet away. Another orgasm sounded good to her ears.

  Walking back to the bed she grabbed a condom off the nightstand. “Strap up, nigga, and consider this the fucking Lottery— prime pussy back to back.”

  “I ain’t mad at you,” he laughed, humored by her audacity. He ripped open the pack and strapped up.

  She dropped the towel to the floor and straddled Gator’s lap backwards. Easing down on all that hardness, she let out a soft moan and went to work. Her ass began to bounce and jiggle, and her moisture slid up and down his rigid length. Gator grabbed her hips and closed his eyes.

  When she heard those familiar groans leave his lips she rode harder and faster. She closed her eyes and imagined that the thick, hard, muscle inside of her belonged to someone else—someone she should not have been fantasizing about. Thinking of him immediately took her over the top. She bit down on her bottom lip to keep from crying out his name as her body trembled and she began to release.

  Gator felt her walls contract around his dick and he gave up the fight to hold back his seed. He grunted and filled up the Magnum.

  Lissha rose up off of him, allowing his dick to ease out of her.

  “Goddamn, you know how to make a nigga relax in the morning,” he whined in a deep, raspy, and satisfied voice.

  “I always handle my business, player. No matter what it is.”

  “Yeah, you do. And I handle the hell out of mines. I love to hear you moan when I’m running pipe all up in your stomach. I’m telling you, ain’t no better feeling than fucking the boss’s daughter and making her come.” He reached out and patted her ass.

  Lissha slapped his hand away. “Hold up. Let me clarify something because you’re really feeling yourself this morning. You

  don’t fuck me. I’m fucking you. It’s a difference.” “So you say,” Gator lightly disputed.

  “Fuck up and you’ll see. Don’t confuse what we do with what has to be done. Because if you slip up with what Daddy is doing, it won’t matter if you make me quote scriptures when I cum, your ass will fall just like the rest.”

  “What, you gon’ replace me with Kiam? Is that why you’re so slick out the mouth lately? If so, fuck that nigga. I don’t know why Big Zo trust him over me anyway. The way he’s coming in wanting to crush everything, we’ll all end up in the feds,” he fumed.

  With a scowl on his face he sat up and fired up a Newport. He blew smoke rings toward the ceiling and recounted to her what Kiam had done to Cantrell and Vic.

  “So what? You wanna dig them up and apologize to ‘em?”

  Gator’s expression hardened. “While you joking about that shit, those niggas had been down with the team from the onset. Kiam just killed them for no reason. That shit ain’t cool at all. I think Big Zo made the wrong call on this one,” Gator objected.

  “Well, if you want to question Daddy’s decisi
ons, you can do that the next time he calls you. Let me know how that works out for you,” she hurled over her shoulder as she headed to the bathroom to jump in the shower.

  Gator sat pulling hard on his cigarette. His forehead was creased as he thought about everything that had happened lately. Anger resonated in his gut. He was still caught in his feelings about the way Kiam was moving. He was on some real gorilla hustling. This whole transition didn’t sit well with Gator. But he was going to sit back and watch, and when Kiam failed Big Zo, he was going to be the first one to put that shit all in his face.

  Chapter 12

  A Boss Move

  Lissha was lying comfortably in her bed; it was 3:00pm the next day. The rain beat a soothing melody on her windows, welcoming her slumber. She had been up all morning hugging the toilet and calling Earl from the night out at the casino with her girls. Now her stomach and head were paying for her over-indulgence in the free drinks that had been provided to her and the crew. The only relief was in the fact that she had won seven bands at the black jack tables. How she had made it home without wrapping her car around a pole was a mystery to Lissha.

  She had just dozed back off when her phone began to ring. She didn’t look at it, she merely pushed it to the side, turned over and put the covers over her head.

  The phone rang back to back four times before she decided to answer. Pressing the send button on her phone to accept the call, she had already made up her mind to cuss out whoever was on the other end.

  “Yo, why the fuck you keep ringing this number?” Lissha growled at the caller.

  “Why the fuck are you hollering into the phone?” he replied, remaining smooth and unfazed by her grouchy attitude.

  “Kiam?” Lissha asked, pulling the phone back and checking the number.

  “Yeah, who did you think it was blowing you up?”

  “I didn’t recognize the number,” she said as she pulled the cover back over her head. “What’s up? Where in the hell is my car? You were supposed to return it three days ago.”

  “Don’t sweat that, I got you. Anyway, I’m on my way to pick you up. I need you to take a run with me real quick.”

  “Nah. I can’t leave the house right now. Maybe later.”

  “Ain’t no later, I’ll be at your house in twenty minutes. Get your shit together.” He hung up.

  “That muthafucka gonna be mad as hell when he get here.” She huffed, tossing the phone on the nightstand and closing her eyes.

  Thirty minutes later Lissha’s doorbell chimed loud enough to wake the dead. She felt like her head was about to explode.

  “Is this nigga serious?” she mumbled.

  Turning over on her back, she stared at the ceiling while contemplating if she should move or just lay there. Just when she was about to get up, her phone rang again. She snatched it up, checked the ID, and then threw it back on the night stand.

  “This nigga is crazier than I thought!” She slipped on a t-shirt and walked to the door.

  Her pressure went straight to the roof when he began pressing the bell like the jump out boys was after that ass.

  Lissha snatched the door open and gave Kiam the dirtiest look she could muster.

  Her appearance shocked him. Her hair was wild, her nostrils were flared, and the bags under her eyes looked like you could throw some clothes in them and take a trip.

  “Damn. You look fucked up,” Kiam remarked as he walked into her house like he was invited.

  Lissha stood holding the door knob tight in her hand in an effort to not go ham on him. “What do you want, Kiam?”

  “Fuck you mean what do I want? You act like I didn’t call and tell you I was on my way,” he casually stated as he took a seat on her couch. “It’s nice up in here,” he said, looking around.

  “Thanks,” she muttered insincerely.

  Kiam snorted. “Too bad, you fuckin’ up the good vibes with all that nasty attitude.”

  “I told you on the phone, I am not going anywhere. I don’t feel well. So if you could kindly raise your ass up off my couch, you can catch the door on the other side just as I’m slamming it,” she spat.

  “I’m not paying you no attention. Get your shit together and pack a small bag, we’re taking a trip.”

  Lissha stared out the door at the rain showering down her walkway. She wanted to go off. Instead, she took a deep breath and closed the door. “Where we going Kiam?” She asked dryly.

  “I need to meet that connect,” he announced, trying not to watch Lissha’s sexy legs as she passed him on her way to the loveseat.

  “We are not scheduled to see him until next week.”

  “There has been a change of plans. I need to see him tomorrow.”

  “Tomorrow? He’s in New York. That means we have to drive all night.”

  “Exactly, so get your shit together like I said ten minutes ago and come on.”

  Lissha just looked at him. She took his smug ass in real good. He had on crisp jeans, a black Ralph Lauren pullover shirt and fresh kicks that she had not purchased as part of his welcome home package. He was rocking a fresh haircut with a razor sharp line. Even when he was trying to piss her off, he was still sexy as hell.

  “Why you still sitting there?” Kiam lifted his eyebrow. He pointed toward the bedrooms for her to get it moving. Every time he spoke it gave her body a jolt of energy.

  The movement of his hands crossed Lissha’s line of vision and broke her train of thought.

  “Whatever.” She tsked, then slowly got off the couch and headed to her room.

  “Hurry up,” he yelled out behind her.

  Lissha’s response was to slam the bedroom door behind her.

  Unfazed, he called Faydrah.

  “Hey, baby,” she answered with excitement in her voice.

  “What’s good, ma? You miss me or what?”

  “Boy, get out of my thoughts,” she giggled. “I was just going to tell you how much I miss you.”

  Kiam settled further back on the couch and rocked his foot. “What you miss, me or what I did to you the other day?”

  “Both. Humph, I’m not going to lie. Matter of fact, I’ma need you do it again real soon.”

  “I got you, baby,” he promised, looking forward to that replay just as much as she was. “I gotta go on a short trip out of town but I’ll be back in a few days, and when I get back I’ma blaze it for you real good.”

  “You promise?” She sat behind her desk clamping her thighs together.

  “Yeah, and my shit already boned the fuck up. I can’t wait.”

  “Ooh, me either baby. I wish I could feel you inside me right now.” She closed her eyes and imagined him moving in and out of her with long powerful strokes. “Damn. Why you gotta get me all wet and I have a meeting in five minutes?” “I thought you stay wet?” he said.

  “I do for you,” she replied in a sultry tone.

  “Don’t make me come down there and bend you over your desk.”

  “Don’t be teasing me, Kiam.” He had her kitty purring. Unfortunately she had to get off the phone. “Baby, can I call you later?” she asked with regret.

  “That’s cool,” he said. “I’ll talk to you later, bae.” “Love you.” She blew him a kiss.

  Kiam ended the call and sat back silently hurrying Lissha.

  Lissha showered and got dressed. Sitting on her bed, she tried to get her mind right for the long drive and the unexpected drop in on their connect. Riz could be real extra sometimes, and Kiam was certifiable. She needed to be mentally prepared for the reality that she was about to put two beast in a cage and the outcome just might be death.

  Tucking a few pairs of jeans and tops in a tote bag, she released a long sigh. She then grabbed her toiletries, underwear and bras, and placed them inside the bag as well. She took a jacket out of the closet to carry along in case the weather up in New York was ugly. Finally she placed her Prada sneakers in a shoe bag and set it down on the bed beside the tote bag.

  She hit the closet safe an
d grabbed a couple bands and two credit cards, and put them inside her purse. She retrieved her .380 from the nightstand, checked its clip to make sure it was fully loaded, tucked it inside her purse and headed for the living room.

  When she emerged from the bedroom, Lissha was looking refreshed in a pair of light blue jeans, Fendi sneakers and belt to match. A brown tight fitting shirt that hung long in the back and was high in the front showed off a section of her flat, toned stomach. A double piercing accentuated her navel.

  Kiam’s eyes wondered over her frame. Her facial features where more pronounced with her hair pulled back in that neat ponytail and the loose fitting material of her shirt clung to her chest allowing him to see her pronounced nipples right through the bra.

  “Damn, nigga, take a picture it’ll last longer,” Lissha spat as she noticed him looking a little too long and hard.

  “Well, shit, when you left outta here you looked like a deranged killah, now you look more like America’s next top model.”

  “Shut up,” Lissha chuckled. She walked toward him and tossed the tote bag in his lap.

  Kiam stood up and moved to the door.

  Lissha followed behind him, set the alarm and headed to the car.

  The rain had stopped and the sun was attempting to peek through the clouds.

  Lissha sank into the seat, slipped on her shades, and reclined back.

  “We need to take 70 all the way over then get on 78. It’s pretty much a straight route,” she said, preparing to take a nap.

  “Yo ass ain’t going to be sleep.” Kiam looked over at her.

  “Why not?”

  “You’re a co-pilot. You better recognize,” he made known as he pulled off en route to the highway.

  Lissha just stared at him for a few minutes then looked away. She could see this trip was going to be pure torture. Before it was over she might have to choke the shit out of him.


  When they got to the Holland tunnel Lissha almost did a happy dance in her seat. She was ready for some good food, a hot shower and a long slumber.


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