Isabel's Texas Two-Step

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Isabel's Texas Two-Step Page 14

by Annie Bryant

  He looked at her with kind eyes. Elena Maria was spellbound.

  “As you cross the divide to adulthood, remember to be true to yourself. Always be kind, and let no one keep you from doing what you believe is right and proper. As you grow into your newfound freedom, never forget that along with it comes responsibility, to yourself, to your family, to the world around you.

  “Everyone present is here to support you on this journey. We have faith that you will become a model for others to emulate. And now, please stand, Elena Maria.”

  She rose, looking a little nervous, but I was so impressed by how graceful she seemed up there. Way to go, quinceañera! I cheered in my head.

  Father Miguel took her by the elbow and led her away from the trellis. He spoke to her in a voice that was inaudible to the audience. Elena Maria nodded several times, and broke into a smile that got bigger by the minute. Soon they were sharing a laugh. They hugged, and then he placed a gold chain with a ruby heart around her neck.

  “Let the dancing begin!” Father Miguel shouted. Everybody rose to head back to the house, but then something incredible happened. Enrique appeared from behind the barn, driving an old-fashioned cart adorned with garlands of paper flowers. Hitched to the cart was Rasquatch, dressed to the nines for the occasion with a top hat on his head and a ring of fresh flowers around his neck. He whinnied and scratched at the dirt with his hoof, causing a flock of robins to explode in flight.

  Elena Maria squealed and pressed her hands to her mouth. She had gotten her horse and carriage after all!

  I was the first to jump into the back, and found a seat on one of the hay bales. The rest of the honor court followed. “Aren’t you going to help me up, Andy?” an indignant Jill complained. Andy turned red as he reluctantly held out a hand to haul her into the cart. I had to bite my lip to keep from giggling out loud. So much for being mature adults now!

  Lastly, Elena Maria and Scott sat on the bench behind Enrique. He tugged on the reins and Rasquatch, frisky as ever, started a lively trot back to the house.

  The sky to the west was now ablaze with hot reds and oranges. The moon was a pale ivory, and the breeze that whipped through my hair felt fresh and cool. We pulled up to the front of the house and got out of the cart. We posed for photos and waited for the next phase of the celebration.

  Suddenly something about my sister caught my eye. She stared in the direction of the gate to the ranch. A red van had turned in and was headed toward us. It kicked up a curtain of dust as it raced to the house, and screeched to a stop when it arrived.

  Everybody watched in wonder as the passenger door was thrust open. Elena Maria’s best friend from Detroit, Deidre, stuck her head out.

  “Are we late for the party?” she yelled.

  Elena Maria shrieked and ran to her. More girls tumbled out, all friends from Elena Maria’s school back home in Detroit. My heart was in my throat as my eyes searched the visitors. And then I saw him. Dad came from around the front, dressed in a suit and looking like a prince.

  “Jorge!” my mother cried, and raced to his arms.

  “Papa!” Elena Maria and I yelped in unison. We practically flew up to him.

  Standing off to the side, almost unnoticed at first, was my mother’s best friend, Luisa. When Mom saw her she laughed in amazement and gave her a tight hug. It was the happiest moment I’d ever had.

  “Jorge, I thought…” Mom began.

  “We drove all day,” Dad explained. “The rain stopped just outside of Tulsa and I drove this rented van like a Nascar speed racer. I wanted to give you a surprise you’d never forget, mi ’jita!”

  The four of us looked at one another, almost disbelieving that we were together again. Dad hugged us as all the friends and family filed into the great room.

  “My mujeres,” he kept repeating. “I’ve missed you terribly.”

  Aunt Inez stepped out of the great room and signaled that it was time for Elena Maria to make her entrance.

  Dad tugged on the lapels of his suit. “Okay, girls. Let’s roll!”


  Starlight, Star Bright

  With my mother on my sister’s side, and me at my Dad’s, we stepped through the doors into the great room. I heard Elena Maria gasp when she saw the decorations. The papel picado banners twinkled like stars as the lights passed through the tiny cuts.

  Even the table centerpieces looked alive. As the candles in the tall clear vases flickered, the flowers and the little paper animals grouped around them seemed to move.

  When Elena Maria caught sight of the photos I’d taken and blown up with Xochitl, she gave me a mischievous smile. I wasn’t sure what her reaction would be, but she began to nod. She loved the pictures, and so did her friends. Lucky me! Isabel, personal photographer to the quince posse.

  The burst of horns and violins from a mariachi band caught me by surprise. The lights went low and a spotlight shone on the four of us. It was time for the shoes and tiara! I couldn’t wait to see how beautiful Elena Maria would look with her new gifts from our parents.

  I stepped away as Elena, Mom, and Dad walked to the center of the room, where a chair had been placed. She hugged Dad and sat. The guests cheered and clapped and the music got louder and merrier. Mom stepped forward, removed the ring of roses from Elena Maria’s head, and placed a sparkling tiara in its place.

  “My dearest firstborn, we wish you the happiest of birthdays. This is your night. May it be as unforgettable as the day you came into this world.”

  Dad stepped forward and kneeled as Mom handed him a satin bag with shoes. He removed Elena Maria’s flats, then took out a pair of delicate silk shoes with a modest heel. They were perfect! Elena Maria’s eyes opened wide and she gave him a huge grin.

  “May every step you take get you where you dream of going, no matter what you’ve got on your feet. Keep your eyes wide open, and just follow the signs,” he said.

  With the grace of an elegant prince, he placed a shoe on either foot. Elena Maria looked down at him, beaming. “I never knew you had such good taste, Dad!” she told him. Everyone laughed.

  “And now, I get the first dance,” he said to the crowd.

  The band started up. Dad took her hand and, as the music got going, the pair began to dance as if they’d practiced together for weeks.

  When it was over, the two bowed to each other, and then to the audience. The mariachis played in the background as Elena Maria, followed by Mom, Dad, and me, stopped at each of the tables to say hi to the guests. I was afraid this part was going to be really boring, but I actually started to have a great time chatting with all our relatives.

  The grandmas and grandpas sat together. Papa Margarito pinched my cheek, hard. Mama Maria and Abuelita Juanita cornered me. “So you are liking your new school in Brookline?” they asked.

  I thought for a second, then told them, “I’m very lucky, because I have a close-knit circle of friends. There are five of us—Charlotte, Katani, Avery, Maeve, and me.” I counted on my fingers. “And we watch out for each other. They’ve helped me feel less lonely. But I miss all of us living with Papa.”

  Abuelito José spoke up. “I am grateful my daughter has two wonderful daughters of her own to help her,” he said to me.

  Papa Margarito nodded. “Jorge is a good son and father. I’m proud of him. But I’m most proud of Esperanza. She’s shown tremendous courage during this difficult time.”

  “Oh, Margarito. Thank you,” my mother said, as she clasped his hand.

  Mama Maria turned to my mother’s parents. “You two have raised a remarkable daughter. I give thanks every day that my son Jorge has such a precious woman as his wife.” Then she took my hand. “You’re growing up fast, muchachita. Soon you’ll be exchanging your sandals for a pair of pumps. I know you’ll be ready.”

  “Thank you,” I whispered, echoing my mom. Mama Maria’s words made me feel more grown-up already.

  The mariachi band was done. I watched a whole bunch of musicians set up instru
ments on a stage area in the corner, and was amazed by the variety of instruments: guitars, drums, keyboard, horns, and, perched on a stand, a huge red accordion. Ricardo’s accordion! Was he going to play with the band? He hadn’t said anything to me about it.

  Suddenly it was time for Elena Maria’s court to perform the vals—our waltz. The background noise of people laughing and talking quieted. I took my place at the end of the line next to Ricardo. I wanted to ask him about the accordion, but that would have to wait. All eyes were on us.

  The girls truly looked like damsels from a royal court. Our dresses were cinched at the waist and our skirts swayed gracefully with every step. As part of his padrino’s duty, Uncle Hector had outfitted the boys in a neat Western style. Each of them wore a long coat with tails over pressed white shirts. A fancy string tie and gleaming black leather cowboy boots completed the look. They all looked great, but I was feeling way nervous. Would everyone remember the dance I taught them? Would Elena Maria even like it?

  The band began to play, and the waltz music began. When the right note sounded, it was showtime.

  Ricardo and I started the march, slightly swaying side to side as we moved to our spot on the dance floor. Every fourth step the couples stopped and did the steps I taught them, with perfect timing. Not one dancer was out of place. I caught sight of Elena Maria—she looked thrilled at my surprise addition to the waltz! I felt so proud I thought I would burst. When we were all in place, Elena Maria and Scott moved to the center.

  Scott looked tall, sharp, and ready to show off. He took Elena Maria’s hand and with all the skill of a seasoned dancer, whisked her around the floor. The two of them glided so easily you could have mistaken them for a pair of ice dancers. I guessed that he was a lot more confident after experiencing my superior dance counsel!

  The crowd clapped. They were a hit! Elena Maria looked as if she could not believe this was Scott dancing with her. I couldn’t believe it was him, either! At the end of the song he gave her a final twirl. She tripled her spin, and when he caught her they were face-to-face, definitely an unplanned move. Elena Maria was unsure of what to do next, but Scott took charge. He put an arm low around her waist, and dipped her. They must have snuck off and practiced together. Note to Avery!

  “Way to go, Scott!” I shouted. Elena Maria finally straightened up and the two faced the crowd and took a bow. The applause nearly drowned the cheers. They took another bow, then Scott raised his arm, stepped away, and gave Elena Maria the spotlight all to herself.

  She waited to speak until the crowd stopped whooping. The party had hardly begun and everybody was having a fabulous time.

  “I want to thank each and every one of you who traveled so far to be here. It means so much to me and my family,” she said. “Uncle Hector, Aunt Inez, Tony, Fonzie, Ricardo—your hospitality is bottomless. Thank you so much. I love you all.

  “Isabel,” she said unexpectedly. “Will you please come here?”

  I was nervous. What could she possibly want? I stood next to her, with the bright lights on me. I was so not like my friend Maeve. Being in the spotlight made me nervous. As I walked forward I nibbled at my lips. All I kept thinking was, Don’t trip. Please don’t trip.

  She brought out a basket and slowly took something out of it. It was a doll! My favorite part of the quince was here. It was really happening to me—my sister was giving me her last doll. I almost fainted, it was so beautiful. Dressed in a traditional folkloric dress from Mexico, the doll looked like a piece of art. Her hair was braided and wrapped with ribbons and piled on top of her head, just like my idol, Frida Kahlo.

  “This is for you, hermanita,” Elena Maria said as she handed it to me.

  My hands shook a little as I held it. This was no ordinary doll.

  “Thank you, Elena Maria,” I said. I was so overwhelmed that it came out in a whisper. I hugged her tight, but not too tight, so I didn’t mess up her dress and tiara. I knew then that I would always be in my sister’s heart, and she would be in mine.

  Feast for a Princess and Her Court

  A long table for Elena Maria’s honor court and all our grandparents was set at one end of the dance floor. The place had been magically transformed.

  The food table reminded me of an old-fashioned feast. Fidencia’s hard work had really paid off. I counted at least eight main dishes: red enchiladas, green enchiladas, chicken in a spicy mole sauce, barbecued steak, short ribs, chicken, tamales, chicken-stuffed flautas, and more.

  Some side dishes were so colorful they looked like candy. A large rice dish resembled the Mexican flag. The rice was arrayed in three stripes, green, white, and red. A sprig of parsley in the center made for a perfect national emblem.

  This was the greatest family reunion ever. I almost cried to see my father and mother seated next to their parents. All six of them looked so happy. My sister, surrounded by friends she hadn’t seen in months, was in heaven.

  “Isabel, would you like to help me?” my father asked.

  “Yes, Papa, whatever you’d like.”

  “Please ask one of the musicians for a cordless microphone. I’ll need one to make my speech.” He removed a crumpled sheet from his jacket pocket.

  I skipped over to the youngest musician, who was wearing a shiny gray suit. He looked sharp from his shoes to his head.

  He saw me coming and smiled. I thought I saw his brilliant white teeth actually flash a sparkle. He could have been a movie star from one of those old classic movies Maeve is always watching.

  “Do you need help?” he asked. His English was perfect.

  “My sister’s the quince. I’m a dama in her court of honor,” I explained.

  “You two look so much alike.”

  “Thank you,” I said. If I looked like Elena Maria did tonight, then I was looking good! “My father is about to make a speech. He asked if he could borrow a microphone.”

  “Of course.” He removed the mike from the stand and pointed to a button. “Just switch this to the ‘on’ position, and he’ll be heard for miles around. Got it?”

  “Got it. Thanks. Is this your band?”

  “Sí. I am Ruben de la Rosa. Do you like this music?” I was captivated by his eyes, which were so deeply hazel-colored they looked almost golden.

  “Yeah! I love to dance. What instrument do you play?”

  He pointed at his throat. “This is my instrument. I’m the lead singer.”

  “Who’s going to play the accordion?” I asked.

  “That belongs to Hector Ruiz’s son, Ricardo. He is a star pupil at the local Conjunto Heritage Workshop. I’ve asked him to sit in with us tonight.”

  “Cool!” I said. “I thought I recognized that accordion. Rico’s my cousin.”

  I ran back to the table and told my mother. “I just talked to the lead singer of the band!”

  “You were talking to the world-famous Ruben. He’s the most famous musician in all of Mexico right now. Like a total rock star,” she whispered.

  “How did they get him to come here?” I asked.

  “He’s somebody’s cousin once removed.” She winked. I stared at my mom for a second, then we both burst out laughing. She gave me a hug. “Oh, my. Get ready, my dear. There will be dancing till dawn!”


  Dizzy Izzy

  Friends, family, neighbors,” Dad began his speech. “May I have your attention, please? First of all I’d like to thank all of you for coming. The occasion of my elder daughter’s quinceañera is most special to me. Thanks to my in-laws for coming all the way down from Detroit, and to my parents for making the long trip from Mexico City to Texas.” He held a wineglass up to them. “Salud,” he said.

  “¡Salud!” the crowd shouted.

  “Next I’d like to shine the spotlight on my hermana, Inez, and her dear husband, Hector.” I thought I saw tears well in my father’s eyes.

  “Inez and Hector, through thick and thin, through good times and hard, you’ve always been there for my family. We are ha
ving an unforgettable time here. On behalf of Esperanza, Isabel, Elena Maria, and her friends, who through your generosity were able to participate, we say salud!”

  The crowd echoed him. “¡Salud!”

  “Lastly, to my first baby, mi muñequita, Elena Maria.” He raised his glass again. The audience got to their feet. “I wish you all the love, peace, and prosperity you deserve. We love you, mi amor. ¡Salud!”

  Everybody stood and repeated his toast. Elena Maria wiped a tear from her eye, and took the microphone from Dad.

  “Thank you, Papa. I want to give a big shout-out to my Aunt Inez and Uncle Hector. This party rocks! I never dreamed I would be surrounded by so much family and so many friends. I love you all very much. Thank you, thank you, thank you,” she said.

  “But more than anything, I would like everybody to know what an incredible mom I have. Mami, you’ve made all my dreams come true.” She blew a kiss in our mother’s direction. “One more thing. You,” she said, meaning me, “stand up.”

  I gulped and got to my feet slowly. She’d already given me the doll. What was this all about? “My little sister, Isabel, helped my mom make these wonderful paper decorations. She’s also responsible for putting a lot more drama into our stay here in Texas than I ever imagined. But she’s been at my side since I started planning for this event. Thanks for the being the best little sister ever!”

  I ran to her side. We collapsed in a hug. The crowd whooped, cheered, and clapped, and she whispered into my ear, “We did it!”

  “Now let’s have a party and dance!” she shouted to the room. Ruben the bandleader signaled, and a fanfare followed me to my seat. The band broke into a beat and he let out such a spirited howl, a grito, it gave me goose bumps. Just about everybody in the house stood up, raced to the floor, and starting dancing. The room was instantly in high-volume party mode. I spotted my sister and all the damas dancing and jumped from my chair to join them.


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