Must Love Falcons (Sable Cove Book 3)

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Must Love Falcons (Sable Cove Book 3) Page 10

by R. E. Butler

  “Seems like it. I’ve never heard of a witch having two familiars though, so I don’t know if she’ll really stay with me or not. She might just have come to help because I was in danger.”

  “Do you think Mother Gibson can answer that?”

  “I hope so.”

  Hadlee moved to stand, but Anders pulled her into his lap and kissed her. He cupped her face and looked into her beautiful eyes. “You’re everything to me, Hadlee. I just want you to know that I love you from the bottom of my heart and there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do to keep you safe and keep you with me forever.”

  “I love you too.” She put her arms around his neck and leaned in for another kiss, which he readily gave.

  They’d been through more in the last two days than most couples in the first decade of their mating, but he wouldn’t change a thing.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Note to self: There are sometimes silver linings to having one’s life on the line.

  “So sometimes,” Mother Gibson said, in between bites of a buttery croissant piled high with chicken salad, “a witch or warlock will qualify for a second familiar.”

  “Qualify?” Hadlee asked. She took a bite of the sandwich that Darla had prepared, and bit back a groan at how good it was. Chicken salad with diced apples and red grapes was her favorite.

  “You were in danger. The swan recognized you as her master and her protective instincts kicked in. You needed exceptional power to stop Lars from harming you and your mate, and that means two familiars.”

  “So she’s really mine?”

  Hadlee looked over at the swan who was sitting in a shaft of sunlight with Osiris sprawled out on her back. The two seemed to have become fast friends.

  “Yes. Once a familiar chooses, the choice cannot be undone except by death.”

  “Wow,” Kinsley said. “That’s freaking amazing. I had no idea that people could have two familiars. I mean, I don’t want to almost get killed by a crazy person in order to have one, but it’s still dang cool.”

  “What’s her name?” Anders asked.

  Hadlee smirked. “She didn’t say.”

  Kinsley snorted, coughed, and had to take a drink of lemonade in order to be able to talk. “Holy crap.”

  Anders’ cheeks turned scarlet and Hadlee leaned over and kissed him. “I was just teasing. The witch or warlock in charge of the familiar picks the name, unless the familiar already belonged to a witch or warlock and named him or her.”

  “Any thoughts?” Kinsley asked when she’d composed herself.

  Hadlee thought about the little black kitten familiar, that Delaney had named Flora. It was a weird twist of fate that Flora’s master was Zia, a nature fairy who was part witch and learning how to use her powers. It seemed fitting that Zia’s familiar had a flower name.

  “What’s a white flower?”

  “Baby’s breath?” Kinsley asked.

  “Ew. Next,” Hadlee said.

  “Rose? Or carnation?” Darla asked.

  Hadlee hummed and shook her head.

  Mother Gibson smiled. “Lily.”

  “Oh!” Hadlee said. “That’s perfect.”

  She leaned over and said, “How about I call you Lily?”

  The swan opened her eyes and lifted her head slowly. Then she honked loudly and flapped her wings, sending a startled Osiris zooming around the kitchen, the fur on his back straight up and a hiss in his throat.

  Lily came over to her and Hadlee petted her head. “Welcome to the family, Lily. I’ll get you your own bed.”

  “I’ll make it,” Darla said. “It’ll be just like Osiris’ except big enough for her.”

  “Maybe big enough for both of them,” Anders said, “since it seems like Osiris likes to sleep on her.”

  “If you ever want to sell pet beds let me know,” Kinsley said. “We could always use more merch.”

  “What’s merch?” Darla asked.

  “It’s short for merchandise.”

  “You just like shortening everything,” Hadlee said, shaking her head. “You think it makes you look cool.”

  “I don’t have to shorten words to look cool because I’m naturally cool.”

  “And delusional,” Venice said.

  “Hey!” Kinsley shouted, chucking part of a dill pickle at him.

  He snatched it out of the air and set it on his plate with a smile. “I just love teasing witches. It’s my favorite hobby.”

  “Just wait until I curse you and you wake up with a permanent unibrow.”

  “I second that,” Hadlee said.

  “Aw, come on,” Venice said. “Don’t magically gang up on me. Help me out here, Mother Gibson.”

  “You’re on your own, angel, with that smart mouth.”

  “Ha!” Kinsley said, grinning triumphantly. “Now about this curse.”

  Hadlee clamped a hand over her bestie’s mouth and said, “You better find her something shiny and expensive really quickly or you’ll end up with a weekly waxing appointment.”

  “And chocolate,” Kinsley said, her words muffled by Hadlee’s hand.

  “I think I just got taken for a ride,” Venice said. “But I don’t mind. You guys are family for me, and that includes you too, Anders. And Darla.”

  Darla nodded and said, “I was just thinking the same thing. It’s wonderful to have new people join our family.”

  “I feel supremely lucky,” Anders said.

  Hadlee released her hold on Kinsley when she licked her hand. “Dang it, woman. Don’t do that.”

  “Sorry. Not sorry.”

  “Now who’s going to wake up with a unibrow?” Hadlee teased.

  Kinsley slapped a hand over her forehead. “No! Not my eyebrows, I just got them the way I like them.”

  “I promise. Just don’t give Venice a hard time on the way home.”

  “Speaking of,” Venice said, pushing out his chair and standing up. “We should get back to Sable Cove. Now that the mystery is solved, you can all rest easy. I’ll send my bill in the mail.”

  “You’ll have to send it by carrier pigeon,” Kinsley said.

  “Now that I can do. Where does one find a carrier pigeon?”

  Hadlee shook her head and stood, hugging Kinsley, Mother Gibson, and finally Venice. “I better not really get a bill,” she said.

  “Let’s just leave it a surprise. You never know what I might do.”

  “Uh oh,” she said with a laugh. “Have a good trip home. I’ll see you all on Saturday.”

  “We’re going to throw you an engagement and mating party. It’ll be at the lighthouse. Cassian’s going fishing for you. Zia said the food he cooked for her family on the beach was amazing,” Kinsley said.

  “I love that idea. Thank you.”

  They walked her friends to the docks and said goodbye. Anders stayed with Hadlee until she couldn’t see the boat anymore, and then they turned to go back to the mansion.

  “It’s been a crazy day,” she said.

  “It has. I’m ready for a few quiet days, personally.”

  “Oh me too for sure. I hope nothing else crazy happens to us for a long time.”

  Anders swung her up into his arms and carried her into the house. She smiled when he started for the stairs. “Why Anders, whatever do you have on your mind?”

  “Just you and the bed. For the rest of the day and into the night.”

  “You have the best ideas.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Friday couldn’t come fast enough for Anders. He wanted to be officially mated to Hadlee and have her crowned as his queen. But the day was marred with some sadness. Thanks to his uncle’s obsession, his father wasn’t there to celebrate the most important event in Anders’ life.

  He moved through the master suite to the balcony and looked over the railing to see his people finishing the setup. A wooden stage sat near the edge of the yard overlooking the beach, where the elders would preside over their mating ceremony and then Hadlee’s coronation. Afterward, they’d ha
ve a banquet, and then he’d steal her away for the night to really celebrate.

  He tugged on the cuffs of his embroidered jacket, which was made from the same silk fabric as Hadlee’s gown.

  His stomach twisted with nerves. He was not a nervous male by any stretch, but his stomach had other ideas. It wasn’t that he thought Hadlee would get cold feet; he was absolutely positive she loved him as much as he loved her. But still...nerves seemed to be part and par for the course. He’d feel better once he saw her.

  There was a knock at the door and he turned from the balcony. “Yes?”

  “It’s me,” his mom said as she stuck her head in the door. “Oh! Anders, you look just like your father.”

  They met in the center of the room and embraced. “I wish he was here.”

  “Me too. He’s watching from the heavens and he’s so proud of you. I am too, of course. You’re the best son a mother could hope for, and I adore Hadlee. She’ll make a wonderful queen for our people.”

  Anders agreed. Even though she’d only been with him for a week, she was taking on the mantel of responsibility like she’d been born for it. The females all loved her, and the males respected her. It helped that she was a badass witch and always looked like she wasn’t in the mood to take anyone’s shit.

  “I’ve never been happier.”

  “That’s the way it’s supposed to be.” She pulled out a fabric pouch and reached into it, pulling out something Anders hadn’t seen since his father died—his wristwatch. She placed it on Anders’ left wrist and buckled the soft leather strap. “This was your grandfather’s. When he stepped down as king and your father took over, he gave the watch to him. Your father was going to give it to you when he stepped down, but he didn’t get the chance. I was holding it for him while he hunted, and even though you took over as king two years ago, I thought your father would appreciate me keeping it until you mated and then giving it to you for your special day.”

  “It’s perfect.” Anders turned his wrist to look at the watch. It had a black pearl face and gold roman numerals, and something he’d never noticed before: the number twelve was actually a tiny gold falcon. He rested his hand over the watch and thought about his father. “Thanks, Mom. The timing is perfect.”

  “Maybe you can give the watch to your firstborn son when he takes over.” She gave him a wink and a smile.

  “That’s subtle, Mom, thanks.” He rolled his eyes with a laugh.

  “You love the idea. I can see it on your face. You can’t wait to have a son, and I can’t wait to be a grandma.”

  “A son or a daughter,” he amended. “It doesn’t matter to me so long as we’re a happy and healthy family together.”

  “You’re the best thing that ever happened to me, after meeting your father of course. You’ll be a great husband because your father was a good example. You know his father was kind of a jerk to his mother.”

  Anders’ brows rose. “He was? I don’t remember that.”

  “Well, he treated her well in public, but in private he could be downright mean to her. She was pretty ornery herself, so she gave back as good as she got, but they weren’t all that happy together. I think maybe because of the affair before he mated her; I’m not sure she ever got over knowing he’d had a child with someone else. But anyway, your father said that he didn’t like how his dad treated his mom, so he was determined to be the exact opposite as a husband. And he wanted you to grow up in a house where your parents loved each other and showed it every day without reservation. He wanted you to be an even better husband than he was, and I have to tell you that the bar is really high.”

  “I’ll do my best.” For Hadlee, he’d do anything. He would one hundred percent be the best husband and mate to her. She deserved every ounce of his love and affection.

  “I know you will.”

  She twisted her wrist and looked at her watch. “It’s time for us to go. Are you ready to be mated and married?”


  They left the master suite and headed downstairs. Hadlee had spent the night at Devorah’s home. She said it was tradition that the bride and groom didn’t see each other before the ceremony. He’d hated every second after midnight and had trouble sleeping with her absent from their mating bed. And now, as it neared noon and the time drew close, he was half tempted to just grab her and race off for some private time.

  His falcon was in agreement.

  He and his mother stepped down onto the grass. The whole nest was gathered to watch the ceremony, seated on white chairs in rows on either side of a white aisle runner that led to the stage. The two elders waiting on the stage—Johann and Trell—were wearing ceremonial garments similar to what he was wearing. Johann, who was an ordained minister, would handle the combination mating and marriage ceremony, and Trell would handle Hadlee’s coronation.

  His mom hooked her hand over his arm, and he walked her down the aisle to the front row. She kissed his cheek and whispered, “I’m so proud of you.”

  He grinned and headed to the stage where he took his place next to Johann and waited for Hadlee to arrive.

  The music—provided by four falcons playing stringed instruments—switched to a grand-sounding ballad. The back door, which had been closed after he and his mom walked through, opened slowly and a curtain that had blocked his view into the house was drawn back. First Phoenix and Westlan appeared in the doorway and walked down to the grass. They turned and waited for Hadlee, having the honor of escorting their future queen to the stage.

  Hadlee appeared in the traditional gown of their people. It was a navy blue and silver off-the-shoulder gown. Her hair was lightly curled on the ends and her face was positively glowing. He thought she was gorgeous all the time, but she was radiant right now.

  And he was one lucky male.

  She met Phoenix and Westlan and walked toward the stage. The nest rose to their feet as she passed by. Her eyes were on Anders the whole time, the pretty brown depths glittering with happiness. She carried the traditional bouquet of their people—bluebells and falcon feathers tied with navy ribbon.

  When they reached the bottom step of the stage they stopped, and the music went silent.

  Johann said loudly, “Who brings this female to her male?”

  “We do,” Westlan and Phoenix said together.

  Hadlee smiled at them and stepped onto the stage. Westlan and Phoenix took their seats with Anders’ mom.

  Anders smiled at Hadlee and mouthed, “I love you.”

  She smiled and mouthed the words to him.

  Was this the happiest day of his life? Damn straight.

  Was he marrying the most beautiful witch on the planet? One thousand percent.

  Did he still want to haul her over his shoulder like a caveman and disappear for a few weeks? Most certainly.

  But he remained with her on the stage, repeating the vows of the mating and marriage ceremonies, promising to love her and protect her for the rest of his life.

  When the last “I do” was said, rings had been exchanged, and their vows were complete, Johann encouraged them to kiss, and Anders wasted no time pulling her close and kissing her with every ounce of passion he possessed.

  “I present to you,” Johann said, “Mr. and Mrs. Anders Barlow.”

  The nest cheered and Anders grinned at his mate. His wife. His everything.

  “I’m so happy my people kidnapped you.”

  “You know what? I’m pretty dang happy about that too.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Note to self: It’s good to be the queen. Very, very good.

  Hadlee would’ve thought the day was amazing enough just mating and marrying Anders, but then she was also going to be crowned queen.

  Like for real.

  Not pretend princess play like when she was a little girl and wore a plastic tiara and a tutu and told everyone to call her Princess Hadlee.

  Trell, who was presiding over the coronation, cleared his throat as he joined them and said loudly, �
��Today is not only a day to celebrate Anders finding his mate, but also his queen. The coronation of a queen for our nest is a sacred tradition, and I can think of no one better suited to rule by Anders’ side than Hadlee.”

  Johann stepped from the stage and returned a moment later with a navy blue velvet pillow that was covered with a silver cloth. He stood by Trell’s side.

  She smiled at Anders, who looked so freaking handsome she wanted to push him into a corner and have her way with him a time or two. From the crown on his head—covered with beautiful sapphires—to the jacket he wore that matched her dress, he was every inch a delicious male and she was so happy to call herself his.

  Johann looked at Hadlee. “My lady, are you willing and ready to take the oath?”

  “I am.”

  “As an elder of the Cygnet Island falcons, I will ask you these questions and you will answer. Do you solemnly swear to govern the people of this nest to the best of your ability and to uphold and honor our laws?”

  “I do.”

  “Do you swear to lead justly and honestly and be merciful in upholding our laws?”

  “I do.”

  “Will you stand by your king’s side and rule with him?”

  “I will.”

  Anders beamed at her.

  Trell removed the silver cloth and revealed the crown underneath. It was similar to Anders but more delicate—shining white-gold covered with sapphires.

  Johann took the cloth from him and Trell lifted the crown. Hadlee ducked her head a little and wanted to do a happy dance when the crown was set on her head. She straightened and smiled when Johann and Trell bowed at the waist.

  She faced Anders who took her free hand and turned with her to the crowd.

  Johann and Trell both said, “We present to you, Queen Hadlee.”

  The crowd shouted, “Long live the queen! Long live the king!”

  “Long live the queen,” Anders said.

  “Long live us both,” she said.

  * * *

  “How’s it feel to be queen?” Delaney asked on the video chat app. Her friends had watched the ceremony live-streamed, and then Delaney had called her after the receiving line had been finished before they all sat down to eat.


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