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SNAKE Page 19

by Leal, Samantha

  “All right,” Maurice said, just in time to help him forget his unwanted impulses. “You kids ready to order?”

  “Yup,” Jonah said, clearing his throat.

  When the food finally arrived, Lyla took a bite and studied him for a moment before smiling. “Did you hear about Betsy’s organization yet?”

  “Only what she’s written me,” Jonah said. “Not a whole lot.”

  “She’s kind of a big deal in Stonybrooke, you know.”


  Jonah wasn’t surprised. Betsy had always had big ambitions, and a bigger heart. He had expected great things from his older sister.

  “She’s done an amazing job at creating a community for people who otherwise wouldn’t have anything.”

  “Is that how you met?” Jonah asked, suddenly burning with curiosity about this beautiful woman across from him. Sure, he couldn’t have a relationship right now, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t have a friend. Besides, it was just a little friendly conversation over lunch. What could it hurt?

  “Yeah,” Lyla said, her ocean-colored eyes sparkling. She was breathtaking. Even more so knowing she wasn’t even trying to be. “Betsy was the greatest supervisor a girl could ask for.”

  “Ah, so you must be a good volunteer. Did you know my sister is very selective?” Jonah asked as it suddenly dawned on him that Betsy would only have been willing to hire Lyla if she was the best. And from the looks of the fliers and the stacks of material about Betsy’s organization, he had seen for himself how Lyla’s help had allowed Betsy to gain the courage to really ensure that her business was able to take off. Now, rather than just being not for profit, she was able to create jobs and increase the span of her work.

  “I do believe I am,” Lyla said, looking away from Jonah quickly. She seemed to have a hard time holding his gaze. Was he intimidating to her? It really wouldn’t be surprising. He wasn’t very used to entertaining women. He had spent the past three years undergoing grueling training and embarking upon, and succeeding at, strategic missions.

  “I’m glad you’re confident. It’s clear that you guys know what you’re doing here. Anybody would be lucky to get help from Shifters United.”

  Lyla laughed. “You sound like you’re advertising for something. Are you a charity mugger? Do you want my money?”

  Jonah grinned. “No, but it looks like you’re in the right business.”

  They grew quiet as they began to eat, and Jonah almost found himself regretting it when they were both finished with their meals and it was time to take the donations back to the house.

  “Thanks, Maurice!” Jonah said, giving Maurice nod as they left. Maurice beamed at him.

  “Come back soon, Jonah. We can catch up a bit.”

  “You can count on it,” Jonah said.


  “You really don’t have to do that,” Lyla said.

  Her protests were futile as the big box full of items going for auction were lifted from her hands and Jonah flashed her a brief, sexy smile. Her heart fluttered despite herself and she dug through the trunk, desperate to escape the bright rays of his handsome face.

  “Nonsense. What kind of man lets a lady carry everything right into his own house?”

  Lyla opened and closed her mouth. His logic was flawless, but still, she felt uncomfortable with Jonah feeling like he had to do anything for her.

  “You know, just because you’re a soldier doesn’t mean you have to protect me or do things for me.”

  “Actually,” Jonah said, closing the trunk for her once she pulled out the small basket of cosmetics. “That’s exactly what it means. Whether you like it or not, it’s in the job description.”

  Lyla exhaled. “Well, I’m the independent type. You don’t need to do anything for me.”

  “Sure, I don’t,” Jonah said. Lyla got a glimpse of his eyes in the sunlight. They were a clear, caramel colored brown, and they shone beautifully in the afternoon sun.

  They walked the donation items to the house in silence, each of them seemingly lost in their own thoughts. Finally, everything was where it was meant to be, and Jonah and Lyla stood awkwardly in front of the screen door.

  “Well, thanks for treating me to lunch,” Lyla said. It had been impossible to get her money on the table. Jonah had insisted on paying for everything, and had even offered on filling her car with gas before they had reached his house. It was all a bit much. She was used to the men in her life taking her money, not giving it to her. Everyone but her grandfather had been like that.

  “It was my pleasure,” Jonah said.

  “I bet it was nice to see everybody today, huh?” Lyla said with a soft laugh. “I can tell they all missed you.”

  “We’re a pack,” Jonah said, looking at her as if she were stupid. “Packs stick together.”

  “Yeah,” Lyla said, a twinge of jealousy in her stomach. Although she’d had her grandfather, she didn’t have a pack. Maybe if she had, she would be accepted as a shifter. But despite how she was raised, it didn’t matter to the rest of the shifters. She may as well have been born fully human.

  “Hey, I’m sure you’ll find your pack,” Jonah said, as if he could tell exactly what she was thinking. Was it that apparent on her face? “Sometimes, you have to make a pack from scratch, you know? It can be hard, but it’s always worth it.”

  Warmth coursed through Lyla’s body as Jonah’s eyes, normally hard and pensive, softened and his face lit up with a handsome grin.

  “Thanks,” Lyla said. They were words that elated her; words she had been waiting to hear but simply hadn’t yet. Somehow, a lot of their conversations already seemed to be that way. Jonah, seeing right into the depths of her soul, giving her insights that made her feel the very thing she had been living in Stonybrooke for two and a half years to feel. Accepted.

  “Well, it’s been great, but I’m afraid I have an appointment I need to get to,” Jonah said, the kindness on his face disappearing back into the dark, impenetrable expression that Lyla had grown used to. She regretted him leaving her like that. She wished the kind, open Jonah would stay out with her forever.

  “I understand. Thanks for all your help. Will I see you this weekend?”

  Jonah seemed to consider this for a moment before nodding. “Affirmative. I would love to be there to support Betsy…and you.”

  Lyla’s heart lurched, her body awakened by his words. She had the sudden and bizarre urge to feel Jonah’s muscular arms around her, holding her close. A kiss right now couldn’t feel sweeter…

  But before she could even register it, Jonah had turned right on his heel and disappeared up the stairs, leaving Lyla standing in the foyer alone behind him.


  “It’s worse than you thought, I’m afraid.”

  Jonah grimaced at the news. He could feel Nichols tense up beside him as the Elder of the council continued to speak.

  “The Serah Stone’s energy was located during a ceremony, but unfortunately, it is on the move. And the mine is growing deeper below Stonybrooke. I’m afraid there isn’t much more we can do. Our protection spells will only reach so far.”

  “I understand,” Jonah said quietly. “Where do you think it’s going?”

  “It’s got to be headed to Oak Mountain,” Nichols said. “It’s about two hours away from here by car.”

  “You cannot go after it,” the Elder cautioned. “There is a dire crisis now, in the mines. The bears have infiltrated. They will soon reach the sacred space beneath the city. If their ceremony is allowed to go on, the Serah Stone’s full powers will be activated.”

  “Where are the mines?” Jonah asked urgently. There was still time to save Stonybrooke. All the shifters’ lives were in danger.

  “They’re about a mile north of here. I can send someone to lead you to the entrance, but you should be able to use your nose from there. I will not risk the lives of any of our men. Not yet.”

  “That’s perfectly fine,” Jonah said. “This is why we’re here.
It’s our job now.”

  “Will you have anyone else working with you?” the Elder asked, his gaze lingering on Nichols unkindly. “I know not all bears are bad, but…”

  “That’s our business to worry about,” Jonah said quickly, irritated by the prejudice of the Elder. Yes, they had more troops ready to call in to organize if things got messy, and sure, it was true that bears often caused trouble for wolf shifters, but it didn’t mean they were all bad. He was getting good and fed up with stereotypes. What did it take to bring equality to shifters of all origins? Nobody could help how they were born, could they? Did that mean they were worthy of discrimination and hatred?

  “All right then, boys,” the Elder said, walking away dismissively. “I trust you to take care of this little problem. It’s not as if your careers are at stake here.”

  Jonah’s chest tightened with rage, but he knew he couldn’t say anything. The Elder was technically his superior. He had to obey the laws of the pack just as much as he had to obey the rules of the SEALs. And, in this case, that meant he had to swallow his anger, and hold his tongue despite the ignorance of the Elder who was throwing his weight around and threatening Jonah’s job.

  “I’ll have the boy meet you right here,” the Elder called, making his way slowly to his vehicle. “Don’t you two go anywhere.”

  “Yes, sir,” Jonah said, exchanging a secret look of loathing with Nichols, who was clearly seething. The poor guy was more or less a gentle giant. The Elder probably felt threatened by Nichols, both for being a bear and because of his size. But that wasn’t going to help anything; especially not if they were his best chance of getting help for a delicate situation.

  “Jonah! Look out!”

  Just as the Elder’s car drove off into the distance, a deep growl sounded from behind Jonah, sending a shiver down his spine. Jonah dodged just in time as a heavy paw crashed down above him. Instead of striking him in the head, he was fast enough that the bear only sliced down his shoulder.

  “Shit,” Jonah growled, looking down at his sleeve. “This was my good shirt!”

  “I’ve got this,” Nichols said. “I owe you for the last time.”

  “I’ll check the area, make sure this isn’t some kind of an ambush,” Jonah said, backing away from the fight just as Nichols let out an ear-piercing roar.

  Normally, Jonah would have loved to stick around and watch Nichols fight. It was truly a pleasure; the man was a brilliant animal. His strategy was probably why they had selected him for the Navy SEALs.

  Jonah’s hackles raised and he whipped around just in time to catch a bear’s claw in the face. A deep growl rose in his throat and before he knew it, he had transformed from his human form into his wolf form. He lunged at the bear, sinking his teeth deep into the bear’s neck. It unleashed a powerful cry of pain, but just as he was trained, Jonah held tight until the bear’s strength began to weaken.

  Finally, he could feel the last bit of resistance leave the bear’s body as it sank to the ground, lifeless.

  Jonah bounded quickly to the site where he had left Nichols, pleased to find that he, too, had eliminated the threat. They wordlessly agreed not to wait any longer for the boy that the Elder had promised to send, both of them wondering the same thing.

  Had they been set up?


  “I don’t know about that, Lucas,” Lieutenant Gregors said gruffly.

  Jonah didn’t like the idea that the Elder had ambushed them much either, but he had to consider all possibilities. Still, the Lieutenant seemed to have much more confidence in the Council than Jonah apparently did. Hopefully, it wouldn’t be perceived as mutiny.

  “I know, sir. It’s just within the realm of possibility,” Jonah said with a heavy sigh.

  “Are the two of you all right? Were there any injuries?”

  “Nothing notable,” Jonah said. “I did lose my best shirt, though. My sister will kill me for that.”

  “So it is nothing notable? We don’t want to elicit suspicion from anybody. Not even your sister.”

  “No, sir. It’s really nothing. If anybody notices, I can just say it’s an old injury.”

  “All right then, Lucas. Well, I can anticipate that you will be able to follow protocol, of course.”

  “Of course, sir.”

  “I’d like the two of you to avoid the mines until reinforcements arrive. Is that understood, Lucas?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “All right. Stay in touch.”

  Gregors hung up and Jonah let out a heavy sigh. He had been hoping to eliminate the threat in the mine as soon as possible, but if the bear shifters somehow knew they were coming, then chances were high they would be anticipating a fight. That meant waiting for the rest of the squad would be essential. As much as he hated it, he would have no choice.

  “I can’t believe this,” Nichols said, pulling his shirt out of his bag and putting it on. “I was ready to get this shit over with once and for all.”

  “I know, man,” Jonah said. “Trust me.”

  “I guess this means we’re going to have to keep waiting.”

  “Just until the guys get out here. But today is shot, for sure. They might have had someone there who saw them and ran back to warn them. It would put us all in danger to try anything stupid.”

  “Yeah. I guess we’re just going to have to wait it out.”

  “Let’s head to the inn. The guys should probably know about this.”

  “All right,” Nichols said. “But I can’t go into Stonybrooke. I’m trying to win the trust of the bear shifters out here, you know?”

  “Does that mean we should spar?”

  Nichols grinned.

  “You’re on.”

  Nichols began to shapeshift into his bear form and Jonah couldn’t help but smile. It had been a long time since they were able to have some fun; and fun with a purpose was the best kind to a man like Jonah, who thrived on discipline.

  “Tap out if you have to,” Jonah teased, just as his body began to shrink into its wolf form. If he injured Nichols enough, they would be able to blame the whole massacre on Jonah and buy Nichols some fast trust. This was going to be fun.


  “Lyla, this is the most people we’ve ever had here!” Betsy exclaimed, gripping Lyla’s arm excitedly. Betsy’s auburn curls bounced off her shoulder as she turned her head around to look at the banquet hall, filled to bursting with bodies.

  Lyla smiled sardonically.

  “That might have everything to do with your brother being back in town,” she said, nodding her head in Jonah’s direction.

  He was standing by the stage, looking delicious in a snazzy, form-fitting black and white tuxedo. A small crowd of people were swarming him, and Lyla felt a twinge of jealousy in her stomach as Cameron laughed loudly, gripping his bicep under her long, pink fingernails.

  “I can’t believe that woman,” Betsy said, though her voice was much more good-natured than Lyla was feeling about the whole display. “She’s always trying to get her hands on the next most eligible bachelor.”

  “You’d think he was a piece of candy or something the way she’s looking at him,” Lyla said bitterly.

  “Well, you know Cameron. She’ll do anything to make herself feel better. Always sees herself as the belle of the ball. It was a bit much during school, really. She caused a lot of drama. Always wanting to be the center of attention.”

  “I bet,” Lyla mumbled.

  Another harsh pale of laughter erupted from Cameron’s pink-made up lips and, to Lyla’s relief, Jonah extracted himself from her claw-like grip and made his way back toward Betsy. Once he was standing right in front of her, Lyla’s irritation faded and all she was left with was the comforting scent of Jonah’s gentle cologne.

  “Had enough of Cameron, did you?” Betsy asked with a laugh. How could Betsy be so calm about it? It was disgusting! Then again, it was Lyla who was consumed by jealousy, not Betsy.

  “She’s always been a little too much for me,”
Jonah said, his eyes settling on Lyla. They lingered upon her. “You both look beautiful tonight.”

  A surge of heat swept through Lyla’s body, and she swallowed hard, unable to deny the vivid chemistry between them. Her shifter blood may have prevented her from being able to shapeshift, but she still had heightened senses. And according to those senses, there was something between them. Something raw. Powerful.

  But when Betsy laughed at Jonah’s comment, denying it and returning the compliment, Lyla was able to get a grip on herself. It was unlikely that Jonah would actually be the kind of man she could let into her life. And even if he was, that would mean risking the most meaningful friendship she had ever had.

  “I can’t believe how successful this night has been so far,” Betsy said, changing the subject and distracting Lyla from her thoughts. “I’m actually really looking forward to the auction.”

  “It’s going to be great for your organization,” Jonah agreed.

  “Oh!” Lyla exclaimed. “I should be getting the merchandise ready for auction. It’s almost time.”

  Jonah seemed disappointed; at least, Lyla wanted him to be disappointed, just as she was, and Betsy nodded.

  “I’ll be up there in about twenty minutes. Try to get everything organized while I get everybody ready to open their pocketbooks.”

  “You want them to donate, you should get Jonah to do the auctioning,” Lyla half-joked. “You’d probably get Cameron to empty her purse on the floor in front of him.”

  Betsy laughed softly, but it was clear she didn’t like to talk badly about anybody, even the town gossip. Pack pride was strong within them, and again, Lyla couldn’t help but feel jealous. Sometimes, she just felt so left out without a pack of her own to protect her. Sure, Betsy cared for her as a good friend would, but that didn’t make it any easier to be left out during times like this.


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