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SNAKE Page 94

by Leal, Samantha

  She missed him, she realized. She had not been herself since she returned from her trip, and she had even quit her job because everything that used to interest her, suddenly did not.

  Her friends were worried about her; according to them, she had been moping around, as though her heart had been broken, since they got back from Spain and they didn’t understand it or like it. But try as she might, Sage could not dredge up much interest in anything. Flowers seemed dull and lifeless, work was a monotony she had to escape by resigning, even her usual evenings with the girls hardly appealed to her. Maybe because she hadn’t told them she was pregnant. It didn’t help, either, that Brent had been inundating her with calls since she returned; apparently, he had had a change of heart. Well, as far as she was concerned, he could take his changed heart and shove it!

  Lately, she had taken up her one true passion; painting. She painted on large canvasses, from morning till night; bright, bold, exotic colors that reminded her of Spain and a passionate dark-haired lover with smoldering eyes as black as night.

  On impulse, she ripped away a canvas she had been doodling aimlessly on for days and placed a fresh, blank, paper on the easel. She impatiently grabbed the tendrils of blond hair falling all over her face and did them up in a haphazard knot at the very top of her head, knotting it firmly and holding it securely in place with a rubber band.

  Sage closed her eyes, letting her mind drift over the streets of memory. Images of Raven, lying peacefully atop the bed, his eyes shut in slumber, floated through her mind and she licked her lips slowly, almost feeling his lips on hers.

  With a sigh, she let her brown eyes flicker open and with that image in her mind’s eyes, she started to paint, drawing large, bold brush strokes across the blank canvas, enjoying the feel of the brush beneath her hand as she drew him from memory. She must have sat there for hours, but it felt like mere minutes; when she looked out of the window though, night had fallen.

  With a sigh, she turned away from the canvas, not stopping to admire her work as she strolled toward the kitchen for a snack. This baby would have her fat in no time, she thought. She had been eating every chance she got of late when she wasn’t puking her guts out, that is.

  She grabbed a jar of peanut butter from the kitchen cabinet and used a spoon to scoop some out of the jar. She licked the spoon, shutting her eyes in bliss as the tangy flavor of the peanut butter hit her tongue.

  A knock at the door drew her attention and with a weary sigh, she headed toward it. As she passed the partially open curtains of the living room, she spied Eden’s Yaris parked outside.

  “Eden, you really need to get off my back,” she sighed as she opened the door.

  She froze.

  Eden and Beth stood on the doorstep with identical wary expressions on their faces; behind them stood Brent, sweating profusely.

  Sage glared at the trio, disbelief and betrayal roiling through her. “What is this?”

  “Sage, hear him out,” Beth began.

  Eden was nodding vigorously, her large green eyes earnest in her pretty face. “You do need to hear him out. I chewed him out when he came to us, but he’s sincere.”

  “Just as he was sincere the last time he strolled off with Jessamine on his arm after calling me fat!”

  “Sage” Brent began.

  “No! You don’t get to say my name,” she cut in icily, swinging her head around to glare at him. She must have moved too fast because, suddenly, she was dizzy. “I’m going in to sit down,” she declared weakly.

  “Are you all right?” Beth asked, concern etched on her small face.

  “You two muttonheads may come in if you want,” she declared. “But Brent, if you so much as set one foot past that door, so help me, I will chop it off!”

  Brent paled, sweat standing clear on his upper lips. Then, just when she thought she would have to physically shove him out, dizzy or no, he mercifully turned around and skulked away.

  As she watched him leave, Sage couldn’t help comparing the twerp to Raven and she wondered for the umpteenth time what she had ever seen in Brent Davies; the man was not in the same league as Raven. Heck, he was not even in the same stratosphere!

  Another wave of dizziness assailed her and she turned away and slowly walked into her living room, sinking onto the nearest sofa and shutting her eyes.

  Eden and Beth followed her worriedly, identical expressions of guilt etched on their features. They were so worried they left the front door wide open, but Sage was too busy trying not to keel over to notice.


  “I need to rest, please.”

  “You don’t look good, honey. What’s wrong? You’ve been acting weird since we got back from Spain and you keep saying nothing’s wrong,” Beth said, biting her lip.

  “The man didn’t have something you caught, did he?” Eden asked, sounding even more worried than Beth.

  Sage stifled a laugh. She had caught something all right, but not the way Eden meant. “Right on the money,” she said derisively.

  Her friends paled and exchanged glances.

  “That bastard! He infected you with something?” Eden whispered in disbelief.

  “I caught something from him all right; I caught his sperm.”

  They both paused, confused.

  “That doesn’t make sense, Sage,” Beth said gently, in case Sage was losing her mind.

  “I’m pregnant,” she said quietly.

  The shock on their faces was so comical Sage actually began to laugh. She sat up, feeling the dizziness pass as she enjoyed the expression on their faces.

  Beth recovered first. “Oh my goodness, that’s amazing! It is amazing, right?” she asked cautiously, watching Sage’s face.

  Sage nodded, her blond curls dancing around her face. “It’s the best thing that has happened to me in years.”

  Eden was still speechless.

  “And who’s the father? Brent or Raven?” Beth asked.

  “Raven, of course. Brent hadn’t touched me in months before we split. You haven’t said anything,” Sage noted, looking over at Eden.

  “Oh, she’s said a lot,” Beth assured her. “On the inside.”

  “So have you told Raven?” Beth asked, her eyes shining.

  “No, and I don’t plan to. And speaking of, what were you thinking, bringing Brent here?”

  “You had been moping around since we got back and we just thought the breakup hit you harder than we realized. Little did we know, you had gone and fallen for Raven!” Beth said.

  “I don’t want to talk about Raven. I don’t even want to think about him,” Sage declared, rising to her feet and pacing, unaware of the tall, silent man who had strolled in the door.

  “Is that why you painted a giant picture of him?” Eden asked saucily, finally recovering her vocal cords.

  “I was going to ask the exact same question myself,” someone said bitingly from the doorway.

  All three friends turned in horror to see Raven Hawthorne standing just inside the living room, his face alive with wrath as he glared at the life-like painting of himself gracing the easel.

  It was all too much, Sage felt herself slide helplessly onto the floor as darkness overtook her.


  “Sage? Sage!”

  Sage’s eyes slowly flickered open, but when she looked up straight into an arresting pair of midnight black eyes, she almost slid right back into a dead faint.

  “Raven,” she breathed, his name like a prayer and a curse on her soft lips.

  “Yes,” he affirmed as he leaned back and slowly helped her to sit up.

  Sage looked around the room; Eden and Beth were gone.

  “Where are my¾”

  “Gone,” he informed her shortly. “I had them exiled.”

  “What¾What on earth did you do that for?” Sage sputtered furiously, looking about as though she expected the other women to somehow magically reappear.

  “I needed to talk to you in private,” he sai
d reasonably.

  Sage’s tongue flickered out nervously and she licked her lips, her eyes huge in her already pale face as she stared at him and waited.

  She saw his dark eyes follow the motion of her tongue and darken immediately with reaction.

  “Where is it?” he demanded, his hand stretched out.

  Sage stared at him. He had gone to all this trouble to track her down for a mere watch? Angry color suffused her face. She was angry at herself. When would she learn? She was nothing to him apart from a convenient receptacle for his lust during the occasional holidays.

  Angrily, she struggled to her feet and marched over to her bedroom. In mere seconds, she was back, the wristwatch in hand. She slapped it into his palm and immediately stepped back out of reach.

  She was too preoccupied with her own disappointment that she didn’t notice the one blazing in his dark eyes. Even though he had known she’d taken it, he had somehow held out hope that she hadn’t.

  “Why?” he asked, staring at her now.

  Sage shrugged, refusing to meet his eyes as she folded her hands around her mid-section to keep from doing something absolutely asinine, like reaching for him. “Keepsake, nothing more,” she said.

  Her nonchalance infuriated him. For the two months since he had seen her, he had been living life on the edge, like a man with a death wish. He had become such a ruthless business man that his success had tripled, even though he had managed to at the same time destroy some competitors so completely that one of them had taken his own life. He felt dirty, unclean, as though he had become the sort of businessman his father had been.

  “Why did you creep out of my bed in the dead of the night like a common doxy returning to the wharves?” he asked unkindly.

  Sage’s eyes widened as she gasped in shock. Then before she thought better of it, she swung her palm in a wide arch and slapped his face as hard as she could. His head snapped back with the force of the hit and she felt a bitter surge of satisfaction sweep through her.

  His eyes shut as he prayed for patience. He opened his eyes to see her glaring at him, unrepentantly, her blond hair scattered around her head like a damn halo while her lips trembled with the effort it took her to hold in her tears.

  He had hurt her, he realized, and genuine sorrow swept through him. Whatever else she might be, he didn’t want to hurt her.

  He reached for her, but she stumbled backwards out of reach, almost falling over in her haste to avoid his touch. “Don’t you dare lay one bleeding finger on me!”

  His anger returned. “Why? Because, apparently, all I have to do is touch you and you’re wet and ready?” he asked.

  Her face whitened as she recognized the words he flung so carelessly at her. She had whispered those exact words to him that night in Spain in the throes of passion.

  “How dare you?” she whispered, her voice trembling with unshed tears.

  “Oh, there’s nothing both of us wouldn’t dare,” he said, indicating the watch in his hands.

  Her eyes lit on the now-hated piece of jewelry. “You got what you came for. Now take it and get out of here.”

  “I also came to find out if you’re as delectable as I remember, Miss Talbot,” he said silkily.

  “It’s Tariq,” she corrected unnecessarily. Of course he knew her surname. He wouldn’t have found her otherwise. “How did you find me?”

  “The next time you decide to fleece some poor geezer you fucked out of his wits in some foreign country, you might want to remember that there’s such a thing called airport cameras.”

  She swore and let fly with her fist again.

  This time, he deftly caught her small palm in the air and hauled her against him, pulling her flush against his body.

  Her breath whooshed out of her at the first contact of her soft, plaint body against his hard male frame and she stiffened defensively in his arms. His lips came down hard, punishingly, on hers, kissing her so brutally that tears stung her eyes.

  Then he relaxed a little and softened his kiss. His tongue penetrated her mouth tenderly and tangled with hers in a wild, exotic dance. Sage moaned under the sensual onslaught he was weaving around her and her arms automatically wound around his neck, her hips already undulating in anticipation.

  His large palms caressed around her back, down to stroke her ass, before gliding around to touch her breasts.

  Deftly, he guided her back onto the cushions and his palm slowly began to massage her breasts.

  Sage shut her eyes in ecstasy, drifting helplessly in the sensual web he had woven. She held onto him, moaning and groaning in his arms.

  His hands slipped beneath the loose waistband of her shorts and he slowly inserted one finger into her wet, pulsing pussy. His eyes fastened on her face as his finger began to caress her, making her gasp and pulse in his arms. Sage groaned, her hips rising to meet his caresses as he drove her higher and higher; faster. Her hands clung to him, her eyes flying open in disbelief as she began to soar in a matter of seconds, her legs bucking as she came and came in waves of pulsating pleasure.

  He made to rise, but she grabbed his arm and shamelessly pleaded, “No. I want you. I want to feel you inside me. Please.”

  That was all the encouragement he needed. His fingers deftly unbuckled his belt and undid his fly. His huge, thrusting penis sprang free immediately, turgid with arousal.

  “Are you sure?” he asked her one last time, ever the gentleman despite the roaring in his blood.

  “Make love to me!” she ordered, almost wild with need of him.

  Raven removed her shorts and panties in one deft move and positioned himself atop her, careful to bear most of his weight on his elbows. He entered her with one sure, swift stroke and Sage cried out with pleasure.

  He groaned, pleased with the tight feel of her wet pussy around his hard dick. His hard masculine hands tenderly caressed her soft silken thighs as his moist tip sank to the core of her soft wetness. Then there was no more time for rational thoughts; he was moving, thrusting in and out of her repeatedly, his hips hammering away at her pussy as he drove them both closer and closer to the edge. His hands roughly kneaded her breasts, his dark eyes scanning every inch of her skin as he loved her so thoroughly that every cell in her body vibrated with need.

  Sage cried out as pleasure rose higher in her and then she screamed his name, a low keening sound as she shattered in his arms. Raven watched her face, enjoying her pleasure. When she had finished, he increased his tempo, going faster and faster.

  His dark eyes met and held hers, as he too began to buck and cum, spilling his seed straight into her waiting pussy.

  When he was finished, he rolled away immediately and gasped, “We need to learn to use protection one of these days. There could be consequences.”

  Sage shot him a wry look, battling with the urge to tell him that there were already consequences; she would say ‘consequence’, but seeing as the good doctor had confirmed that she was carrying twins, she didn’t think the singular appellation would work.

  “Um, Raven? We should talk,” she began shyly, licking her lips as she struggled unselfconsciously to her feet. Somehow, Raven made her feel good about her body; he loved her breasts and he was crazy about her ass and hips and just about every part of her. She blushed anew as she recalled the way he had made wild, sultry love to her in that hotel room in Spain. She absolutely had to tell him about the babies, she decided as she watched him. Whatever else he might be, he would be a good father, she thought.

  Raven buckled his pants and did up his zipper before he looked over at her, his eyes cold and lifeless. “There’s nothing to talk about, Sage. You gave me back my watch. Oh and don’t worry, I won’t be pressing charges for the theft,” he said.

  “I didn’t¾” she began, intending to let him know she only took it to remember him by.

  But he didn’t let her finish. His dark eyes flicked to the sofa where they had just made love and he said harshly, “I think this was payment enough. I won’t be pressin
g charges.”

  And just like that, he spun on his heels and strode off with the causal unconcern of someone just leaving the beach.

  As Sage watched him go, dry-eyed, inside her, what was left of her heart quietly died as all the love she felt for him hardened inexorably into hatred.


  Raven flung an arm over his eyes, cursing beneath his breath as the telephone on the bedside table rang repeatedly. Since last night, he had been in a foul temper; he had called himself ten kinds of fool. He didn’t want to admit it to himself but he loved Sage, which was why her betrayal had hurt so much.

  But that had been nothing compared to how he’d felt when he had seen the hurt on her pretty face when she had realized he had only made love to her out of vengeance. That was what he told himself, but a part of him knew he had made love to her because he wanted¾no, he needed¾ to have that memory with him for the rest of his life. She was like a virus in his blood; he only had to shut his eyes and she was laughing gaily up at him in his mind’s eyes, her brown eyes twinkling and sparkling with health and vitality.

  She had looked a bit wan, he remembered, with a worried frown; and this was before she had even seen him, so he didn’t think that was from the shock of his appearance. Her taking his watch had made him feel used, which had hurt to no end.

  “You really are ten kinds of fool, Raven old boy. She and her friends were just out for fun, flashing strangers in the street for, Pete’s sake! And you had to hand over your heart like a damn idiot.”


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