Just One Bite Volume 5

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Just One Bite Volume 5 Page 8

by All Romance eBooks LLC

  Nestled against his searing skin, Andrea curled to the left as he leant forward to kiss her neck so fiercely it was as if he wanted to devour her. Reaching up, she curved her fingers around the swell of his chest, marvelling at her surprise at not feeling a heartbeat.

  “I told you I’d give you what you want.” The last words became lost after shimmering along her tongue as he moved to her mouth.

  Locked in a kiss that seemed to have no end, the couple were lost in each other and Andrea felt like they were merging as he lifted her off her feet.

  “I want to be your concubine,” she admitted breathlessly after their lips parted.

  “Ah, selfish and insatiable,” he whispered huskily, warming her face with his breath as he held her with arms like boa constrictors squeezing the air from her lungs. “You make me proud.”

  Lucifer laid her in front of the fire, every item of clothing vanishing before her back touched the floor. His naked body, solid with muscle, weighed against her to pin her down and leaving her elated by the sensation of being deeper under his control. The broadness of his frame forced her legs apart, his frighteningly large shaft pressing against her inner thigh.

  A whimper muffled by his bruising lips confirmed her desire, entwining her tongue with his in a passionate tussle. Her hands slid across his broad back with the force of her tightened embrace, her fingers becoming talons with her need to hold onto him.

  Lucifer gave her what she wanted, demanding and focused in his need to satisfy his own lustful desire for pleasure. Each move he made, from nestling between her thighs and pounding deep was as solid as his frame, were driven by strength and vigour worthy of his status. Nothing within her sexual experience could have prepared her for the feeling of him entering her, his thick shaft spreading her open to mould her body perfectly to his. Led by the lip of the smooth head, Andrea felt every ridge and vein of his swollen cock and delighted in every one. They fit together like they were made for each other—two pieces of the same item. A hot, tight flash of delicious pain streaked through her, searing ecstasy powerful enough to lift her hips and bodily raising him with her.

  The rolling sensation was like the waves of an increasingly choppy sea, flooding her with a deep feeling of pleasure that took control of her body, setting her quivering out of control as she rocked with him. Relishing her struggle to breathe, Andrea felt as if her organs were becoming molten lava, melting into Lucifer’s body to make them become one.

  The flames of the fire leapt and roared as an explosion erupted deep within her, battering her soul with pure joy, sapping her strength in a concerted attempt to leave her completely spent. Her climactic cry echoed through the great hall, far louder than the low roar released by Lucifer as he surrendered to the rapturous. Her chest heaved with heavy pants as her body throbbed, lacking the energy to do anything more as he rolled to her side. As the scent of sweat, sex and sulphur mingled to fill her head, there was only one question on her mind. However, Andrea’s body was subject to tumultuous sensations of bliss that prevented her from forming the words to voice it.

  With one strong hand, Lucifer gripped her jaw to turn her to face him, his solid frame weighing against her side. “Don’t fret, Andrea,” he growled in a low rumble. “I told you I would give you whatever you want.”

  Giving her lips a firm kiss, Lucifer laid his head on her breasts as if she were a pillow, not seeing the gleaming smile and eyes so glossy they reflected the fire. He only felt her contentment, making him proud that it matched the level of his.

  His For the Taking

  by Angelita Gill

  “I trust you realize you are a dead man.”

  Sitting on the dirty floor of his black dungeon cell, head hung, elbows on knees, Marex barely acknowledged the guard’s cursed statement. His eyes squinted when small halos of light began to flicker in the pitch blackness.

  He lifted his head. “Lighting with a torch? This place is so old you guys don’t even have light bulbs?” he said as the overweight guard began to light fire lamps along the wall of the hallway aligning his cell.

  “No electricity in this god forsaken place,” the guard said as he moved from lamp to lamp. “You’re in an abandoned castle out in the middle of rural Scotland, what did you expect? The Elders know how crafty your friends can be. Here, you’re untraceable.”

  “If you don’t want me to be found, then why are you bothering to light the place? Trying to give me some ambiance before I’m executed?” Marex sneered.

  The guard’s voice carried down the hall as he shuffled his feet. “Because you have a visitor.”

  The words barely registered in Marex’s mind as anything to get excited about. He was being held prisoner by the Vampire Elders for a misdeed he never committed, about to be sentenced the following evening. They had no mercy for traitors...or, who they had believed were traitors. He’d been framed for murdering a respected Elder, a crime he’d rather slit his own throat than commit. For his enemies knew, and despised, how close he was to forming a truce between Vampires and Werewolves. It had to take considerable planning and inevitably a betrayal to get him in here. He wished he knew just who exactly did it.

  He rose to his feet for his “visitor,” secured to the wall by a two separate chains connected to his wrists.

  The long creak from the dungeon’s door sounded in his ears and he frowned in disdain.

  The guard and the mystery guest approached his cell. “Here he is. Are you sure you want to do this?”

  Marex moved his gaze. His visitor was wearing a hooded cape, face unseen in the dimness of the hallway.

  “I’m sure. Leave us.”

  To his shock, it was a woman.

  He watched as she handed the guard a roll of cash, which the guard snatch it from her hand before opening the cell. “I have to lock you in with him.”


  Perplexed, Marex kept his back erect as she glided in and stood across from him.

  The guard slammed the door shut, snickering when he saw the woman give a slight jump. “You’ve bought yourself fifteen minutes.”

  Marex stared hard. A subtle scent of her trailed to his nose, linked with something that whispered of familiarity but he knew, even without seeing her face, he didn’t know her. He growled low. The scent ignited his blood like a struck match to a flammable liquid, the effect making his teeth aching to grow, aching to bite.

  The far door of the dungeon closed. The guard was gone.

  He snarled at her. “Who are you?”

  “Someone who wants to be close to you, Marex. You can say a friend.”

  “A friend?” he drawled. “Somehow I find that highly unlikely. How did you get in here? Besides promising the guard a bundle of bills? Bribery alone on that moron isn’t enough. I am a high priority prisoner. You’d need connections. How did you get them to agree to this—visit?”

  A hand came from the folds of the cape and she smoothed back the hood from her head. “What a simple female wouldn’t pay to lie with a male of pure blood.”

  Marex gave a small, very involuntary gasp, then bit down hard on his jaw.

  By God, she was breathtaking.

  He’d seduced many with same characteristics, but none of them came close to her. She had curly, long, blondish-reddish hair—he couldn’t really tell in this light—and big, round eyes the color of...he marched toward her, held inches from her face by the limited length of the chain. Eyes the color of a clear day. His attraction to hair the color of sunset, eyes like bright sky, never ceased to withdraw. The combination was a damn addiction.

  The subdued light of the dank space gave her an ethereal glow and if Marex hadn’t been sure he was still alive, he would have definitely thought he was dead, and that she was an angel. “You talked your way in here to seduce me?” His brow arched, voice tinged with sarcasm.

  “Yes, and I paid considerably for it,” she said in a hushed whisper, leaning to see if the guard was anywhere near. Her eyes came back to his with a serious gaze.
“Actually, my name is Nadine. I made up a story about wanting to seduce you. It was the only way I could get close to you without suspicion. I had to create a whole new identity, name, and cash out my accounts just for these fifteen minutes.”

  Marex was incredibly confused, and he prided himself on being quick. “What’s going on?”

  “Shh.” She stuck out her leg through the long slit of her dress, showcasing a length of alabaster skin against the dark, burgundy material. Marex looked away with a slight growl, his teeth burning in his gums.

  “I knew they would search me for weapons so I all could bring was this,” she explained, bringing his attention back to her leg. “It’s the closest thing to a key I could make.”

  A key? He couldn’t believe it. “You’re here to help me escape?”

  “Yes, of course,” the siren said as if it were blatantly obvious from the start.

  Marex wanted to laugh out loud, but she did not appear to be joking. “Who sent you?”

  “No one.” She continued unfastening the key from a ribbon around her thigh.

  This must be a prank. Maybe he was hallucinating. “You’re here to rescue me from a death sentence, under the pretense of having sex with me, with a key you manufactured, and no one sent you?”

  She gave an impatient sound. “Yes. Now quit asking questions I can answer later. Give me one of your wrists.”

  Instead of complying with his wrists, he snatched both of hers. “You’re out of your mind. Even if we manage to get out of this cell, we’re on their territory. It’s too risky. There are guards outside. Dozens of them. There could be alarms.” He grit his teeth. “This was foolish.”

  She yanked her wrists out of his hold with surprising strength. “You think I dared to come here without a plan?”

  He lowered his chin. “Tell me it. Now.”

  “Before I even approached this place, I had a crate of whiskey sent to the guards. Because they know they would be in trouble helping a female get close to a prisoner, they kept the shipment a secret. Your guard doesn’t seem to be partaking in it, but it doesn’t matter. They’re taking turns right now swimming in my drugged liquor. A family recipe.” She crossed her arms. “As for the alarms, there are none. The castle is too old to bother with high-tech security. They rely on the guards and the dogs. Both have been handled.”

  Ah, right. The trained wolves. He didn’t want to ask how she managed to get rid of them, too.

  “Why are you risking everything for me?” he asked. It was the obvious question. They had never met; she wasn’t sent by anyone he associated with. He had to know.

  “A long time ago, I was engaged to be married,” she said. “You aren’t the first vampire to want to unite Werewolves and Vampires. My fiancé was involved with the same kind of truce many years ago. Before he could get close, those opposed to the truce hunted him down and left him for dead. By the time I could get help, it was too late. My fiancé was a good man, just like you.” She took a step toward Marex and he took an equal step back. “I know you were framed for the murder. You’ve gotten closer than any vampire before you. You have to stay alive and finish what you started.”

  Out of all the things Nadine said, the fact she had belonged to someone had him the most distracted. Sharp, senseless jealousy speared through his heart. He would’ve laughed if the feeling weren’t so absurd. His teeth grew with the unwelcome emotion, heart pounding with hot pumps, hands shaking.

  Just then, the door of the dungeon was opening.

  “Oh no,” she whispered in panic. “He’s coming back. Hurry.” At Marex’s questioning gaze she untied her cape, letting it fall to the floor, gestured for him to come closer and said, “You’re supposed to be giving me mindless pleasure, remember? Take me.”

  The last two words struck him blind with lust, instantly hard in his pants. With a feral sound, he pushed her against the wall, lifting her knee to hook her leg around him. She gasped as he hoisted her up. He crushed his mouth to hers, the taste of her igniting an unstoppable force as he slid his tongue inside, his sharp teeth scraping the tender lips of her mouth.

  She moaned, searing her fingers over his jaw to grasp behind his head, kissing him back with such ardor he thought his whole being would cave in and explode. He broke the kiss with a growl to look into her eyes. Never before had he ever seen them, but the familiarity was not to be denied. He’d seen these eyes before...

  He pumped his hips against her, making her cry out, making her feel his hard desire.

  Her eyes glazed, she scrambled to move her hands down to his waist, desperately pulling his pants down over his ass, setting his erection free against the open juncture of her thighs. From somewhere behind him, he heard the guard’s steps echoing down the hall.

  Mindless pleasure was easy to perform when a female looked and felt like this.

  Breathlessly, she kissed him again, moving her hips up, the slickness of her sex rubbing on him, making his eyes roll in the back of his head. He cupped her knee and pretended to rock inside her luscious body with quick thrusts as the guard approached the bars. It took everything Marex had not to turn around and grab the bastard, rip his throat out, and watch his life blood spill on the floor for daring to look.

  Seconds later, the guard grumbled something and walked back. The slam of the door should have made Marex stop, but he couldn’t. Not yet. He had to taste her...

  As if she knew, Nadine broke the kiss and turned her head to the side, exposing her throbbing pulse to his eyes. Marex shook his head quickly to contain the carnal need to rip into her flesh.

  “It’s all right.” Her breath was laboring. “I dreamed about this. I want you...”

  Needing no more confirmation, Marex bent his knees, held her leg open to the wall and entered her with hard precision, biting into her neck at the same time. She cried out at his force, taking in the size of his engorged cock, as he began to thrust slowly with a possessive moan, rocking inside her against the stonewall. His eyes widened on the truth he tasted. Her hot, potently rich blood filled his mouth and in an instant, Marex knew she was his.

  His and his alone.

  She held his face to her neck as they moved together in perfect unison, hips moving away and toward each other with every thrust. Marex groaned against her neck, swallowing her sweet blood, necessary and divine, feeling the power it gave him, the absolution. Nadine whimpered, giving a small cry as he pumped into her again and again, her cries louder as he took her blood, her body. Her hands tightened on his neck as she gave one long cry of bliss in his ear, reaching her orgasm. Marex thrust faster, taking a long swallow of her blood, then releasing his bite from her tender neck, licking the trail of blood he’d left behind. Deeply he moaned, his muscles shaking, his whole body humming with Nadine’s blood rushing in, intertwining with his.

  All mine, he thought.

  At his final thrust, he threw back his head and cried out as the climax paralyzed him body and soul, spilling into her with final claim.

  Slowly, they came down from the ecstasy and Marex gently slid out from her body, eyes locked with hers.

  He stepped back, pulling his pants up, hands on hips, breathing hard. “You are my mate.”

  Nadine nodded and touched his bite with her fingertips. “I know.”

  Marex had heard of such bonding. One bite would tell you all, but he’d scoffed at the rumor for all of his four hundred years. But he now knew its truth. Unable to stop himself, he rushed to her, grasping her face in his hands, kissing with her with plain relief and fierce devotion.

  She was right on time.

  He tore his mouth away from hers. “We must go.”

  She nodded, fumbling around for the key.

  He held out his locked wrists and she went to work with deft skill. Marex didn’t know how much time they had left, but he was sure it wasn’t more than five minutes.

  The first lock on his left hand released and she moved to the right one.

  He marveled at how calm she was, how confident. H
ow she didn’t fumble or get frustrated easily when the second lock proved to be more difficult than the first. Her inner strength matched his outer, and together they would be unstoppable. She was definitely meant to be his.

  “Did you love him?” Marex found himself asking.

  Immediately, she knew he was referring to the vampire she was going to marry. “No. He was a good man. But...he was not you.”

  He knew she was telling the truth.

  Her hands slowed and she raised her eyes to his. “I have dreamed about you all my life. For years I searched and searched but you were nowhere. Eventually, I made myself ignore the dreams. So I cast aside my search and became engaged to a man I didn’t love, but then he was taken, and killed. When I started to hear your name, who you were, what you were doing, it echoed in my mind endlessly. The dreams became vivid...with more force this time, more detail. Then I knew. I couldn’t save my fiancé, but I could save you. Because I had to.”

  The second lock released and clattered to the floor.

  Now he knew why Nadine’s eyes were so familiar. He’d seen them in his dreams as well. Always haunting him until he woke. No wonder every time he met a woman with eyes similar in color, he took her without question. He’d been subconsciously looking for her, too.

  Marex whipped his profile to the sound of the door opening. The guard was on his way.

  He grasped her upper arms, their lips nearly touching, keeping his voice low. “This will be our only chance, Nadine. As soon as he unlocks the door and lets you out, I’ll rush in on him.” He bent down and picked up the chains so that they appeared to be holding him when the guard came to release her from the cell. For the first time, he saw concern in her eyes. “Don’t worry,” he told her gruffly, “you will not go on without me.”

  Nadine kissed him quickly, with passion and loyalty, making him moan when she broke away. She picked up her cloak and tied it back around her shoulders, smiling wickedly at him before replacing her hood to conceal her face. Marex hid his own smile as the guard approached with grunting ambivalence.

  “Was he worth it?” he asked as Nadine took steps toward the bars.


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