Claimed for Their Use

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Claimed for Their Use Page 4

by Ivy Barrett

  “You may not realize what you know.” He rolled his shoulders, trying to release the tension gathered there. “The others must be questioned before they’re released.”

  “And me?” A bit of the fight returned to her eyes. “What are your plans for me?”

  “You aren’t going anywhere until we figure out why touching you drives us crazy.” Her only response was a hesitant nod, so he stepped back and motioned toward the dining hall.

  Without hesitation, she slipped past him and joined her friends.

  Dare stayed in the hallway, fighting back his need to claim her. Rook hadn’t exaggerated. The urgency was overwhelming. Erotic images swam through his mind and his body burned. It had been years since they shared a female, using their combined skill to push her boundaries and intensify the pleasure for all of them. Yet they needed to find out why they were reacting this way to a human. For all they knew, giving in to these urges could be harmful, dangerous. They needed more information, and they needed it fast.

  It took Dare another few minutes to control his body well enough to enter the dining hall. The women congregated around one of the round tables. They’d left a chair empty, which surprised him. They were uncertain about what would happen next, but they didn’t seem to be afraid of him. Rook would find that insulting, but he wasn’t Rook.

  He slipped onto the chair and looked at each woman in turn. The young one met his gaze with more spirit than she’d shown in the shuttle. Why would so timid a female become a carnal companion? It made no sense.

  As if hearing his contemplation, Jessica said, “Four of us have valid contracts, but Erin needs to be returned to Earth immediately. She is here against her will.”

  So the young one’s name was Erin. She was lovely, when her eyes and nose weren’t reddened from crying. Her hair was a fascinating mixture of copper, gold, and bronze. The thick mass shimmered, catching the light with each movement of her head.

  “How did you end up in Mexico?”

  Jessica started to answer for her, but Dare stopped her with an upraised hand.

  “I want to hear it from Erin.”

  “I was at a bar with some friends and someone slipped a sedative into my drink.” Her voice shook and she nervously rubbed her arms, but her eyes remained clear and bright. “I was really dizzy, so I went outside to see if fresh air would clear my head. The darkness closed in fast. When I woke up, I was being loaded into the back of that truck. I don’t remember any of it, but I lost almost two days while I was unconscious.”

  Kidnapping was a serious crime among the Ventori. In fact, abusing females in any way could cost a defender his life. “You left the bar alone, even though you were feeling ‘really dizzy’?”

  Her eyes narrowed and gleamed, annoyance making them appear especially blue. “I’m not an idiot. One of my friends took me outside and I don’t know what happened to her. I’m afraid whoever kidnapped me might have hurt her or taken her too.”

  Her fears were founded. If someone was ruthless enough to kidnap a young woman, they wouldn’t hesitate to harm another. “I’ll look into it. When and where did this happen? What’s your friend’s name?”

  “It happened last Friday night in Austin, Texas, and her name is Kyla Harms.”

  The transport hub where they had been taken was in El Paso. “Are all of you from Texas?” He looked around the table and everyone shook their heads. That was surprising. Generally carnal companions were sent to the transport hub nearest their recruitment center. “Where were you recruited?” Each female listed a different city and none of them were in Texas. “Then why were you in El Paso?”

  “Damn good question,” the female on Jessica’s left said. She had light brown hair and dark, soulful eyes. There was something about her that seemed inherently sad. “My name is Nikki, by the way. I was recruited in Seattle. That’s half a continent away from El Paso.”

  “Where were you inducted?” Each carnal companion underwent a physical examination, was given a barrage of vaccinations, and sat through a basic orientation before she was released for service. Induction centers were often in the same building as the recruitment offices. If not, they were always nearby.

  “I was inducted in El Paso, which I found extremely odd,” Nikki explained. “My cousin joined the CCP five months ago and she was inducted right there in Seattle. So why’d they send me halfway across the country?”

  Odd indeed. Anything out of the ordinary could be the clue needed to unlock the mystery. “Do you remember the name of the doctor that examined you?”

  “There were two of them,” Nikki told him. “A human female and a Ventori male.”

  “Me too,” Erin cut in. “The man’s name was Narrm, Himen Narrm, or something like that.”

  Dare narrowed his eyes. Hienam Narrn had a mixed reputation. Some felt he was brilliant, a medical trailblazer, while others found his ideas and methods reckless, even dangerous. “And the human female?”

  “Dr. Nunez,” Jessica supplied. “She never said her first name.”

  “The male doctor called her Roberta.” Nikki looked around the table. “Was everyone inducted in El Paso?” The other women either nodded or offered a verbal confirmation, then Nikki turned back to Dare. “You think the doctors had something to do with our kidnapping?”

  “I’m just gathering information.” He thought about the possible reasons for the change, but couldn’t come up with anything specific. “Induction usually consists of a routine examination, a series of injections, and the holographic orientation. Is this what happened to each of you?”

  “Define routine examination,” the plump blonde directly across from Dare said.

  “Nothing invasive. Scans, a visual assessment, that sort of thing.”

  “They took blood and tissue samples,” the blonde explained. “I thought it was sort of strange, but they told me the tests were mandatory.” She pulled up her sleeve and showed him the wound in the side of her upper arm. “After they cut me, they told me to rest while they analyzed the samples. They returned with this disgusting concoction they made me drink. Dr. Nunez said it would boost my immune system and keep me from losing muscle mass in space.”

  Dare shook his head. None of that made sense. “Our ships have gravity generators. Losing muscle mass isn’t an issue. Did this happen to everyone else?”

  After the others confirmed that it had, Dare activated the subdermal control band in his forearm and requested a commlink with Rook.

  “This is Rook, go ahead.”

  The transceiver stimulated the auditory center in his brain instead of the mechanisms of his ear, so the females couldn’t hear the conversation. “When you return, bring Dr. Baytor with you. Each of these women was tested in ways that make no sense. We need to figure out why.”

  “Copy. We’re on our way.”

  When Rook strode through the archway a few minutes later, all the females turned their heads. Dare wasn’t offended by the motion. The authority and purpose in Rook’s demeanor demanded attention. Lynt Baytor followed Rook into the dining room, his expression cautious, watchful. Dr. Baytor might be unusually reserved for a Ventori, but he was highly skilled and competent. Besides, he’d proved his loyalty over many years of mutual service. Both brothers trusted him implicitly.

  “What’s this about unnecessary tests?” Baytor asked as he reached the table. He spoke in English, in deference to the females no doubt.

  “Is there any reason a tissue sample or blood test might be necessary to clear a carnal companion for service?” Dare asked, also in English.

  Baytor’s confounded expression said it all. “Absolutely not. Basic scans will detect diseases or any sort of infection.” He looked around the table, but spoke again to Dare. “These females were tissue tested at an induction center? That’s unheard of.”

  “By Hienam Narrn.”

  “Shit.” Rook shook his head. “The high command should have shelved that bastard a long time ago.”

  Dare agreed, but dwelling on Na
rrn wouldn’t give them the answers they needed. He looked at Dr. Baytor and asked, “Can you figure out what they were testing?”

  “Unfortunately, it will require more tests,” he warned.

  “You can run them on me,” Nikki said impatiently. “We need to know what this is about.”

  The others echoed her offer, but Baytor shook his head. “Let’s start with—what was your name?”

  “Nikki Romano.”

  “Let me start with Nikki. If her results don’t reveal their purpose, I might need to include more subjects.”

  Everyone seemed satisfied with that outcome, so Dare switched to Ventori. “Rook and I have both had a strong reaction to one of the females.”

  “What sort of reaction?” Baytor began to study Dare as if he were a specimen.

  “We’re both in rut,” Rook said with his characteristic bluntness. “I think she’s our mate.”

  Dare approached the subject with a bit more decorum. “What do you need to determine if Rook is correct?”

  “I received a report from Dr. Feylon Leer a few days ago. Apparently, this reaction is not isolated. I haven’t had time to study his data, but I’ll do so now. A basic scan will determine if you’re actually in ridonous, but blood samples of all three will be needed if you’d like me to delve into the specifics.”

  Rook squared his shoulders and walked over to Jessica. “We need a sample of your blood. Will you allow it?”

  “Why do you keep singling her out?” Defiance sparked within Nikki’s dark gaze. She was nearly as protective of Jessica as Jessica was of the redhead. Dare found the dynamic interesting.

  “It’s no big deal, Nikki. We all agreed to the tests.” Jessica scooted back from the table and stood. “Can he do it here or do I need to go to wherever he came from?”

  “I can draw your blood here,” Baytor assured her. He pulled an auto-extractor out of the small bag he’d brought with him and drew blood from Jessica, Rook, and Dare. He also used a handheld scanner to collect essential data.

  The other females exchanged confused looks, but no one questioned the development.

  Once the doctor finished, Dare looked at Rook. “Are the cabins ready?”

  Rook nodded. “Laura and Olivia will share cabin two C.” Rook motioned toward the curvy blonde and the brunette beside her, but Dare wasn’t sure which one was which. “Nikki and Erin are assigned to two B. Dr. Baytor, escort Nikki to her cabin as soon as you’ve finished with her tests.”

  “Of course, sir.”

  Rook looked at the only female who didn’t yet have a cabin. “Jessica, you’ll stay in two A.”

  Dare fought back a knowing smile. Two A was the commanders’ cabin, the cabin he shared with Rook. But the women didn’t know that.

  “Which cabin is yours?” Nikki wanted to know.

  Apparently, they weren’t as oblivious as Dare thought.

  Rook didn’t answer. Instead he swept his arm toward the archway. “I’ll show you to your rooms. Let’s go.”

  Chapter Three

  Jessica’s heart was pounding so hard she could hear the thudding in her ears by the time they reached cabin two A. Rook escorted the others to their cabins first. Nikki had offered to let Jessica share cabin two B with her and Erin, but one glance at Rook warned Jessica not to accept.

  “I’ll be fine.” Her voice didn’t sound as convincing as she’d have liked, but Nikki reluctantly accepted the decision and went into her assigned cabin.

  Jessica only caught glimpses of the other two cabins, but cabin two A was obviously larger and more luxurious. The door slid closed behind Jessica and the Fortar brothers. Her heart lodged in her throat. Dare had followed Rook into the cabin. She wasn’t sure if she was comforted or intimidated by his presence. Pods always shared women, so Dare was likely expecting to participate in… whatever Rook had planned.

  They stood in the middle of the main living space. A small table with four chairs had been arranged to her right, an armless sofa with two matching chairs to her left. The bedroom, or bedrooms, must be through the adjacent doors. She wasn’t sure if Dare shared this cabin with Rook. He hadn’t asked permission to enter, so it seemed likely.

  She looked at Rook, saw the possessive hunger in his eyes and shivered. “I don’t belong to you. My contract is with Layhee pod.” The reminder had backed off Dare in the corridor, but Rook just shrugged.

  “I spoke with Gontar Layhee a short time ago. I challenged him for the right to buy out your contract and he chose to forfeit rather than fight me.”

  Dare laughed, obviously understanding something about the situation that wasn’t clear to her.

  “I’m not worth fighting over.” She glared at Dare. “Why is that funny?”

  “It’s not a reflection on your worth, I assure you,” Dare stressed. “Rook trained Gontar Layhee, and hundreds of others. My brother happens to be the reigning champion in the yearly combat games. He has held the title for the past seven years. No one will accept a challenge from him.”

  “Wonderful.” She hated the waver in her voice, but several deep breaths didn’t steady it. “What happens now? Do I get a say in any of this?”

  The corners of Rook’s mouth tilted up, hinting at a smile without making him look quite so smug. “Fortar pod wins by default, which means you have the next thirty days to decide if you’ll accept our contract.”

  She swallowed hard, but her mouth had gone dry making it hard to speak. “I know how the thirty-day clause works. I have to stay here and… willingly serve you while I make up my mind.”

  Rook stalked toward her, gaze intense and penetrating. “Does that frighten you?”

  “No.” Despite her claim, she backed up as he advanced. Dare positioned himself behind her, abruptly ending her retreat. “Layhee pod seemed more easygoing, more…”

  Dare’s strong arm banded her middle and Rook lightly grasped her chin. “The connection between us is inescapable. I know you feel it too.” His gaze shifted up and to the side. “Now that you’ve touched her, do you understand my resolve?”

  “Oh, yeah.” Dare’s breath stirred her hair and warmed her scalp. “This is going to happen. The only question is when.”

  She wiggled, tugging on Dare’s arm in a futile attempt to free herself from his hold. Their scents, familiar now, yet distinct, swirled around her and rolled through her, stirring reactions nearly as powerful as a physical caress. “You can’t touch me unless I agree. The contract is clear. You can’t force me.”

  “We have no intention of forcing you,” Rook assured her, sounding insulted by the charge. “I find the idea repulsive. In fact, until we know more about what’s causing this attraction, we’re not going to fuck you.”

  She wanted to be relieved by the news, but her body ached too badly. Her mind might be resisting the sudden changes, but her body had already surrendered. “If we’re not going to fuck, why put me in your cabin?”

  “Because we’re going to touch you and taste you, make you come over and over, until you’re too weak to move.” Rook’s voice grew deep and rumbly as the list progressed.

  Excitement shivered through her torso and her core clenched so hard she groaned. “How is that any different than fucking me?”

  “Our seed won’t be absorbed by your body, so any chemical reaction should be minimized,” Dare explained.

  “Wait,” she cried. “What chemical reaction? I don’t understand.” It was a stall tactic as much as a request for information, but their persistence seemed almost irrational. Why had they suddenly focused on her? What made her different from the other human females?

  Rook moved his hand to her neck. His long fingers curved around the nape while his thumb stroked her jaw. “We have reason to believe you’re our mate. If we’re right, fucking you will start the bonding process.”

  “And what does that mean?”

  “Bonding triggers chemical changes in your body, and in ours,” Dare told her. “Your physiology will gradually fine-tune itself, maximizing
the chances that you can one day produce offspring with us. Our bodies will change in much the same way.”

  “Offspring?” She shook her head, her hair swishing against Dare’s chest. “I’m not sure I ever want offspring.”

  Rook bent and brushed his lips over hers, not really kissing her, just warning that he’d run out of patience. “This is about pleasure. Nothing more.”

  Dare’s arm slid up under her breasts and his thumb gently caressed the outer swell, igniting her senses. The light rasp of his beard against her temple made her restless and hungry. She wanted to feel those whiskers brushing over her breasts and against her inner thighs. “We can smell how wet you are, so don’t pretend you don’t want this.”

  “I don’t want it.” Suddenly her voice sounded firm. She twisted and tugged until Dare let go. “I want my own cabin. No, I demand it.” Her refusal was irrational while her body burned for the release they promised, but she would not give in without a fight. Rook hadn’t even asked what she wanted. He’d decided her fate and just expected her to accept it.

  Rook grasped her shoulders, his grip firm but careful. “I don’t tolerate lies. Your musk is so strong it’s making us dizzy. If you have a legitimate reason for not wanting this pleasure we will listen, but disinterest is not the problem.”

  “You don’t know what I want,” she snapped. Neither did she. That was the crux of the issue. “You didn’t bother to ask. You know nothing about me.”

  His fingers tightened for an instant, then relaxed without releasing her. “Fine. I’ll ask. Do you want us to touch you, to lick and suck on your sweet pussy until you scream from the intensity of your release?”

  She crossed her arms over her chest, knowing her nipples would give her away. “I want that badly, just not from you.”

  His eyes narrowed and a growly sound rumbled in his throat.

  Why was she provoking him? Dare had warned her that lies would be punished. Her mind came grinding to a halt. Did she want to be punished? Was that why she kept pushing him? No, that was insane.


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