Claimed for Their Use

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Claimed for Their Use Page 18

by Ivy Barrett

  It was obvious he wouldn’t bend, so Jessica decided not to provoke him. “Thirty days,” Jessica stressed instead. “They only agreed to endure this process for thirty days.”

  “‘Endure this process’?” the chancellor laughed. “What the hell has Fortar pod been doing to you? Clearly, they don’t know what they’re doing or you wouldn’t be so argumentative.”

  “I’m not arguing for myself. I’m concerned about the others. One in particular.”

  “Do you mean Erin, the virgin?” the chancellor asked.

  “Please don’t refer to her like that. She’s a lovely young woman, and she was kidnapped. She did not agree to any of this.”

  “We’re aware of her situation. Unfortunately, she has twenty-three pods with a compatibility index above eight point three. I can’t possibly send her back to Earth. Her potential mates would simply follow.”

  That was so unfair to Erin. Jessica squared her shoulders and raised her chin. “Are you really unable to control your own men?”

  The chancellor’s gaze narrowed and he motioned LeAuntiez forward. “Bring Rook to me. I’ve had enough of his mate’s disrespectful mouth.”

  LeAuntiez nodded, acknowledging the directive. Then he strode from the conference room without even glancing in her direction.

  Tension coiled in the pit of her stomach. The chancellor didn’t seem angry, just impatient. Still, she felt like she could have handled the situation better. She didn’t want this to blow back on Rook and Dare, so she tried to smooth things over. “I’m sorry my attitude seems disrespectful, Chancellor Savator.” She lowered her gaze and spoke in a soft, respectful tone. “I’m simply worried about a friend.” When he didn’t reply, she raised her head just far enough to look at him.

  He stared at her silently, gaze intense, yet inscrutable.

  LeAuntiez returned a short time later, Rook trailing in his wake.

  Rook moved to her side, then clasped his hands behind his back and waited. Was he not allowed to speak until one of the council members addressed him?

  “Your mate requires discipline, stern discipline. Her boldness is insulting,” the chancellor told him. “Take her to Camp Accord immediately and solidify your claim. I do not want her back on the Lestrra unless she surrenders.”

  “Understood, sir. I’ll see to it immediately.”

  Rook clasped her upper arm and guided her from the room without a backward glance.

  “I didn’t mean to upset him.” She tugged against Rook’s firm hold, nearly running to keep up with his agitated strides.

  He said nothing as he hurried her through the stark corridors then out into the late afternoon sun.

  “Where are we going?” She looked around, trying to learn as much as possible. “I know this is Protectorate Headquarters now, but what did this place used to be?”

  “Fort Hood.”

  She was pleased that he’d answered at all, so she didn’t push her luck. Fort Hood. Wasn’t that in Texas? All she really knew about the base was the tragic shooting that had taken place nearly a decade before.

  Rook led her to a shuttle lot adjacent to the massive field where larger ships waited in neat rows. The rows stretched off into the distance, a surreal display of alien might. She’d seen images of the Ventori fleet online, but seeing it in person was nearly unbelievable.

  After triggering the shuttle’s main hatch with a curt voice command, Rook motioned her onto the small ship.

  Her pulse hadn’t stopped pounding since Tarlon literally sniffed her out in the dilapidated break room. She took a deep breath as she climbed onto the ship, hoping it would help calm her. Dare sat in the navigator’s seat, his expression unsmiling and tense. Rook entered right behind her and immediately closed the hatch.

  “Sit down and buckle up.” Rook pointed to one of the center-facing seats as he slipped in behind the pilot’s control panel.

  She obeyed without argument, unsure what to do to ease the tension. The chancellor had instructed Rook to take her to Camp Accord, but she had no idea where that was located. The brothers faced forward as they quickly readied the shuttle for departure.

  “May I please explain what went on with the counc—”

  “No,” Rook said firmly. “You will remain silent until I give you permission to speak.”

  Fine. She slumped back in her seat, annoyed and unsure. Ever since the Skarilians attacked, she had felt a continual sense of foreboding. Life as she knew it had been over. Everyone on Earth had been forced to accept that unpleasant fact. Yet joining the Carnal Companion Program allowed her to feel as if she had gained some measure of control again.

  She looked at her potential mates and heat washed over her body. Sharing pleasure with them had been amazing. They were both skilled and selfless lovers, and each time they combined their efforts she’d enjoyed their interaction even more. Their dominance thrilled her, feeding a need to submit that she’d resisted for years. Even their insistence on discipline appealed to her. The pain, and their control over her body, allowed her to revel in the pleasure that inevitably followed even the harshest chastisement.

  So why was she still afraid?

  They offered pleasure, protection, and the sort of commitment only found in fairy tales. But how could she possibly believe their promises? In real life, people didn’t fall in love two days after they met. Then how did she explain the aching tenderness she felt each time she looked at them?

  She closed her eyes and leaned her head against the wall of the shuttle. She always tried not to lie to herself, and now was no exception. She was well on her way to falling in love with her alien masters.

  They arrived an hour or so later. She unfastened her safety restraints, but remained seated. Tension still crackled in the air all around them, so she kept her gaze down and waited for instructions.

  Rook didn’t make her wait long. He released himself from the pilot’s seat and stood. “Undress and get on your knees.”

  Her heart fluttered wildly then sank like a stone into the pit of her stomach. She knew punishment was inevitable, but she’d hoped they would let her explain her side of the story before disciplining her.

  Rather than standing, she scooted to the edge of the seat and slipped off her shoes, then unbuttoned the front of her dress. Dare hadn’t given her undergarments, so she’d be naked as soon as she slipped off the dress. “I didn’t mean to—”

  “Silence!” Rook closed the space between them and pulled her to her feet. With two quick jerks on the shoulders of the dress, he bared her to the waist.

  She resisted the urge to struggle, to call him vile names, or spit in his face. The faster she surrendered, the faster this punishment would be over. Instead, she pulled her arms from the sleeves and allowed the dress to pool around her ankles.


  The dress padded her legs as she knelt before him. She kept her head down, hands resting on her thighs.

  “Why are you being punished?” His voice was cold, almost mechanical.

  “I was disrespectful to the chancellor, which reflected badly on you and Dare.” The strangest ache spread through her chest. Disappointing her mates was its own sort of punishment. She wanted them to be proud of her, to be confident in her behavior. “I’m very sorry, Sir.”

  His warm fingers curled beneath her chin, guiding her head up until their gazes connected. “You say that now, and I believe you mean it. However, your spirit, your basic instincts, must be channeled into unfamiliar avenues, avenues more appropriate to your new situation.”

  Her skin warmed and her nipples hardened as she anticipated what came next. “I’m used to speaking my mind. It’s hard for me to remember—”

  “That’s why this lesson must be severe.” Dare moved to his brother’s side, his expression every bit as grim as Rook’s. “If the high command believes that we can’t control you, they will award you to another pod.”

  Just the thought of losing Rook and Dare tightened a fist around her heart. She had learned mo
re about herself in the days she’d been with them than in all the years that had come before. She was ready to commit, to give herself body and soul to a loving relationship. So she would endure whatever punishment they had in store for her.

  “I understand.” Lowering her gaze to the floor, she waited for their next directive.

  Rook moved behind her then wrapped something cool and rigid around her throat. Was it just a collar or something more… alien? She started to ask, then fought back the urge. Her instinctual desire to blurt out every thought was what had landed her in this position.

  “This collar marks you as the property of Fortar pod. I will remove it after your punishment if that’s what you truly want.”

  Property? Her mind stalled out over the word, barely comprehending his offer. She was their mate, not their property. No, she was both. She was theirs to fuck, to punish, to use in any way they saw fit. She either trusted them enough to obey, to submit without reservation, or she should enact the thirty-day clause and return to Earth.

  Rook moved back in front of her and fastened a metal leash to the collar, then motioned her up with an impatient gesture. “Come.”

  She stood, legs shaking, and followed him off the shuttle. Dare fell in close behind.

  Sunlight momentarily blinded her as she emerged from the small ship. She wasn’t sure what to expect, but the scene that greeted her was surreal. Surrounded by utter devastation stood a school untouched by the violence. The parking lot was crowded with skimmers, and shuttles similar to the one she’d just climbed down from were scattered across the lawn.

  The scene was so strange that Jessica didn’t comprehend what was happening until they’d nearly reached the front door. “Wait! Where are we going? Why are—”

  “You don’t have permission to speak!” Rook gave the chain a little yank, illustrating his displeasure.

  She looked back at the shuttles and skimmers, dread knotting her belly. She was naked and being led around like a pet. Why were they entering a public place? She knew the answer. She just didn’t want to admit it to herself.

  Rook led her into a large room, clearly used for a variety of purposes. The adjacent kitchen indicated the open space could be transformed into a cafeteria. Yet a small stage was situated at the far end of the room.

  She looked over her shoulder hoping for reassurance from Dare. He met her gaze briefly, but his stern expression didn’t change. If they couldn’t control her, they would lose her. The realization was driven home with brutal clarity.

  About twenty Ventori Defenders stood before the stage, silently watching as her mates ushered her across the room. She noticed several human women kneeling in a row in front of the males. One was naked, her head bowed, while the others were looking at Jessica. A pretty blonde near the center of the row offered her an encouraging smile.

  Thankful for the kindness, Jessica returned the smile, then lowered her gaze and focused on what was about to happen. The problem was, she didn’t really know what Dare had meant by ‘severe’ punishment.

  They climbed onto the stage and Jessica noticed a table had been arranged perpendicular to the onlookers. She could feel their gazes follow her, assessing her, yet she didn’t dare look at them directly. Were members of her other compatible pods in the audience? Were they desperately hoping she’d fail this test?

  Rook brought her to the middle of the stage, turning her to face the table. Some sort of mat had been placed on top of the table. Were they going to fuck her in front of everyone? Was that her punishment? Rook let go of the leash, but didn’t unhook it from the collar. The chain hung down between her breasts, cool and heavy, a constant reminder of her subjugation. Shame combined with anticipation creating a swirling, electric restlessness. She shifted her weight from foot to foot, feeling achy and hot.

  “We are Fortar pod and this is our mate, Jessica.” Rook projected his voice across the room with calm authority.

  “Your potential mate,” one of the onlookers called out.

  “With this demonstration we will prove our mastery over her,” Dare countered, his tone just as autocratic as his brother’s.

  “Jessica, to whom does your body belong?” Rook moved to her side, but didn’t touch her.

  She licked her lips, her mouth so dry it was hard to speak. This was it. With one sentence she could reject them and return to… what? Her hollow, lonely existence. They cared for her deeply and she cared for them. Why would she reject what she’d longed for all her life? “I belong to my masters, you and Dare.”

  “Do you willingly submit to our control?” Dare remained more or less behind her. She could see him in her peripheral vision.

  “I do, Sir.”

  Rook motioned toward the onlookers. “Tell the others why you’re being punished.”

  “I was disrespectful to the chancellor and embarrassed my masters.”

  “Bend over the table, arms above your head,” Rook instructed.

  Still unsure of the exact form her punishment would take, she hesitated half a second, then did as she was bade. The mat felt cold against her naked breasts, but the padding was welcome. She reached up and grasped the other side of the table as her legs began to shake.

  “Because our expectations are still new, you will receive only ten swats,” Rook told her. “You will count them off loud enough for everyone to hear. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Sir.” Her voice broke as a fresh wave of shame washed over her. Being spanked was embarrassing enough, but knowing so many others stood around watching was beyond humiliating.

  The first impact caught her by surprise, tearing a startled cry from her throat. Searing pain erupted across both cheeks, driving the breath from her lungs. That hadn’t been a hand! What the hell was he spanking her with? She twisted around and found a looped belt clutched in Dare’s fist. Tears blurred her vision as she turned back around.

  “Count, or he’ll repeat the stroke,” Rook cautioned.

  “One,” she cried, her voice sharp and tremulous. She knew what to expect the second time around, but it hurt just as badly. “Two.” When the belt swung for the third time, she rocked up onto the balls of her feet.

  Rook placed his hand on the small of her back, steadying her without actually holding her down. “Stop fighting the pain. Relax and accept it. Let it roll through you.”

  She tried, but each stroke from the belt stabbed through her body with shocking intensity. Still, she counted, tossing her head and gritting her teeth. By the time she called out the final stroke, she trembled so badly she could barely stand.

  “Your body is ours to use,” Rook moved behind her as Dare skirted the table and stood in front of her. “Offer me your ass.”

  She sobbed, horrified by what he suggested, yet understanding his motivation. They had to prove, beyond any doubt, that they controlled her. If she refused, or even hesitated, her actions would embolden the other compatible pods.

  Reaching back with trembling hands, she carefully parted her burning ass cheeks, exposing her back entrance to her mate—and many of the onlookers!

  Mortification pressed her down into the table. She’d had anal sex before, just never with a Ventori. Besides, this felt punitive rather than tender. She closed her eyes and forced herself to relax. His fingers brushed over her anus, spreading cool lube around and into her puckered opening. He positioned himself at her back entrance then grasped her hips and drove his shaft inward with firm, yet steady pressure.

  Her body stretched around him, the fullness riding the razor’s edge with pain. She moved her hands out of the way as he began to thrust in earnest. He wasn’t gentle. She hadn’t expected him to be. This was punishment, a ‘severe’ reminder of how she was expected to behave.

  Dare gave her a few moments to adjust to Rook’s rough possession of her ass, then he opened the front of his uniform and aimed his cock at her face. “Open. Pleasure me with your mouth.”

  She opened and he thrust all the way to the back of her mouth, momentarily blocki
ng her airway. She made an alarmed sound and started to push him back. He guided her hands back to the table, then fisted the back of her hair.

  “You will breathe when I allow you to breathe. Surrender to my control.”

  The last flicker of her old self blinked out as she gave herself over to their demands. This was more than just rough sex. She must demonstrate her willing and utter submission. She stretched her arms out to each side of her body as Dare ruthlessly fucked her mouth. Rook was no less forceful. He rammed into her over and over, focused entirely on his own pleasure. She was a vessel for their use, empty and purposeless without them. The realization was strange, yet exciting.

  Rook’s fingers dug into her hips as his groin slapped against her ass. Each impact sent heat and stinging sensations ricocheting through her abdomen. Dare matched his brother stroke for stroke, his hand keeping her head tilted to just the right angle.

  Pain combined with arousal, triggering sensations she hadn’t expected to feel. This wasn’t about pleasure, so why was her pussy fluttering and her clit tingling as if she were about to come?

  Then she felt them in her mind, raw energy and intense personalities.

  You are so beautiful, Dare told her. We are so lucky that you chose us. Affection threaded through his consuming passion, his need to dominate.

  You’re spectacular. Rook pushed the thought into her mind as he thrust his entire length into her tight passage. So perfect for us.

  The praise thrilled her. No one would ever doubt their mastery again, yet they cared enough to reassure her as well. She drank in the tenderness, offering herself body and soul without reservation.

  Rook slammed into her one last time, crying out as his hot seed bathed her inner passage. Dare came half a second later. He held her face between his hands as he spurted down her throat.

  Pleasure hit Jessica as she swallowed and swallowed. Spasms rippled through her core, drawing her inner muscles even tighter around Rook’s shaft. She moaned, too weak to move as her mates slowly withdrew from her well-fucked body.


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