Claimed for Their Use

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Claimed for Their Use Page 20

by Ivy Barrett

  He raised his head, lips shiny from her juices. “Why? I told you to come. Now do it again.” To ensure that she obeyed, he pushed two fingers into her core as he went back to work on her clit.

  Jessica forced herself to relax, to allow the sensations to wash over her without immediately cresting.

  Dare joined her on the bed, slipping one arm beneath her neck as he stroked her breasts with his other hand. “You’re so beautiful when you come. Your cheeks flush and your eyes shine. You never look better.” She smiled, feeling adored as never before. He kissed her tenderly, his touch just as gentle as his lips. “You are so special, so amazing.” He paused for another long kiss, then added, “We’re so lucky to have you.”

  Dare’s sentimental words combined with Rook’s skillful mouth and Jessica came again. Her core rippled around Rook’s fingers while heated tingles flowed out through the rest of her body.

  “Do you want a taste, or shall we begin?” Rook wiped his mouth with the back of one hand as he pushed off the bed with the other, and stood.

  “I need to be inside her,” Dare admitted. “We have the rest of our lives to lick her pussy.” He reached up and unfastened her hands as he shifted their positions. He sat in the middle of the bed and pulled her on top of him. She automatically bent her knees and moved her legs apart until she straddled his hips. He positioned himself at her entrance and she eagerly lowered herself until his entire length was encased in her snug core.

  Dare framed her face with his hands and kissed her deeply. She returned the kiss with equal intensity. She felt the bed dip and knew Rook had joined them. Soon his hands were moving over her body, squeezing her breasts and lightly patting her sore bottom. Something cool slid down between her cheeks and she gasped.

  “It’s just lube, sweetheart. Relax.” Rook caressed her breasts with one hand while he prepared her ass with the other.

  She wasn’t afraid, just a little nervous. They’d each fucked her ass before, but never while the other was buried deep in her pussy.

  “You’re tensing,” Rook cautioned. “It will hurt if you don’t relax.”

  Dare eased his hand between their bodies and found her clit with his fingertip. “Relax,” he echoed against her damp lips.

  “Lie back,” Rook advised his brother. “It will give me a better angle.”

  Without argument, Dare stretched out on his back and took Jessica over with him. His finger continued to rub her clit while he drew her mouth back to his.

  He was trying to distract her from what Rook was doing behind her, but it didn’t work. She was too anxious not to pay attention to every touch, every movement. Rook’s fingers, now slippery with lube, glided over and against her anus, awakening nerve endings as they circled and teased. She wiggled and rocked, her restlessness teasing Dare in the process.

  Dare grabbed her hips and pulled her back down, holding her in place as Rook’s touch grew bolder. Rook pushed into her tight back hole with one finger. She murmured against Dare’s mouth, not sure if she was begging for more or for mercy. Rook slid his finger in and out, showing her the motion, foreshadowing the joining soon to follow. One finger became two and finally three as he carefully stretched her stubborn muscles and made sure she was good and slick.

  Rook slowly withdrew his fingers and immediately pressed the blunt head of his cock against her well-prepared opening. “Now breathe.”

  It was the only warning she got. He pushed past her sphincter with steady pressure, causing a momentary sting. Then her body released and he filled her, pushing deeper and deeper. She stretched around him, opening to him, until his pelvis was flush with her tender bottom cheeks. She’d never been this full before, never dreamed that something so wicked could feel so good.

  Rook drew back slowly, pulling up on her hips as he went. The motion drew her up along Dare’s length, not stopping until just the tip of Dare’s cock rested inside her pussy. Then they thrust inward together, filling her completely with one synchronized stroke. She cried out, nearly coming, overwhelmed by the pressure and the heat of their bodies surrounding and filling her.

  They pressed her firmly between them, driving in farther than either had gone before. She panted harshly, fighting back the sudden urge to struggle, to escape the sensations surging inside her. Her breasts flattened against Dare’s chest and Rook’s chest was plastered against her back. Then a presence sank into her mind, or did it flow out from inside her? She was so dizzy, so disoriented, that she honestly couldn’t tell.

  Slowly, they began to move, each stroke long and steady, making her aware of every millimeter of her mates drawing out and sinking into her willing body. She gasped and shivered, but it wasn’t just desire coursing through her body. She felt emotions she didn’t recognize and flashes of perception that weren’t her own. She saw Rook’s cock gradually disappear into her tight back passage. She didn’t imagine the image. She actually saw it through Rook’s eyes.

  She tore her mouth away from Dare’s with a gasp. “How are… you doing that?”

  “Link.” Rook’s voice was harsh and gravelly. “We’re bonded now.”

  Closing her eyes, she let their emotions inundate her being. It was like nothing she’d ever experienced before. No, that wasn’t quite true. She’d had flashes of this, teasing hints of what it would be like to join with her bonded mates.

  They moved faster, thrusting harder, and she reveled in their aggression. They moved against and into her, claiming her more completely with each stroke. Rook drew her up slightly and turned her head, needing her mouth. She offered it gladly, greeting his tongue with hers.

  “I’m not going to last,” Dare warned them. Then he pushed urgency across their link and Rook tore his mouth away from hers and increased his pace to match Dare’s nearly frantic thrusts.

  She opened wide, body and mind, absorbing their pleasure and their need. Her arousal soared right along with theirs. Dare cried out and slammed her down on his cock, coming in violent shudders. His seed bathed her pussy, the hot jets triggering her orgasm. Rook thrust his entire length into her and joined them with a strangled cry. Her inner muscles rippled around Dare, tightening her back passage around Rook in the process. They clung together, panting harshly as pleasure buffeted their bodies and minds. The sensations flowed freely from one body to the next, ebbing and flowing like storm-tossed waves.

  Rook recovered enough to carefully separate his body from Jessica’s and roll to her side. She could see them both now and she grinned sleepily. “That was amazing.”

  Dare rewarded her with a kiss, then collapsed against the bed, grinning helplessly.

  “I think you knocked him senseless,” Rook said, his gaze warm and caressing.

  She crawled off Dare and snuggled down between them, needing both her mates surrounding her. “If I’d known how wonderful this would feel, I’d have given in much sooner.”

  Dare laughed, rousing a bit from his stupor. “We’ve known each other less than a week. This is pretty soon by anyone’s definition.”

  “Good point.” Content and drowsy, she started to close her eyes and let sleep claim her when a question barged to the surface of her mind. “Have you heard when, or if, my friends will be moved to Camp Accord? That’s one of the reasons I’m excited about this place.”

  “It’s when, not if, but I don’t know the specifics.” Rook looked at Dare. “Have you heard when they’ll arrive?”

  “I haven’t,” Dare admitted. “But I suspect it will be soon. They’re causing all sorts of trouble at headquarters.”

  “Good for them,” Jessica said with a half-smirk.

  “Really?” Rook challenged. “Do you want your friends to be punished for their misbehavior?”

  “Everyone but Erin. Even a spanking would scare her to death.”

  “I think you’re underestimating her,” Dare said.

  “I hope so,” she sighed and another question popped into her mind. “What happened to that creepy doctor, the one who examined all of us? I think h
is name was Narm or Narrn?”

  “It’s Hienam Narrn, and the chancellor is investigating. But I haven’t heard about the outcome of the investigation,” Rook told her.

  She just nodded, not wanting to ruin the mood with a bunch of speculation.

  “I heard something else that you might find interesting,” Dare offered.

  “Oh, do tell.”

  He flashed a lazy smile then said, “One of the females is compatible with Minister Orellian, so the chancellor appointed Orellian governor of Camp Accord.”

  Jessica remembered the stern-faced minister and shivered. “What about his brother?”

  Rook propped himself on his forearm and scowled at her. “Many females find Tarlon Orellian attractive. Should we be jealous?”

  She pushed warmth and affection into his mind. “I love my mates and only my mates.”

  He grinned. “Good thing, because Tarlon is coming here too. He and the governor are podmates.”

  After soothing him further with a lingering kiss, she turned to Dare. “Do you know which female they matched?”

  “I believe her name is Nicole.”

  “Nikki? Oh, my God, they are going to have their hands full. She can be really sweet, but she is not happy about any of these changes.”

  “Enough about Orellian pod.” Rook pulled her up onto her side and gathered her against his chest. “This is our bonding day and we should only have thoughts of each other.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she whispered against Rook’s lips as Dare pressed in close behind her.

  The End

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  Additional Books in the Ventori Masters Series

  Trained for Their Use

  On Earth, Amanda Powell is as good as dead. With her father in way too deep with a ruthless cartel, it is only a matter of time until his enemies come after her. If she wants to stay alive, she has only one choice. She must get off the planet by any means necessary, no matter the price.

  In desperation, she offers herself to a pair of Ventori mercenaries in return for safe passage on their ship. For two years, she will be the property of these stern, handsome aliens, and during that time they will have the right to do with her as they please. They will take her hard and often, in the most shameful of ways, and any protest will earn her a painful, humiliating spanking.

  But as they set about training Amanda for their use, the two battle-hardened warriors find that their beautiful human slave appeals to them in a way they did not expect, and some deep, primal part of them demands that they claim her as their mate. When the intensity of their need for her grows beyond their control, will Amanda’s presence prove catastrophic for everyone involved?

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  More Stormy Night Books by Ivy Barrett

  Their Defiant Human

  After she defies the leaders of a warlike alien species, beautiful human scientist Andrea Raynier is taken captive by a bold, handsome Stilox warrior named Mal Ton. Fearing that her knowledge could be used to design weapons, Andrea vows never to cooperate, but she quickly discovers that Mal Ton is more than ready to do whatever is needed to compel her obedience.

  Andrea soon finds herself naked, bound, and quivering with need as she is sternly punished and thoroughly claimed by Mal Ton and his colleague, Doctor Roark Talbot. But will mastering her body be enough, or will Andrea’s captors seek to conquer their defiant human’s heart as well?

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  His Feisty Human

  Mal Ton has spent his life fighting for the survival of his people, often deep behind enemy lines, and he has never been hesitant to properly master a woman if her breathless, quivering surrender to his stern discipline and skillful lovemaking would aid his cause. From the moment he first sets eyes on Lorelle, however, it is obvious that the beautiful, spirited human will be different.

  Despite the intense lust brought on by a cleverly-designed alien virus, Lorelle has kept herself under control over the long weeks since she was abducted from Earth. But with each passing hour, her helpless arousal drives her closer to madness, and she has grown desperate by the time rescue arrives at last in the form of a huge, handsome Stilox warrior.

  Lorelle’s situation is dire, and Mal Ton is left with no choice but to take matters into his own hands. After spanking her bare bottom soundly to overcome her foolish reluctance to submit to the treatment she requires, he claims her hard and thoroughly, bringing her to one shattering climax after another until the need which threatened to consume her is finally satisfied.

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  Conquering His Captive

  Three years ago, nanobiologist Cassie Myer was tricked into helping an enemy of her planet’s government complete an important mission. When she is suddenly contacted again by the same handsome, boldly dominant seducer, she promises herself that she will not fall for his charms a second time, even after he rescues her from an even more dangerous adversary.

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