It's My Life (Filming Rhiannon. Book 1)

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It's My Life (Filming Rhiannon. Book 1) Page 18

by TL Messruther

  Attempt one was a flop, next time won’t be! Mark my words, I will get you.

  I throw it in my draw, as tears roll down my face. I will have to show these to the police, just not when Kaleb is with me.

  With a tear stained face, I walk to the bathroom, and head straight for the shower. I know Kaleb has followed me inside, so I am careful to avoid looking in that direction as I cross the landing. I don’t want him to see me crying.

  Once the water is running hot I strip off and climb under the cascade of water, letting it wash away the last twenty-four hours’ worth of crap with it. I am hoping washing the crap away, it will give me the strength I need to get through today.


  When I am done, and dressed in something much more comfortable, I walk in to the living room where Kaleb is sat reading a paper on the sofa.

  “You ready to go?” he asks as he shoves the paper away.

  “I need a coffee first. Do you want one?” I offer.

  “Please,” he says as he follows me in to the kitchen. “Have you being crying?” he asks me.

  Shit, I didn’t want him to know, I quickly think of an excuse.

  “No, I got shampoo in my eye, and it fucking hurt. Silly thing to do, I don’t recommend doing it.” I say with a fake smile.

  “Okay.” he says slowly, evidently doubting me, but I don’t give him chance to question me.

  “Where is my bag?” I ask while I wait for the coffee machine.

  “Did you have one with you?” he asks looking at me with a confused expression.

  “Yeah it had my phone and money in it.”

  “I don’t know; I will get someone to check the limo for you.” he says picking his phone from his pocket.

  “Hello, Liam, its Kaleb. Can you have my limo searched for a bag please? Rhiannon has misplaced hers.” he says in to his phone. He sits and listens for a few seconds before he continues to talk.

  “Okay, if it isn’t there can you go to the bar from last night and see if it’s being handed in please.”

  “Great thank you.” he says before he hangs up and puts his phone away.

  “They haven’t seen it but will go look.” he says as he puts his attention back to me.

  “Did you want to call someone?” he asks.

  “I was just going to text Grace, but I can call her from the house phone.” I say as I hand him a coffee. “I’ll just go do that now.” I say walking out the kitchen.

  I reach the sideboard where the phone stands and dial Graces phone.

  “Hello, why you calling me on your house phone?” she asks confused.

  “You never call me on your house phone. Is everything okay?” she continues not giving me time to get a word in.

  “Grace, if you let me speak.” I laugh at her.

  “I've tried calling you all morning.” she says with a little curiosity.

  “I'm sorry I lost my phone. I’m hoping Kaleb’s men can find it.” I amuse out loud while still on the phone.

  “What has Kaleb got to do with this?” she asks.

  I should tell her something to stop the questions, but what. I feel like saying the easiest thing that comes to mind, like it was his event last night so they are looking there, but I know I can’t lie to Grace. I never have been able too.

  Taking a deep breath, I proceed to tell her all about last night in short.

  “Well at this event with Jase, Kaleb told me he had feelings for me, and that he wanted me.” I whisper in to the phone.

  “Fucking hell Rhiannon, speak up I can’t hear you. Did you say your boss wants you?” she shouts.

  “Grace, fuck yes, keep your voice down.” I hiss at her as I look towards the kitchen. Kaleb is stood at the counter with his head in the paper again, so at least I know he can’t hear her big mouth from there.

  “Why are you whispering?” she asks me.

  “Kaleb is in the kitchen.”

  “You slept with him?” she shouts.

  “Bloody hell no. Grace just stop and listen to me okay.” I order her.

  For once she is actually silent, I have to check she is still on the line, “You still here Grace?”

  “Yeah,” she responds.

  “Okay, don’t talk till I’m finished, then I will answer questions.” I say so I can just tell her everything.


  “Well I went to the première with Jase. While I was there Kaleb did what he did. Then Jase went in a serious mood with me and ignored me because I wouldn’t tell him what Kaleb said. Then I went to a different bar, got drunk, and ended up in hospital.” I manage to say before she interrupts me.

  “I'll get back to the rest in a minute, but Rhiannon, hospital?” she asks.

  “Yes Grace. I have just got home. I have to leave again in a minute but I wanted to call you.”

  “Where do you have to go after you just left the hospital?”

  “I have to go to the police station.” I inform her, and I hear her take a shocked gasp of air.

  “What the bloody hell happened?”

  “I was almost raped and I passed out and fell. I had to be checked for concussion. Now the police need me.”

  “Who’s going with you?”

  “Kaleb. He’s been with me all night.”

  “How did Kaleb end up with you?” she asks confused.

  “It’s a long story, but to cut it short, he followed me.”

  “Wow, what’s he doing now?” she asks me. I look back down the corridor and see him reading the paper still.

  “Sat reading the paper. I have to go now though. I will try text you later.”

  “You better ring me as soon as you can. I will be round as soon as you let me know you're home.” she says making me smile.

  “Thank you Grace, love you. Bye.” I say as I hang up.

  I make my way to the breakfast bar, and as I reach Kaleb, he puts the paper away again.

  “Anything interesting?” I ask wondering why he is so shifty with the paper.

  “Nope. You ready to go?” he asks as he stands and places his coffee cup in the sink.

  “Yep.” I say as I swallow the last of my coffee. I’m not ready, I will never be ready, but no one knows that. As soon as it’s over, I can forget it ever happened.


  Two hours later we are done at the police station. Kaleb is driving me back home again.

  He is quiet as he moves around the traffic. His bright green eyes, flicking from the road to me at regular intervals. He has not said much since I said I didn’t want him in the interview room with me. He did need to be interviewed too, so I asked him to wait outside. I had to tell the police about the notes, and Len. They need me to bring the notes in when I have time, but for now they are looking for the horrible old guy.

  I can see the cogs in his mind going. I know he has questions he wants to ask.

  “Kaleb, just ask me what you want to know.” I tell him.

  He takes a deep breath, before blowing it out, “Why didn’t you want me to come in with you?” he asks sounding hurt.

  “Because you needed to be interviewed, and I didn’t want you to hear it all again.” I twist the truth.

  “Rhiannon, I said I want to be here for you. How can I do that if you shut me out?”

  “I didn’t shut you out. I just wanted to get it over with. Having to tell them was hard enough, I didn’t want you to hear it again. I don’t want you to judge me.”

  “For goodness sake, I wouldn’t judge you, I just want to be here for you.”

  “I know, and I promise I won’t stop you, but I had to do this.”

  “Okay.” he says giving me a smile, but it doesn’t reflect in his eyes, so I know he’s still not happy. He does leave it at that though. I lean my head against the window, and slowly attempt to fall asleep. My eyes gone past the stage of needing match sticks to keep them open.

  When we pull up outside my apartment. He climbs out and comes round to help me out.

  The interview with t
he police was emotionally draining. I am ready to sleep, but Kaleb has other ideas.

  “What would you like to eat?” he asks as I unlock my door.

  “I just want to sleep to be honest.” I inform him.

  “You have not eaten since last night. You have to eat.” he says.

  “I'm not hungry.” I defend myself.

  “I will stay while you have something to eat, then I’ll go home so you can sleep.” he says not giving me a way out. “I can’t trust you to eat once I’m gone. You have a habit of lying to my face.” he reminds me.

  Panic sets in, and my breathing becomes difficult. My hand is shaking and I can’t get my key in the lock.

  For fuck sake, just open, I curse the door mentally.

  “Rhiannon what’s wrong?” he asks stood with his chest to my back.

  “Nothing” I say as he takes the key from my hand and opens the door.

  He walks us both in and sits me on the sofa before he takes a seat beside me.

  “Rhiannon, that was nothing. You couldn’t even unlock your door. What is it?” he persists.

  “Can you not go just yet?” I ask in a small voice.

  “I will stay as long as you need me too. Is that why you're shaking?” he asks concerned.

  “I don’t want to be on my own.” I say trying to hold my tears back.

  “If that’s what you want, I’ll stay. You don’t have to be scared.” he says pulling me in to a hug.

  “Thank you.” is the only thing I can say.

  “Come on, what do you want to eat? Then I’ll put you to bed.” he says as he rises from the sofa.

  “I'm really not hungry Kaleb.”

  “Please eat something.” he begs.

  I shake my head. “Something little?” he tries bargaining with me.

  “Okay,” I relent. I might just get some sleep soon if he’s not begging me to eat.

  “Thank you. What would you like?” he asks me.

  “I don’t know. You chose something.” I say as I walk over to the kitchen to put the coffee machine on.

  “Is that wise?” he asks as he walks up behind me, “Caffeine?”

  “I need it.”

  “You need sleep, not caffeine.”

  “I'll still sleep.” I say as I fill a cup, “Do you want one?” I offer him.

  “Please, how about a salad for food?” he asks as I hand him the made coffee.

  “That’s fine. Make it quick though Kaleb, I’m exhausted.” I tell him.

  “Do you have everything in?”

  “Yeah, it’s in the fridge.” I say as I sit with my coffee.

  He sets about making some food, as I’m battling to keep my eyes open.

  “Go lay in bed, I’ll bring it through.” Kaleb tells me.

  I grab my coffee and make my way to my bed. I don’t need telling twice.


  When Kaleb walks in with food, I’m already in my PJs, and in bed asleep. He carefully wakes me up by gently calling my name, and passes a plate of salad to me, before he sits beside me with his salad.

  “I told you, you needed food. Once you’ve eaten it, you can go back to sleep.” he says as he watches me take small bites of lettuce. I can’t manage much, but what I do eat, we eat in a comfortable silence.

  “Thank you.” I say once I have eaten a little bit.

  “You’re welcome, but I would rather you eat a bit more.” he says as he picks up my folk to feed me.

  “Kaleb, I’m tired.” I protest, as he brings the folk closer.

  “I know, but just a little more?” he asks hopeful.

  I give a sigh, before I go to grab the folk off him.

  He pulls it back, “I'll do it,” he says with a smile.

  I open my mouth, and he deposits the folk in my mouth. He smiles, and this time it does reflect in his eyes. I love seeing that smile.

  He does this four or five times, before he gives in.

  “Come on,” he says as he lifts the duvet back, “You can’t even keep your eyes open.”

  I climb under the duvet, and manage to get a little mutter out, “Please don’t leave.” I beg him. I bet it sounded better in my head, than what actually came out.

  He climbs on the bed, and I snuggle into him, the feel of his shirt on my face is warm and soft, and the feel of his strong body supporting me is comforting.

  “Baby, I’m not going anywhere, and I don’t mean now, I mean forever.” is what I hear before lights out.

  I wake the next morning, and Kaleb is still in bed beside me. He is wrapped around me, his arm over my chest, and his leg over mine. I’m comfy, and I really don’t want to move, but I really need to pee.

  I climb out of bed and attend to my morning routine.

  Once I return to the bed room, Kaleb is still asleep. I’m going to have to wake him up, he has a business to run. It is seven in the morning, on a Monday. I just hope I haven’t made him late for work.

  Shit – work. I don’t know how I’m going to do this. Is he going to let me go? Or is he going to make me take time off, because I would rather be working. It stops my mind running crazy.

  I walk over to the bed, and stand above him.

  “Kaleb?” I call quietly. No response. I lean a little closer, and try again, “Kaleb?” I say a little louder. This time I get a response. He moans at me, but doesn’t wake up.

  “Kaleb. You need to wake up.” I try once again.

  “What? Is everything okay?” he asks as he jumps up, his hair all over the place, and his eyes filled with worry.

  “Yeah, you're going to be late for work.” I say as he relaxes back on the bed.

  “Jeez, you gave me a heart attack. Don’t do that. I thought something was wrong.” he says releasing a deep breath.

  “Sorry, but don’t you have to get up for work?” I say as I try and hide a giggle at his exaggeration.

  “Yeah, I guess I do,” he mutters as he glances at the clock.

  “Do you want a coffee?” I offer him.

  “Please,” he says as he climbs out of bed.

  I leave him too it, as I head to fix the coffee machine.

  Once he joins me down stairs, I have a coffee sat on the breakfast bar waiting for him.

  “Thank you,” he says as he takes a sip.

  “You're welcome. I’m going to get dressed now.” I inform him as I leave the kitchen.

  I go back to my room, and notice Kaleb has made the bed. I didn’t expect that, but it makes me smile.

  I walk in to my closet and take a few moments to decide what to wear.

  After an eternity of going through rails, and rails of clothes, I chose to wear a long cream jumper, with some black leggings. Its comfy and warm, comfort is what I’m going for today. To hell with what looks good. I then go through my shelves of shoes, and take another few moments choosing a pair I want to wear. I finally pick a pair of black knee boots, only they don’t have a heel. Stripping out of my bathrobe, I throw on my clothes, and turn to the mirror that stand at the back of the closet. I give myself a full inspection, and come to the conclusion that even though I have gone for the comfy look, I still look damn good.

  When I return to the kitchen, Kaleb is stood at the oven with his back to me. I can smell food cooking, but before it registers I open my mouth.

  “What are you doing?” I casually ask. I’m shocked to see him cooking, but I am enjoying the view of his shirt clinging to his back. I also notice some coloring coming through his shirt sleeves, which grabs my attention. He has tattoos?

  “I thought you would like breakfast. Don’t mind do you?” he asks as he reads the confusion on my face.

  “No, but I don’t eat breakfast.”

  “Well you will today.” he says as he places bacon on a plate.

  “Don’t I get a choice?” I might just strop a little with that question.

  “Nope. I’m surprised you can still stand with what little you do eat.”

  “I eat enough.”

  “No you don’t.
You barely eat. Have you ever had an eating disorder?” he asks.

  “No” I squeal in shock. “Didn’t you read my interview papers? That question is on there.”

  “Yes I read them. It also asks if you have any medical issues, in which you put no, which is a lie. Good at them aren't Rhiannon, wouldn’t you say so?”

  “Fuck off you arrogant ass. I didn’t put it because it doesn’t affect my work. As for lying, you pissed me off.”

  “Not an excuse Rhiannon. We need to know these things in case it does affect your work. As for pissing you off, I didn't know you when you filled the paper work out, so that is not valid at all. I need to know these thing.” he informs me.

  Well, my good morning has just taken a shit turn. Thanks Kaleb.

  Once he has finished cooking, I am sat with bacon, egg, sausage, and French bread in front of me. I look at it confused, I really don’t do breakfast, and with him sat in front of me, I really do not want to eat after what he has just said.

  “We won’t leave till you have eaten it Rhiannon, and you don’t want to make me late do you?” he asks as he starts to eat his. Evidently he can sense my hesitation.

  “You can’t do that Kaleb. I told you I don’t eat breakfast. I can’t eat all this.” I say pointing to my plate.

  “Eat what you can then,” he simply says.

  I give up. I know I won’t win. I pick up my knife and folk and start to eat. As I do he looks at me and smiles. Well, at least he will be going to work in a happy mood, me – well my head is still stuck up my ass, so my mood won’t change much.

  Once I have eaten a piece of bacon, half a sausage and half my French bread, I push my plate away.

  Kaleb looks at it in disgust.

  “Is that all you're eating?” he asks.

  “Yeah, I can’t possibly eat any more.”

  “Fine, it’s better than nothing.” he says as he puts his last fork full of egg in his mouth.

  “We have to stop of at mine before work Rhiannon. I need to change.” he says brushing his clothes down. I nod my head and take the plates to the sink.


  When we pull up to work an hour later, the valet looks at Kaleb like he has grown two heads over the weekend.

  He whispers something to Kaleb before he drives away in Kaleb’s car. The valet usually doesn’t say a word to anyone.


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