Healing Danger

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by Maddie Wade

  Healing Danger

  Fortis Security Series, Volume 1

  Maddie Wade

  Published by Maddie Wade, 2016.

  This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


  First edition. June 10, 2016.

  Copyright © 2016 Maddie Wade.

  Written by Maddie Wade.

  Note from the Author

  In the UK a Consultant is a Doctor who has reached the senior level of doctor or surgeon. They are then normally referred to by title Mr, Mrs, Miss -or Ms. They are obviously still a doctor but not referred to that way.

  I understand this may be confusing for those of you reading from outside the UK so thought I should clarify.

  Healing Danger

  Fortis Security, book One

  Maddie Wade

  Published by Maddie Wade, May 2016

  This is a work of fiction.

  Any similarities to real events, people or places are entirely


  First edition, May 2016

  Copyright © 2016 Maddie Wade

  Written by Maddie Wade


  This book has only been possible because of all the wonderful support I have received. Thank you to two amazing authors Tonya Brooks and Abbie Zanders for all their incredible support and encouragement. Thank you to Crystal at rockinredpromotions.com for the spectacular cover and advice. You are my guru. Thanks to the very lovely and talented Carol Tietsworth for my editing. You have been wonderful and didn’t cry or shout at all my grammar bloopers!

  Thanks to all my beta readers, for steering me in the right direction and giving advice on plot line and flow. Special thanks to Clementine Parsons my wonderful friend for allowing me to bounce my crazy ideas of her and always being there for me.

  Lastly but definitely not least thank you to my family for always having my back.


  This book is dedicated to my wonderful husband

  and my children who are my life.

  Table of Contents

  Note from the Author


  Title page

  Copyright page




  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-one

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  Sneak Peek

  If you liked this book

  About the Author

  Healing Danger

  Fortis security


  Martha Cassidy lifted the sleeping child from her bed as quietly as she could, and moved quickly, her face etched with fear. They had to get away before he came home. Her heart raced as she ran to the front window and listened to a car pull into the drive. A flash of the lights in the inky black night revealed it was her long-time friend, Larissa.

  Adjusting the child's sleep-warmed weight and holding tightly to their meagre possessions, she looked round at the small, sparse house that they had called home for the last three years. She fought tears as she remembered the hope and love she had put into making everything perfect.

  She had loved Marcus with everything she had, but he changed so much since Lauren was born. He became increasingly obsessed about the beginning of the new world and how people with gifts like her and her daughter would be the ones to save it. However, along with his obsession came violent outbursts and mood swings, and while she could take the abuse, she would not allow her daughter to become a victim.

  Turning, she shook off her melancholy, stiffened her spine and closed the door on her old life. Larissa met her at the front door and took her bag, “You settle Lauren with you in the back,” she said kindly. Martha eased into the back, careful not to wake her sweet child.

  As Larissa drove them away, she explained that her friend had sorted out fake identities and new national insurance numbers for them, and there was money in a locker at the train station. Martha listened with only half an ear, as she was deep in thought, trying to understand how it had come to this. She knew Marcus had loved her in his own way, but it was almost bordering on obsessive, and he wasn`t the man she’d loved any more.

  They had met at a friend’s party; he had been so handsome, with blond hair and sky blue eyes. They had talked all night. He told her he was studying psychology and wanted to be a counsellor and she told him of her desire to be nurse when she finished college. They married six months later on her nineteenth birthday and Lauren had been born nine months later.

  She should have seen what was happening. He encouraged her to stay at home and look after Lauren instead of going back to college. She’d thought how lucky she was to have a man that wanted to take care of her and their daughter, but he’d soon become consumed with her gift of predictive visions, and kept pushing Lauren to see if she was gifted, too.

  She had tried so hard to hide Lauren's gift from him, but she was such a loving child and he discovered it anyway. He had cut his finger and when Lauren wrapped her pudgy little fingers round it to offer him comfort, and it had healed. He’d become out of control then. His behaviour becoming increasingly erratic and disturbing, and she knew she had to get herself and Lauren away. Martha grieved for the man she had once loved, but that man was gone. In his place was a violent stranger.

  Chapter One

  Twenty-six Years Later

  Present Day

  Lauren looked around at the bright, green grass and beautiful, vibrant flowers that surrounded her. The sun shone and the air was sweet with the smell of mown grass and freshly-turned soil. As she listened to the vicar talk about Claire, her wonderful, funny, kind friend, she pondered how the universe didn’t realize that it had lost someone so beautiful; that her best friend for the last twenty-six years was dead. It should be raining or thundering but instead the world seemed happy, even peaceful.

  Wiping the tears that seemed ever-present these days, Lauren looked over to Claire’s husband, Daniel, who was clinging to Paige, their two-year-old daughter. He looked broken and she could see his pain and grief as if it was a living, breathing thing. Paige looked so confused and overwhelmed by all the different emotions flowing around her. Children always noticed other people’s pain and she knew Paige was trying to soothe her father, because she kept rubbing her little hand along his face.

  She felt a physical ache in her chest as her heart broke for them. How would they cope? How would Daniel work and take care of Paige? How would he show her what a wonderful, kind, strong, woman her mother had been?

  Beside Daniel stood his best friend, Dane Bennett, along with the rest of the Fortis team. She knew two of them, Nate Jones, who had gone to school with Claire and Lauren, and Dane’s sister, Lucy. She wasn't sure exactly what they did, some kind of security or protection thing. It was a bit vague.

  She studied Dane unobtrusively. He was
a tall man, probably six-foot-two, with wide shoulders and the defined, muscular build of a swimmer. His short, dark brown hair was styled longer on top with shorter sides, and his bright blue eyes always sparkled with something she couldn’t quite define.

  She’d been drawn to him ever since Claire had first introduced them. They had emailed for a while and became good friends. Well, that was, until Jeff-whom she’d started dating- had seen the emails and gotten jealous. He’d wiped all the emails between her and Dane and had forbidden her to have any contact with him.

  She should have seen it then, but had put it down to him liking her so much that he wanted her all to himself. What a fool she had been. If it hadn’t been for Claire and Daniel, she didn’t think she would have survived that period of her life. But she had, and Jeff and that horrible episode was over now.

  She regretted that the contact had stopped between her and Dane so suddenly and knew he must think she was fickle, dropping his friendship like that. He had been nice and friendly, and always easy to talk with. Maybe, if she hadn’t started dating Jeff, things would have been different.

  The emails between her and Dane had become something she’d looked forward to and it was only after things with Jeff had gone so wrong that she realised what a mistake she’d made. But she had and now she had to live with that choice.

  They had spent some time talking when they had seen each other at parties or gatherings that Daniel and Claire hosted, but it had been a little awkward and she’d been embarrassed. Lauren tried maintaining some distance from him, though. When he was near, her heart beat a bit faster and the way he looked at her made her insides go all funny.

  She knew that he felt her reticence too, but stayed slightly distant anyway. She just hadn’t been ready to put herself out there yet, but now he would think she was a weak idiot for allowing Jeff to do what he had. She couldn’t bear to watch him look at her with pity, before running for the hills. She had seen that before with her mother and didn’t want history to repeat itself. No, it was easier to just stay away.

  He must have sensed her looking, because he looked up and caught her studying him. She blushed and offered a small, sad smile, but it felt forced. She glanced back to see Claire’s coffin being lowered into the ground. Watching her closest confidant, the woman who was more of a sister than a friend, being buried, almost brought her to her knees. She tried to make sense of it. Claire must have known this might happen. Why hadn’t she said anything to anyone?

  Since they’d been four years old, the girls had bonded over being different. Claire would often have precognitive dreams. Some were just little things like running into a friend in the supermarket, or that it would rain. Others were more important, like the day she met Daniel, but they were always right. That's why she found it so shocking that this had happened.

  Lauren felt tears prick the backs of her eyes. She and Claire had always laughed about their freaky abilities, as they called them. Now, whom would she talk to? Lauren had never made friends easily, she got on with people well enough, but the trust that true, close friendships required was hard won. It wasn’t that she’d had any awful experiences, except for Jeff, but her abilities made her different and that made her wary of trusting people with that knowledge. The last thing she needed was for the wrong people to get hold of the information.

  Her mind drifted back to the first day they met. Lauren had been so nervous about starting a new school. Everyone already seemed to know each other and she felt like an outsider. She had walked onto the playground, trying so hard not to cry in front of her mum. Her bottom lip had wobbled and she turned around to see Tommy Wright, and his little band of horrors, looking at her and laughing.

  She had wanted to cry so badly. Claire had seen the way she looked and had gone right up to Tommy, and with hands on her little hips, had said a few words to him that had sent him scurrying off with his friends behind him.

  Claire came over to her then, and as if it was a foregone conclusion, said, “I am Claire, and we’re going to be the best friends ever.” And they had been. Claire had told her later she had threatened to tell everyone that Tommy wet the bed if he was mean to Lauren ever again. They had often laughed until they cried about that, as they got older.

  It wasn’t until that Christmas, when Claire had fallen off her bike, breaking her arm, that they had realised that each other was special or freaky. Lauren had healed Claire’s arm without anyone knowing. Claire had confessed that some of her dreams would come true, but it wasn’t until they were teenagers that she became aware of how accurate they were. They’d kept each other’s secret all their lives.

  Claire had been shot 10 days ago, at point blank range, in her home. It was still hard to come to terms with the fact that she wasn’t coming back. That she wouldn’t just turn up on a Friday with a bottle of wine and Chinese takeout. They had spent so many nights like that; putting the world to rights and laughing over silly things. Lauren already missed her terribly.

  She followed the procession of people, who walked past the graveside, on shaky legs, stopping to gently drop a small bunch of forget-me-nots onto the coffin. They were Claire’s favourite and it seemed fitting because she would certainly never forget her beautiful friend. Slowly, and with every step heavy with grief, she turned to look at Daniel and Paige. As a healer, she wished she could take his pain away, but that was not the way her ability worked. She could only heal physical injuries, physical pain, not the gut-wrenching emotional pain she could see in his face and in every step he took.

  Chapter Two

  He seethed inside as he watched them. Crying and snivelling at her graveside, while he had to hide in the shadows. Nobody would understand the love they had shared. Where the fuck were they when she’d needed them? It was he who had talked to her and watched over her, and even though she had not acknowledged his presence, he knew that she’d appreciated it, but couldn't publicly tell him because of that useless husband of hers. His Claire had been so loyal. It was the thing he loved most about her.

  The people who claimed to love her hadn’t known about her illness, and were too wrapped up in their own lives to notice the pain she was in. That bastard of a husband. It was Daniel’s fault that his beautiful Claire was dead. Daniel should have known and protected her-what sort of a husband was he? He watched them and vowed he would avenge her death.

  He would start with the bitch daughter of the man that had sentenced her to death. He had been shocked when he’d realised the connection between them, but it was fate telling him that he was doing the right thing. It was almost as if the universe was lining things up for him.

  Now they would all see that he was a God among men when he tortured the daughter before mailing her body back to them, piece by piece. He wished that he could be there to see the pain and fear on their faces when they got each of his gifts. But, no matter, his time for vengeance was coming. Excited to put his plans into action, he silently slipped away from the graveside unseen.

  Chapter Three

  Dane had never felt so helpless in his life. Watching the man who was like a brother to him, whom he’d known nearly his whole life, slowly fall apart with guilt and grief, and knowing that he could do nothing to help, was crippling. He looked at his beautiful, innocent, goddaughter who would never really know her mother and it shredded him.

  They had met at primary school and after a little scrap over whose football team had been the best, had become best friends. Now all these years later, he found himself watching his friend and wishing he could do something to ease the suffering Daniel was going through. He knew the only thing he could do for them was to find the bastard that had killed Claire and make him pay for the pain he had caused. He had loved her like a sister from the minute Daniel had introduced them and couldn't imagine a better woman for his friend.

  Walking into the house Daniel had shared with his wife, he felt anger filter through his blood with the need to avenge his friend’s pain. He didn't know how Dan could stand it. Every
where he turned were reminders of Claire and the life she had shared with her husband; and at the centre of everything was Paige, so innocent, so young. Daniel said it was a comfort to be around everything that she had touched and it was better for Paige, too, but he wasn’t sure that he could do it. Hell, he couldn’t do any of this.

  Dane made his way through the living room towards his team, trying to get a hold of his emotions, only stopping to share pleasantries with old friends of his and Daniel’s on the way.

  Reaching the team, who stood slightly apart in their own little huddle, he looked at the men and woman that made up Fortis Security and instantly felt more relaxed. He could feel his fists uncurl and his anger abate.

  They were an eclectic group, to say the least. Lucy, his baby sister, was the data analyst/ techgeek. Today she was dressed in an elegant black dress and jacket and even though it was a funeral, she still managed to wear a pair of her kick ass high heeled shoes that she was infamous for on the team. Nate Jones was an ex-parachute regiment guy, and the team’s best sniper and resident team joker. Then there was Zinoviy Maklakov, whom everyone called Zin. His history wasn’t exactly clear, but he suspected it was intelligence related. He was a giant Russian that nobody really knew much about except their boss, Zack Cunningham. Zin was a solid operator and definitely highly trained. He liked and trusted him. He’d proved himself on several missions, and Dane was happy for Zin to have his back.

  The group was close and each had felt the pain of Claire’s loss. Daniel was a damn good team leader and Claire was always the one that remembered the team’s birthdays and bought cakes and cards. She was like a sister to them all.


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