Taming Lucca: Red Devils M.C.

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Taming Lucca: Red Devils M.C. Page 6

by Woods, Michelle

  “No, Tank.”

  He said his eyes meeting Tank’s over her head. Tank’s hands froze in the air as he scowled at Bone. They stayed like that for several seconds both unwilling to look away. Tank must have seen the determination to win in his eyes because he sat back again taking that casual pose as if nothing had happened. Bone was grateful he knew he would have fought his friend for her if he hadn’t stepped back. It would have hurt their friendship, possibly messed with the club a Prez and Vice should never be at odds, but he still wouldn’t have been able to stop it from happening. Her soft body swayed a bit, and more of her weight settled against him.

  Tank sat up alertly staring at her intently, and sharply asked the question that almost made his heart stop. “Where’d you get that water from?”

  Fuck no, not the unfiltered water from the bathroom sink, he thought with a terrible pit of doom in his stomach.

  “You didn’t fill that bottle in the fucking sink did you?” Shit how long did a water poisoned person have like forty five minutes. After forty five minutes the survival rate was less than ten percent. She turned to look at him blinking owlishly with a hazy look in her eyes, which would have been sexy if the situation wasn’t so dire. “Fuck. Fuck. Baby don’t pass out you have to tell us how long ago you drank that shit.”

  She looked funny with the goofy smile that lit her face then and she garbled out “Seckey.” Whatever the hell that meant. He held her face in his hands steadying her as she swayed again blinking her eyes as if she were trying to focus. Desperate he asked. “Baby tell me how long.” He caught her a moment later when her knees gave out scooping her up and headed to the door without a thought other than getting her to Doc as fast as he could he stopped near the door when he realize he couldn’t carry her on the bike. “Fuck, we can’t take her to Doc on the bike.” He said aloud to Tank who was already holding the door for him to exit.

  “Take my cage, Bone.” Duck said his hand digging out his keys from his front pocket.

  “Tank get the keys from Duck, and hurry the hell up.” He exited the diner with her heading at a dead run towards Duck’s cage a rundown black Chevy. Tiny jogged up beside him jerking the tailgate down without any questions as Tank slammed out of the diner with the keys and jumped in cranking the engine. He shoved her into Tiny’s arms as he jumped in the bed then grab her back sitting down with her cradled in him lap. Tiny jumped in with him and hit the roof to let Tank know to go. The cage tore off with a squeal of tires.

  Bone looked down at the woman she seemed to be getting paler and when he checked her pulse it was weak. “Please,” he whispered into her hair unsure why he felt so desperate all the sudden. “stay with me baby. It’s gonna be alright just hold on. Don’t leave me.” He clung tightly to her as the truck flew across the four miles to Doc’s. Tank brought the cage to a screaming halt outside of the large cabin that Doc used as a makeshift hospital. Tiny and he did the shuffle of the woman again as they rushed her into the large cabin.

  “Stacy, get Doc. She’s got water poison, and I’m not sure how long it’s been.” Bone roared, as he ran past the reception desk where the woman had been filing her nails.

  “Shit, he’s stitching up Rash. He got in another bar fight.” She followed him into the room he went to, laying his burden down on the surgical bed there.

  “Go get him, NOW.” He roared at her again, making her jump and run from the room. Tank and Tiny were moving around the room gathering things from the shelves for an IV. Stacy came back with Doc right on her heels. He stopped by the bed. His scope out, he placed it on her chest listening then he looked a Bone asking.

  “How long has it been. Survival rate is low if it’s been more than forty five.” He turned to Stacy, asking her to get ten cc’s of Thylozeen.

  “We don’t know.” Bone said flatly. Stacy returned with the syringe. Tiny had already started the IV and Doc pushed the needle into her neck.

  “Put her on a drip, Stacy.” Doc checked her pulse, pulling a blood pressure cuff off a nearby table, he placed it around her small arm, pumped it up then let it out. Removing the cuff from her arm, when he was done, he took a look at her eyes using a pen light, and checked her pulse again.

  “Pulse is still thready, but I think you got her here in time. Nothing we can do now, but wait.” Doc told him when he stepped back, looking at Stacy. “I’m going to finish stitching Rash’s head. Keep an eye on her pulse, and come get me if it’s too slow or if her color gets red.”

  Bone sat down in chair next to the bed in relief. Tiny and Tank leaned against the wall, neither man commented on him losing his shit for the last fifteen minutes. As he sat watching the tiny woman in the bed breathe, he wondered at the panic he’d felt for a complete stranger. Was it her size that made him feel irrationally protective of her? He was a biker, damn it, but he’d been acting like a little pussy over a woman he didn’t even know. Running his hand through his hair, he sat back in the chair waiting. Tiny shifted on the wall, and Stacy checked the woman’s pulse again.

  “Her pulse seems to be normal now. I can call you when she wakes up if you have business to take care of.” Stacy told him, stepping back from the bed. Not wanting to leave her, Bone tried to think of a reason to stay with her.

  “Tank, go back to Tammy’s diner with the cage, and put a filter on the bathroom water. Ask Duck to drop my bike at the house. We don’t want this happening again. I’ll stay here to talk to her when she wakes up.” Tank raised his eyebrows, but didn’t comment. “Stacy, any idea when she might wake up?” He tried not to seem too interested in the answer.

  “Not sure, usually takes about ten hours or so. She should be out of the woods in another hour, though.”

  “Good. Tank, bring my cage over in about two hours, and we’ll move her to my place.” Bone knew that this would surprise all three of them, but he didn’t give a damn. She was staying with him and that was the end of that.

  “Sure thing, Bone” Tank left the room without asking questions. Tiny stared at him oddly, but followed Tank out.

  Stacy was the most shocked by his words and as the two men left the room, she asked in disbelief. “You’re gonna allow her to stay at your house? You never allow any woman stay there.”

  “Yep.” Bone told her flatly, his voice warning her not to comment again. “Huh, well, I’ll be back in a minute to check her pulse.” She began to walk to the door without looking back at him. Bones settled in the chair to wait, watching her as she slept.

  Chapter 9

  Molly was awakened later to the sound of voices talking in the other room. She lay still, not knowing where she was. The bed beneath her was soft, and a pillow was propped beneath her head. She looked around seeing that she was in what appeared to be a man’s room. It was rustic almost bare, with deep cherry toned furniture Several pairs of jeans, and a set of boots lay on the floor near a half open door were she could just make out clothes hanging up on the bar. A half used box of condoms was on the nightstand which caused her to blush. There was a dresser made of cherry along one wall with bullets littered across it as well as more condoms and a wallet.

  She remembered passing out in the diner with the man holding her. Her head was filled with hazy memories that she’d been in a truck, but otherwise, she was unsure how she’d ended up in a man’s bed. Running a hand over her stomach, which itched, she realized that someone had removed most of her clothing. She was only wearing a shirt and her underwear under the thick quilt made with dark blue tones. Panic filled her. Where were her clothes? Had they drugged her? Was that why she felt fuzzy on the details of how she got here? Struggling to sit up, she found that she was exhausted by the effort. Falling back to rest against the wide blacked wood headboard, she wondered what was going on, fearfully.

  The voices from downstairs had faded and she heard footsteps coming up the stairs. Molly wanted to jump from the bed find something to wear and run. But she wasn’t even able to sit up before she was too exhausted to do anything, but wait. The tall se
xy man from the diner came into the room, his eyes seeking hers. He walked to the foot of the big bed, staring at her.

  “Well now, good to see you’re awake.” She watched him wearily, he sat down on the bed by her feet. She didn’t speak, just looked at him, clutching the covers to her chest. “Now, before you passed out and almost died of water poison. I was asking you some questions. Duck told me the way you were dressed when you came into the diner. There were stains on your jeans and your shit was ripped. Tell me did someone hurt you?” Bone eyes travel over her face while he spoke. “If they did, I promise to kill them slowly. And by the way, what the Fuck made you get water from the bathroom sink?”

  She blushed. That word had always embarrassed her. She had rarely heard it, except when the men on her maintenance team were referring to visiting whores in the blue sector when they thought she wasn’t around. Water poison? Was that why she was so fuzzy on the details, it must be.

  He continued without pausing. “Don’t you know that the water in most restaurants on the outskirts of a town have unfiltered water in the bathrooms due to the cost of having it filtered? It can’t make you sick unless you drink a lot of it, so why bother. Did you want to die after whatever happened, or something? You can tell me and if they hurt you, I’ll kill them.”

  Bone gazed at the tiny woman in his bed from where he sat near her feet, his hands lying in his lap to hide his dick, which strained against his zipper. She blushed bright a red when he’d said fuck, and he got a horrible feeling that his throbbing dick wasn’t getting anywhere near her anytime soon.

  As soon as he’d been told she wasn’t dying by Doc, his cock had been hard again. What was it about her that made him so horny? Now, that she was awake his dick was protesting not being able to drown in her hot little pussy. Right now though, he needed to know who she’d been running to or from. Not that it mattered. She wasn’t going anywhere, because she belonged to the Red Devils now, and what they owned they kept.

  He waited for her answer to his questions, and if someone had hurt her he would make them die slowly, while screaming. She was theirs now, and it didn’t matter that she hadn’t been when it had happened. Nobody messed with family.

  “What? I didn’t drink poisoned water on purpose, and nobody hurt me.” She squeaked then looked down afraid to tell him that she had fallen because she’d been running away so that his club members wouldn’t see her.

  “Duck, said that you came in looking like you’d been roughed up, and your shirt was ripped. You also have scrapes on your hands and knees.” He looked intently at her, waiting for her to say something.

  “I was running in the woods, and I tripped. That must have been when I ripped my shirt. That’s definitely when I scraped my hands and feet. It’s also when the stains were made on my jeans.” She looked up meeting his intent gaze squarely so he could see the truth in her eyes.

  “What were you running in the woods for? Did you take a ride with someone and they scared or hurt you?” He asked his eyes a scary kind of serious. She had a feeling his offer to kill someone for hurting her wasn’t an idle treat. He meant it. She was a bit stunned by the level of violence that look promised. “No, I just heard some noises that frightened me. So, I ran.” She wasn’t about to tell him the noise that frightened her was his crew of bikers.

  “The water?” Bone watched as she contemplated what to say. He could almost hear her brain working like a rat in a maze. What was she not telling him he wondered?

  “I didn’t know.” She finally settled on with a defeated sigh.

  “How could you not know? Have you been living under a rock all your life or maybe you’re from the prison inside the wall turned out for doing something awful?” Bone laughed at his joke. No way was this timid thing guilty of anything, other than maybe being too innocent for his world, only her eyes darted away from his and she looked even more upset suddenly.

  “Well I am,” She said finally. Surely not, she hadn’t just said she was a turn out from the prison, the idea was laughable. “You are what?” He asked waiting for her to clarify. Molly exhaled loudly, and then rushed to tell him. “I was released from the prison three days ago, but I didn’t do what they said I did, I didn’t.” She said emphatically, and he wanted to snicker, because of course she hadn’t, anyone with a lick of sense could look at her and tell with one look that she was an innocent.

  “What’s your name, baby? I’m Bone.” He watched her shift on the bed the covers falling to reveal her little nipples covered in only her thin shirt were hard and pressing against it making him want to lean over and suck one into his mouth.

  “Molly.” She stuttered, then bravely asked. “Surely that’s not the name your mother gave you is it?”

  “It’s a road name. The club gave it to me when I first began riding with them.” He watched her process that tidbit.

  “I can’t call you Bone. What’s your real name?”

  He leaned towards her. “I’ll tell you,” She looked at him expectantly waiting for him to tell her. He grinned devilishly. “But only when I’m buried inside you.” She turned red staring at him in astonishment.

  “Tha-that’s never going to happen.” She exclaimed with her embarrassment shining in her eyes as she stuttered it out. He knew by that reply that her reaction to what he said next wouldn’t be what his dick was hoping for. “So, all that’s left to talk about now is how you’re gonna repay me. I think you can pay me back in my bed.” He watched her shift on the bed again his dick jerking when her firm little breasts bounced a little, his mouth watered.

  “Wh-What do you me-mean in your bed?” Molly stuttered in utter shock. He hadn’t just told her to repay him by allowing him to have sex with her had he? She wasn’t a whore.

  Bone’s amused gaze met her shocked one. “Exactly what you think I mean.” He said watching her flabbergasted expression. Bone was pretty sure she wasn’t going to allow him to screw her for saving her life, but his dick thought it was worth a shot to ask.

  “I will not sleep with you!” She desperately tried to think of something to say to a crazy statement like that. “I can do other things. Help out.”

  “Hummm…well a good blow job wouldn’t be refused I suppose, but I really had my heart set on fucking you.” Bone teased.

  “WHAT! That is NOT what I meant!” Blushing again she almost screamed it at him.

  “Huh. Well what did you mean?” He asked truly interested in the answer.

  “I’m a mechanic,” She said in alarm. “I can fix your bikes or cars. Or anything with a motor really.” That was a good idea; she thought frantically, she could do that until she found a way out to get to the Blue Bandits. She was not prepared for him to laugh at her.

  “You think for a second I’m gonna let a woman handle my bike? Baby, you are too cute.” He was laughing so hard he was bent over.

  “I’m a damned good mechanic! Why wouldn’t you let me work on it?” Molly could not believe that he would refuse to let her fix a mechanical problem because she was a woman. What a sexist jerk.

  “Now, Now, Molly no need to get upset. You’ll just have to work your debt off on your back I think.” He watched her face turn bright red again. He should really show her some pity by telling her that he was going to have her be his house mouse for now. That didn’t mean he was giving up on getting her in his bed though. He was gonna allow her a little time to get used to the idea before he pounced. His dick protested with a jerk of disappointment in his pants.

  “Bone, you here?” A loud male voice called out from downstairs before she could reply.

  “Ya, I’m up here in my room.” Bone called back then looking at her said. “Cover up again baby girl. Don’t want anyone to see my goods.” He said watching her snatch the covers to her chin again.

  Slim stuck his head in the door barely noticing the woman sitting in his bed. Bone stood ready to walk out of the room to talk to him, but stopped when he heard Molly speak.

  “Slim.” Molly gasped softly. What th
e FUCK? How did she know Slim? And why the hell was she all breathy when she said his name.

  “Um, yeah do I know you?” Slim questioned looking confused while taking a longer look at her where she lay on the bed.

  Molly had been outraged at Bone’s, what a ridiculous name, pronouncement that she was a little slow to remember what Lisa had told her to say if she needed help. She racked her brain trying to remember what she’d said. Oh right, she thought and blurted out loudly. “Lisa…Lisa said to take me to her old man Slim if I needed help.” She said with triumph as she looked at Bone who’d turned back towards the bed with fury at her announcement. His hands clenched by his sides, and the glare he gave her made her want to hide under the bed.

  “Shit!” Slim said watching as Bone stared at the woman with deadly intent. Bone wanted to grab Molly and shake her. She had just invoked Slim’s protection with that statement. He didn’t want her to have anyone else to turn to. He wanted to be the one who protected her, kept her safe, the one she turned to when she needed help. Now another man had that right and he was not happy with that at all about it.

  With a clenched jaw he asked “Where the fuck did you meet Lisa?”

  “Th-the M-market.” She stuttered.

  “Shit! She’s the mousey woman Lisa took a liking to a few days ago that was just turned out of the city. Lisa told me that she was being chased by some gau-.” Slim said suddenly.

  “The fuck you say! You said no one was chasing you Molly. What the fuck?” Bone roared cutting whatever else Slim was going to say off. Bone was really pissed now that she’d lied to him, and if that son of a bitch had hurt her he was a dead man.

  “W-wait no I didn’t and please don’t say that word,” She was blushing again she knew, that was just such a nasty word. “He was just following me at the market to cause trouble, but Lisa and two of your friends helped me get away.”


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